2023-05-17 12:27
  • 傅泽田
  • 傅泽田 - 教授 博导硕导-中国农业大学-工学院-个人资料




目前主要从事国家科技支撑计划“基层农村综合信息服务技术集成与应用”、欧盟Asia IT & C“应用信息技术提升蔬菜供应链管理”、欧盟FP6“发展与集成新技术以提升冷冻食品质量与供应链安全”、国家863项目“生鲜农产品质量安全可追溯系统研究与示范”、“农业病虫害远程诊断技术研究与示范”、国家自然科学基金项目“基于WSN的冷链物流中水产品质量安全监测方法与应用”、“蔬菜病害视频的声像聚类方法与自动语义标注模型研究”、北京市教委科学研究共建项目“农业信息服务关键技术与平台集成研究”、科技部农业科技成果转化与推广项目“乳品质量安全检测及追溯体系中试与示范”、天津市农业科技成果转化与推广项目“动物源性食品质量安全可追溯系统研究与示范”农业部高技术重点项目“智能化农业信息技术研究与应用”、国外技术引进项目(948项目)“高效植保机械施药技术和装备的引进与改进提高”等课题的研究。
1. 现代渔业数字化及物联网技术集成与示范 公益性行业科研专项 2011-2016 1496万
2. 蔬菜病害视频的声像聚类方法与自动语义标注模型研究 国家自然科学基金资助项目 2013.1-2016.12 56万
3. 农业机械化及其自动化特色专业建设项目 教育部 2008-2012 80万
4. 乳品质量安全检测及追溯体系中试与示范 科技部农业科技成果转化与推广项目 2009.6.1-2011.6. 50万
5. 生鲜农产品质量安全可追溯系统研究与示范 国家863计划 2006-2009 150万元
6. 基层农村综合信息服务技术集成与应用 国家科技支撑计划 2006-2009 180万元
7. Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency and quality insurance of the chilled/frozen food supply chain 欧盟第六框架项目 2006-2010 13.8万欧元/130万人民币
合计 2142万元




1.      The acceptance of web-based learning system: a metehology based on farmer’s use. Intelligent automation and soft computing, 2010,volume: 16,
2.      A Survey of Stickiness of Agriculture Knowledge Acquisition in China. Sensor letters, 2010,8(1)
3.      Design and implementation of a fish disease diagnosis knowledge ontology model. Intelligent automation and soft computing, 2010,volume: 16
4.      Design and implementation of a fish disease diagnosis knowledge ontology model. Intelligent automation and soft computing, 2010,volume: 16
5.      Development of Time-Temperature Data Collection Program for Frozen Fish in the Cold Chain. Sensor letters, 2010.8 (1)
6.      A real-time transform system of spray volume based on labview. Intelligent automation and soft computing, 2010,vol. 16
7.      A wordnet-driven approach to vegetable supply chain domain concepts acquisition. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2007, issue 5
8.      Traceability and IT: implications for the future international competitiveness and structure of China’s vegetable sector. New zealand journal of agricultural research, DEC 2007
9.      基于SPC的农产品冷链物流感知数据压缩方法. 农业机械学报, 2011,(10):129-134
10.  呼叫中心与专家系统耦合的农业知识获取方法. 农业工程学报, 2011,(5).
11.  基于Web的黄瓜病害诊断系统设计. 农业机械学报,2010,(12).
12.  冷藏大黄鱼特定腐败菌chaid生长模型的验证. 农业工程学报, 2010,第26 卷
13.  水产品冷链管理决策模型的构建. 农业工程学报, 2010,(8).
14.  基于web的罗非鱼养殖质量安全信息可追溯系统. 农业工程学报, 2009,(4)
15.  滴灌施肥机灌水与施肥均匀性试验. 农业工程学报, 2009,(5)
16.  The classification of the drift risk of sprays produced by spinning discs based on wind tunnel measurements. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 100 (1): 38-43 MAY 2008
17.  A model to predict shelf-life loss of Horticultural produce during distribution with fluctuating temperature and vehicle vibration. 2nd International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture,2008.1
18.  Farmers’information usage intention in China based on the technology acceptance model. 
19.  Study the Effect of Urban Ecosystem to Floating Population. CCTA2008,2008
20.  Design and implementation of ontology based vegetable supply chain knowledge acquisition system. Journal of Computational Information Systems, v 4, n 3, June, 2008, p 1137-1144
21.  A Semantic Extension Model Used in Vegetable Supply Chain Domain Concepts Acquisition. Proceeding of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA08), 2008, pp:2098-2013(EI)
22.  风送式喷雾机风筒结构对飘移性能的影响[J]     农业工程学报,      2008,(2)
23.  径向基函数网络与WebGIS融合的苹果病虫害预测  农业机械学报       2008,(3).
24.  基于消费者购买意愿的农机市场需求分析[J]     商业研究,      2008,(2)
25.  K-FTP搜索引擎的核心技术[J]     计算机工程,   2008,(13)
26.  基于Web的蔬菜可追溯系统的设计与实现       江苏农业学报       2008,24(5):716-719
27.  农产品供应链管理问题初探 农村经济       2008,(3)32.      欧盟农业国内支持水平及政策[J]      世界农业,      2008,(5)
28.  肉类食品安全追溯系统中的流程优化建模 食品科学       2008,(2).
29.  IT生产率悖论对我国乡镇企业信息化建设的启示    乡镇经济       2008,(2).
30.  On the power structure of aquatic product supply chain in china   2008年IIFET国际经济与贸易学会:国际渔业经济会议 2008
31.  陈化稻米数字图像检测方法的研究[J] 中国粮油学报,      2008,(4)
32.  基于时间-温度模型的罗非鱼品质变化对比实验分析       食品科学       2008,(4).
33.  蔬菜中磷含量数字图像检测方法研究[J]     食品科技,      2008,(7)
34.  信息技术提升蔬菜出口企业核心竞争力的机制与实证研究[J] 农业系统科学与综合研究    2008,(3)
35.  Measuring ICT-based agricultural knowledge transfer under a sender advantage asymmetric information structure     NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 1307-1314 DEC 2007    DEC 2007
36.  Analysing levels of China’s agricultural domestic support with an optimising model    NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 647-654 DEC 2007      DEC 2007
37.  Evaluation of learner adoption intention of e-learning in China: a methodology based on perceived innovative attributes     NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 609-615 DEC 2007 DEC 2007
38.  Improved two-grade delayed particle swarm optimisation (TGDPSO) for inventory facility location for perishable food distribution centres in Beijing      NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 771-779 DEC 2007     DEC 2007
39.  A hierarchical model of a FTP search engine with applications      NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 641-646 DEC 2007      DEC 2007
40.  Evaluating factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce in agriculture: an empirical study  NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 1213-1218 DEC 2007    DEC 2007
41.  Traceability and IT: implications for the future international competitiveness and structure of China’s vegetable sector    NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 911-917 DEC 2007 DEC 2007
42.  A structural model for analysis of fruit supply and demand applied to grapes in China  NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 1359-1365 DEC 2007   DEC 2007
43.  Real-time plant image segmentation algorithm under natural outdoor light conditions    NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 50 (5): 847-854 DEC 2007      DEC 2007
44.  An environmental accounting framework applied to green space ecosystem planning for small towns in China as a case study Ecological Economics 60 ( 2007 ) 533-542   60 ( 2007 ) 533-542
45.  A WordNet-driven approach to vegetable supply chain domain concepts acquisition     New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research   ,2007,50, issue 5: 869-877 (SCI)
46.  Assessment on Learning Performance of E-learning via Measuring Change of Internal Mental Model of Learners.     Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG2007)    2007, pp. 602-603(IEEE Digital Library
47.  Investigation on E-learning Adoption Intention among Chinese Undergraduates via Innovation Adoption Theory       ICCS 2007, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4489    pp. 547-550, 2007
48.  Two-Generation Ant Colony System for  Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows     The third IEEE international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing   2007
49.  Ontology-based Metadata Model for Agriculture E-Commerce Knowledge Management      Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG2007), 2007,pp:616-617(EI)       2007
50.  自动对靶施药系统中植物病害识别技术的研究[J]. 农业机械学报  2007,(6)
51.  基于农民增收的我国农业国内支持的结构优化.       系统工程理论与实践    2007,27 (4):9-18
52.  Using Support Vector Machines to Predict the Variation of Organic Pollutants in Pond Water     ICNC’07, 2007.8 2007
53.  TGDPSO for Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem of Perishable Food Distribution Centers in Beijing  The second international symposium on intelligence computation and applications    2007
54.  Utilizing the analytic hierarchy process on structure optimization of the Green Box policies in China, Proceedings of the 11th Word Muti-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 国际学术会议论文, 2007.7
55.  我国农业工程技术发展战略及措施[J].       农业机械学报       2007,(5).
56.  农户对农机的购买行为现状调查分析[J]. 现代农业科技  2007,(11).
57.  精准施药技术研究进展与对策[J].       农业机械学报       2007,(1).
58.  基于OWL的鱼病诊断本体模型  计算机工程与设计       2007,(19).
59.  基于VisualC++的精确定时技术与应用[J].  农机化研究    2007,(5)
60.  机器视觉技术在精细农业中的研究进展     农机化研究    2007,(11).
61.  住宅价格的影响因素综述[J]. 建筑经济       2007,(2)
62.  喷雾机雾滴运行时间和沉降规律的试验[J] 农业机械学报       2007,(6). 
63.  苹果供求关系计量模型构建及实证研究[J] 农业系统科学与综合研究    2007,(2)
64.  跨国公司并购影响我国生鲜农产品国际竞争力的机制初探[J]. 乡镇经济       2007,(2)
65.  中国水产品出口贸易结构比较分析     中国渔业经济         2007/05
66.  一种用于蔬菜供应链知识检索的元数据模型     计算机工程,       2007,33(19): 243-245
67.  电子商务网站评价方法研究综述[J]. 情报杂志  2007,(6)
68.  我国水产养殖水污染成因及其对策研究     中国渔业经济       2007/06
69.  Internet-Based Technology Adoption along Chinese Vegetable Supply Chain 2007 Wicom International conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing    2007
70.  信息通讯技术(ICT)在新鲜农产品供应链管理中的应用:欧洲和中国经验的对比分析[J]       物流技术       2007,(7).
71.  Evaluation of the aquaculture pond water quality based on fuzzy mathematics model   COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS, 4114: 32-43 2006  Book series LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE       32-43 2006
72.  Experimental Study of Droplet Transport Time between Nozzles and Target       Biosystems Engineering (2006) 95 (2), 151-157
73.  Levels of China agricultural domestic support based on principles of partial equilibrium in the international trade       Icim 2006: Proceedings Of The Eighth International Conference On Industrial Management 2006.770-777
74.  Developing a web-based early warning system for fish disease based on water quality management      Iciea 2006: 1st Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics And Applications, Vols 1-3, Proceedings     2006,5.
75.  FDEWS 2.0: A Web-GIS-based early warning system for fish disease via water quality management    Wcica 2006: Sixth World  Congress On Intelligent Control And Automation, Vols 1-12, Conference Proceedings 2006,6.
76.  Using Protégé to Construct Vegetable SCM Knowledge Ontology, Wcica 2006: Sixth World  Congress On Intelligent Control And Automation, Vols 1-12, Conference Proceedings    WCICA 2006, June 21-23 2006, Dalian China/EI
77.  H-Vet: A hybrid telediagnosis system in aquaculture       SEAS Transactions on Computers, v 5, n 6, June, 2006, p 1262-1267 2006
78.  An Ontology-driven Approach to Vegtable Supply Chain Knowledge E-learning System       Journal of Computational Information Systems(JCIS)    2006年Vol.2 (1), pp:125-132/EI
79.  Ontology-Based Vegetable Supply Chain Knowledge Searching System        Proceeding of the sixth international conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA2006, October 16-18, 2006, Jinan China/EI
80.  Optimizing the planning for ‘green space’ ecosystem based on ecological principles for small towns in China.      International Conference on Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian Developing World (HS for MWR 2006),2006 2006
81.  The Initial Impact of WTO Membership on China’s Trade Performance in Primary Agricultural And Processed Food Products The 26th IAAE Conference   11th-18th August,2006 in Queensland, Australia
82.  AWQEE-DSS:A Decision Support System for Aquaculture Water Quality Evaluation and Early-warning    Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security    2006
83.  城镇信息化建设多元融资博弈分析[J]. 农业系统科学与综合研究,   2006,(1).
84.  基于分布式网络体系结构的鱼病诊断智能系统的实现[J]. 计算机应用研究    2006,(2)
85.  基于双层因果网络的鱼病诊断模型及其应用[J] 湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)  2006,(2).
86.  利用决策支持系统提高鱼病远程会诊效果[J]     农业系统科学与综合研究,2006,(2).     2006,(2)
87.  基于农产品国际贸易局部均衡的我国农业国内支持水平 中国系统工程学会.科学发展观与系统工程(第十四届学术年会论文集) 2006.325-331
88.  基于AHP的我国“绿箱”政策结构优化研究   统计与决策    2006(15):80-82
89.  国外农业支持政策对我国的启示[J].    科技管理研究       2006,(2)
90.  基于AT89C52单片机的变量喷雾控制器设计[J].      微计算机信息       2006,(8)
1.         生鲜农产品质量安全可追溯系统研究       中国农业大学出版社           2012年5月
2.         农业信息智能获取技术       科学出版社           2011
3.         集约化水产养殖数字化集成系统       电子工业出版社           2010
4.         农业病虫害远程诊断与预警技术       清华大学出版社           2010
5.         管理信息系统   清华大学出版社     2009年12月
6.         中国农业国内支持政策供需的分析、模拟与优化           中国农业出版社           2008年
7.         国家重大出版工程项目:中国蔬菜产业的国际竞争力研究  中国农业大学出版社           2006,9
8.         农药喷施技术的优化           中国农业科学技术出版社2002年12月第一版
9.         县域农业结构调整的优化与探索—山西省陵川县农业结构调整的系统分析与展望    中国农业大学出版社           2001年5月
10.      智能系统:基础、方法及其在农业中的应用    清华大学出版社           2004年8月

