2023-05-17 15:50
  • 惠慧
  • 惠慧 - 副研究员-中国药科大学-基础医学与临床药学学院-个人资料






Oroxylin A,a natural compound, mitigates the negative effects of TNFα-treated acute myelogenous leukemia cells, Li Hui ; Lu Na ; Yu Xiaoxuan; Liu Xiao; Hu Po; Zhu Yu; Shen Le; Xu Jingyan; Li Zhiyu; Guo Qinglong* ;Hui Hui*. Carcinogenesis. 2018 Jan 13. (IF2017=5.105)
PLSCR1/IP3R1/Ca2+ axis contributes to differentiation of primary AML cells induced by wogonoside. Li H, Xu J, Zhou Y, Liu X, Shen LE, Zhu YU, Li Z, Wang X, Guo Q*, Hui H*. Cell Death Dis. 2017 May 11;8(5):e2768. (IF2017=5.965)
Oroxylin A inhibits the generation of Tregs in non-small cell lung cancer.Shen L, Zhang LL, Li H, Liu X, Yu XX, Hu P, Hui H*, Guo QL*, Zhang S*. Oncotarget. 2017 Jul 25;8(30):49395-49408. (IF2017=5.168)
Oroxylin A, a natural anticancer flavonoid compound, induces differentiation of t(8;21)-positive Kasumi-1 and primary acute myeloid leukemia cells. Hui H, Zhang X, Li H, Liu X, Shen L, Zhu Y, Xu J*, Guo Q*, Lu N*. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2016 Jul; 142(7):1449-59. (IF2015=3.141)
Hui Li,Hui Hui(co-contributing author),Jingyan Xu,Hao Yang,Xiaoxiao Zhang,Xiao Li
u,Yuxin Zhou,Zhiyu Li,Qinglong Guo*,Na Lu*. Wogonoside induces growth inhibition and cell cycle arrest via promoting the expression and binding activity of GATA-1 in chronic myelogenous leukemia cells. Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1507–1522. (IF2015= 6.637)
Chen Y, Hui H(co-contributing author), Li Z, Wang HM, You QD, Lu N*.Gambogic acid induces growth inhibition and differentiation via upregulation of p21waf1/cip1 expression in acute myeloid leukemia cells. J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2014 Oct;16(10):1000-8. (IF2013=1.642)
Hui H, Yang H, Dai Q, Wang Q, Yao J, Zhao K, Guo Q*, Lu N*.Oroxylin A inhibits ATRA-induced IL-6 expression involved in retinoic acid syndrome by down-regulating CHOP. Gene. 2014 Nov 10;551(2):230-5. (IF2013=2.082)
Yang H, Hui H(co-contributing author),Wang Q, Li H, Zhao K, Zhou Y, Zhu Y, Wang X, You Q, Guo Q, Lu N. Wogonin induces cell cycle arrest and erythroid differentiation in imatinib-resistant K562 cells and primary CML cells. Oncotarget. 2014 Sep 30;5(18):8188-201. (IF2013=6.627)
Hui Hui, Yan Chen, Hao Yang, Kai Zhao, Qian Wang, Li Zhao, Xiaotang Wang, Zhiyu Li, Na Lu, and Qinglong Guo*, Oroxylin A has therapeutic potential in acute myelogenous leukemia by dual effects targeting PPARγ and RXRα. International journal of cancer, 134(5): 1195-206, 2014. (IF2013=6.198)
Yan Chen, Hui Hui(co-contributing author), Hao Yang, Kai Zhao, Yan Su Qin, Cong Gu, Tang xiao Wang, Lu Na, and Long qing Guo*, Wogonoside induces cell cycle arrest and differentiation by increasing expression and influencing subcellular localization of PLSCR1 in AML cells, Blood, 121(18), 3682-91, 2013 (IF2013=9.06)
Na Lu, Hui Hui(co-contributing author), Hao Yang, Kai Zhao, Yan Chen, Qi-Dong You, Qing-Long Guo*, Gambogic Acid inhibits angiogenesis through inhibiting PHD2-VHL-HIF-1α pathway, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 49(2), 220-6, 2013 (IF2013=2.987)

