2023-05-17 16:54
  • 孔庆江
  • 孔庆江 - Ph.D-中国政法大学-国际法学院-个人资料




1. From September 1995 to June1998: Ph.D. programme in International Economic Law at the School of Law,Wuhan University,Wuhan, China / degree obtained: Ph.D. inLaw, June 1998
2. From September 1987 toJuly 1990: post-graduate programme in International Law at the East ChinaInstitute of Politics and Law, Shanghai, China / degreeobtained: LL.M., July 1990
3. FromSeptember 1983 to July 1987: Nanjing University, Nanjing, China , major:Economic Geography (Urban and regional planning); minor: Law / degree obtained:B.Sc., July 1987
1. From July 1990 toMay 1993: civil servant at the Bureau ofJustice, the Government of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China , Position: legal officer
2. From May 1993 toDecember 2011: teacher at the ZhejiangGongshang University(previously named: Hangzhou University of Commerce), Hangzhou, China ;
Position: associate professor (November 1999), professor (December 2002),assistant dean of the Department of Law (since January 1999), vice dean (sinceFebruary 2001), dean (July 2004); Part-time practising lawyer (since May 1993)
1) From 1 November1996 to 30 April 1997: doing research work regarding the law on foreigninvestment at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland
2) From 1 May 1997 to 24December 1997: guest fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative PublicLaw and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, doing research work regardinginternational investment law
3) From 9 February2000 to 16 August 2000, post-doctoral fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany , doing research workon legal issues relating to China ’sWTO accession
(4) From 1 September2000 to 27 December 2000, visiting fellow at the Lauterpacht Research Centrefor International Law, University of Cambridge, doing research work on WTO and trade law in China
(5) From 18 April 2001to 28 August 2002, visiting research fellow at the East Asian Institute of theNational University of Singapore, doing research work on China and the WTO.
3. From 5 December 2011 on: School of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law Position:Professor and Dean
Books (in English):
1. China-EU Trade Disputes and Their Management, World Scientific PublishingCo (Singapore, London, New Jersey, Hong Kong), 2012, 200 pages.
2. China and the World Trade Organization:A Legal Perspective, World Scientific Publishing Co. ( Singapore , London,Hong Kong, New Jersey), 2002. 365 pages.
3. WTO, Internationalization and the Intellectual Property Rights Regime in China , MarshallCavendish International ( Singapore ),2005. 260 pages.
Books inChinese:
1. 国际经济法律规范的可移植性与国家经济安全的相关性研究,武汉大学出版社,2016年。
2. Legal Environment for China’sTrade in Textiles (中国纺织品贸易法律环境),Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2005
3. International Economic Law and China in thePost-WTO Era (国际经济法与入世之后的中国), Peking University Press, 2008




Journal Articles (inEnglish):
1. “Is there a way in the labyrinth of treaty normsleading to the applicable rule? Investor-state investment settlement under theChina-Korea FTA, China-Japan-Korea BIT and China-Korea BIT”, Columbia Journalof Asian Law, (2016 forthcoming)
2. ‘EC – Seal Products: A New Baseline for the Global EconomicGovernance and National Regulatory Autonomy Debate’, 13 (1) ManchesterJournal of International Economic Law 2016, co-author with Michael Ming Du), pp. 2-21.
3. International Law and InternationalInstitutions: Implications for a Rising China, 2 Chinese Journal of GlobalGovernance (1) 2005, pp. 156-173.
4. China in the WTO and Beyond:Chinese Approach to International Institutions,Tulane Law Review, Vol 88, No 5, pp.959-980
5. Bilateral Investment Rule-Making:BITs or FTAs with Investment Rules? Journal of World Investment and Trade, Volume14, Issue 4, 2013
6. CHINA’S CURRENCY Devaluation andWTO, China, An InternationalJournal, vol 10 no 3, December 2012
7. China's Uncharted FTA Strategy,Journal of World Trade, vol 46, no 5, October 2012
8. U.S.-CHINA BILATERAL INVESTMENTTREATY NEGOTIATIONS: CONTEXT, FOCUS, AND IMPLICATIONS, Asian Journal of WTO& International Health Law and Policy Volume 7, Number 1, 2012
9. EU’s Monitoring of China’s WTO Compliance, European Business Law Review,vol.22, no. 3, 2011.
10. Trade Disputes betweenChina and the EU: Are They manageable? Global Trade and Customs Journal, vol.5no.2, 2010
11. Embracing an intellectualproperty strategy amid WTO compliance, Journal of Intellectual Property Law& Practice, Vol 4, no 10, 2009
12. Doctrine ofOrdre Public and the Sino-US Copyright Dispute, Lawasia Journal(University ofQueensland), 2009
13. ThePolitical Economy of The Intellectual Property Regime-Building in China:Evidence From The Chinese Patent Regime, Pacific McGeorge Global Business &Development Law Journal Vol. 20.2
14. China’s WTOAccession and the Asean–China Free Trade Area: The Perspective of a Chinese Lawyer, Journal of InternationalEconomic Law, Oxford University Press,2004
15. Cross-TaiwanStrait Relations: What are the Legitimate Expectations From the WTO?, MinnesotaJournal of Global Trade, 2004 Winter
16. JapaneseChauvinism or Chinese Nationalism: Protection of Intellectual Property in Chinaand its Implications for Sino-Japanese Economic Relations, Journal of WorldIntellectual Property, Vol.6 No.5, September 2003 (Journal of World Affairs,Zero Issue, 2005)
17. A CloserEconomic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong, China:An International Journal (the journal of East Asian Institute, NationalUniversity of Singapore), Volume 1, Number 1, March 2003
18. Quest forConstitutional Justification: Privatization with Chinese Characteristics,Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.12, No. 36, 2003
19. IntellectualProperty Rights Protection in the Post-WTO Era: Still an Incurable Blight toSino-US Trade Relations? Issues & Studies (Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University,Taiwan) Vol 38, No. 3, July 2002
20. BilateralInvestment Treaties: Chinese Approaches and Practice, Asian Yearbook ofInternational Law, Kluwer Law International, vol. 8, 2003
21. Towards WTOCompliance: China’s Foreign Investment Regime in Transition, Journal of WorldInvestment, Vol 3, No. 5, October 2002
22. ThePractice of Private International Law in China (Co-author), Melbourne Journalof International Law, October 2002
23. A Story ofGlobalization: The WTO and an Evolving China, Harvard Asia-Pacific Review,Spring 2002
24. Can the WTODispute Settlement Mechanism Solve the Trade Disputes between China and Taiwan?Journal of International Economic Law Vol 5 No 3, 2002, Oxford UniversityPress, pp. 749-760.
25. Enforcementof WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? Journal of World Trade, Vol35/6 (December 2001), Kluwer Law International, pp. 1181-1214.
26. JudicialProtection of Intellectual Property Rights in China: On the Eve of China's WTOAccession, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol 4, No. 6 (November 2001),pp. 809-825.
27. China’s Accession to the WTO: Commitments and Implications, Journal of International Economic Law(December 2000), Oxford University Press, pp. 665-690
28. China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTOAccession, Issue & Studies, Vol 37, No.4, July-August 2001
29. Is China’s Judiciary Readyfor WTO Entry? Harvard Asian Quarterly,Autumn 2001
30. Chinese Lawand Practice on Government Procurement in the Context of China’s WTO Accession,Public Procurement Law Review, 04/2002, pp. 201-214.
31. TransitionalLabor Relations in China: Problems and Their Legal Approach, Mitteilungendes Instituts für Schweizerisches Arbeitsrecht (2001)
32. Enforcementof Hong Kong SAR Judgments in Mainland China (Asian Yearbook of InternationalLaw, Vol. 7)
33. Enforcementof Hong Kong SAR Judgments in the People’s Republic of China (International andComparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49/4, October 2000. N.B. This is asubstantially rewritten and updated and substantially revised version of theprevious article.)
34. “LiberatingTaiwan”: Peaceful offensive or Armed might (co-author), Harvard Asia Quarterly,Harvard University, 2000 (4)
35. Old Bottle for New Wine—New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digitalcontext, Issues & Studies,Vol. 36/5
36. A study of the Regulation of the Internet, Journal of Zhejiang University(English edition), co-author, 3/2000
37. Regulationof the Internet: the Chinese Approach,UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2000/I
38. Protection of intellectual property in China—The perspective of a Chineselawyer (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht,Journal of the Max-Planck Institute, 1998, 58/1
39. Foreigninvestment regime in China (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Rechtund völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute 1997, 57/4, pp. 869-898
40. New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context (UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- undTheaterrecht Vol. 2001/I
41. Privatisation: an untold story in China, IJVO(Internationale Juristenvereinigung, Jahresheft) 1999/2000, Osbabrück, Germany
In Chinese:
1. 美国在国际规则的议程设定及其对中国的启示,中国政法大学学报,2016。
2. 中美双边投资条约谈判中的国家主导经济问题研究,政法论坛,2015年第1期。
3. The China-Canada BilateralInvestment Treaty after Its Signatures: Comments based on International Law (签署后的中加投资协定:基于国际法的评述), Chinese Journal ofInternational Economic Law, October 2014
4. Interpretation of the Protocol onthe Accession of China to the World Trade Organization: Is there a Self-Consistent Approach?(《入世议定书》解释:逻辑自洽性有可能吗?), Studies of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1Vol No 3, September 2014
5. Market Disruption and LegalEnvironment for China’s Trade in Textiles (市场扰乱影响纺织品贸易环境),Digestof Social Sciences in China (中国社会科学文摘),vol.4, 2006
6. A PreliminaryStudy of the Legitimacy of Unilateral Trade Measures (浅论单边贸易措施的适法性),ModernLegal Science (现代法学), vol. 6, 2006
7. WTO DisputeSettlement Mechanism and Cross-Strait Trade Disputes (WTO争端解决机制与两岸贸易争端), ChinaReview, Hong Kong, (中國評論) ,N.57,Sep.01, 2002.
8. China’sApproach to International Dispute Settlement (中国解决国际争端的实践) (with Hu Minfei), Asian Studies, Hong Kong (香港,亚洲研究) 2002.
9. Uncover the Myth of Free Trade (破除自由贸易的迷思), Du Shu (读书), October 2002.
10. The Implication of China’s WTOAccession on Administrative Governance (中国加入世界贸易组织后对行政管理的影响), Economy and Law(香港, 经济与法律),Vol. 1, 2002
11. Singapore's Experience in EncouragingOutward Investment and Its Exemplary Implications for China (新加坡政府鼓励海外投资的经验对中国的借鉴), Economy and Law (香港, 经济与法律), Vol. 3, 2001
12. “A Study of Regional Instrumentsfor Investment (区域投资法律文件研究), Legal Science (法学), November 2000,Vol.228.
13. A legal analysis of the regulation of banks’ capital adequacy ratio (银行资本充足率监管的法律研究) (with Li Jin),Journal of Zhejiang University, Humanities and Social Sciences Edition (浙江大学学报,人文社科版), October 2000

