2023-05-17 15:56
  • 王小晟
  • 王小晟 - 副教授-中国药科大学-基础医学与临床药学学院-个人资料




王小晟,男,副教授,博士生导师。2010年获日本京都大学生物信息学博士学位。2010年至2013年在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH/NCI)从事博士后研究工作,2013年至2015年在美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心(UNMC)任讲师。2015年10月加入中国药科大学。作为主要贡献者已发表SCI论文10余篇,有些论文已被国际著名杂志(Cancer Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine)论文所引用。现任CurrentSynthetic & System Biology, JSM BioinformaticsGenomics and Proteomics, American Journal of Cancer Science, Journal of Cancer Sciences等国际杂志编委。为Journal of the National Cancer Institute,Neoplasia, Scientific Reports, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Cancer, Chinese Journal of Cancer等国际杂志审稿专家,The European Research Council Consolidator 基金和The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) 基金评审专家。


生物信息学, 癌症基因组学, 药物信息学,系统生物学,生物统计学


1.Suleyman Vural, Xiaosheng Wang, Chittibabu Guda. Classification of breast cancer patients using somatic mutation profiles and machine learning approaches. BMC Systems Biology, accepted.
2.Xiaosheng Wang, Yue Zhang, Ze-Guang, Kun-Yan He.Malignancy of Cancers and Synthetic Lethal Interactions Associated with Mutations of Cancer Driver Genes. Medicine2016, 95(8): e2697.
3.You Li, Xiaosheng Wang, Suleyman Vural, Nitish Mishra, Kenneth H. Cowan,Chittibabu Guda. Exome analysis reveals differentially mutated gene signatures ofstage, grade, and subtype in breast cancers. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(3): e0119383.
4.Ru Shen, Xiaosheng Wang, Chittibabu Guda. Discovering Distinct FunctionalModules from Cancer Protein-protein Interaction Networks. Biomed ResearchInternational2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/146365.
5.Nalin C. W. Goonesekere, Xiaosheng Wang, Lindsey Ludwig, Chittibabu Guda. A Meta Analysis ofPancreatic Microarray Datasets Yields New Targets as Cancer Genes and Biomarkers.PLoS ONE 2014, 9(4): e93046.
6.Xiaosheng Wang, Chittibabu Guda. Computational analysis of transcriptionalcircuitries in human embryonic stem cells reveals multiple and independent networks.Biomed Research International2014, 2014(1):103-113.
7.Xiaosheng Wang. Identification of Marker genes for Cancer Based on Microarrays Using aComputational Biology Approach. Current Bioinformatics 2014, 9(2):140-146.
8.Xiaosheng Wang, Richard Simon. Identification of potential synthetic lethal genes to p53 using acomputational biology approach. BMC Medical Genomics 2013, 6:30.
9.Xiaosheng Wang. Discovering molecular associations between ageing, stem cell, and cancerbased on gene expression profiling. Chinese Journal of Cancer 2013, doi:10.5732/cjc.012.10114.
10.Xiaosheng Wang. Robust Two-gene Classifiers for Cancer Prediction. Genomics 2012, 99(2):90-95.
11.Xiaosheng Wang. Computational Analysis of Expression of Human Embryonic StemCell-associated Signatures in Tumors. BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:471.
12.Xiaosheng Wang, Richard Simon. Microarray-based Cancer Prediction Using Single Genes. BMCBioinformatics 2011, 12:391.
13.Xiaosheng Wang, Osamu Gotoh. Accurate Molecular Classification of Cancer Using SimpleRules. BMC Medical Genomics 2009, 2:64

