储涛,男,二级教授,博士生导师,博士,国家特聘专家,浙江大学微电子集成系统研究所所长。 日本情报通信学会(IEICE)专家委员,中国光学学会专家委员,中国光学工程学会专家委员,浙江省光学学会常务理事、主任委员。 1991年毕业于四川大学无线电电子学系,获理学学士学位,1991-1995年在中国电子科技集团公司第43研究所工作,任助理工程师、课题组长,从事混合集成电路研制工作; 1996-2002年在Kyoto Institute of Technology学习,获工学硕士(1999)和工学博士学位(2002);2001-2003年任日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员;1996-2003年从事新型光电检测仪器、半导体材料和器件光学检测的研究; 2003-2009年在日本电气株式会社(NEC)基础研究所和东京大学工作,任日本光产业技术振兴协会(OITDA)研究员(2006年后为兼职),2003-2007年兼任东京大学先端科学技术研究中心研究员,2006-2011年任职NEC中央研究所硅基光子学研究部主任、主任研究员;2009-2011年任职日本国家产业技术综合研究所(AIST)纳米器件中心主任研究员、总括主管。 2011年全职回国,被授予“国家特聘专家”称号,2011-2016年在中国科学院半导体研究所集成光电子学国家重点实验室,任研究员、研究组长,并任中国科学院大学教授、中国科学院特聘研究员; 2017年加入浙江大学信息与电子工程学院、微电子学院,任教授,微电子集成系统研究所所长。自2003年起至今从事光子晶体、硅基光子器件、半导体光电集成技术及相关方向研究。 自2003年起长期从事光电子集成芯片、器件、子系统设计及其制作研究,近年主要成果包括:研制成功世界最早硅基光子晶体光开关(2005)、最小硅基波导光开关(2006)、最小光子晶体ROADM模块(2007)、最小2x4波长选择开关(2008)、首台硅基波长可调激光器(2009)、100nm带宽最宽硅基波长可调激光器(2010)、最快60Gb/s硅基电光调制器(2012、2013)、简化工艺性能最优AWG(2014)、最低损耗EDG(2015)、规模最大32x32硅基电光光开关阵列和64x64硅基热光光开光阵列(2016、2017)、综合性能最优模式复用器件、PBS/PSR(2017、2018)等世界领先水平的光子器件及模块。 申请日、美、中专利10余项,发表论文近百篇,被引用近千次,曾任权威学术杂志IEEE-JSTQE硅光特刊编辑、并曾在光通信领域世界顶级会议ECOC2013和OFC2018上受邀发表中国唯一邀请报告。回国后负责科技部973、国家自然科学基金重点、面上项目等国家项目、及NEC、华为、中兴、海信等国内外大企业多项合作项目研究。研究领域
""集成光电子学、硅基光子学、半导体芯片、射频电路 光通信、微波光子学、量子光学、光计算(深度学习) 光电仪器、光学传感、生物医疗仪器、图像处理、自动控制、嵌入式系统""""近期论文
2017年\r[1] D. Guo, and T. Chu, 'Silicon mode (de)multiplexers with parameters optimized using shortcuts to adiabaticity,' Opt Express 25, 9160-9170 (2017).\r[2] S. Yu, and T. Chu, 'Electrical nonlinearity in silicon modulators based on reversed PN junctions,' Photonics Research 5, 124 (2017).\r[3] L. Qiao, W. Tang, and T. Chu, '32 x 32 silicon electro-optic switch with built-in monitors and balanced-status units,' Sci Rep 7, 42306 (2017).\r \r2016年\r[1] T. Ye, T. Chu*, “Low-Loss and Low-Crosstalk Si Etched Diffraction Gratings with Multi-Point Iterative Optimization”, (oral) in the 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP, Shanghai, 2016), paper: ThD5\r[2] L. Qiao, W. Tang, T. Chu*, “Ultra-Large-Scale Silicon Optical Switches”, (oral) in the 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP, Shanghai, 2016), paper: WB1\r[3] S. Yu, T. Chu*, “Study of Electrical Nonlinearity in Analog Silicon Modulator” in the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Science and Innovations. (CLEO, CA/USA, 2016) JW2A. 119.\r[4] L. Qiao, W. Tang,.T. Chu*, “16x16 Non-blocking Silicon Electro-optic Switch Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometers”, in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, (OFC/NFOEC, CA/USA, 2016), paper: Th1C.2\r \r2015年\r[1] T. Chu*, “Silicon photonics”, (invited) in the 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, (CIOP, Nanjing, 2015), paper:20150712-20150715\r[2] T. Chu*, “Silicon photonic devices for high speed photonic interconnections”, (invited) in Applied Optics and Photonics China, (AOPC, Beijing, 2015), paper: 20150505-20150507\r[3] T. Chu*, “Silicon Photonic Interconnects for CPUs of High Performance Computer”, (invited) in the 4th Photonics Global Conference (PGC, Singapore, 2015), paper:20150628-20150703\r[4] T. Chu*, L. Qiao, W. Tang. “High-speed 8× 8 electro-optic switch matrix based on silicon PIN structure waveguides”, in the 12th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP, Vancouver, 2015), paper: 123-124.\r[5] 储涛* “HPC内高速光互连网络与硅基光电子集成器件”, 2015年全国高性能计算学术年会,(HPC China), paper:20151110-20151112\r[6] L. Qiao, W. Tang, and T. Chu*, “Non-blocking 8×8 Silicon Electro-optic Switch,” (oral) in 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, (CLEO-PR, Busan/South Korea, 2015), paper :25J1_5.\r[7] K. Hou, T. Chu*, “Ultra-compact and low-loss polarization rotator based on plasmonic waveguide,” (oral) in The 14th International Conference Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN, Nanjing, 2015), paper: 1-3.\r \r2014年\r[1] Tong Ye, Yunfei Fu, Lei Qiao, and Tao Chu*, “Low-crosstalk Si arrayed waveguide grating with parabolic tapers,” Optics Express 22(26), 31899-31906 (2014).\r[2] Tong Ye, Yunfei Fu, and Tao Chu*, “Crosstalk reduction in Si arrayed waveguide grating with parabolic tapers,” (oral) in the 4th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC, Tokyo/Japan, 2014), paper E-4.\r[3] Tao Chu*, “Silicon photonic devices for optical interconnections” (invited) in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP, Shanghai/China, 2014), paper AF3B.1.\r[4] Tao Chu*, “High-speed silicon modulators and silicon photonics researches in China” (invited) in the 61th Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP, Tokyo/Japan, 2014), paper 19a-F8-7.\r[5] Yunfei Fu, Tong Ye, Weijie Tang, and Tao Chu*, “Efficient adiabatic silicon-on-insulator waveguide taper,” Photonics Research 2(3), A41-A44 (2014).\r2013年\r[1] Tao Chu*, Xi Xiao, Hao Xu, Xianyao Li, Zhiyong Li, Yude Yu, “High-speed silicon modulators,” (invited) in the 39st European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC, London/UK, 2013), pp. 22-26.\r \r2013年9月1日课题组成立前发表的文章\rJournal Publications:\r2013年\r[1] X. Li, X. Xiao, H. Xu, Z. Li, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “Mach-Zehnder-based five-port silicon router for optical interconnects,” Optics Letters 38(10), 1703-1705 (2013).\r[2] X. Li, X. Xiao, H. Xu, Z. Li, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “Highly efficient silicon Michelson interferometer modulators,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 25(5), 407-409 (2013).\r[3] X. Xiao, H. Xu, X. Li, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “High-speed, low-loss silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators with doping optimization,” Optics Express 21(4), 4116-4125 (2013).\r[4] C. Zhang, J. Sun, X. Xiao, W. Sun, X. Zhang, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “High efficiency grating coupler for coupling between single-mode fiber and SOI waveguides,” Chinese Physics Letter 30(1), 014207-1-4 (2013).\r[5] X. Xiao, Z. Li, T. Chu, H. Xu, X. Li, N Anastasia, K. Xiong, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “Development of silicon photonic devices for optical interconnects,” Science China Technological Sciences 56(3), 586-593 (2013).\r \r2012年\r[6] Y. Hu, X. Xiao, H. Xu, X. Li, K. Xiong, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “High-speed silicon modulator based on cascaded microring resonators,” Optics Express 20(14), 15079-15085 (2012).\r[7] H. Xu, X. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “High speed silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator based on interleaved PN junctions,” Optics Express 20(14), 15093-15099 (2012).\r[8] X. Xiao, H. Xu, X. Li, Y. Hu, K. Xiong, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “25 Gbit/s silicon microring modulator based on misalignment-tolerant interleaved PN junctions,” Optics Express 20(3), 2507-2515 (2012).\r[9] X. Xiao, X. Li, H. Xu, Y. Hu, K. Xiong, Z. Li, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “44-Gbit/s silicon microring modulators based on Zigzag PN junctions,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 24(19), 1712-1714 (2012).\r[10] Y. Hu, L. Zhou, X. Xiao, Z. Li, Y. Li, T. Chu, Y. Su, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “An ultra-high-speed photonic temporal differentiator using cascaded SOI micro-ring resonators,” Journal of Optics 14(7), 065501-1-8 (2012).\r[11] K. Xiong, X. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “Modeling and analysis of silicon-on-insulator elliptical microring resonators for future high-density integrated photonic circuits,” Chinese Physics B 21(7), 074203-1-6 (2012).\r[12] K. Xiong, X. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “CMOS-compatible reconfigurable microring demultiplexer with doped silicon slab heater,” Optics Communications 285(21), 4368-4371 (2012).\r[13] N. Anastasia, X. Xiao, B. Yang, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “Design and characterization of a top cladding for Silicon-on-Insulator grating coupler,” Chinese Physics Letter 29(11), 114213-1-3 (2012).\r[14] Z. Li, L. Zhou, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “Improved extinction ration of Mach-Zehnder based optical modulators on CMOS platform,” Frontiers of Optoelectronics 5(1), 90-93 (2012).\r \r2010年及以前\r[15] N. Fujioka, T. Chu, and M. Ishizaka, “Compact and low power consumption hybrid integrated wavelength tunable laser module using silicon waveguide resonators,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 28(21), 3115-3120 (2010).\r[16] T. Chu, N. Fujioka, and M. Ishizaka, “Compact, low power consumption wavelength tunable laser with silicon photonic-wire waveguide micro-ring resonators,” Optics Express 17(16), 14063-14068 (2009).\r[17] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Nakamura, M. Ishizaka, M. Tokushima, Y. Urino, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Ultra-small silicon photonic wire waveguide devices,” (invited) IEICE Transactions on Electronics 92(2), 217-223 (2009).\r[18] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Si photonic wire waveguide devices,” (invited) IEICE Transactions on Electronics 12(6), 59-64 (2007).\r[19] A.Gomyo, J. Ushida, T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “A Highly efficient optical add-drop multiplexer using photonic band gap with hexagonal lattice air-hole PC slab waveguides,” (invited) IEICE Transactions on Electronics 90, 65-71 (2007).\r[20] H. Yamada, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Photonic crystal devices and Integrated circuits for photonic network systems,” (invited) IEICE Transactions on Communications 90, 53-59 (2007), in Japanese.\r[21] T. Chu, H. Yamada, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Tunable optical notch filter realized by shifting the photonic band gap in a silicon photonic crystal line-defect waveguide,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 18(24), 2614-2616 (2006).\r[22] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Tunable optical add-drop multiplexer based on silicon photonic wire waveguides,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 18(13), 1409-1411 (2006).\r[23] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Si photonic wire optical waveguide devices,” Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics on Silicon Photonics, IEEE 12(6), 1371-1379 (2006).\r[24] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Thermo-optic switch based on photonic-crystal line-defect waveguides,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 17(10), 2083-2085 (2005).\r[25] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Compact 1×N thermo-optic switches based on silicon photonic wire waveguides,” Optics Express 13(25), 10109-10114 (2005).\r[26] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Optical add-drop multiplexers based on Si-wire waveguides,” Applied Physics Letters 86(19), 191107 (2005).\r[27] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Optical directional coupler based on Si-wire waveguides,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 17(3), 585-587 (2005).\r[28] H. Yamada, M. Shirane, T. Chu, S. Ishida, Y. Arakawa, and H. Yokoyama, “Nonlinear-optic silicon-nanowire waveguides,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44(9R), 6541-6545 (2005).\r[29] M. Yamada, N. Zui, and T. Chu, “Defect-induced birefringence in crystalline silicon ingots,” European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 27(1-3), 155-158 (2004).\r[30] T. Chu, M. Yamada, J. Donecker, M. Rossberg, V. Alex and H. Riemann, “Optical anisotropy in dislocation-free silicon single crystals,” Microelectronic Engineering 66(1), 327-332 (2003).\r[31] T. Chu, M. Yamada, J. Donecker, M. Rossberg, V. Alex, and H. Riemann, “Optical anisotropy and strain-induced birefringence in dislocation-free silicon single crystals,” Materials Science and Engineering: B 91, 174-177 (2002).\r[32] M. Yamada, and T. Chu, “Microscopic observation of strain induced in heteroepitaxial layers with reflection type of infrared polariscope,” Journal of Crystal Growth 210(1), 102-106 (2000).\r[33] T. Chu, and M. Yamada, “Photoelastic measurement of strain induced by die-bonding of GaAs chip on a copper heatsink plate,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 38(2S), 1153-1155 (1999).\r \rInvited talk and selected conference papers:\r2013年\r[34] T. Chu, X. Xiao, Z. Li, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “CMOS-compatible silicon photonic devices for optical network-on-chip,” (invited) in the 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT , Singapore, 2013), XX.\r[35] X. Xiao, H. Xu, X. Li, Z. Li, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “60 Gbit/s silicon modulators with enhanced electro-optical efficiency,” (oral) in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC, Anaheim /USA, 2013), paper OW4J.3.\r \r2012年\r[36] X. Xiao, X. Li, H. Xu, Z. Li, T. Chu, J. Yu, and Y. Yu, “High-speed silicon microring modulator based on Zigzag PN junction,” (oral) in IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC, Burlingame/USA, 2012), pp. 256-257.\r[37] H. Xu, X. Xiao, X. Li, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “44Gbit/s silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator based on interleaved PN junctions,” (oral) in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFPIV, San Diego/USA, 2012), pp. 201-203.\r[38] H. Xu, X. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “High speed silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator with circuit model analysis,” (oral) in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP, Guang Zhou/China, 2012), paper AS3B.3.\r[39] Y. Fu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, J. Yu, and Q. Li, “Broad-band efficient edge couplers for compact silicon photonic circuits,” (oral) in Conference on Information Optoelectronics, Nanofabrication and Testing (IONT, Wuhan/China, 2012), paper IF2A.6.\r \r2011年\r[40] K. Xiong, X. Xiao, Y. Hu, Z. Li, T. Chu, Y. Yu, and J. Yu, “Single-mode silicon-on-insulator elliptical microdisk resonators with high Q factors,” (oral) Proc. SPIE 8333, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings 2011, 83330A (2011).\r \r2010年及以前\r[41] T. Chu, N. Fujioka, S. Nakamura, M. Tokushima, and M. Ishizaka, “C and L bands wavelength tunable laser with silicon photonic-wire waveguide micro-ring resonators,” (invited) in Conference on Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics and Photonics in Switching (IPR, Monterey/California, 2010), paper IME1.\r[42] T. Chu, N. Fujioka, S. Nakamura, M. Tokushima, and M. Ishizaka, “Full C and L bands wavelength tunable laser module with silicon micro-ring resonators,” (invited) in the 15th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC, Sapporo/Japan, 2010), pp. 866-867.\r[43] T. Chu, N. Fujioka, S. Nakamura, M. Tokushima, and M. Ishizaka, “Compact, low power consumption wavelength tunable laser with silicon photonic-wire waveguide micro-ring resonators,” (oral) in the 35th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC, Vienna/Austria, 2009), paper 7.2.1.\r[44] N. Fujioka, T. Chu, S. Nakamura, and M. Ishizaka, “Low reflection optical coupling for hybrid integrated wavelength tunable laser with silicon waveguide ring resonators,” (oral) in the 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM, Sendai/Japan, 2009), XX.\r[45] M. Sakauchi1, I. Nishioka1, S. Nakamura, T. Chu, and Y. Urino, “Demonstration of fast optical protection in ROADM system with one-chip color/direction-independent add/drop multiplexer employing silicon phonic circuit,” (oral) in Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC, San Diego/USA, 2009), paper JThA51.\r[46] S. Nakamura, T. Chu, M. Ishizaka, M. Tokushima, Y. Urino, M. Sakauchi, I. Nishioka, and K. Fukuchi, “Ultra-small silicon photonic device integrating an array waveguide grating and switches for flexible photonic network node,” (oral) in the 34th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC, Brussels/Belgium, 2008), pp.175-176.\r[47] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Nakamura, Y. Urino, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Si waveguide devices for optical communication,” (invited) in the 7th Pacific Rim Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-Pacific Rim, Seoul/Korea, 2007), pp.216-217.\r[48] H. Yamada, T. Chu, M. Tojo, S. Nakamura, M. Tokushima, Y. Urino, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “A compact optical switch module with Si-wire waveguides,” (oral) in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics 2007 (GFPIV, Tokyo/Japan, 2007), pp. 119-121.\r[49] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Nakamura, M. Tojo, Y. Urino, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Silicon photonic-wire waveguide devices,” (invited) Proc. SPIE 6477, Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2007, 647709 (2007).\r[50] T. Chu, H. Yamada, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (R-OADM) based on silicon photonic crystal slab waveguides,” (invited) Proc. SPIE 6376, Optics East 2006, 63760I (2006).\r[51] T. Chu, H. Yamada, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Integrated reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (R-OADM) based on silicon nano-photonic waveguides,” (oral) in the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFPIV, Ottawa/Canada, 2006), pp.261-263.\r[52] H. Yamada, T. Chu, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “The photonic crystal slab and Si-wire waveguide devices,” (invited) Proc. SPIE 6351, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications Conference and Exhibition, 635122(2006).\r[53] H. Yamada, T. Chu, A. Gomyo, J. Ushida, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Integrated photonic network node chip with photonic crystals,” (invited) in the 2006 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM, Tokyo/Japan, 2006), pp.42-43.\r[54] A.Gomyo, J. Ushida, H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Optical add-drop multiplexer with hexagonal-hole lattice PC slab waveguides,” (invited) Proc. SPIE 6376, Optics East 2006, 63760J(2006).\r[55] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “A compact silicon nano-wire waveguide optic switch,” (poster) in the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFPIV, Antwerp/Belgium, 2005), pp.134-136.\r[56] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer based on silicon nano-wire waveguides,” (oral) in the 31st European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC, Glasgow/UK, 2005), pp.245-246.\r[57] H. Yamada, T. Chu, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Si-nanowire optical waveguide devices for optical communications,” (invited) Proc. SPIE 6019, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, 60192X (2005).\r[58] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Thermo-optic switch based on 2D-Si photonic crystals,” (oral) in the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFPIV, Hongkong/China, 2004), paper FC3.\r[59] T. Chu, H. Yamada, S. Ishida, and Y. Arakawa, “Photonic bandgap tuning with thermo-optic effect,” (oral) in the 17th Annual Meeting of IEEE Laser & Electron-Optics Society (LEOS, Puerto Rico/USA, 2004), pp.811-812. 相关热点
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