2023-05-17 17:30
  • 车录锋
  • 车录锋 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-信息与电子工程学院-个人资料




车录锋,男,1971年5月生,河南省内黄县人,教授、博士生导师。微系统研究所副所长、微系统技术国家级重点实验室学术委员会委员、中国微米纳米学会微纳米制造及装备分会理事、《光学精密工程》期刊编委。1999年10月在浙江大学获博士学位,1999年11月至2001年11月中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 电子科学与技术流动站博士后。2005年美国加州大学伯克利分校 传感器与执行器中心(BSAC)高级访问学者,2006年1月-2016年4月中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 传感技术国家重点实验室研究员、博士生导师、微系统技术国家级重点实验室副主任。主要从事MEMS传感器相关技术研究。针对我国新一代石油勘探装备的应用需求,通过敏感结构和加工工艺等关键技术创新,研制出高性能MEMS振动传感器及系统,动态范围达到120dB,主要性能指标与美国ION公司、法国Sercel公司产品相当,打破了国际垄断,为新型“全数字地震数据采集系统”重大装备的研发提供了重要支撑;研制的抗单粒子闩锁加速度传感器模块作为关键载荷,已提供给我国系列微纳卫星应用;研制的MEMS陀螺芯片照片刊登在国际著名MEMS杂志JMM封面上,引起了国际同行的高度关注。做为负责人在研或完成国家科技重大专项课题3项、科技部863课题5项、国家自然科学基金课题5项, 获上海市技术发明二等奖一项。


微纳传感及智能感知微系统 自生微能源及片上多模集成""


26 Chaoran Liu, Yishao Wang, Nan Zhang, Xun Yang, Zuankai Wang, Libo Zhao,Weihuang Yang, Linxi Dong, Lufeng Che, etc. A self-powered and high sensitivity acceleration sensor with V-Q-a model based on triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs),Nano Energy, 2020, 67:104228\r
25 Jiaqian Li, Xiaofeng Zhou, Jing Li, Lufeng Che, Jun Yao, Glen McHale,Manoj K. Chaudhury, Zuankai Wang, Topological liquid diode, Science Advance, 2017,3: eaao3530\r
24 Chaoran Liu, Jiaqian Li, Lufeng Che, Shaoqiang Chen, Zuankai Wang, Xiaofeng Zhou,Toward large-scale fabrication of triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) with silk-fibroin patches film via spray-coating process, Nano Energy, 2017, 41:359-366\r
23 Chaoran Liu, Jing Sun, Jing Li, Chenghao Xiang, Lufeng Che, Zuankai Wang &Xiaofeng Zhou, Long-range spontaneous droplet self-propulsion on wettability gradient surfaces, Scientific Reports, 2017,7: 7552\r
22 Xiaofeng Zhou, Jiaqian Li, Hongyan Sun, Yi Hu, Lufeng Che, Zuankai Wang,Controlled Cell Patterning on Bioactive Surfaces with Special Wettability, Journal of Bionic Engineering,2017,14:440–447\r
21 Chenghao Xiang, Chaoran Liu, Chonglei Hao, Zuankai Wang, Lufeng Che,Xiaofeng Zhou,A self-powered acceleration sensor with flexible materials based on triboelectric effect,Nano Energy, 2017,31: 469–477\r
20 Pengyu Li, Lufeng Che, Landing point location algorithm based on asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method, Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23:1475-1484\r
19 Chonglei Hao,Yang Zhou,Xiaofeng Zhou, Lufeng Che, Baojin Chu,and Zuankai Wang,Dynamic control of droplet jumping by tailoring nanoparticle concentrations, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109: 021601\r
18 G.Q. Wu, D.H. Xu, B. Xiong, L.F. Che, Y.L. Wang, Design, fabrication and characterization of a resonant magnetic fieldsensor based on mechanically coupled dual-microresonator, Sensors and Actuators A, 2016, 248:1–5\r
17 Chonglei Hao, Jing Li, Yuan Liu, Xiaofeng Zhou, Yahua Liu, Rong Liu, Lufeng Che,Wenzhong Zhou, Dong Sun, Lawrence Li, Lei Xu & Zuankai Wang,Superhydrophobic-like tunable droplet bouncing on slippery liquid interfaces, Nature Communications, Aug.7,2015,DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8986\r
16 Zhaohui Song, Teng Sun, Jian Wu, Lufeng Che, System-level Simulation and Implementation for a High Q Capacitive Accelerometer with PD feedback compensation, Microsystem Technologies,2015,21(10): 2233-2240\r
15 Xiaofeng Zhou, LufengChe, Shenglin Liang, Xiaolin Li, Yuelin Wang,Design and fabrication of a MEMS capacitive accelerometer with fully symmetrical double-sided H-shaped beam,Microelectronic Engineering,2015,131:51-57 \r
14 Wei Li, Zhaohui Song, Xiaohong Ge,Lufeng Che, Yuelin Wang, A novel self-aligned electrostatic vertical actuator using plastic deformation technology, Microsystem Technologies, 2014,20(2):251-257\r
13 Xuemei Chen, Ruiyuan Ma, Hongbo Zhou, Xiaofeng Zhou, Lufeng Che, Shuhuai Yao & Zuankai Wang, Activating the Microscale Edge Effect in a Hierarchical Surface for Frosting Suppression and Defrosting Promotion, Scientific Reports, 2013,3:2515\r
12 XiaofengZhou, LufengChe, JianWu, Xiaolin Li, YuelinWang, A novel sandwich capacitive accelerometer with symmetrical structure fabricated from D-SOI wafer, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2012,22(8): 085031 (8pp)\r
11 XiaofengZhou, LufengChe, Bin Xiong, Xiaolin Li, JianWu, YuelinWang, A novel capacitive accelerometer with a highly symmetrical double-sided beam-mass structure, Sensors and Actuators A,2012,179:291-296.\r
10 Xiaofeng Zhou, Lufeng Che,Bin Xiong,etl, Single wafer fabrication of a symmetric double-sided beam–mass structure using DRIE and wet etching by a novel vertical sidewall protection technique, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2010,20(11): 115009 (14pp)\r
9 Lufeng Che, Bin Xiong, Yufang Li, Yuelin Wang,A novel electrostatic-driven tuning fork micromachined gyroscope with a bar structure operating at atmospheric pressure,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2010,20(1): 015025(6pp)\r
8 Fei Xiao, Lufeng Che, Bin Xiong, Yuelin Wang, Xiaofeng Zhou, Yufang Li and Youling Lin, A novel capacitive accelerometer with an eight-beam-mass structure by self-stop anisotropic etching of (100) silicon, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2008,18(7):075005(7pp)\r
7 S.Y. Xiao, L.F. Che, X.X. Li and Y.L. Wang, A novel fabrication Process of MEMS devices on polyimide flexible substrates, Microelectronic Engineering, 2008,85:452–457\r
6 Kebin Fan, Lufeng Che, Bin Xiong and Yuelin Wang, A silicon micromachined high-shock accelerometer with a bonded hinge structure, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2007,17(6):1206–1210\r
5 Suyan Xiao, Lufeng Che, Xinxin Li, Yuelin Wang, A cost-effective flexible MEMS technique for temperature sensing, Microelectronics Journal, 2007,38(3):360-364\r
4 Linxi Dong, Lufeng Che, Lingling Sun, Yuelin Wang, Effects of non-parallel combs on reliable operation conditions of capacitive inertial sensor for step and shock signals, Sensors and Actuators A, 2005,12(2):395-404\r
3 Lufeng Che, Bin Xiong, Linxi Dong, Yuelin Wang, Effects of bias voltage polarity on differential capacitive sensitive devices, Sensors and Actuators A, 2004,112(2-3):253-261\r
2 Lufeng Che, Bin Xiong, Yuelin Wang, System modelling of a vibratory micromachined gyroscope with bar structure, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2003,13(1):65-71\r
1 Bin Xiong, Lufeng Che, Yuelin Wang, A novel bulk micromachined gyroscope with slots structure working at atmosphere, Sensors and Actuators A, 2003,107(2): 137-145

