2023-05-17 12:26
  • 段长青
  • 段长青 - 教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




1995.09—1998.07 西北农业大学园艺系,果树专业,获博士学位;\r
1990.09—1993.07 西北农业大学园艺系,果树专业,获硕士学位;\r
1985.09—1987.02 无锡轻工业学院食品科学助教进修班;\r
1981.09—1985.07 西北农业大学园艺系,果树专业,获学士学位。\r
2001.07-至今 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授、教授;\r
2016.8-2017.3 美国克莱姆森大学访问学者




1. Li, S.-Y., & Duan, C.-Q. Astringency, bitterness and color changes in dry red wines before and during oak barrel aging: An updated phenolic perspective review. Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2018: 1-28.\r
2. Zhang, X.-K, He, F., Zhang, B., Reeves, M. J., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., & Duan, C.-Q. The effect of prefermentative addition of gallic acid and ellagic acid on the red wine color, copigmentation and phenolic profiles during wine aging. Food Research International, 2018, 106: 568-579\r
3. Zhang, B.; He, F.; Zhou, P. P.; Liu, Y.; Duan, C. Q., The color expression of copigmentation between malvidin-3-O-glucoside and three phenolic aldehydes in model solutions: The effects of pH and molar ratio. Food chemistry 2016, 199, 220-8.\r
4. Ye, D. Q.; Zheng, X. T.; Xu, X. Q.; Wang, Y. H.; Duan, C. Q.; Liu, Y. L., Evolutions of volatile sulfur compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon wines during aging in different oak barrels. Food chemistry 2016, 202, 236-46.\r
5. Lan, Y. B.; Qian, X.; Yang, Z. J.; Xiang, X. F.; Yang, W. X.; Liu, T.; Zhu, B. Q.; Pan, Q. H.; Duan, C. Q., Striking changes in volatile profiles at sub-zero temperatures during over-ripening of 'Beibinghong' grapes in Northeastern China. Food chemistry 2016, 212, 172-82.\r
6. Li, S.-Y.; He, F.; Zhu, B.-Q.; Wang, J.; Duan, C.-Q., Comparison of phenolic and chromatic characteristics of dry red wines made from native Chinese grape species and vitis vinifera. International Journal of Food Properties 2016, 1-13.\r
7. Zhang, B.; Liu, R.; He, F.; Zhou, P. P.; Duan, C. Q., Copigmentation of malvidin-3-O-glucoside with five hydroxybenzoic acids in red wine model solutions: experimental and theoretical investigations. Food chemistry 2015, 170, 226-33.\r
8. Cai, J.; Zhu, B. Q.; Wang, Y. H.; Lu, L.; Lan, Y. B.; Reeves, M. J.; Duan, C. Q., Influence of pre-fermentation cold maceration treatment on aroma compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon wines fermented in different industrial scale fermenters. Food chemistry 2014, 154, 217-29.\r
9. Mu, L.; He, J. J.; Pan, Q. H.; He, F.; Duan, C. Q., Tissue-specific Accumulation of Flavonoids in Grape Berries is Related to Transcriptional Expression of VvF3′H and VvF3′5′H. South Journal of Enology and Viticulture 2014, 35, 68-80.\r
10. Liang, N. N.; Pan, Q. H.; He, F.; Wang, J.; Reeves, M. J.; Duan, C. Q., Phenolic profiles of Vitis davidii and Vitis quinquangularis species native to China. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2013, 61, 6016-27.\r
11. Zhang, M.; Pan, Q.; Yan, G.; Duan, C., Using headspace solid phase micro-extraction for analysis of aromatic compounds during alcoholic fermentation of red wine. Food chemistry 2011, 125, 743-749.\r
12. Li, Z.; Pan, Q.; Jin, Z.; Mu, L.; Duan, C., Comparison on phenolic compounds in Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon wines from five wine-growing regions in China. Food chemistry 2011, 125, 77-83.\r
13. He, F.; He, J. J.; Pan, Q. H.; Duan, C. Q., Mass-spectrometry evidence confirming the presence of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside in the berry skins of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir (Vitis vinifera L.). Aust J Grape Wine R 2010, 16, 464-468.\r
14. He, F.; Mu, L.; Yan, G. L.; Liang, N. N.; Pan, Q. H.; Wang, J.; Reeves, M. J.; Duan, C. Q., Biosynthesis of anthocyanins and their regulation in colored grapes. Molecules 2010, 15, 9057-91.

