教育经历2017.12 -- 2019.8Brown University (美国) 固体力学 联合培养博士2006.9 -- 2009.6江苏省如皋中学 普通高中毕业 无学位2013.9 -- 2019.11南京航空航天大学 力学(纳米力学) 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位2009.9 -- 2013.6南京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与工程 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位工作经历2020.4 -- 至今南京航空航天大学 国际前沿科学研究院科研项目[1]神经信号传递相关脂质膜的力学特性研究研究领域
[1] Strong electron-ion coupling in gradient halide perovskite heterojunction.Nano Research,2020[2] Graphynes for Water Desalination and Gas Separation.Advanced Materials,2019[3] Waving potential at volt level by a pair of graphene sheets.Nano Energy,2019,60:656-660[4] Anomalous cation diffusion in salt-doped confined bilayer ice[J].Nanoscale,2018,10(19):8962-8968[5] Hydroelectric generator from transparent flexible zinc oxide nanofilms.Nano Energy,2017,32:125-129[6] Ultrahigh hydrogen and nitrogen selectivity achieved by the nanoporous graphene with a precise nanopore.Carbon,2021,182:628-633[7] Lipid coating and end functionalization govern the formation and stability of transmembrane carbon nanotube porins[J].Carbon,2020,164:391-397[8] Soliton-like propagation of dipole reorientation in confined single-file water chains[J].Nanoscale,2019,11:19387-19392[9] Manipulation of Long-Range Water Ordering in Less Confined Nanotubes.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2019,123:10101-10106[10] Ion Permeability of a Microtubule in Neuron Environment[J].The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,2018,9:2009-2014[11] Insertion of Neurotransmitters into a Lipid Bilayer Membrane and Its Implication on Membrane Stability: A Molecular Dynamics Study[J].ChemPhysChem,2017,18(6):626-633共11条 1/1 \t首页上页下页尾页 相关热点
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