2023-05-17 15:59
  • 张尊建
  • 张尊建 - 副教授-中国药科大学-药物科学研究院-个人资料




张尊建,男,1960年6月出生,博士,教授,博士生导师。1983年7月毕业于原南京药学院药物分析专业,获学士学位;1983年8月至1988年8月先后在天津医药工业研究所、徐州医学科学研究所工作;1994年7月博士毕业于中国药科大学药物分析专业后留校工作。先后任中国药科大学分析测试中心副主任、主任、药学院副院长、药物科学研究院院长。现任药物质量与安全预警教育部重点实验室主任、药物一致性评价重点实验室主任、校学位评定委员会委员;兼任国家药典委员会委员,国家食品药品监督管理总局新药与保健食品评审专家,国家发改委药品价格评审专家,中国医药信息学会药物分析信息学专业委员会副主任委员,中国药理学会网络药理学专业委员会常务委员,中国药学会药物分析专业委员会委员,江苏省化学化工学会分析化学专业委员会副主任委员,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine、中国药科大学学报、中草药、药学进展等杂志编委。




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[2]. Zhao H, She XD, Yu XX, Fu JF, Chen Y, Tian Y and Zhang ZJ*. Quantification of iodiconazole by LC-MS/MS, a new topical transdermal cream, in dermatophytosis patients’ plasma,Bioanalysis,2015,7(7):895-905. (SCI, IF 3.003)
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[4]. Wang MR, Li YY, Huang Y, Tian Y, Xu FG* and Zhang ZJ**. Chemomic and chemometric approach based on ultra-fast liquid chromatography with ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry to reveal the difference in the chemical composition between Da-Cheng-Qi decoction and its three constitutional herbal medicines, J of Separation Science, 2014 , 37(9-10):1148-54. (SCI, IF 2.591)
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[6]. Liu G, Tian Y, Li G, Xu L, Song R, Zhang Z*. Metabolism of saikosaponin a in rats: diverse oxidations on the aglycone moiety in liver and intestine in addition to hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds. Drug Metab Dispos, 2013, 41:622–633 (SCI, IF 3.733)
[7]. Bian M, Zhang ZJ* and Yin H. Effects and mechanism characterization of ionic liquids as mobile phase additives for the separation of matrine-type alkaloids by liquid chromatography, J of Pharma & Biomed Anal, 2012, 58:163-167 (SCI, IF 2.947)
[8]. Xu F, Zou L, Liu Y, Zhang Z*, Ong CN*. Enhancement of the capabilities of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with derivatization: General principles and applications, Mass Spectrom Rev, 2011, 30(6):1143-1172 (SCI,IF: 10.46)
[9]. Lin H, Tian Y, Zhang Z*, Wu L, Chen Y. Quantification of piperazine phosphate in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry employing precolumn derivatization with dansyl chloride. Anal Chim Acta. 2010, 664(1):40-48. (SCI, IF 4.387)
[10]. Song R, Xu L, Xu F, Li Z, Tian Y, Zhang Z*. In vivo metabolism study of rhubarb decoction in rat using high-performance liquid chromatography with UV photodiode-array and mass-spectrometric detection: a strategy for systematic analysis of metabolites from traditional Chinese medicines in biological samples. J Chromatogr A, 2010, 1217: 7144–7152 (SCI, IF 4.194)\

