2023-05-17 14:06
  • 魏建华
  • 魏建华 - 教授-中国人民大学-物理学系-个人资料




1990.7-1994.6 山东大学物理学院本科生\r
1994.7-1999.6 山东大学物理学院硕博连读研究生\r
1999.7-2000.7 山东大学物理学院,讲师\r
2000.8-2007.7 山东大学物理学院,副教授\r
2007.8-2009.7 中国人民大学物理系,副教授\r
2009.8至今 中国人民大学物理系,教授博士生导师\r
2000.7-2001.7 韩国首尔国立大学物理系,博士后\r
2003.7-2004.7 香港城市大学物理系,访问学者\r
2004.8-2005.7 香港科技大学化学系,高级访问学者\r
2007.1-2007.7 香港科技大学物理系,高级访问学者\r
2012.6-2012.9 德国哈雷-维滕贝格大学,高级访问学者


1. 量子杂质模型的精确计算方法发展及应用。我们对量子开放系统发展了一套非微扰的密度矩阵级联运动方程组,可求解不同温度和不同关联强度下非平衡量子多体问题。目前该计算方法正被用于精确求解量子多杂质模型,并且在多量子点系统中得到了应用。\r
2. 量子点中的多体效应。我们采用非微扰密度矩阵级联运动方程组系统研究单量子点、双量子点和三量子点中的多体效应,包括Kondo效应、多体隧穿、自旋规范场效应、手性自旋态、拓扑霍尔效应等已知效应以及其它可能被揭示的新效应。"


1、Y. D. Wang, Z. G. Zhu, J. H. Wei and Y. J. Yan (2020): Bias-induced chiral current and geometrical blockade in triangular triple quantum dot, EPL, 130 (2020) 17003. \r
2、Y. D. Wang, J. H. Wei, and Y. J. Yan (2020): Current-induced effective Dzyaloshinskii– Moriya interaction and its Kondo enhancement in double quantum dot, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 164113. \r
3、Y. X. Cheng, Z. H. Li, J. H. Wei, H. G. Luo, H. Q. Lin, and Y. J. Yan (2020): Kondo resonance assisted thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated quantum dots, Sci China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 63, 297811. \r
4、Y. X. Cheng, Z. H. Li, J. H. Wei, Y. H. Nie and Y. J. Yan (2018): Transient dynamics of a quantum-dot: From Kondo regime to mixed valence and to empty orbital regimes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 134111. \r
5、Z. H. Li, Y. X. Cheng, J. H. Wei, X. Zheng, and Y. J. Yan (2018): Kondo-peak splitting and resonance enhancement caused by interdot tunneling in coupled double quantum dots, Physical Review B 98, 115133. \r
6、Y. X. Cheng, Y. D. Wang, J. H. Wei, Z. G. Zhu, and Y. J. Yan (2017): Long-range exchange interaction in triple quantum dots in the Kondo regime, Physical Review B 95, 155417. \r
7、Y. D. Wang, J. H. Ni, and J. H. Wei (2017): Precise simulation of single-hole spin control in quantum dots, Physical Review B 96, 245426. \r
8、W. J. Hou, Y. D. Wang, J. H. Wei, and Y. J. Yan (2017): Manipulation of Pauli spin blockade in double quantum dot systems, The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 224304. \r
9. Y. X. Cheng, W. J. Hou, Y. D. Wang, Z. H. Li, J. H. Wei and Y. J. Yan (2015): Time-dependent transport through quantum-impurity systems with Kondo resonance, New Journal of Physics 17, 033009. \r
10. Z. H. Li, N. H. Tong, X. Zheng, D. Hou, J. H. Wei, J. Hu and Y. J. Yan (2012): Hierarchical Liouville-space approach for accurate and universal characterization of quantum impurity systems, Physical Review Letters 109, 266403.\r
11. D. Hou, J. H. Wei and S. J. Xie (2011): Gapped ferromagnetic graphene nanoribbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13, 13202.\r
12. J. H. Wei, D. Hou and X. R. Wang (2010): Ferromagnetic insulator induced by Peierls instability at orbital order transition. New Journal of Physics 12, 053021.\r
13. J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, S. J. Xie and Yijing Yan (2009): Spin blockage in organic spintronics. Journal Of Chemical Physics 131, 064906.\r
14. J. H. Wei, Y. L. Gao and X. R. Wang (2009): Inverse square-root field dependence of conductivity in organic field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters 94, 073301.\r
15. J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, J. Berakdar, and YiJing Yan (2008): Pathways of polaron and bipolaron transport in DNA double strands. Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 165101.

