2023-05-17 15:57
  • 魏立彬
  • 魏立彬 - 副教授-中国药科大学-基础医学与临床药学学院-个人资料




魏立彬,女,1986年出生,药理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2014年6月获得中国药科大学药理学专业博士学位,7月留校任教;2016年1月被聘为中国药科大学“特聘副研究员”, 7月晋升为副教授。获得2015年“江苏省优秀博士学位论文”荣誉; 2016年入选江苏省教育厅高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象。




(1)Libin Wei, Yuxin Zhou, Qinsheng Dai, Chen Qiao, Li Zhao, Hui Hui, Na Lu*,Qinglong Guo*. Oroxylin A induces dissociation of hexokinase II from the mitochondria and inhibits glycolysis by SIRT3 mediated deacetylation of cyclophilin D in breast carcinoma. Cell Death & Disease . 2013;18(4):e601 (IF2013=5.177)
(2)Kai Zhao, Yuxin Zhou, Chen Qiao, Ting Ni, Zhiyu Li, Xiaotang Wang, Qinglong Guo, Na Lu*, Libin Wei*. Oroxylin A promotes PTEN-mediated negative regulation of MDM2 transcription via SIRT3-mediated deacetylation to stabilize p53 and inhibit glycolysis in wt-p53 cancer cells. Journal of Hematology & Oncology. 2015 Apr 23;8:41 (IF2015=6.262)
(3)Libin Wei, Yuxin Zhou, Chen Qiao, Ting Ni, Zhiyu Li, Qidong You*, Qinglong Guo* , Na Lu*.Oroxylin A inhibits glycolysis-dependent proliferation of human breast cancer via promoting SIRT3-mediated SOD2 transcription and HIF1α destabilization. Cell Death & Disease.2015. Apr 9;6:e1714 (IF2015=5.378)
(4)Libin Wei, Yuxin Zhou, Jing Yao, Chen Qiao, Ting Ni, Ruichen Guo, Qinglong Guo* and Na Lu*.Lactate promotes PGE2 synthesis and gluconeogenesis in monocytes to benefit the growth of inflammation-associated colorectal tumor. Oncotarget. 2015 Jun 30;6(18):16198-214. (IF2015=5.008)
(5)Libin Wei1, Yuyuan Yao1, Kai Zhao, Yujie Huang, Yuxin Zhou, Li Zhao, Qinglong Guo,* and Na Lu*.Oroxylin A Inhibits Invasion and Migration Through Suppressing ERK/GSK-3b Signaling in Snail-Expressing Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Molecular Carcinogenesis, 2016 Dec;55(12):2121-2134. (IF2016=4.185)
(6)Lin Yang1, Yinan Yuan1, Chengyu Fu, Xuefen Xu, Jieying Zhou, Shuhao Wang, Lingyi Kong, Zhiyu Li, Qinglong Guo*, Libin Wei*. LZ-106, a novel analog of enoxacin, inducing apoptosis via activation of ROS-dependent DNA damage response in NSCLCs. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2016Jun; 95, 155–168. (IF2016=5.965)
(7)Ting Ni1, Zihao He1, Yuanyuan Dai, Jingyue Yao, Qinglong Guo*, and Libin Wei*.Oroxylin A suppresses the development and growth of colorectal cancer through reprogram of HIF1α-modulated fatty acid metabolism. Cell Death and Disease 2017 Jun 8;8(6):e2865 (IF2016=5.965)
(8)Libin Wei1, Yuanyuan Dai1, Yuxin Zhou, Zihao He, Jingyue Yao, Li Zhao, Qinglong Guo*,and Lin Yang*.Oroxylin A activates PKM1/HNF4 alpha to induce hepatoma differentiation and block cancer progression. Cell Death and Disease (2017) 8, e2944 (IF2016=5.965)

