2023-05-17 17:46
  • 胡洁
  • 胡洁 - 研究员 博士生导师-浙江大学-外国语言文化与国际交流学院-个人资料




近年来,主持教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目、国家社科基金项目“连接主义视阈下培养英语专业本科生思辨能力的研究”、英国社科基金项目“通过远程教育交互式实践社区手段提高研究生学术英语阅读水平”、中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目“基于智慧教育理论的智慧型人才培养及其应用研究”、重点项目“分级法在高校英语专业网络学习中的可行性研究”。成果在 A&HCI、SSCI、SCI、EI、ESCI 级别刊物以第一或通讯作者公开发表;出版英文专著1部、中文专著2部。
1. 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”
2. 教育部教指委全国高等学校计算机课件评比 三等奖
3. 省级优秀教育技术科研成果奖 一等奖
4. 入选省级“海外高层次人才”
5. 香港王宽诚教育基金会 科研奖励
6. 校级个人记功一次
7. “外研社杯”大学生英语辩论赛全国总决赛 优秀评委
8. 中国模拟联合国大赛 优秀指导教师
9. 英国 Professional Classes Aid Council 优秀科研成果奖
2020年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题 重点项目“核心素养视域下的高校英语素养培养研究”(在研)
中央高校基本科研业务费 交叉项目“基于大数据的外语核心素养评价研究”(在研)
中央高校基本科研业务费 重大项目“基于智慧教育理论的智慧型人才培养及其应用研究”(已结题)
中央高校基本科研业务费 重点项目“分级法在高校英语专业网络学习中的可行性研究”(已结题)
Recent Publications from 2018:
I. 专著 Books:
成果在 A&HCI、SSCI、SCI、EI、ESCI 级别刊物以第一或通讯作者公开发表;出版英文专著1部、中文专著1部;曾获得国际学术会议“最佳论文奖”(ICCSE, Best Paper Award)。
1. 教育部教指委全国高等学校计算机课件评比 三等奖
2. 省级优秀教育技术科研成果奖 一等奖
3. 香港王宽诚教育基金会 科研奖励
4. 曾宪梓国际交流基金
5. 英国 Professional Classes Aid Council 优秀科研成果奖




期刊文章 Journal Papers:
(* 通讯作者 Corresponding author,浙江大学为第一单位)
Chen, X., & Hu, J.* (2020). ICT-related behavioral factors mediate the relationship between adolescents' ICT interest and their ICT self-efficacy: Evidence from 30 countries. Computers & Education. (SSCI Indexed, IF = 5.239)
Chen, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, J.* (2020). Synergistic effects of instruction and affect factors on high- and low-ability disparities in elementary students’ reading literacy. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. https://rdcu.be/b5BAV (SSCI Indexed)
Hu. J., Chen, K., & Liu, D*. (2020). Chinese university faculty members’ visiting experience and professional growth in American universities. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal. (SSCI Indexed)
Li, F., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Tang, J., Yang, Q., Zhang, Y… Hu, J.*, Xue, W., Qiu, Y., He, Q., Yang, B., & Zhu, F.* (2020). SSizer: Determining the sample sufficiency for comparative study. Journal of Molecular Biology. (SCI Indexed)
Hu. J.* (2020). Book Review: Processes of change: Studies in Late Modern and present-day English. Language in Society. (SSCI Indexed)
Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2020). Differentiating critical thinking dispositions of newly enrolled EFL undergraduates and postgraduates through SVM approach. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI Indexed)
Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (Online, 2019). Discrimination of the contextual features of top performers in scientific literacy using a machine learning approach. Research in Science Education. https://rdcu.be/btN56 (SSCI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., Liu, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Regression analysis of ICT impact factors on early adolescents’ reading proficiency in five high-performing countries. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI Indexed)
Hu, J.*, & Wei, Y. (2019). The centrality of creativity: A new perspective on English language teaching. English Today. (A&HCI, SSCI Indexed)
Cui, X. J., Yang, Q. X., Li, B., Tang, J., Zhang, X. Y... Hu, J.*, Lou, Y., Qiu, Y. Q., Xue, W. W., & Zhu. F.* (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of direct data merging strategy in long-term and large-scale. Frontiers in Pharmacology. (SCI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Assessment of optimal pedagogical factors for Canadian ESL learners’ reading literacy through artificial intelligence algorithms. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Dong, X., & Hu, J.* (2019). An exploration of impact factors influencing students’ reading literacy in Singapore with machine learning approaches. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Differentiating critical thinking dispositions of newly enrolled EFL undergraduates and postgraduates through a support vector machine approach. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI, ESCI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The moderation examination of ICT use on the association between Chinese mainland students’ socioeconomic status and reading achievement. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. (EI, ESCI Indexed)
Chen, X., & Hu, J.* (2019). Evolution of U.S. presidential discourse over 230 years: A psycholinguistic perspective. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Chen, X., Yan, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). A corpus-based study of Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s linguistic styles. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., Li, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative in Chinese and American media: A critical discourse analysis based on self-built corpora. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The influence of ICT attitudes on closing the reading literacy gap of students from different economic, social and cultural backgrounds. Proceedings of IEEE the 14th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. (EI Indexed)
Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The inheritance and spreading of Confucianism in modern China and South Korea. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. (CPCI-SSH Indexed)
Chen, J., & Hu, J.* (2018). Enhancing L2 learners’ critical thinking skills through a connectivism-based intelligent learning system. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed)
Wei, Y., Yang, Q., Chen, J., & Hu, J.* (2018). The exploration of a machine learning approach for the assessment of learning styles changes in different grade levels. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI Indexed)
Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2018). The impact of the digital learning on EFL students’ critical thinking disposition. Proceedings of IEEE the 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. (EI Indexed)
Nie, T., & Hu, J.* (2018). EFL students’ satisfaction with the college English education in the MOOC: An empirical study. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. (CPCI-SSH Indexed)
Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2018). A cross-sectional evaluation of EFL students' critical thinking dispositions in digital learning. The International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science 2018. (CPCI-SSH Indexed)
1.国际学术会议分会主席(Chair of Technical Session on E-learning)
2.加拿大International Journal of English Linguistics期刊Associate Editor
3.加拿大Control and Intelligent Systems期刊学术编辑(Editor)
4.加拿大Mechatronic Systems and Control期刊学术编辑(Editor)
5.美国Journal of Computer Science Applications and Education学术期刊编委
8.Computers&Education,Computer Assistant Langugae Learning,System,International Journal of English Linguistics等学术期刊审稿人

