2023-05-11 16:22
  • 师岩
  • 师岩 - 副研究员-南京航空航天大学-电子信息工程学院-个人资料




于2009年和2015年在南京航空航天大学分别获得学士和博士学位。曾在美国西北大学交流访问两年,并于博士毕业后在清华大学固体力学博士后工作站工作两年,于2017年进入航空宇航学院工作,2018年入选南京航空航天大学“长空学者”人才计划。研究领域包括智能材料断裂力学、柔性电子器件的力学建模、微/纳尺度折纸结构等。师岩副研究员共发表期刊论文50余篇,SCI收录40篇。其中包括Cell,Nature Materials,Nature Communications,PNAS等国际顶尖期刊论文。
2012.9 - 2014.9\t美国西北大学 固体力学 联合培养博士生
2009.9 - 2015.4\t南京航空航天大学 固体力学 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
2005.9 - 2009.6\t南京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与工程 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2002.9 - 2005.6\t徐州市第一中学 普通高中毕业 无学位
2015.5 - 2017.4\t清华大学 航院固体力学系 博士后
[1] 师岩,李帅,周立松等.接力式停车库:ZL201910010130.6[p].
[1] 国家自然基金:基于柔性压电薄膜的介观尺度复杂界面能量测试研究
[2] 国家自然基金:空间太阳电池阵失效机理与抑制方法研究
[3] 国家自然基金:含硬夹杂软材料的力学行为研究
[4] 太阳电池阵热力学仿真研究
[5] 多层板结构弯曲测试
[6] 采购订单
[7] 多层板结构**塑性分析
[8] 金属三维折纸结构后屈曲力学行为及其应用研究
[9] 金属三维折纸结构后屈力学行为及其应用研究




[1] J.-J. Zhao*, X. Su, Z. Mi, Y. Zhang, Y. Hu*, H. Guo, Y. Jiao, Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, W. Hao, J. Wu, Y. Wang, C. F. Gao*, G. Cao.Trivalent Ni oxidation controlled through regulating lithium content to minimize perovskite interfacial recombination[J].Rare Metal,2021
[2] L. Qi, Y. Shi*, C. Huang, Z. Li, C. F. Gao.Electrical-driven delamination of flexible piezoelectric system and its applications in surface energy testing[J].Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME,2021
[3] K. Bashandeh, J. Lee, Q. Wu, X. Wang, Y. Shi*, X. Guo, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, and A. A. Polycarpou*.Mechanics and deformation of shape memory polymer kirigami microstructures.Extreme Mechanics Letters,2020
[4] K. Bashandeh, M. Humood, J. Lee, M. Han, Y. Cui, Y. Shi, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, and A. A. Polycarpou.The effect of defects on the cyclic behavior of polymeric 3D kirigami structures.Extreme Mechanics Letters
[5] P. Pei, G. Yang, Y. Shi*, C. Gao.Periodic interfacial cracks in dissimilar piezoelectric materials under the influence of Maxwell stress.Meccanica,2020
[6] C. Chang, C.F. Gao, Y. Shi.Two-dimensional problems in a soft ferromagnetic solid with an elliptic hole or a crack.International Journal of Engineering Science,2012
[7] C. Chang, C.F. Gao, Y. Shi.Collinear crack problems in a soft ferromagnetic solid.International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,2012
[8] Y. Shi, C.F. Gao, C. Chang.Semi-permeable crack in a soft ferromagnetic solid.International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,2013
[9] Y. Li†, Y. Shi†, J. Song, C. Lu, T.-I. Kim, J.A. Rogers and Y. Huang.Thermal properties of microscale inorganic light-emitting diodes in a pulsed operation.Journal of Applied Physics,2013
[10] C. Yu, Y. Li, X. Zhang, X. Huang, V. Malyarchuk, S. Wang, Y. Shi, L. Gao, Y. Su, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, R.T. Hanlon, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers.Adaptive Optoelectronic Camouflage Systems With Designs Inspired by Cephalopod Skins.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2014
[11] Y. Shi, J. A. Rogers, C.F. Gao and Y. Huang.Multiple Neutral Axes in Bending of a Multiple-Layer Beam with Extremely Different Elastic Properties.Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME,2014
[12] C. Gao, L. Meng, Y. Shi..Coupled FEM analyses on electro-mechanical problem of electrostrictive plate with elliptical hole.Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2014
[13] C.H. Lee, J.-W. Jeong, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, S.-K. Kang, J. Kim, J.S. Kim, N.Y. Lee, B.H. Kim, K.-I. Jang, L. Yin, M.K. Kim, A. Banks, U. Paik, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers,.Materials and Wireless Microfluidic Systems for Electronics Capable of Chemical Dissolution on Demand.Advanced Functional Materials
[14] D. Sun, G. Chen, Y. Shi, T. Wang, R. Sun.Model reduction of a flexible multibody system with clearance.Mechanism and Machine Theory,2015
[15] L. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, S. Doshay, X. Xie, H. Luo, D. Shah, Y. Shi, S. Xu, H. Fang, J. A. Fan, P. Nordlander, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers.Optics and Nonlinear Buckling Mechanics in Large-Area, Highly Stretchable Arrays of Plasmonic Nanostructures.ACS Nano,2015
[16] C. Dagdeviren, Y. Shi, P. Joe, R. Ghaffari, G. Balooch, K. Usgaonkar, O. Gur, P. L. Tran, J. R. Crosby, M. Meyer, Y. Su, R. C. Webb, A. S. Tedesco, M. J. Slepian, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers.Conformal Piezoelectric Systems for Clinical and Experimental Characterization of Soft Tissue Biomechanics.Nature Materials,2015
[17] J. W. Jeong, J. G. McCall, G. Shin, Y. Zhang, R. A. Hasani, M. Kim, S. Li, J.Y. Sim, K. I. Jang, Y. Shi, D. Y. Hong, Y. Liu, G. P. Schmitz, L. Xia, Z. He, P. Gamble, W. Z. Ray, Y. Huang, M. R. Bruchas and J. A. Rogers.Wireless Optofluidic Systems for Programmable In Vivo Pharmacology and Optogenetics.Cell,2015
[18] Y. Shi, C. Dagdeviren, J.A. Rogers, C.F. Gao, and Y. Huang.An Analytic Model for Skin Modulus Measurement via Conformal Piezoelectric Systems.Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME,2015
[19] R. C. Webb, Y. Ma, S. Krishnan, Y. Li, S. Yoon, X. Guo, X. Feng, Y. Shi, M. Seidel, N. H. Cho, J. Kurniawan, J. Ahad, N. Sheth, J. Kim, J. G. Taylor VI, T. Darlington, K. Cheng, W. Huang, J. Ayers, A. Gruebele, R. M. Pielak, M. J. Slepian, Y. Huang, A. M. Gorbach and J. A. Rogers.Epidermal Devices for NonInvasive, Precise and Continuous Mapping of Macrovascular and Microvascular Blood Flow.Science Advances,2015
[20] Y. Shi†, H. Luo†, L. Gao, C.F. Gao, J. A. Rogers, Y. Huang, and Y. Zhang.Analyses of postbuckling in stretchable arrays of nanostructures for wide-band tunable plasmonics.Proceedings of the Royal Society A,2015
2019.6 - 至今 中国航空学会会员
2017.11 - 至今 中国力学学会会员

