2023-05-12 11:37
  • 黄来强
  • 黄来强 - 教授-清华大学-深圳国际研究生院-个人资料




1978-1982年 广州华南农业大学(77级)学士\r
1983-1989年 美国加利福尼亚大学理学硕士(1984)、博士(1989)\r
1984-1989年 美国加利福尼亚大学助研(1985-1986任助教)\r
1989-1994年 美国斯坦福大学生物系和卡内基研究院博士后\r
1994-1997年 美国斯坦福大学医学院肿瘤与分子病理学博士后\r
1997-1999年 美国斯坦福大学医学院研究员\r
1999-2003年 美国硅谷BD Clontech公司高级科学家、Gencelmedix首席科学家\r
2003年起 清华大学教授、清华大学深圳研究生院生命科学与生物医药学科带头人\r
2005年起 清华大学深圳研究生院生物医药研究中心主任\r
2007年起 深圳市基因与抗体治疗技术重点实验室主任\r
2007年起 清华大学深圳研究生院院学术委员会委员\r
2010年起 清华大学深圳研究生院生命与健康学部副主任 (科研与合作交流)\r
2011年起 健康科学与技术国家重点实验室(筹)主任\r
国际期刊《纳米科学学报》(Journal of Nanoscience Letters)编委(2010起)\r
丁颖讲座教授 (2009起)\r
华南农大客座教授 (2007起)\r
国家兰科植物保育委员会副主席 (2006起)


1) 肿瘤等重大疾病的分子与细胞生物学机理;\r
2) 基因、RNA治疗和疫苗;\r
3) 多肽、抗体免疫治疗;\r
4) 正常与肿瘤干细胞治疗;\r
5) 纳米医药和技术及其与上述的交叉融合;\r


Mei L, Zhang ZP, Zhao LY, Yang XL, Tang JT, Huang LQ, Feng SS. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology for Oral Delivery of Anticancer Drugs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. Epub 6 Dec 2012. @[ * 通讯作者; @ 清华.深圳为单位地址; 下同 ]\r
Zeng XW, Tao W, Tan CY, Huang LQ, Mei L, Feng SS. 2013. In vitro and in vivo investigation on cholic acid-functionalized nanoparticles of star-shaped PLGA-Vitamin E TPGS copolymer for docetaxel delivery for cervical cancer treatment. Biomaterials (in press).\r
Yan F, Zheng Y, Huang LQ*. 2013. Adenovirus-mediated combined anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic gene therapy enhances antitumor efficacy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncol Lett 5(1):348-354. Epub 23 Oct 2012. @\r
Zhang Z, Xiang Y, Li N, Wang BX, Ai HW, Wang XM, Huang LQ, Zheng Y. 2013. Protective effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG against human rotavirus-induced diarrhoea in a neonatal mouse model. FEMS Pathogens and Disease. Epub 11 Mar 2013. @\r
Liu ZJ, Chen LJ, Liu KW, Li LQ, Rao WH, Zhang YT, Tang GD, Huang LQ*. 2013. Adding perches for cross-pollination ensures the reproduction of a self-incompatible orchid. PLoS One 8(1):e53695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053695. Epub 7 Jan 2013. @\r
Zeng XW, Chen HB, Zheng Y, Tao W, Fan YG, Huang LQ*, Mei L. 2012. Enhanced adsorption of puerarin onto a novel hydrophilic and polar modified post-crosslinked resin from aqueous solution. J Colloid Interface Sci 385(1): 166-173. Epub 20 Jul 2012. @\r
Zhang YQ, Song MJ, Huang LQ*. 2012. A novel blue-emitting Ir(III) complex with short excited state lifetime: Synthesis, structure, photophysical property, and electrophospho- rescence performance. J Lumin 132(9): 2242–2246. Epub 21 April 2012. @\r
Wang ZY, Li N, Wang YY, Wu YP, Mu TY, Zheng Y, Huang LQ*, Fang XX*. 2012. Ubiquitin-intein and SUMO2-intein fusion systems for enhanced protein production and purification. Protein Expr Purif 82(1): 174-178. Epub 8 Dec 2011. @ [获Faculty of 1000特别推荐]\r
Ma YD, Zheng Y, Zeng XW, Jiang LQ, Chen HB, Liu RY, Huang LQ*, Mei L. 2011. Novel docetaxel-loaded nanoparticles based on PCL-Tween 80 copolymer for cancer treatment. Int J Nanomed 6: 2679-2688. Epub 31 Oct 2011. @\r
Chen HB, Zhou LZ, Mei L, Shi XJ, Wang XS, Li QL, Huang LQ*. 2012. Gambogenic acid-induced time- and dose-dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis involving Akt pathway inactivation in U251 glioblastoma cells. J Nat Med 66(1):62-69. Epub 31 Aug 2011. @\r
Huang LQ, Chen HB, Zheng Y, Song XS, Liu RY, Liu KX, Zeng XW, Mei L. 2011. Nanoformulation of D-a-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate-b-poly (ε-caprolactone-ran-glycolide) diblock copolymer for breast cancer therapy. Integr Biol (Camb) 3(10): 951-1054. Epub 22 Sep 2011. @\r
Guo CP, Liu KW, Zheng Y, Luo HB, Chen HB, Huang LQ*. 2011. Apoptosis induced by an antagonist peptide against HPV16 E7 in vitro and in vivo via restoration of p53. Apoptosis 16(6):606-18. @\r
Guo CP, Liu KW, Luo HB, Chen HB, Zheng Y, Sun SN, Zhang Q, Huang LQ*. 2011. Potent anti-tumor effect generated by a novel human papilloma virus (HPV) antagonist peptide reactivating the pRb/E2F pathway. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17734. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017734. @\r
Chen HB, Mei L, Zhou LZ, Zhang XD, Guo CP, Li JC, Wang HX, Zhu YQ, Zheng Y, Huang LQ*. 2011. Moesin-ezrin-radixin-like protein (merlin) mediates protein interacting with the carboxyl terminus-1 (PICT-1)-induced growth inhibition of glioblastoma cells in the nucleus. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 43(4):545-55. Epub 15 Dec 2010. @\r
Chen HB, Mei L, Zhou LZ, Shen XM, Guo CP, Zheng Y, Zhu HJ, Zhu YQ, Huang LQ*. 2011. PTEN restoration and PIK3CB knockdown synergistically suppress glioblastoma growth in vitro and in xenografts. J Neuro-Oncol 104(1):155-67. Epub 29 Dec 2010. @\r
Mei L, Huang LQ*. Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems. J Nanosci Lett (in revision). [Invited review]. @\r
Chen HB, Shen XM, Guo CP, Zhu HJ, Zhou LZ, Zhu YQ, Wang HX, Zheng Y, Huang LQ*. 2010. Phosphatase and tensin homolog reconstruction and vascular endothelial growth factor knockdown synergistically inhibit the growth of glioblastoma. Cancer Biother Radio 25(6):713-21. @\r
Ma YD, Huang LQ, Song CX, Zeng XW, Liu G, Mei L. 2010. Nanoparticle formulation of poly(ε-caprolactone- co-lactide)-d-α-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate random copolymer for cervical cancer treatment. Polymer 51(25):5952-5959. Epub 21 Oct 2010. @\r
Chen HB, Zheng Y, Tian G, Tian Y, Zeng XW, Liu G, Liu KX, Li L, Li Z, Mei L, Huang LQ*. 2011. Oral delivery of DMAB-modified Docetaxel-loaded PLGA-TPGS nanoparticles for cancer chemotherapy. Nanoscale Res Lett 2011, 6:4. Epub 20 Aug 2010. @\r
Ma YD, Zheng Y, Liu KX, Tian G, Tian Y, Xu L, Yan F, Huang L.Q.*, Mei L. 2010. Nanoparticles of poly (lactide-co-glycolide)-d-a-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate random copolymer for cancer treatment. Nanoscale Res Lett 5(7) 1161-1169. Epub 6 May 2010 @\r
Mei L, Bao JB, Tang LN, Zhang C, Wang H, Sun LL, Ma GL, Huang LQ, Yang J, Zhang LH, Liu KX, Song CX, Sun HF. 2010. A novel Mifepristone-loaded implant for long-term treatment of endometriosis: in vitro and in vivo studies. Eur J Pharm Sci 39(5):421-427. Epub 2 Feb 2010. @\r
Zhang YQ, Tang LN, Sun LL, Bao JB, Song CX, Huang LQ, Liu KX, Tian Y, Tian G, Li Z, Sun HF, Mei L. 2010. A novel Paclitaxel-loaded poly (ε-caprolactone)/ poloxamer 188 blend nanoparticle overcoming multidrug resistance for cancer treatment. Acta Biomater 6(6):2045-52. Epub 5 Dec 2009. @\r
Huang LQ* et al. 2009. USP14 stabilizes calcineurin and regulates NFAT/AP-1 dependent IL-4 transcription as a novel calcineurin-binding protein. FEBS Lett. Epub 6 Nov 2009. @\r
Mei L, Zhang YQ, Zheng Y, Tian G, Song CX, Yang DY, Chen HL, Sun HF, Tian Y, Liu KX, Li Z, Huang LQ*. 2009. A novel Docetaxel-loaded poly (ε-caprolactone)/pluronic F68 nanoparticle overcoming multidrug resistance for breast cancer treatment. Nanoscale Res Lett 4(12):1530–1539. Epub 16 Sep 2009. @\r
Yan F, Zhang C, Zheng Y, Mei L*, Tang LN, Song CX, Sun HF, Huang LQ*. 2010. The effect of poloxamer 188 on nanoparticle morphology, size, cancer cell uptake, and cytotoxicity. Nanomedicine: NBM 6(1):170-178. Epub 15 May 2009. @\r
王会霞, 朱永强, 王新宇, 郑义, 黄来强*. 2010. 胰岛素分泌细胞再生医学研究的最新进展. 细胞与分子免疫学杂志26(6):613-615. Wang HX, Huang LQ* et al. 2010. Recent advances in regeneration of insulin-secreting cells from stem cells. Chin J Cell Mol Immunol 26(6):613-615. @\r
羊东晔, 李彩虹, 蓝方, 张扬清, 卢放根, 杨峥嵘, 黄来强*. 2009. 强抗原决定簇hAFP542-550在真核细胞膜定位表达研究. 细胞与分子免疫学杂志 25(7):592-595. Yang DY, Huang LQ* et al. 2009. Expression and localization of strong epitope hAFP542-550 on eukaryotic cytoplasmic membrane. Chin J Cell Mol Immunol 25(7):592-595. @\r
刘仲健, 陈利君, 刘可为, 黄来强等. 2009. 气候变暖致使墨兰 (Cymbidium sinense) 野外种群趋向灭绝. 生态学报 29(7):3443-3455. Liu ZJ, Huang LQ et al. 2009. Climate warming brings about extinction tendency in wild population of Cymbidium sinense. Acta Ecologica Sinica.29(7):3443-3455. @\r
Zheng Y, Zhang YJ, Ma YD, Wan J, Shi CF, Huang LQ*. 2008. Enhancement of immunotherapeutic effects of HPV16 E7 on cervical cancer by fusion with CTLA4 extra- cellular region. J Microbiol. 46(6):728-736. @\r
Luo HB, Zheng J, Zhu P, Huang LQ, Fu N. 2008. Protective immunity induced by peptide mimics to LPS in mice with endotoxic shock. Prog Biochem Biophys 35(11):1312-1319. @\r
杨峥嵘,马原栋,万骏,郑义,王海峰,赵洁,彭扬洋,罗海波,羊东晔,黄来强*. 2008. HPV(16,18,58)E6-E7重组腺病毒的构建及克隆表达.免疫学杂志.24(4):459-463. Yang ZR, Huang LQ* et al. 2008. Construction and expression of a recombinant adenovirus encoding E6-E7 fusion proteins of hmnan papillomavirus subtypes 16, 18, and 58. Immunological Journal 24(4):459-463. @\r
杨峥嵘,何飞,王海峰,黄来强*.2008.基于Semiliki森林病毒复制子的新型RNA质粒载体的构建.现代生物医学进展 8(11):2005-2009. Yang ZR, Huang LQ* et al. 2008. Construction of DNA and RNA vector based on bifunctional replicon derived from Semliki Forest Virus. Prog Modern Biomed 8(11):2005-09. @\r
Yang DY, Ouyang CH, Lu FG, Liu XW, Huang LQ*. 2007. Targeting specificity and pharmacokinetics of asialoorosomucoid, a specific ligand for asialglycoprotein receptor on hepatocyte. J. Dig. Dis. 8(2): 89–95. @\r
Yang ZR, Wang HF, Zhao J, Peng YY, Wang J, Guinn BA, Huang LQ*. 2007. Recent developments in the use of adenoviruses and immunotoxins in cancer gene therapy. Cancer Gene Ther. 14(7): 599-615. Epub 20 Apr 2007. @\r
Huang LQ* and Liu ZJ. Video: Self-fertilization strategy in an orchid. Nature Sep 2007. (http://www.natureasia.com/Shenzhen). @ [Nature特登视频录像配文介绍]\r
Liu KW, Liu ZJ, Huang LQ* Li LQ, Chen LJ, Tang GD. 2006. Pollination: Self-fertilization strategy in an orchid. Nature 441(7096): 945-946. @[Nature新闻发布、副封面特别推介]\r
Liu ZJ, Liu KW, Chen LJ, Lei SP, Li LQ, Shi XC, Huang, LQ*. 2006. Conservation ecology of endangered species Paphiopedilum armeniacum (Ochidaceae). Acta Ecologica Sinica. 26(9): 2791-2800. Selected and Published by Elsevier (ScienceDirect). 刘仲健,刘可为,陈利君,雷嗣鹏,李利强,施晓春,黄来强*.2006.濒危物种杏黄兜兰的保育生物学.生态学报 26(9): 2791-2800. @ [30年百篇优秀论文奖]\r
郑义,罗海波,高博,黄来强*.2006.丙型肝炎病毒非结构蛋白 NS4B抑制 IFN介导的抗病毒反应.微生物学报 46(5): 802-806. Zheng Y, Luo HB, Gao B, Huang LQ. 2006. Inhibition of IFN-gamma receptor signaling by hepatitis C virus non-structural protein NS4B. Acta Microbiologica Sinica 46(5): 802-806. @\r
Guinn BA, Norris JS, Huang LQ, Farzaneh F, Kasahara N, Deisseroth AB. 2006. International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy of Cancer (ISCGT) annual meeting: conference overview and introduction to the symposium papers. Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 55(11): 1406-1411. @

