2023-05-13 10:38
  • 曹凌云
  • 曹凌云 - 讲师 博士-天津城建大学-理学院-个人资料




湖北孝感人,博士,2015年6月毕业于天津大学化工学院应用化学专业,博士学位,2015年7月入职天津城建大学理学院化学系。在“Dyes and Pigments”、“Industrial & EngineeringChemistry Research”和“Applied Microbiology Biotechnology”等国外期刊上发表论文10余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,天津市教委课题项目1项,获省部级一等奖2项,二等奖1项,局级奖项1项,获国家发明专利授权15项,参与4本科学专著的撰写工作。




1. Cao Lingyun, Fei Xuening*, Zhao Hongbin.Environmental substitution for PbCrO4pigment with inorganic-organichybrid pigment. Dyes and Pigments. 2017, 142:100-107.
2. Cao Lingyun, Fei Xuening, Zhang Tianyonget al. Modification of C.I. Pigment Red 21 with Sepiolite and Lithopone in ItsPreparation Process, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014,53(1):31-37.
3. Cao Lingyun, Fei Xuening, Zhao Hongbin etal. Inorganic-organic hybrid pigment fabricated in the preparation process oforganic pigment: Preparation and characterization, Dyes and Pigments, 2015,119:75-83.
4. FeiXuening, Li Shubei,Cao Lingyun, etal. Multifunctional polymer drug loading system with pH-sensitive, fluorescentand targeting property. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials forBiological Applications. 2017, 77: 1151-1159.
5. FeiXuening,Cao Lingyun, Liu Yanling.Modified ci pigment red 170 with a core-shell structure: Preparation,characterization and computational study. Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 125:192-200.
6. FeiXuening,Cao Lingyun, Zhou Lifeng etal. Degradation of bromamine acid by nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI)supported on sepiolite, Water Science and Technology, 2012, 66(12): 2539-2545.
7. Fei Xuening, Li Wanqing,Cao Lingyunet al. Degradation of bromamine acid by a heterogeneousFenton-like catalyst Fe/Mn supported on sepiolite, Desalination and WaterTreatment, 2013, 51(22-24): 4750-4757.
8. FeiXuening, Li Fangdan,Cao Lingyunetal. Adsorption and photocatalytic performance of Cu2O/TiO2composite in the degradation of Acid red B, Materials Science in SemiconductorProcessing, 2015, 33:9-15.
9. FeiXuening, Zhang Yong, Yu Lu,Cao Lingyunet al. Preparation and characterization of silica supported organic hybridpigments, Pigment & Resin Technology, 2014, 43(6): 325-331.
10. FeiXuening, Zhao Hongbin, Zhang Baolian,CaoLingyunet al. Microencapsulation mechanism and size control of fragrancemicrocapsules with melamine resin shell, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 469:300-306.

