2023-05-17 14:55
  • 董明哲
  • 董明哲 - 兼职教授 硕导-中国石油大学(华东)-石油工程学院-个人资料






1. 国家重大专项:鄂南长7页岩油流动机理及数值模拟技术研究(负责人),研究期限:2017-2018
2. 国家科技重大专项:压裂水平井产能预测技术及系统模块开发(技术首席),研究期限:2016-2018
3. 国家能源页岩油研发中心开发课题:页岩油储集性能实验评价方法(负责人),研究期限:2016-2017
4. 中石化石油勘探开发研究院:超临界CO2与鄂南长7页岩油作用机理分析测试(负责人),研究期限:2016-2017
5. 国家973项目:陆相页岩油储集性能与流动机理(课题长),研究期限:2014-2018
6. 国家自然科学基金项目:油气水三相微观-连续介质三维流动模拟研究(负责人),研究期限:2013-2017
7. 高学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类):注溶剂提高稠油采收率的微观-连续介质模拟研究(负责人),研究期限:2012-2014
8. 中石化科技部先导项目:页岩气渗流机理及有效动用条件研究(负责人),研究期限:2013-2015
9. 胜利油田地质院:非均相复合驱渗流机理研究(负责人),研究期限:2011-2013
10. 中石化先导项目:薄层稠油油藏化学驱提高采收率技术研究(负责人),研究期限:2012-2013
11. 胜利油田地质院:聚合物驱后油藏化学驱进一步提高采收率合理技术政策界限研究(负责人),研究期限:2012-2014
12. 国家自然科学基金项目:粘度变化对稠油相对渗透率曲线的影响机制研究,研究期限:2013-2017
13. 国家自然科学基金项目:缝洞型介质等效连续模型油水两相流动模拟理论研究,研究期限:2013-2016
14. 国家自然科学基金项目:超临界CO2微乳液体系的构筑及其驱油机理研究,研究期限:2013-2016

Dong, M. and Dullien, F.A.L., Chapter 10 Porous Media Flows, Multiphase Flow Handbook, Clayton T. Crowe (ed.), CRC Press, August 2005.
(1)董明哲,朱超凡,宫厚健,李亚军,李彦超,尹丛彬. 一种测量页岩中二氧化碳与烷烃竞争吸附量的装置及方法. 发明专利,申请号:201710217976.8.
(2)宫厚健,朱腾,董明哲,李亚军,徐龙,张涛,胡航,张烈,邢瑞,宋晓丹. 测量超临界二氧化碳微乳液相行为和密度的装置及其方法. 发明专利,申请号:201610186363.8.
(3)宫厚健,朱腾,董明哲,李亚军,徐龙,桑茜,张涛,李康宁,胡航,张烈. 一种由阴-非两性离子表面活性剂形成的超临界CO2微乳液. 发明专利,申请号:201610171971.1.
(4)董明哲,朱腾,陈掌星,刘梅,宫厚健,李亚军,张涛,杨泽皓,寇明明,李伟. 一种高温高压下超临界二氧化碳毛细管粘度计及使用方法. 发明专利,申请号:201610179563.0.
(5)董明哲,朱腾,陈掌星,郭春清,宫厚健,李亚军,张涛,徐龙,石晓莉,刘月宁.一种超临界二氧化碳相平衡仪及其使用方法. 发明专利,申请号:201610186282.8.
(6)宫厚健,徐龙,董明哲,李亚军,桑茜,朱腾,李康宁. 一种粘弹性纳米乳液及其制备方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510916973.4.
(7)宫厚健,徐龙,董明哲,李亚军,桑茜,朱腾,李康宁. 适合于高温高盐油藏的生物胶和表面活性剂复合驱油体系. 发明专利,申请号:201510925450.6.
(8)宫厚健,王步娥,徐龙,董明哲,李亚军,桑茜,朱腾. 一种纳米乳液用毛细管束流动测量装置及测量方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510629445.0.
(9)徐龙,董明哲,王步娥,宫厚健,李亚军,桑茜,朱腾. 一种纳米乳液用多孔介质流动测量装置及测量方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510628727.9.
(10)董明哲,王步娥,李亚军,王金杰,桑茜,宫厚健. 一种煤页岩中气体动态流动-吸附的等温恒压实验装置及方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510200875.0.
(11)李亚军, 董明哲, 宫厚健, 王金杰, 桑茜. 煤页岩中气体动态解吸-流动的等温恒压实验装置. 发明专利,申请号:20151014594.9.
(12)李亚军,董明哲,苏玉亮,李康宁,宫厚健,桑茜,潘滨. 测量低渗透岩心渗透率的装置及方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510420218.7.
(13)董明哲,杨泽皓, 王卫红,王步娥,宫厚健,李亚军,张少杰,徐龙,朱腾, 测定致密岩心径向渗透率的装置及方法. 发明专利,申请号:ZL201410438118.2.
(14)董明哲,宫厚健,李亚军,用于碱驱地层水中钙镁沉淀物絮凝分离的装置. 发明专利,申请号:201410391835.4.
(15)董明哲,李亚军,宫厚健. 用于油包水乳状液的油水分离装置及其方法. 发明专利,申请号:201410378055.6.
(16)董明哲,宫厚健,李亚军,李爱芬,田伟. 用于碱驱后稠油乳液破乳的方法. 发明专利,申请号:ZL201210478066.2.
(17)孙晓飞,张艳玉,董明哲,林承焰,方潇. 一种评价泡沫油生成有效性的装置及方法. 发明专利,申请号:CN104965062A.
(18)于龙,董明哲,李亚军,宫厚健,桑茜,一种用于驱油的平面可视化填砂模型. 实用新型发明专利:CN203499660U.
(19)桑茜,董明哲,于龙,李亚军,宫厚健,一种用于驱替实验的刻蚀填砂微观玻璃模型. 实用新型发明专利:CN203499659U.
(20)李亚军,于龙,董明哲,宫厚健,桑茜,一种用于驱替微观实验的玻璃模型. 实用新型发明专利:CN203515528U.

每年定期组织带领课题组参加国际高级别学术会议(SPE,Unconventional Resource,Heavy Oil,Colloid Chemistry)。




(1) Cui, J.; Sang, Q.; Li, Y.; Yin, C.; Li, Y.; Dong, M. Liquid permeability of organic nanopores in shale: Calculation and analysis. Fuel, 2017, 202, 426-434.
(2) Li, Y.; Xu, L., Gong, H., Ding, B.; Dong, M.; Li, Y. A Microbial Exopolysaccharide Produced by Sphingomonas Species for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery at High Temperature and High Salinity. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 3960-3969.
(3) Gong, H., Li, Y., Dong, M., Zhu, T., Yu, L.. Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery by Organic Alkali Combinational Flooding Solutions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2017, 38, 551-557.
(4) Wang, J.; Dong, M.; Yang, Z.; Gong, H.; Li, Y. Investigation of Methane Desorption and Its Effect on the Gas Production Process from Shale: Experimental and Mathematical Study. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 205-216.
(1) Dai, L.; Cheng, G.; Dong, M.; Zhang, Y. The Influence of Vibratory Excitation on the Oil Slug Mobilization in a Capillary Model. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 2016, 5, 1-12
(2) Gong, H.; Li, Y.; Dong, M.; Ma, S.; Liu, W. Effect of wettability alteration on enhanced heavy oil recovery by alkaline flooding. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 488, 28-35.
(3) Gong, H.; Xu, L.; Zhu, T.;, Xu, G.; Shi, X.; Dong, M.; Li, Y. Interactions between pluronic block polyether and CTAB at air/water interface: interfacial dilational rheology study. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2016, 294(10), 1577-1584.
(4) Ji, D.; Yang, S.; Zhong, H.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z.; Zhong, L. Re-Examination of Fingering in SAGD and ES-SAGD. SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 2016, 2016; Society of Petroleum Engineers.
(5) Li, Y.; Gong, H.; Dong, M.; Liu, Y. Separation of water-in-heavy oil emulsions using porous particles in a coalescence column. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 166, 148-156.
(6) Long Long, Li Yajun, Dong Mingzhe. Liquid–Liquid Flow in Irregular Triangular Capillaries Under Different Wettabilities and Various Viscosity Ratios. Transport in Porous Media, 2016, 115(1), 79-100.
(7) Long Long, Yajun L. I., Mingzhe Dong, Aiming Lü. Optimization of Well Spacing Ratio of Injection Production Wells in Low Permeability Anisotropic Reservoir. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2016, 12(1), 40-46.
(8) Sang, Q.; Li, Y.; Yang, Z.; Zhu, C.; Yao, J.; Dong, M. Experimental investigation of gas production processes in shale. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016, 159, 30-47.
(9) Sang, Q.; Li, Y.; Zhu, C.; Zhang, S.;, Dong, M. Experimental investigation of shale gas production with different pressure depletion schemes. Fuel, 2016, 186, 293-304.
(10) Sun, X.; Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, M. In Tilte, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 2016, 2016; Society of Petroleum Engineers.
(11) Wang, J.; Wang, B.; Li, Y.; Yang, Z.; Gong, H.; Dong, M. Measurement of dynamic adsorption–diffusion process of methane in shale. Fuel, 2016, 172, 37-48.
(12) Wang, J.; Yang, Z.; Dong, M.; Gong, H.; Sang, Q.; Li, Y. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Gas Adsorption/Desorption–Diffusion Process in Shale. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, 10080–10091.
(13) Wei, M.; Duan, Y.; Dong, M.; Fang, Q. Blasingame decline type curves with material balance pseudo-time modified for multi-fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 31, 340-350.
(14) Yang, Z.; Dong, M.; Zhang, S.; Gong, H.; Li, Y.; Long, F. A method for determining transverse permeability of tight reservoir cores by radial pressure pulse decay measurement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2016, 121, 7054-7070
(15) Yang, Z.; Wang, W.; Dong, M.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Gong, H.; Sang, Q. A model of dynamic adsorption–diffusion for modeling gas transport and storage in shale. Fuel, 2016, 173, 115-128.
(16) Zhang, H.; Chen, G.; Dong, M.; Zhao, S.; Liang, Z. Evaluation of Different Factors on Enhanced Oil Recovery of Heavy Oil Using Different Alkali Solutions. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(5), 3860-3869.
(17) Zhou, W.; Chen, S.; Dong, M. Novel insights on initial water mobility: Its effects on steam-assisted gravity drainage performance. Fuel, 2016, 174, 274-286.
(18) 于龙,李亚军,宫厚健,桑茜,李康宁,董明哲,非均质油层聚合物驱后粘弹性支化预交联凝胶颗粒驱提高采收率技术,油气地质与采收率,2016,23, 113-118
(19) 焦红岩, 董明哲, 张戈, 李亚军. 低渗透油藏长压裂缝井网注水开发渗流特征研究. 西安石油大学学报:自然科学版 2016, 31, 90-95
(20) 李亚军,李康宁,苏玉亮,宫厚健,董明哲,潘滨. 低渗多孔介质单相液体稳定流动特征实验研究. 科学技术与工程, 2016,11, 49-53.
(21) 杨泽皓,宫厚健,李亚军,桑茜,董明哲. 页岩中气体流动规律数值模拟研究[J]. 中国科技论文, 2016, 05, 527-532.
(22) 王金杰,李亚军,尚胜祥,李康宁,董明哲. 四川盆地下侏罗统页岩吸附扩散动态实验研究. 中国科技论文, 2016, 11, 1228-1234.
(23) 龙隆,李亚军,宫厚健,董明哲,吕爱民. 基于油藏工程方法的低渗透油藏合理注采系统研究. 中国科技论文, 2016, 15, 1687-1692.
(24) 李康宁,宫厚健,王冲,李润虎,龙菲菲,董明哲. N2对CO2最小混相压力的影响. 断块油气田,2016,06:763-767.
(1) Yang, J., Dong, Z.; Dong, M.; Yang, Z.; Lin, M.; Zhang, J., Chen, C. Wettability Alteration during Low-Salinity Waterflooding and the Relevance of Divalent Ions in This Process. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 30, 72-79.
(2) Zhou, W.; Dong, M.; Chen, S. Investigation of initial water mobility and its effects on SAGD performance in bitumen reservoirs and oil sands. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2015, 135, 39-49.
(3) Yang, Z.; Sang, Q.; Dong, M.; Zhang, S.; Li, Y.; Gong, H. A modified pressure-pulse decay method for determining permeabilities of tight reservoir cores. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2015, 27, 236-246.
(4) Xu, L.; Gong, H.; Dong, M.; Li, Y. Rheological properties and thickening mechanism of aqueous diutan gum solution: Effects of temperature and salts. Carbohydrate polymers 2015, 132, 620-629.
(5) Xu, L.; Dong, M.; Gong, H.; Sun, M.; Li, Y. Effects of inorganic cations on the rheology of aqueous welan, xanthan, gellan solutions and their mixtures. Carbohydrate polymers 2015, 121, 147-154.
(6) Wang, S.; Dong, M. Modeling of multistep drainage process using the extended interactive tube-bundle model. Journal of Porous Media 2015, 18 (2).
(7) Wang, J.; Dong, M.; Li, Y.; Gong, H. Prediction of nitrogen diluted CO2 minimum miscibility pressure for EOR and storage in depleted oil reservoirs. Fuel, 2015, 162, 55-64.
(8) Sun, X.; Dong, M.; Zhang, Y.; Maini, B. B. Enhanced heavy oil recovery in thin reservoirs using foamy oil-assisted methane huff-n-puff method. Fuel 2015, 159, 962-973.
(9) Ji, D.; Zhong, H.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z. Study of heat transfer by thermal expansion of connate water ahead of a steam chamber edge in the steam-assisted-gravity-drainage process. Fuel 2015, 150, 592-601.
(10) Ji, D.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z. Analysis of steam–solvent–bitumen phase behavior and solvent mass transfer for improving the performance of the ES-SAGD process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2015.
(11) 于龙; 李亚军; 宫厚健; 桑茜; 王金杰; 董明哲; 董小钰 支化预交联凝胶颗粒封堵性能与调剖能力评价. 油气地质与采收率 2015, 22 (5), 107-112.
(12) 杨泽皓; 董明哲; 宫厚健; 李亚军; 徐龙 测量页岩径向渗透率和孔隙度的新方法. 石油学报 2015, 36 (4), 482-489.
(13) 王金杰; 李亚军; 宫厚健; 李润虎; 董明哲 聚合物驱与多元驱替微观实验对比与机理研究. 油田化学 2015, 3, 018.
(14) 任亭亭; 宫厚健; 桑茜; 李亚军; 董明哲 聚驱后 B-PPG 与 HPAM 非均相复合驱提高采收率技术. 西安石油大学学报: 自然科学版 2015, 30 (5), 54-58.
(15) 董明哲; 杨泽皓; 李亚军; 宫厚健; 赵心仪 测量天然气在稠油中扩散系数的新方法. 天然气工业 2015, 35 (11), 45-53.
(16) 曹绪龙; 李振泉; 宫厚健; 董明哲; 李亚军 加拿大稠油聚合物驱研究进展及应用. 油田化学 2015, 3, 030.
(1) Xu, L.; Xu, G.; Yu, L.; Gong, H.; Dong, M.; Li, Y. The displacement efficiency and rheology of welan gum for enhanced heavy oil recovery. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 2014, 25 (10), 1122-1129.
(2) Xu, L.; Xu, G.; Gong, H.; Dong, M.; Li, Y.; Zhou, Y. Foam properties and stabilizing mechanism of sodium fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether sulfate-welan gum composite systems. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2014, 456, 176-183.
(3) Shu, G.; Dong, M.; Chen, S.; Luo, P. Improvement of CO2 EOR performance in water-wet reservoirs by adding active carbonated water. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 121, 142-148.
(4) Shams, M. M.; Dong, M.; Mahinpey, N. Viscosity and rheological behavior of microbubbles in capillary tubes. AIChE Journal 2014, 60 (7), 2660-2669.
(5) Shams, M. M.; Dong, M.; Mahinpey, N. Friction factor of microbubbles in capillary tubes at low Reynolds numbers. Chemical Engineering Science 2014, 112, 72-78.
(6) Sang, Q.; Li, Y.; Yu, L.; Li, Z.; Dong, M. Enhanced oil recovery by branched-preformed particle gel injection in parallel-sandpack models. Fuel 2014, 136, 295-306.
(7) Gong, H.; Xu, L.; Xu, G.; Dong, M.; Li, Y. Effect of PEO-PPO-ph-PPO-PEO and PPO-PEO-ph-PEO-PPO on the Rheological and EOR Properties of Polymer Solutions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53 (12), 4544-4553.
(8) Dong, M.; Gong, H.; Tian, W.; Li, Y. Separation of water from high ph water-in-heavy oil emulsions using low pressure CO2. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53 (31), 12216-12223.
(9) 于龙; 李亚军; 宫厚健; 任亭亭; 董明哲 支化预交联凝胶颗粒驱油机理可视化实验研究. 断块油气田 2014, 21 (5), 656-659.
(10) 于龙; 宫厚健; 李亚军; 桑茜; 董明哲 非均质油层黏弹性凝胶颗粒提高采收率机理研究. 科学技术与工程 2014, (17), 59-63.
(11) 徐龙; 宫厚健; 李亚军; 张青茹; 董明哲 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠/疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺复合体系提高稠油采收率机理. 油田化学 2014, 3, 023.
(12) 焦红岩; 董明哲; 肖淑明; 全宏 低渗透油田加密调整注采井距适配新方法. 油气田地面工程 2014, 33 (10), 15-16.
(13) 焦红岩; 董明哲; 刘仲伟; 靳彦欣; 韩旭 水环境下甲烷在不同润湿性石英表面吸附行为的分子动力学模拟. 中国石油大学学报: 自然科学版 2014, 38 (5), 178-183.
(1) Zhou, X.; Dong, M.; Maini, B. The dominant mechanism of enhanced heavy oil recovery by chemical flooding in a two-dimensional physical model. Fuel 2013, 108, 261-268.
(2) Wang, X.; Dong, M.; Zhou, W. In Polymer/Gel Enhanced Foam Flood for Improving Post-Waterflood Heavy Oil Recovery, SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, Society of Petroleum Engineers: 2013.
(3) Jamaloei, B. Y.; Dong, M.; Yang, P.; Yang, D.; Mahinpey, N. Impact of solvent type and injection sequence on Enhanced Cyclic Solvent Process (ECSP) for thin heavy oil reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2013, 110, 169-183.
(4) Guo, Z.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z.; Yao, J. A fast and effective method to evaluate the polymer flooding potential for heavy oil reservoirs in Western Canada. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013, 112, 335-340.
(1) Zhang, H.; Dong, M.; Zhao, S. Experimental study of the interaction between NaOH, surfactant, and polymer in reducing court heavy oil/brine interfacial tension. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26 (6), 3644-3650.
(2) Yadali Jamaloei, B.; Dong, M.; Mahinpey, N.; Maini, B. B. Enhanced cyclic solvent process (ECSP) for heavy oil and bitumen recovery in thin reservoirs. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26 (5), 2865-2874.
(3) Wang, S.; Dong, M.; Yao, J. A Model for Direct Estimation of Wetting Phase Relative Permeabilities Using a Multistep Drainage Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012, 51 (47), 15472-15483.
(4) Wang, J.; Dong, M.; Yao, J. Calculation of relative permeability in reservoir engineering using an interacting triangular tube bundle model. Particuology 2012, 10 (6), 710-721.
(5) Guo, Z.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z.; Yao, J. Dominant scaling groups of polymer flooding for enhanced heavy oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012, 52 (2), 911-921.
(6) Dong, M.; Liu, Q.; Li, A. Displacement mechanisms of enhanced heavy oil recovery by alkaline flooding in a micromodel. Particuology 2012, 10 (3), 298-305.
(7) Dong, M.; Li, Z.; Li, S.; Yao, J. Permeabilities of tight reservoir cores determined for gaseous and liquid CO2 and C2H6 using minimum backpressure method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2012, 5, 1-5.
(8) Chan, S.; Chen, Z.; Dong, M. Experimental and numerical study of initial water mobility in bitumen reservoirs and its effect on SAGD. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2012, 92, 30-39.
(1) Wu, Y.; Dong, M.; Shirif, E. Study of alkaline/polymer flooding for heavy-oil recovery using channeled sandpacks. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2011, 14 (03), 310-319.
(2) Wang, J.; Dong, M. Trapping of the non-wetting phase in an interacting triangular tube bundle model. Chemical Engineering Science 2011, 66 (3), 250-259.
(3) Dong, M.; Wu, Y.; Li, A. In Sweep efficiency improvement by alkaline flooding for pelican lake heavy oil, Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, Society of Petroleum Engineers: 2011.
(1) Dongqi Ji, Sheng Yang, He Zhong, Mingzhe Dong, Zhangxin Chen, Liguo Zhong, Re-Examination of Fingering in SAGD and ES-SAGD, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 7-9 June, 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(2) Xiaofei Sun, Mingzhe Dong, Yangyu Zhang, Mingzhong Li, A new foamy oil-assisted methane huff-n-puff method for enhanced heavy oil recovery in thin reservoirs, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 7-9 June, 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(3) Yajun Li, Shaojie Zhang, Mingzhe Dong, Houjian Gong, Qian Sang and Jiangfeng Cui, Stress Sensitivity of Microfractures on Tight Matrix Permeability and Its Effect on Production, 8th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, 2016.5.9-12,Cincinnati,America
(4) Shaojie Zhang, Qian Sang, Mingzhe Dong, Yajun Li and Houjian Gong, Effect of the bedding on the evolution of shale matrix permeability, 8th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, 2016.5.9-12,Cincinnati, America
(5) Jinjie Wang, Xu Dong, Feifei Long, Yajun Li, Experimental measurement and mathematical model for intrinsic permeability of tight rocks and shale at low pressure, 2016. 4. 12-15, St. Petersburg, Russia
(6) Qian Sang, Yajun Li, Chaofan Zhu and Mingzhe Dong, Study of mechanisms of gas production in shale, Low Permeability Media and Nanoporous Materials From Characterisation to Modelling, 2015. 6. 9-11, Rueil-Malmaison, France
(7) Yajun Li, Zehao Yang, Mingzhe Dong, Houjian Gong and Qian Sang, A modified pressure-pulse decay approach for determining permeability of unconventional cores, Low Permeability Media and Nanoporous Materials From Characterisation to Modelling, 2015. 6. 9-11, Rueil-Malmaison, France
(8) Xu, L.; Dong, M.; Gong, H.; Bakhit, H.; Li, Y. The Third International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics. 2015.07. 07-09, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
(9) Gong, H.; Dong, M.; Ren, T.; Yu, L.; Li,Y. Further Enhanced Oil Recovery by HPAM/B-PPG Combination Injection After Tertiary Polymer Flooding, 3rd International symposium on Energy challenges and mechanics, 2015.7.7-9,Aberdeen,Scotland,UK
(10) Bin Pan, Yajun Li, Mingzhe Dong, Measurement of gas storage process in shale using a new dynamic method, Asia Pacific Oil &Gas Conference and Exhibition, Bali Island, 20-22 October, 2015
(11) Dong, M.; Zhou, W. Determination and modelling of the mobility of connate water in oil sands under initial reservoir conditions, the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Avignon, France, 8-11 September, 2014.
(12) Xu, L.; Gong, H.; Dong, M. Rheological Properties of Welan, Xanthan, Gellan and Their Mixtures: Effects of Inorganic Salts, International EOR Conference, Beijing, 17-19 June, 2014.
(13) Sang, Q.; Li, Y.; Dong, M. Experimental Investigation of Tight Gas Radial Flow in Dual-porosity Media, International EOR Conference, Beijing, 17-19 June, 2014.
(14) Zhou, W. Dong, M. Polymer/Gel Enhanced Foam Flooding for Improving Post-Waterflood Heavy Oil Recovery, SPE 165430, SPE Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, Canada, 11-13 June 2013.
(15) Wetting characteristics on patterned surfaces by Lattice-Boltzmann method, 2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, December 14 -16, 2012.
(16) Chen, Tao, Dong, Effects of Wettability Alternation Simulation by Lattice Boltamann in Porous Media, the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysis, Aberdeen, UK, 27-30 August, 2012.
(17) Faradonbeh, Dong, Harding, Abedi, CO2-Assisted Solvent Recovery in Solvent Extraction of Bitumen from Oil Sands - Phase Behavior Study of the C02-Naphtha System, 62th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Oct 14-17, 2012.
(18) 龙隆,宫厚健,李亚军,董明哲,吕爱民,低渗透油藏井网密度和井距的研究,第四届国际非常规油气大会,2015,08,重庆.
(19) 徐龙,宫厚健,董明哲.无机盐对O/W纳米乳液流变性及其在多孔介质中流动的影响.中国化学会第十五届胶体与界面化学会议. 2015. 07,武汉.
(20) 宫厚健,李康宁,于龙,董明哲,李亚军,聚驱后提高采收率方法研究,中国化学会第十五届胶体与界面化学会议,2015.07.17-21, 武汉
(21) 徐龙,李亚军,李立涛,桑茜,宫厚健,董明哲. PPG非均相体系在多孔介质中的渗流规律. 第十二届全国渗流力学学术会议,2013.08.07-09, 青岛.
(22) 宫厚健,周广卿,徐龙,张青茹,董明哲,李亚军,有机碱复合驱提高稠油油藏采收率研究,中国化学会第十四届胶体与界面化学会议,2013.07, 长春.
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