2023-05-12 22:25
  • 荣绍丰
  • 荣绍丰 - 教授 硕导-上海应用技术学院-香料香精技术与工程学院-个人资料






1. 上海市科技创新行动计划生物医药领域科技支撑项目《赭曲霉发酵制备医用壳聚糖及其工业化技术研究》 (17441905400)。
2. 国家基金委《常见果蔬中诺如病毒吸附受体的解析及其分布规律》 (31301475)
4. 上海市经信委产学研合作项目《利用链球菌发酵生产全系列透明质酸钠的产业化研究》(CXY-2013-78)。
5. 上海市科委产学研医项目《其胜透明质酸钠系列产品制备工艺研究》(11DZ1921405)。
6. 上海市科委医药与农业领域攻关项目《发酵法生产医用透明质酸钠的产业化技术研究》(10431901900)。
7. 上海市科促会联盟计划项目《医用透明质酸发酵提取关键技术研究》(LM201123)。
8. 上海市科委国际合作项目《生物合成天然香料2-苯乙醇的新技术研究》(09540704200)。
9. 上海市科委国际合作项目项目《微生物转化β-苯乙醇及其天然性表征研究》(09YZ394)。
10. 校企产学研开发项目《天然香料2-苯乙醇的发酵新技术研究》(J2012-38)。
11. 校企产学研开发项目《工业化制备寡聚透明质酸钠的新菌株构建》(J2013-68)"


1、Shaofeng Rong, Mengze Wang, Shulin Yang, Qianqian Li, Shimin Guan, Baoguo Cai and Shuo Zhang. Improvement in Lactone Production from Biotransformation of Ricinoleic Acid based on the Porous Starch Delivery System. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 2018, 93(4):1198-1205.
2、Shaofeng Rong, Shulin Yang, Qianqian Li*, Baoguo Cai, Shimin Guan, Jingwen Wang, Yue Zhou, Yifei Chen. Improvement of γ-decalactone production by stimulating the import of ricinoleic acid and suppressing the degradation of γ-decalactone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. 2017, 35(2):96-102.
3、Shaofeng Rong, Jingwen Wang, Qianqian Li, Shimin Guan, Baoguo Cai, Shuo Zhang* and Jing Hu*. The enhanced production of 11α- hydroxyandrosata- 1,4-diene- 3,17-dione based on the application of organic silica hollow spheres in the biotransformation of β-sitosterol. Journal of Chemistry Technology and Biotechnology. 2017, 92(1):69-75.
4、Ming Wang, Shaofeng Rong, Peng Tian, Yue Zhou, Shimin Guan, Qianqian Li*. Bacterial Surface-Displayed GII.4 Human Norovirus Capsid Proteins Bound to HBGA-Like Molecules in Romaine Lettuce. 2017, Frontiers in Microbiology. 8 (19484) :251
5、Xun Tian, Rui Ye, Jingwen Wang, Yifei Chen, Baoguo Cai, Shimin Guan, Shaofeng Rong*, Qianqian Li*. Effects of aroma quality on the biotransformation of natural 2-phenylethanol produced using ascorbic acid. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 18:286-290, 2015
6、Cheng Liu, Xinjing Wang, Peng Ma, Jilu Chen, Sheng Han*, Shaofeng Rong*. A new application of oily cold rolling mill sludge for preparing Fe2O3/graphene as anodes for lithiumion batteries, RSC Adv., 5: 57383–57388, 2015
7、S.-H. LV, S.-F. RONG, B.-G. CAI, S.-M. GUAN, Q.-Q. LI. Property and current clinical applications of
mammal hyaluronidase. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 19: 3968-3976, 2015
8、Cheng Liu, Peng Ma, Xinjing Wang, Jilu Chen, Sheng Han*, Shaofeng Rong*. A novel one-step flocculation method for recycling waste rolling oil. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,38(14):2043-2049, 2016
9、Jingwen Wang, Qianqian Li, Shimin Guan, Baoguo Cai, Shuo Zhang Shaofeng Rong*.Increased Yield of Biotransformation of Androsta-1, 4-Dien-3, 17-Dione from Β-Sitosterol by Using Sulfobutyl Ether-Β-Cyclodextrin Complexation Technique. MATEC Web of Conferences, 67:01001·2016, 67:01001.
10、Xun Tian, Rui Ye, Jingwen Wang, Baoguo Cai, Shimin Guan, Qianqian Li, Shaofeng Rong*. Biotransformation and Production from Hansenula Anomala to Natural Ethyl Phenylacetate. MATEC Web of Conferences, 22,05013(2015):1-6,2015

