2023-05-22 16:10
  • 赵敬忠
  • 赵敬忠 - 教授-西安理工大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




二、受教育及经历: 2000/09-2006/03,西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士 1988/09-1991/05,西北轻工业学院,硅酸盐工程系,硕士 1981/09-1985/06,西北轻工业学院,硅酸盐工程系,学士 三、研究工作经历: 2007/01-至今,西安理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授 2009/03-2009/06,弗吉尼亚理工大学,材料科学与工程系,访问学者 1998/01-2006/12,西安理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授 1991/05-1997/12,机械工业部西安电炉研究所,第五研究室,工程师




1) Jingzhong Zhao, Chengguo Zhang, Chenyan Hu, Kathy Lu. Effect of thermal treatment on TiO2varistor properties in different atmospheres, the European Ceramic Society, in press, 2017 2) Man Yao, Jingzhong Zhao, Shanshan Lv, Kathy Lu. Preparation and hydrogenation of urchin-like titania using a one-step, Ceramics International 43, 6925–6931, 2017 3) YuanWu, JingzhongZhao, YangLi, KathyLu. Preparation and freezing behavior of TiO2nanoparticle suspensions, Ceramics International 42, 15597–15602, 2016 4) Jingzhong Zhao, Yi He, Lei Zhang, Kathy Lu. Preparation of porous TiO2powder with mesoporous structure by freeze-drying method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 678, 36−41, 2016 5) Jingzhong Zhao, Lei Zhang, Weiqiang Xing, Kathy Lu.A Novel Method To Prepare B/N Codoped Anatase TiO2, Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 119, 7732−7737, 2015 6) Zhao Jingzhong, Bai Yang, Zhang Kuna, Lin Ye, Kathy Lu.Preparation of separated and openend TiO2nanotubes , Ceramics International, 41, 7235–7240, 2015 7) Jingzhong Zhao, Weiqiang Xing, Yang Li, Kathy Lu.Solvothermal synthesis and visible light absorption of anatase TiO2, Materials Letters, 145, 332–335, 2015 8) Jingzhong Zhao, BoxueWang, KathyLu. Influence of Ta2O5doping and microwave sintering on TiO2-based varistor properties, Ceramics International, 40, 14229–14234, 2014 9) Kathy Lu, Jingzhong Zhao.Focused Ion Beam Lithography and Anodization Combined Nanopore Patterning. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,10(10), 6760−6768, 2010 10) Kathy Lu, Jingzhong Zhao. Equiaxed zinc oxide nanoparticle synthesis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 160, 788−793, 2010 11) Jingzhong Zhao,Huiping Chai, Fajian Zhang. Formation of Al2O3/Al Composites by Directed Melt Oxidation of Al-Si-Zn Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 19(1), 46−51, 2010

