2023-05-18 09:11
  • 唐建斌
  • 唐建斌 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料




唐建斌教授、博士生导师、国家优秀青年基金获得者、浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院教授。2001- 2006年获浙江大学高分子科学与工程学系博士学位,其间于2004-2006年在美国怀俄明大学进行联合培养;2006-2008年在美国怀俄明大学从事博士后研究;2008-2016年为浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院讲师、副教授;2017年至今为浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院教授;2012年12月-2013年3月在美国斯坦福大学医学院作访问副教授;2019年6月-8月剑桥大学化学工程与生物技术系访问学者。目前主要从生物医用高分子、纳米技术与生物成像、药物与基因输送等方面的研究。作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金、面上项目3项和青年项目1项,并获浙江省杰青和“钱江人才计划”项目资助;作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、纳米研究国家重大研究计划和973项目各1项。至今,已发表SCI收录论文130多篇,其中大量论文发表在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Biomedical Engineering 、Advanced Materials、Journal of the American Chemical Society、ACS Nano、Biomaterials、Chemical Science等高影响力的期刊上,论文被SCI他引5500多次,H-index 为36,并获得发明专利授权20余项。




Zhou, Q.; Shao, S.; Wang, J.; Xu, C.; Xiang, J.; Piao, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Yu, Q.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Gan, Z.; Mo, R.; Gu, Z.; Shen, Y., Enzyme-activatable polymer-drug conjugate augments tumour penetration and treatment efficacy. Nature Nanotechnology 2019, 14 (8), 799-.\r
Wang, J.; Hu, S.; Mao, W.; Xiang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Assemblies of Peptide-Cytotoxin Conjugates for Tumor-Homing Chemotherapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29 (7).\r
Han, Y.; Zhou, X.; Qian, Y.; Hu, H.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Hypoxia-targeting dendritic MRI contrast agent based on internally hydroxy dendrimer for tumor imaging. Biomaterials 2019, 213.\r
Zhou, X.; Liu, Z.; Wang, H.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Zheng, M.; Shen, Y., SAHA (vorinostat) facilitates functional polymer-based gene transfection via upregulation of ROS and synergizes with TRAIL gene delivery for cancer therapy. Journal of Drug Targeting 2019, 27 (3), 306-314.\r
Gu, S.-f.; Wang, L.-y.; Tian, Y.-j.; Zhou, Z.-x.; Tang, J.-b.; Liu, X.-r.; Jiang, H.-p.; Shen, Y.-q., Enhanced water solubility, antioxidant activity, and oral absorption of hesperetin by D--tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate and phosphatidylcholine. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 2019, 20 (3), 273-281.\r
Zhu, D.; Yan, H.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Hartmann, R.; Parak, W. J.; Feliu, N.; Shen, Y., Detailed investigation on how the protein corona modulates the physicochemical properties and gene delivery of polyethylenimine (PEI) polyplexes. Biomaterials Science 2018, 6 (7), 1800-1817.\r
Zhou, Q.; Wang, Y.; Xiang, J.; Piao, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Stabilized calcium phosphate hybrid nanocomposite using a benzoxaborole-containing polymer for pH-responsive siRNA delivery. Biomaterials Science 2018, 6 (12), 3178-3188.\r
Zhang, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Piao, Y.; Kalva, N.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Synthesis of enzyme-responsive phosphoramidate dendrimers for cancer drug delivery. Polymer Chemistry 2018, 9 (4), 438-449.\r
Yu, W.; Ye, M.; Zhu, J.; Wang, Y.; Liang, C.; Tang, J.; Tao, H.; Shen, Y., Zinc phthalocyanine encapsulated in polymer micelles as a potent photosensitizer for the photodynamic therapy of osteosarcoma. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2018, 14 (4), 1099-1110.\r
Yan, H.; Zhu, D.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Piao, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Facile synthesis of semi-library of low charge density cationic polyesters from poly(alkylene maleate)s for efficient local gene delivery. Biomaterials 2018, 178, 559-569.\r
Xiao, B.; Zhou, X.; Xu, H.; Wu, B.; Hu, D.; Hu, H.; Pu, K.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Integration of Polymerization and Biomineralization as a Strategy to Facilely Synthesize Nanotheranostic Agents. Acs Nano 2018, 12 (12), 12682-12691.\r
Xiang, J.; Wu, B.; Zhou, Z.; Hu, S.; Piao, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, G.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Synthesis and evaluation of a paclitaxel-binding polymeric micelle for efficient breast cancer therapy. Science China-Life Sciences 2018, 61 (4), 436-447.\r
Xiang, J.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, D.; Zhou, Q.; Piao, Y.; Jiang, L.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)-Responsive Charge-Switchable Nanocarriers for Gene Therapy of Metastatic Cancer. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (50), 43352-43362.\r
Sun, X.; Wang, G.; Zhang, H.; Hu, S.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., The Blood Clearance Kinetics and Pathway of Polymeric Micelles in Cancer Drug Delivery. Acs Nano 2018, 12 (6), 6179-6192.\r
Jiang, H.; Wang, S.; Zhou, X.; Wang, L.; Ye, L.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Teng, L.; Shen, Y., New path to treating pancreatic cancer: TRAIL gene delivery targeting the fibroblast-enriched tumor microenvironment. Journal of Controlled Release 2018, 286, 254-263.\r
Hu, D.; Xu, H.; Xiao, B.; Li, D.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Albumin-Stabilized Metal-Organic Nanoparticles for Effective Delivery of Metal Complex Anticancer Drugs. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (41), 34974-34982.\r
Zhu, D.; Yan, H.; Liu, X.; Xiang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Intracellularly Disintegratable Polysulfoniums for Efficient Gene Delivery. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (16).\r
Zhou, X.; Ye, M.; Han, Y.; Tang, J.; Qian, Y.; Hu, H.; Shen, Y., Enhancing MRI of liver metastases with a zwitterionized biodegradable dendritic contrast agent. Biomaterials Science 2017, 5 (8), 1588-1595.\r
Zhang, S.; Wang, T.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Enhanced antitumor effect of poly(L-glutamic acid)-rose bengal conjugate nanoparticle. Journal of Controlled Release 2017, 259, E122-E123.\r
Ye, M.; Tang, J.; Gao, J.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Shen, Y., Synergy of photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy with light-triggered drug release. Journal of Controlled Release 2017, 259, E97-E97.\r
Ye, M.; Han, Y.; Tang, J.; Piao, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Gao, J.; Rao, J.; Shen, Y., A Tumor-Specific Cascade Amplification Drug Release Nanoparticle for Overcoming Multidrug Resistance in Cancers. Advanced Materials 2017, 29 (38).\r
Xiang, J.; Zhou, Q.; Liu, X.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Shen, Y., Arginine analogue-modified PAMAM leads to enhanced gene transfection efficiency. Journal of Controlled Release 2017, 259, E57-E57.\r
Xia, M.; Ye, M.; Zhou, X.; Tang, J.; Piao, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Hu, H.; Shen, Y., A facile synthesis of a theranostic nanoparticle by oxidation of dopamine-DTPA-Gd conjugates. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5 (44), 8754-8760.\r
Wang, L.; Zhou, Q.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Enhanced anti-tumor efficacy by co-delivery of GDC-0449 with size-tunable polymeric SN38 nanoparticles in pancreatic cancer. Journal of Controlled Release 2017, 259, E87-E88.\r
Wang, L.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Q.; Sui, M.; Lu, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Miao, Y.; Zheng, M.; Wang, W.; Shen, Y., Terminating the criminal collaboration in pancreatic cancer: Nanoparticle-based synergistic therapy for overcoming fibroblast induced drug resistance. Biomaterials 2017, 144, 105-118.\r
Shao, S.; Zhou, Q.; Si, J.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Wang, M.; Gao, J.; Wang, K.; Xu, R.; Shen, Y., A non-cytotoxic dendrimer with innate and potent anticancer and anti-metastatic activities. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2017, 1 (9), 745-757.\r
Qiu, N.; Liu, X.; Piao, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Esterase responsive charge-reversal vectors for gene delivery and therapy. Journal of Controlled Release 2017, 259, E100-E100.\r
Zhou, X.; Liu, X.; Zhu, D.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Improving the gene transfection efficiency of polyethylenimine (PEI) based polyplex nanoparticles by cell cycle regulation. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 473-473.\r
Zhou, X.; Liu, X.; Zhao, B.; Liu, X.; Zhu, D.; Qiu, N.; Zhou, Q.; Piao, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Jumping the nuclear envelop barrier: Improving polyplex-mediated gene transfection efficiency by a selective CDKI inhibitor RO-3306. Journal of Controlled Release 2016, 234, 90-97.\r
Zhou, Q.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Improving the antitumor efficacy of doxorubicin-loaded PEG-PCL copolymer micelles by down-regulating hedgehog pathway. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 471-471.\r
Zhang, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Synthesis and characterization of phosphate structured dendrimers as drug delivery carriers. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 473-473.\r
Yu, B.; Chi, M.; Han, Y.; Cong, H.; Tang, J.; Peng, Q., Self-assembled and covalently linked capillary coating of diazoresin and cyclodextrin-derived dendrimer for analysis of proteins by capillary electrophoresis. Talanta 2016, 152, 76-81.\r
You, C.; Shao, S.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Antitumor activity of PEG-PCL/dithiocarbamate-copper nanoparticles. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 472-472.\r
Ye, M.; Wang, X.; Tang, J.; Guo, Z.; Tian, H.; Zhu, W.; Shen, Y., A dual fluorescent prodrug for in vivo tumor imaging and therapy. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 472-472.\r
Ye, M.; Wang, X.; Tang, J.; Guo, Z.; Shen, Y.; Tian, H.; Zhu, W.-H., Dual-channel NIR activatable theranostic prodrug for in vivo spatiotemporal tracking thiol-triggered chemotherapy. Chemical Science 2016, 7 (8), 4958-4965.\r
Xi, X.; Hu, S.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Dendrimers with the protocatechuic acid building block for anticancer drug delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2016, 4 (31), 5236-5245.\r
Wang, J.; Mao, W.; Lock, L. L.; Tang, J.; Sun, W.; Cui, H.; Xu, D.; Shen, Y., Polymeric prodrug micelles with tunable size probing the balance between tumor accumulation and penetration for cancer drug delivery. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 476-477.\r
Qiu, N.; Liu, X.; Zhong, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Piao, Y.; Miao, L.; Zhang, Q.; Tang, J.; Huang, L.; Shen, Y., Esterase-Activated Charge-Reversal Polymer for Fibroblast-Exempt Cancer Gene Therapy. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (48), 10613-+.\r
Qiu, N.; Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Shen, Y., CDDP treatment promoting tumor growth and metastasis. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 467-468.\r
Mao, X.; Si, J.; Huang, Q.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Q.; Shen, Y.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Sui, M., Self-Assembling Doxorubicin Prodrug Forming Nanoparticles and Effectively Reversing Drug Resistance In Vitro and In Vivo. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2016, 5 (19), 2517-2527.\r
Liu, X.; Xiang, J.; Zhu, D.; Jiang, L.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Huang, Y.; Shen, Y., Fusogenic Reactive Oxygen Species Triggered Charge-Reversal Vector for Effective Gene Delivery. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (9), 1743-1752.\r
Liu, X.; Tang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Phenylboronic acid modified charge-reversal vectors for gene delivery. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2016, 12 (2), 466-466.\r
Hu, H.; Sheng, Y.; Ye, M.; Qian, Y.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., A porphyrin-based magnetic and fluorescent dual-modal nanoprobe for tumor imaging. Polymer 2016, 88, 94-101.\r
Han, Y.; Qian, Y.; Zhou, X.; Hu, H.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Facile synthesis of zwitterionic polyglycerol dendrimers with a beta-cyclodextrin core as MRI contrast agent carriers. Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7 (41), 6354-6362.\r
Zhu, D.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Zwitterionic poly(lysine methacrylate) brush as an effective carrier for drug delivery. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E27-E28.\r
Zhou, Z.; Tang, J.; Sun, Q.; Murdoch, W. J.; Shen, Y., A multifunctional PEG-PLL drug conjugate forming redox-responsive nanoparticles for intracellular drug delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3 (38), 7594-7603.\r
Ye, M.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., In vitro inhibition of cancer stem cells by biguanidine-based macromolecular drug. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E79-E79.\r
Wang, T.; Zeng, Q.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., A tumor-targeting MRI contrast agent based on hypoxia and pH-responsive nanogel. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E104-E105.\r
Wang, J.; Mao, W.; Lock, L. L.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Sun, W.; Cui, H.; Xu, D.; Shen, Y., The Role of Micelle Size in Tumor Accumulation, Penetration, and Treatment. Acs Nano 2015, 9 (7), 7195-7206.\r
Qiu, N.; Liu, X.; Sui, M.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Paclitaxel improved gene transfection efficiency through cell synchronization in SW480 cells. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E83-E83.\r
Liu, X.; Wang, J.; Shen, Y.; Tang, J.; Sui, M., Amphiphilic block copolymer of SN38 prodrugs by atom transfer radical polymerization: Synthesis, kinetic studies and self-assembly. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E124-E124.\r
Liu, X.; Sui, M.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., A novel brush-shaped copolymer for drug delivery. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E120-E120.\r
Hu, S.; Shen, Y.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Liu, X., A theoretical hypothesis on co-precipitation of hydrophobic antitumor drug and amphiphilic block copolymers. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E98-E99.\r
Hu, S.; Lee, E.; Wang, C.; Wang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Li, Y.; Li, X.; Tang, J.; Lee, D. H.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Amphiphilic drugs as surfactants to fabricate excipient-free stable nanodispersions of hydrophobic drugs for cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 220, 175-179.\r
Han, Y.; Ye, M.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Synthesis and properties of zwitterionic dendrimer as drug and imaging probe carrier. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 213, E144-E145.\r
Han, Y.; Ye, M.; Qian, Y.; Hu, H.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Liu, X.; Shen, Y., Facile synthesis of antifouling dendrimer for drug and bioprobe delivery. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2015, 249.\r
Chen, W. e.; Han, Y.; Qian, Y. e.; Tang, J.; Hu, H.; Shen, Y., Preparation and Imaging Study of Tumor-targeting MRI Contrast Agent Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. Chemistry Letters 2015, 44 (12), 1771-1773.\r
Wu, X.; Sun, X.; Guo, Z.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y.; James, T. D.; Tian, H.; Zhu, W., In Vivo and in Situ Tracking Cancer Chemotherapy by Highly Photostable NIR Fluorescent Theranostic Prodrug. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136 (9), 3579-3588.\r
Shao, S.; Si, J.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y., Jellyfish-Shaped Amphiphilic Dendrimers: Synthesis and Formation of Extremely Uniform Aggregates. Macromolecules 2014, 47 (3), 916-921.\r
Li, T.; Qian, Y.; Ye, M.; Tang, J.; Hu, H.; Shen, Y., Synthesis and Properties of a Biodegradable Dendritic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2014, 32 (1), 91-96.\r
Zhou, Z.; Ma, X.; Jin, E.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y.; Van Kirk, E. A.; Murdoch, W. J.; Radosz, M., Linear-dendritic drug conjugates forming long-circulating nanorods for cancer-drug delivery. Biomaterials 2013, 34 (22), 5722-5735.\r
Ye, M.; Qian, Y.; Tang, J.; Hu, H.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y., Targeted biodegradable dendritic MRI contrast agent for enhanced tumor imaging. Journal of Controlled Release 2013, 169 (3), 239-245.\r
Ye, M.; Qian, Y.; Tang, J.; Hu, H.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y., Targeted biodegradable dendritic MRI contrast agent for enhanced tumor imaging (vol 169, pg 239, 2013). Journal of Controlled Release 2013, 172 (1), 258-258.\r
Wu, X.; Chang, S.; Sun, X.; Guo, Z.; Li, Y.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y.; Shi, J.; Tian, H.; Zhu, W., Constructing NIR silica-cyanine hybrid nanocomposite for bioimaging in vivo: a breakthrough in photo-stability and bright fluorescence with large Stokes shift. Chemical Science 2013, 4 (3), 1221-1228.\r
Wang, K.; Mao, W.; Sui, M.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Biodegradable charge-reversal PEI derivative for gene transfection. Journal of Controlled Release 2013, 172 (1), E109-E110.\r
Wang, J.; Sun, X.; Mao, W.; Sun, W.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y.; Gu, Z., Tumor Redox Heterogeneity-Responsive Prodrug Nanocapsules for Cancer Chemotherapy. Advanced Materials 2013, 25 (27), 3670-3676.\r
Tang, J.; Sheng, Y.; Hu, H.; Shen, Y., Macromolecular MRI contrast agents: Structures, properties and applications. Progress in Polymer Science 2013, 38 (3-4), 462-502.\r
Sun, X.; Chen, Z.; Sui, M.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Parallel synthesis of polymers from epoxy-amine reaction for gene delivery. Journal of Controlled Release 2013, 172 (1), E118-E118.\r
Shen, Y.; Wang, J.; Tang, J.; Sui, M., Translational nanomedicine from self-assembling prodrugs. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2013, 246.\r
Ma, X.; Zhou, Z.; Jin, E.; Sun, Q.; Zhang, B.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Facile Synthesis of Polyester Dendrimers as Drug Delivery Carriers. Macromolecules 2013, 46 (1), 37-42.\r
Ma, X.; Sun, Q.; Zhou, Z.; Jin, E.; Tang, J.; Van Kirk, E.; Murdoch, W. J.; Shen, Y., Synthesis of degradable bifunctional dendritic polymers as versatile drug carriers. Polymer Chemistry 2013, 4 (3), 812-819.\r
Jin, E.; Zhang, B.; Sun, X.; Zhou, Z.; Ma, X.; Sun, Q.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y.; Van Kirk, E.; Murdoch, W. J.; Radosz, M., Acid-Active Cell-Penetrating Peptides for in Vivo Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135 (2), 933-940.\r
Gou, P.; Liu, W.; Mao, W.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y.; Sui, M., Self-assembling doxorubicin prodrug forming nanoparticles for cancer chemotherapy: synthesis and anticancer study in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013, 1 (3), 284-292.\r
Ye, M.; Qian, Y.; Shen, Y.; Hu, H.; Sui, M.; Tang, J., Facile synthesis and in vivo evaluation of biodegradable dendritic MRI contrast agents. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (29), 14369-14377.\r
Yang, J.; Sun, X.; Mao, W.; Sui, M.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y., Conjugate of Pt(IV)-Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor as a Prodrug for Cancer Chemotherapy. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2012, 9 (10), 2793-2800.\r
Wang, J.; Zhang, H.; Tang, J.; Sui, M.; Shen, Y., Produg nanoparticles: Structural parameters affecting pharmacokinetics. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2012, 243.\r
Lu, K.; Cao, M.; Mao, W.; Sun, X.; Tang, J.; Shen, Y.; Sui, M., Targeted acid-labile conjugates of norcantharidin for cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (31), 15804-15811.\r
Zhou, Z.; Shen, Y.; Tang, J.; Jin, E.; Ma, X.; Sun, Q.; Zhang, B.; Van Kirk, E. A.; Murdoch, W. J., Linear polyethyleneimine-based charge-reversal nanoparticles for nuclear-targeted drug delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21 (47), 19114-19123.\r
ZhongChun, C.; JianBin, T.; YouQing, S.; XinPing, W., \

