2023-05-17 18:06
  • 孟琴
  • 孟琴 - 教授-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料







Shen C, Meng Q*, Zhang GL, Increased curvature of hollow fiber membranes could up-regulate differential functions of renal tubular cell layers, Biotech Bioeng. 2013, 110(8):2173-83.\r
Lu Y, Zhang G, Shen C, Uygun K, Yarmush ML, Meng Q*, A novel 3D liver organoid system for elucidation of hepatic glucose metabolism, Biotech Bioeng. 2012,109(2): 595-604.\r
Long XW, Zhang GL, Shen C, Sun GS, Wang RX, Yin LJ, Meng Q*, Application of rhamnolipid as a novel biodemulsifier for destabilizing waste crude oil, Bioresource Technol. 2013,131: 1–5.\r
Long XW, Zhang GL, Han L, Meng Q*. Dewatering of floated oily sludge by treatment with rhamnolipid. Water Res 2013, 47(13):4303-11.\r
Zhang, GL, Qin, L, Meng, Q, Fan, Z, Wu, DX. Aerobic MBR/reverse osmosis system enhanced by Fenton oxidation for advanced treatment of old municipal landfill leachate, 2013, 142: 261-268.\r
Shen C, Meng Q*, Zhang GL, Chemically modification of polysulfone membrane by polyethylene glycol for resisting drug adsorption and self-assembly of hepatocytes, J Membr Sci, 2011,369(1-2): 474-81. \r
Jiang L, Shen C, Dai J, Meng Q*, Di-rhamnolipids improve effect of trehalose on both hypothermic preservation and cryopreservation of rat hepatocytes, Appl Microbiol Biotech, 2013, 97(10):4553-61.\r
Long XW, Zhang GL, Sha R, Huang QL, Meng Q*, Two-step ultrafiltration of rhamnolipids using PSU-g-PEG membrane, J Membr Sci. 2012, 409:105–112.\r
Deng X, Zhang G, Shen C, Yin J, Meng Q*. Hollow fiber culture accelerates differentiation of Caco-2 cells. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013;97(15):6943-55.\r
Yin J, Qiu H, Dai J, Lu Y, Zhao R, Chen L, Meng Q*. Prediction of hepatic plasma clearance in vivo from gel-entrapped rat and human hepatocytes.Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013, 91(2):178-86.\r
Qin, L, Zhang, G, Meng, Q. Enhanced MBR by internal micro-electrolysis for degradation of anthraquinone dye wastewater Chem. Eng. J. 2013, 210: 575-584.\r
Qin L, Zhang G, Meng Q, Zhang H, Xu L, Lv B. Enhanced submerged membrane bioreactor combined with biosurfactant rhamnolipids: performance for frying oil degradation and membrane fouling reduction. Bioresour Technol. 2012,126:314-20.\r
Shen C, Zhang GL, Meng Q*, Regulation of epithelial cell morphology and functions approaching to more in vivo-like by modifying polyethylene glycol on polysulfone membranes, PLoS ONE 2012, 7(4): e36110.\r
Jiang L, Long XW, Meng Q*, Rhamnolipids enhance epithelial permeability in Caco-2 monolayers, Int J Pharm, 2013, 446(1-2):130-5.\r
Shen C, Meng Q*, Zhang G., Species-specific toxicity of troglitazone on rats and human by gel entrapped hepatocytes, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 258(1):19-25, 2012.\r
Shen C, Meng Q*, Prediction of CYP 450 mediated drug-drug interactions by three-dimensional cultured hepatocytes, Mini-Rev Med Chem., 2012, 12(10): 1028-36.\r
Sha R, Meng Q*, Jiang L, The addition of ethanol as defoamer in fermentation of rhamnolipids, J Chem Tech Biotech, 2012, 87(3): 368-373.\r
Yin J, Meng Q*, Use of primary rat hepatocytes in the gel entrapment culture to predict in vivo biliary excretion, Xenobiotica, 42(5): 417-428, 2012\r
Sha R, Jiang L, Meng Q*, Zhang G, Song Z. Producing cell-free culture broth of rhamnolipids as a cost-effective fungicide against plant pathogens, J Basic Microbiol, 2012, 52(4): 458-466. \r
Lu Y, Meng Q*, Regulation of spheroid formation and function by microenvironmental geometric configuration, Biotechnol Lett, 2012, 34(1):37-43.\r
Shen C, Zhang L, Zhang G, Meng Q*, Polymer Membrane and Cell Models for Drug Discovery, Comb Chem High Throughput Screen, 2012, 15(1):3-14.\r
Yin J, Meng Q*, Dong X, Auto-inhibition of verapamil metabolism in rat hepatocytes of gel entrapment culture, Biomed Pharmacother, 2011,65(5):328-33.\r
Dai J, Meng Q*, Differential function of protective agents at each stage of the hypothermic preservation of hepatocytes. J Biochem, 2011, 149(6):739-45.\r
Meng Q*, Three-dimensional culture of hepatocytes for prediction of drug-induced hepatotoxicity, Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol, 6(6): 1-14, 2010\r
Ruan X, Shen C, Meng Q*, Establishment of a methodology for investigating protectants against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity, Food Chem Toxicol, 48(5):1145-51, 2010

