2023-05-18 09:17
  • 王冠楠
  • 王冠楠 - 研究员 博士生导师-浙江大学-建筑工程学院-个人资料




2019/01-2019/09:Engineering Materials Concepts(美国),研究员
2016/11-2018/10:德州理工大学(美国),机械工程系,博士后研究员,合作导师:Satya N.Atluri教授(多国工程院/科学院院士)
2012/08-2016/08:弗吉尼亚大学(美国),土木工程系,博士研究生,指导老师:Marek-Jerzy Pindera教授




1.Qiang Chen,Jianchang Zhu,Wenqiong Tu,Guannan Wang*.A tangential formulation of finite-volume direct averaging micromechanics framework for elastoplastic lotus-type porous metals:Theory and validation.International Journal of Plasticity 2021;139:102968.(IF:6.490)
2.Guannan Wang,Qiang Chen.Homogenization and localization of imperfectly bonded periodic fiber-reinforced composites.Mechanics of Materials 2019;139:103178.(IF:2.958)
3.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*.PSO-driven micromechanical identification of in-situ properties of fiber-reinforced composites.Composite Structures,2019;220:608-621.(IF:4.829)
4.Guannan Wang,Leiting Dong,Satya N.Atluri.A Trefftz collocation method(TCM)for three-dimensional linear elasticity by using the Papkovich-Neuber solutions with cylindrical harmonics.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2018;88:93-103.(IF:2.243)
5.Guannan Wang,Leiting Dong,Junbo Wang,Satya N.Atluri.Three-dimensional Trefftz computational grains for the micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous media with coated spherical inclusions.Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2018;13(4):505-529.(IF:1.094)
6.Guannan Wang*.Homogenized and localized stress reconfigurations of solid or hollow fiber reinforced materials in a multi-scale framework.Composite Structures 2018;184:1099-1110.(IF:4.829)
7.Guannan Wang*.The elastic solutions of separable problems with the applications to multilayered structures.Archive of Applied Mechanics 2018;88:1525-1543.(IF:1.578)
8.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*,Xuefeng Chen.Three-dimensional parametric finite-volume homogenization of periodic materials with multi-scale structural applications.International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2018;10(4):1850045.(IF:1.939)
9.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*,Xuefeng Chen,Jia Geng.Finite-volume homogenization of elastic/viscoelastic periodic materials.Composite Structures 2017;182:457-470.(IF:4.829)
10.Guannan Wang,Wenqiong Tu,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Tailoring the moduli of composites using hollow reinforcement.Composite Structures 2017;160:838-853.(IF:4.829)
11.Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.On boundary condition implementation via variational principles in elasticity-based homogenization.ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics 2016;83:101008.(IF:2.772)
12.Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Locally-exact homogenization of viscoelastic unidirectional composites.Mechanics of Materials 2016;103:95-109.(IF:2.958)
13.Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Locally exact homogenization of unidirectional composites with cylindrically orthotropic fibers.ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics 2016;83:071010.(IF:2.772)
14.Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Locally-exact homogenization of unidirectional composites with coated or hollow reinforcement.Material and Design 2016;93:514-528.(IF:5.77)
15.Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Locally-exact homogenization theory for transversely isotropic unidirectional composites.Mechanics Research Communications 2016;78B:2-14.(IF:2.229)
16.Gao M,Yang B,Huang Y,Wang G*.Effect of interphase/interface on the in-plane thermal conductive composites.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2021,Accepted.
17.Qian Chen,Weiqiu Chen,Guannan Wang*.Fully-coupled electro-magneto-elastic behavior of unidirectional multiphased composites via finite-volume homogenization.Mechanics of Materials 2021;154:103553.(IF:2.958)
18.Guannan Wang,Mengyuan Gao,Bo Yang,Qiang Chen.The morphological effect of carbon fibers on the thermal conductive composites.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2020;152:119477.
19.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*.Computationally-efficient homogenization and localization of unidirectional piezoelectric composites with partially cracked interface.Composite Structures 2020;232:111452.(IF:4.829)
20.Guannan Wang,Qiang Chen,Mengyuan Gao,Bo Yang,David Hui.Generalized locally-exact homogenization theory for evaluation of electric conductivity and resistance of multiphase materials.Nanotechnology Reviews 2020;9:1-16.(IF:2.759)
21.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*.Homogenized and localized responses of coated magnetostrictive porous materials and structures.Composite Structures 2018;187:102-115.(IF:4.829)
22.Guannan Wang*.An efficient analytical homogenization technique for mechanical-hygrothermal responses of unidirectional composites with applications to optimization and multiscale analyses.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2019;32(2):382-395.(IF:2.095)
23.Xiaoyu Zhao,Guannan Wang*,Yanzheng Wang.Micromechanical modeling in determining the transverse elastic moduli and stress distributions of bamboo.Journal of Materials Science 2018;53(4):2553-2565.(IF:3.442)
24.Vikram Chandel,Guannan Wang,Mohammad Talha.Advances in modelling and analysis of nano structures:A review.Nanotechnology Reviews 2020;Accepted.
25.Guannan Wang,Wenqiong Tu,Qiang Chen.Characterization of interphase/interface parameters of unidirectional fibrous composites by optimization-based inverse homogenization.International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2019;11(8):1950074.(IF:1.939)
26.Guannan Wang,Qiang Chen,Zhelong He,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Homogenized moduli and local stress fields of unidirectional nano-composites.Composites B 2018;138:265-277.(IF:6.864)
27.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Homogenization and Localization of nanoporous composites–A critical review and new developments.Composites B 2018;155:329-368.(IF:6.864)
28.Guannan Wang,Quanquan Yang,Bo Yang.Localized stress recoveries in hierarchical aligned porous materials with the influence of surface effects or interphases.Materials and Design 2018;155:8-18.(IF:5.77)
29.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Finite-volume homogenization and localization of nanoporous materials with cylindrical voids.Part 1:Theory and validation.European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids 2018;70:141-155.(IF:2.931)
30.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Finite-volume homogenization and localization of nanoporous materials with cylindrical voids.Part 2:New results.European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids 2019;73:331-348.(IF:2.931)
31.Zhang Y,Feng Q,Wang G,Xu R.Analytical model for the bending of parallel wire cables considering interactions among wires.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2021;194:106192.
32.Qian Feng,Peng Wei,Xingxi Liu,Guannan Wang,Rongqiao Xu.Short-term load-deflection behavior of corroded RC beams with confinement effect on the partial-interaction segmental approach.Engineering Structures 2020;220:111014.
33.Qian Feng,Guannan Wang,Yong-Ping Zhang,Rongqiao Xu.Numerical simulation of partial-interaction load-deflection behavior of corroded reinforced concrete beams based on a segmental approach and evaluation of reinforcement corrosion level.Journal of Zhejiang University:Science A 2020;21(4):280-293.
34.Jianping Lin,Guannan Wang*,Rongqiao Xu.Variational principles and explicit finite element formulations for the dynamic analysis of partial-interaction composite beams.ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2020;Accepted.(IF:2.264)
35.Xingxi Liu,Jiaqing Jiang,Guannan Wang,Jinfeng Wang,Rongqiao Xu.Debonding analysis of curved RC beams externally bonded with FRP plates using CZM.Engineering Structures 2020;205:110103.(IF:3.084)
36.Jianping Lin,Guannan Wang*,Rongqiao Xu.Particle swarm optimization-based finite-element analyses and designs for shear connector distributions of partial-interaction composite beams.Journal of Bridge Engineering 2019;24(4).(IF:1.84)
37.Jianping Lin,Guannan Wang*,Guangjian Bao,Rongqiao Xu.Stiffness matrix for the analysis and design of partial-interaction composite beams.Construction and Building Materials 2017;156:761-772.(IF:4.046)
38.Rongqiao Xu,Guannan Wang.Variational principle of partial-interaction composite beams using Timoshenko’s beam theory.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2012;60(1):72-83.(IF:4.134)
39.Rongqiao Xu,Guannan Wang.Bending solutions of the Timoshenko partial-interaction composite beams using Euler-Bernoulli solutions.Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2013;139(12),1881-1885.(IF:2.264)
40.Xiaoyu Zhao,Wenqiong Tu,Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*.Multiscale modeling of transverse thermal conductivity of unidirectional natural fiber composites.Int.J.Therm.Sci.2021;162:106782.(IF:3.476)
41.Li Tian,Haitao Zhao,Mingqing Yuan,Guannan Wang*,Boming Zhang,Jia Chen,Ji'an Chen.Global buckling and multiscale responses of fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical shells with trapezoidal corrugated cores.Compos.Struct.2020;113207.(IF:4.829)
42.Guannan Wang,Leiting Dong,Satya N.Atluri.Direct and inverse multi-scale analyses of arbitrarily functionally graded layered hollow cylinders(discs),with different shaped reinforcements,under harmonic loads.Composite Structures 2018;188:425-437.(IF:4.829)
43.Guannan Wang*,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Elasticity-based microstructural optimization:An integrated multiscale framework.Materials and Design 2017;132:337-348.(IF:5.77)
44.Zhelong He,Guannan Wang,Marek-Jerzy Pindera.Multiscale homogenization and localization of materials with hierarchical porous microstructures.Composite Structures 2019;222:110905.(IF:4.829)
45.Huang Y,Wang G*,Dong L*,Atluri SN.3D Viscoelastic Computational Grains with Spherical Inclusions with or without Interphases/Coatings for Micromechanical Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials,Under Revision.
46.Lin J,Lin L,Peng Z,Xu R,Wang G.Study on the crack performance in the hogging-moment regions of natural curing steel-UHPC and steel-UHTCC continuous composite beams.Submitted.
47.Guannan Wang,Zhelong He,Qiang Chen.The surface effects on solid and hollow nanowires under diametral loading.Under Revision.
48.Qiang Chen,Guannan Wang*.Tailoring elastic-plastic response of multilayered Ti-Al metal composites using sinusoidal wavy architectures.In preparation.
49.Jianping Lin,Guannan Wang*,Rongqiao Xu.Explicit finite element formulations for the free vibrations and buckling of partial-interaction composite beams with axial loading.Under Review。
50.Xu R,Su J,Wu R,Wang G*.Debonding analysis of FRP-strengthened concrete beams using an innovative beam element with a surface-bonded FRP sheet.Under Review.
51.Jianping Lin,Xiaolei Liu,Rongqiao Xu,Wang G*.Static and dynamic analysis of three-layered partial-interaction composite beams.Under Review.
担任纳米材料领域知名SCI期刊《Nanotechnology Reviews》编委。

