2023-05-11 21:11
  • 胡金牛
  • 胡金牛 - 副教授-南开大学-物理科学学院-个人资料




教育经历 2007年10月——2011年9月 大阪大学理学院研究生 2002年 9月——2006年7月 南开大学物理学院本科 工作经历 2014年 3月——至今 南开大学物理学院 副教授 2012年 4月——2014年 2月 北京大学物理学院 博士后 2012年 1月——2012年 3月 日本理化学研究所 博士后 2011年10月——2011年 12月 大阪大学核物理研究中心 博士后


1. 原子核结构中的第一性原理计算 (目前比较火) 2. 奇异原子核的基本性质 (实验比较少,可以随便忽悠)3. 原子核结构的质量极限 (原子核物理中的大数据)4. 夸克结构对原子核性质的影响(这个不好说)5. 中子星的基本性质 (目前更火的)


32. Quark mean-field model for nuclear matter with or without bag Zhenyu Zhu, Ang Li, Jinniu Hu, and Hong Shen Physical Review C, Vol. 99, 025804 (2019). 31. Relativistic mean-field approach for Λ, Ξ, and Σ hypernuclei Zixing Liu, Chengjun Xia, Wanli Lu, Yuxiao Li, Jinniu Hu, and Tingting Sun Physical Review C, Vol. 98, 024316 (2018). 30. Nucleon properties in the Polyakov quark-meson model Yingying Li, Jinniu Hu, and Hong Mao Physical Review C, Vol. 97, 054313 (2018) 29. Massive neutron star with strangeness in a relativistic mean-field model with a high-density cutoff Ying Zhang, Jinniu Hu, and Peng Liu Physical Review C, Vol. 97, 015805 (2018) 28. Single-\\Xi^- hypernuclei within a quark mean-field model Jinniu Hu and Hong Shen Physical Review C, Vol. 96, 054304 (2017) 27. Nuclear matter properties with nucleon-nucleon forces up to fifth order in the chiral expansion Jinniu Hu, Ying Zhang, Evgeny Epelbaum, Ulf-G. Meissner, and Jie Meng Physical Review C, Vol. 96, 034307 (2017) 26. Quark mean field model with pion and gluon corrections for Lambda and Xi(0)hypernuclei and neutron stars Xueyong Xing, Jinniu Hu, and Hong Shen Physical Review C, Vol. 95, 054310 (2017) 25. Tensor optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for relativistic nuclear matter Hiroshi Toki and Jinniu Hu Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 55, 28 (2017) 24. Neutron stars within a relativistic central variational method Jinniu Hu, Hong Shen, and HiroshiToki Physical Review C, Vol. 95, 025804 (2017) 23. Phase transition in hot Lambda hypernuclei within the relativistic Thomas-Fermi approximation Jinniu Hu, Zhaowen Zhang, ShishaoBao, and Hong Shen Physical Review C, Vol. 94, 054325 (2016) 22. The properties of nuclear matter with lattice NN potential in relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, and Hong Shen Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 35590 (2016) 21. Delta(1232) effects in density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory and neutron stars Zhengyu Zhu, Ang Li, Jinniu Hu, and Hiroyuki Sagawa Physical Review C, Vol. 94, 045803 (2016) 20. Quark mean field model with pion and gluon corrections Xueyong Xing, Jinniu Hu, Hong Shen Physical Review C, Vol. 94, 044308 (2016) 19. Relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Theory for Finite Nuclei Shihang Shen, Jinniu Hu, Haozhao Liang, Jie Meng, Peter Ring, and Shuangquan Zhang Chinese Physics Letters,Vol. 33 102103 (2016) 18. Nonrelativistic nucleon effective masses in nuclearmatter: Brueckner-Hartree-Fock model versus relativistic Hartree-Fock model Ang Li, Jinniu Hu, Xinlei Shang, and Wei Zuo Physics Review C, Vol. 93, 015803 (2016) 17. Effects of the symmetry energy on properties of neutronstar crusts near the neutrondrip density Shishao Bao, Jinniu Hu, Zhaowen Zhang, and HongShen Physics Review C, Vol. 90, 045802 (2014) 16. Symmetry energy of hot nuclei in the relativisticThomas-Fermi approximation Zhaowen Zhang, Shishao Bao, Jinniu Hu, and Hong Shen Physics Review C, Vol. 90, 054302 (2014) 15. Green's function method for single-particle resonantstates inrelativistic mean field theory Tingting Sun, Shuangquan Zhang, Ying Zhang, Jinniu Hu, andJie Meng Physics Review C, Vol. 90, 054321 (2014). 14. Effective Lambda-N potential from relativisticBrueckner-Hartree-Fock theory Jinniu Hu, Emiko Hiyama,and Hiroshi Toki Physics Review C, Vol. 90, 014309 (2014). 13. Extended quark mean-field model for neutron stars Jinniu Hu, Ang Li, Hiroshi Toki and Wei Zuo Physics Review C, Vol. 89, 025802 (2014).

