2023-05-17 12:25
  • 曹建康
  • 曹建康 - 副教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




2011.11~2012.11,美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University),农业与生命科学学院园艺系,访问学者。\r


""果蔬采后保鲜与贮运流通技术研究 果蔬微生物与采后病害控制研究 鲜果/鲜切果品质、营养、功能与安全控制研究 食品功能成分果胶的研究与利用 食品功能成分花色苷的研究与利用""""


1. Xie F, Yuan S, Pan H, Wang R, Cao J*, Jiang W. Effect of yeast mannan treatments on ripening progress and modification of cell wall polysaccharides in tomato fruit. Food Chemistry, 2017, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.086.\r
2. Wang J, Pan H, Wang R, Hong K, Cao J*. Patterns of flesh reddening, translucency, ethylene production and storability of ‘Friar’ plum fruit harvested at three maturity stages as affected by the storage temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016, 121: 9–18.\r
3. Pan, H., Wang, R., Li, L., Wang, J., Cao, J.*, Jiang, W.Manipulation of ripening progress of different plum cultivars during shelf life by post-storage treatments with ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene. Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 198, 176–182.\r
4. Cao J, Li X, Wu K, Jiang W, Qu G. Preparation of a novel PdCl2–CuSO4–based ethylene scavenger supported by acidified activated carbon powder and its effects on quality and ethylene metabolism of broccoli during shelf-life. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2015, 99: 50–57.\r
5. Yan J, Yuan S, Wang C, Ding X, Cao J*, Jiang W. Enhanced resistance of jujube (Zizyphusjujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) fruitagainst postharvest Alternaria rot by β-aminobutyric acid dipping. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 186: 108–114.\r
6. Cao JK, Yan JQ, Zhao YM, Jiang WB. Effects of four pre-harvest foliar sprays with β-aminobutyric acid or salicylic acid on the incidence of post-harvest disease and induced defence responses in jujube (Zizyphusjujuba Mill.) fruit after storage. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2013, 88 (3): 338–344.\r
7.Cao JK, Yan JQ, Zhao YM, Jiang WB. Effects of postharvest salicylic acid dipping on Alternaria rot and disease resistance of jujube fruit during storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93: 3252–3258.\r
8. Ma W, Cao J*, Ni Z, Tian W, Zhao Y, Jiang W. Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on storage quality and antioxidant activity of harvested “Yujinxiang” melon (Cucumismelo L.) fruit. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2012, 36(4): 413–420.\r
9. Yan J, Cao J*, Jiang W, Zhao Y. Effects of preharvestoligochitosan sprays on postharvest fungal diseases, storage quality, and defense responses in jujube (Zizyphusjujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 142: 196–204.\r
10. Yan J, Li J, Zhao H, Chen N, Cao J*, Jiang W. Effects of oligochitosan on postharvest Alternaria rot, storage quality, and defense responses in Chinese jujube (Zizyphusjujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) fruit. Journal of Food Protection, 2011, 74(5): 783–788.\r
11. Cao JK, Zhao YM, Wang M, Lü HY, Jiang WB.Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on apricot fruit quality, decay, and on physiological and biochemical metabolism during shelf-life following long-term cold storage.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2009, 84(6): 672–676.\r
12. Cheng D, Zhu C, Cao J, Jiang W. The protective effects of polyphenols from jujube peel (Ziziphus Jujube Mill) on isoproterenol-induced myocardial ischemia and aluminum-induced oxidative damage in rats.Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50: 1302–1308.\r
13. Li H, Cao D, Yi J, Cao J, Jiang W. Identification of the flavonoids in mungbean (Phaseolusradiatus L.) soup and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 2012, 135(4): 2942–2946.\r
14. Li J, Yan JQ, Cao JK, Zhao YM, Jiang WB. Preventing the wound-induced deterioration of Yali pears by chitosan coating treatments.Food Science and Technology International, , 201218(2): 123–128.\r
15. Cao D, Li H, Che H, Cao J,Xue Z and Jiang W. Antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from dried jujube peel against oxidative damage in erythrocyte. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2011, 9(4):148–155.

