2023-05-17 17:32
  • 陈圣福
  • 陈圣福 - 博士, 教授-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料





"研究兴趣集中在生物相容性材料与环境友好材料的形成机理、设计、合成与应用开发研究,包括: \r
1)抗非特异性蛋白质吸附材料和血液相容性材料; \r
2)基于纳米生物学和组合化学的靶向药物载体; \r
3)材料表面水结构及其在关节润滑、膜分离等技术中的应用; \r
4)海洋抗吸附和仿腐蚀材料; \r
5) 仿蛋白质分子合成及性能调控; \r
6) 高透氧有机硅隐形眼镜材料研究。 "


1. Zhen Wang, Guanglong Ma, Juan Zhang, Zhefan Yuan, Longgang Wang, Matthew Bernards, Shengfu Chen, Surface protonation/deprotonation controlled instant affinity switch of nano drug vehicle (NDV) for pH triggered tumor cell targeting Biomaterials 62, 116-127, (2015)\r
2. Guangzhi Wang, Longgang Wang, Weifeng Lin, Zhen Wang, Juan Zhang, Fangqin Ji,Guanglong Ma, Zhefan Yuan, and Shengfu Chen, Development of Robust and Recoverable Ultralow-Fouling Coatings Based on Poly(carboxybetaine) Ester Analogue, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 16938-16945 (2015)\r
3. Weifeng Lin, Guanglong Ma, Fangqin Ji, Juan Zhang, Longgang Wang, Haotian Suna and Shengfu Chen, Biocompatible long-circulating star carboxybetaine polymers, J. Mater. Chem. B, 3, 440, (2015)\r
4. Juan Zhang, Zhen Wang, Weifeng Lin, Shengfu Chen, Gene transfection in complex media using PCBMAEE-PCBMA copolymer with both hydrolytic and zwitterionic blocks, Biomaterials 35,7909-7918 (2014)\r
5. Wu J., Zhao C., Lin W., Hu R., Wang Q., Chen H., Li L., Chen S., and Zheng J., Binding characteristics between polyethylene glycol (PEG) and proteins in aqueous solution J. Mater. Chem. B, 2983, (2014)\r
6. Zhen Wang, Guanglong Ma , Juan Zhang, Weifeng Lin, Fangqin Ji , Matthew T. Bernards , and Shengfu Chen, Development of Zwitterionic Polymer-Based Doxorubicin Conjugates: Tuning the Surface Charge To Prolong the Circulation and Reduce Toxicity, Langmuir, 2014, 30 (13), pp 3764–3774\r
7. Weifeng Lin, Yueying He, Juan Zhang, Longgang Wang, Zhen Wang, Fangqin Ji, Shengfu Chen, Highly Hemocompatible Zwitterionic Micelles Stabilized by Reversible Cross-Linkage for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 115C, 384-390 (2014).\r
8. Longgang Wang, Juan Zhang, Weifeng Lin, Zhen Wang and Shengfu Chen, Development of a protein mimic with peptide ligands to enhance specific sensing and targeting by the zwitterionic surface engineering of poly(amido amine) dendrimers, Advance materials interfaces, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201300059, (2014)\r
9. Qinghua Yang, Longgang Wang, Weifeng Lin, Guanglong Ma, Jiang Yuan, and Shengfu Chen, Development of nonfouling polypeptides with uniformly alternating charges by polycondensing the covalently bonded dimer of glutamic acid and lysine, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2 (5):577 - 584, (2014)\r
10. Jiang Wu, Chao Zhao, Rundong Hu, Weifeng Lin, Qiuming Wang, Jun Zhao, Stephanie M. Bilinovich, Thomas C. Leeper, Lingyan Li, Harry M. Cheung, Shengfu Chen, and Jie Zheng, Probing the Weak Interaction of Proteins with Neutral and Zwitterionic Antifouling Polymers, Acta Biomaterialia, 10(2):751-760, (2014)\r
11. Qinghua Yang, Wenchen Li, Longgang Wang, Guangzhi Wang, Zhen Wang, Lingyun Liu & Shengfu Chen Investigation of nonfouling polypeptides of poly(glutamic acid) with lysine side chainssynthesized by EDC·HCl/HOBt chemistry, Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 25:14-15, 1717-1729 (2014)\r
12. Fangqin Ji, Weifeng Lin, Zhen Wang, Longgang Wang, Juan Zhang, Guanglong Ma, Shengfu Chen, Development of Non-Stick and Drug-Loaded Wound Dressing Based on the Hydrolytic Hydrophobic Poly(carboxybetaine) Ester Analogue, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 5 (21), 10489–10494 (2013)\r
13. L. Wang, Q. Yang, G. Ma, W. Lin, Z. Wang, M. Huang, S. Chen* Development of Biocompatible PAMAM ‘Dendrizyme’ to Maintain Catalytic Activity in Biological Complex Medium, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, (34), 4259-4266. (2013)\r
14. Jiang Wu, Zhen Wang, Weifeng Lin, Shengfu Chen, Investigation of the interaction between poly(ethylene glycol) and protein molecules using low field nuclear magnetic resonance, Acta Biomaterialia 9, 6414-6420 (2013)\r
15. Weifeng Lin, Hui Zhang, Jiang Wu, Zhen Wang, Haotian Sun, Jiang Yuan and Shengfu Chen, A novel zwitterionic copolymer with a short poly(methyl acrylic acid) block for improving both conjugation and separation efficiency of a protein without losing its bioactivity, J. Mater. Chem. B, 1, 2482(2013)\r
16. Yang Zhang, Zhen Wang, Weifeng Lin, Haotian Sun, Liguang Wu, Shengfu Chen, A facile method for polyamide membrane modification by poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) to improve fouling resistance, Journal of Membrane Science 446, 164-170 (2013)\r
17. Longgang Wang, Zhen Wang, Guanglong Ma, Weifeng Lin, and Shengfu Chen, Reducing the Cytotoxity of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers by Modification of a Single Layer of Carboxybetaine, Langmuir, 29, 8914-8921(2013)\r
18. Wu J., Chen S*. Investigation of the hydration of nonfouling material polyethylene glycol by Low-Field NMRs, Langmuir., 28, 2137-2144 (2012).\r
19. Wu J., Lin W., Wang Z., Chen S * and Chang Y, Investigation of the Hydration of Nonfouling Material Poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) by Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Langmuir., 28, 7436−7441(2012).\r
20. 张慧,陈圣福,聚合物蛋白质类药物单分子修饰的发展和展望,《高分子通报》,9,29 (2012)

