2023-05-11 16:18
  • 陆彪
  • 陆彪 - 讲师 工学博士-南京航空航天大学-经济与管理学院-个人资料




南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院讲师,硕士生导师。具体研究兴趣包括可靠性工程、质量管理、制造系统运维管理。在Reliability Engineering and System Safety、Journal of Manufacturing Systems、Computers and Industrial Engineering等期刊发表论文10余篇。目前讲授《运筹学》和《应用统计学》。
2015.3-2019.6, 上海交通大学, 工业工程, 博士
2013.9-2015.3, 上海交通大学, 工业工程, 硕士(硕博连读)
2009.8-2013.7, 西安电子科技大学,工业工程, 学士
2019.06-至今 南京航空航天大学,经济与管理学院,讲师、硕士生导师
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“在线多维退化数据驱动的混联制造系统动态维护调度研究”(52005260),2021年1月—2023年12月,负责人
(5)国家自然科学基金面上项目“衰退流驱动的多工序制造系统维护调度研究” (51575356),2021年1月—2024年12月,学术骨干
2019 第一届广东省暨粤港澳大湾区工业工程创新大赛,一等奖,指导老师。
2021 第十六届“ 东风日产杯” 清华IE亮剑全国工业工程应用案例,二等奖,指导老师。
2021 “ 一汽丰田杯” 第四届工业工程与精益管理创新赛,二等奖,指导老师。




(1) Biao Lu*. A QMM-MOP methodology for the maintenance scheduling of multistage manufacturing systems with a stream of deterioration. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, August 30, 2021.
(2) Biao Lu*, Zhen Chen, Xufeng Zhao. Data-driven dynamic predictive maintenance for a manufacturing system with quality deterioration and online sensors. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 212: 107628.
(3) Weiwei Cui, Biao Lu*. Energy-aware operations management for flow shops under TOU electricity tariff. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 151: 106942.
(4)Biao Lu*, Dehao Zhou. Optimal tool replacement decisions using wear data and proportional hazard model. Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, PP68-72.
(5) Weiwei Cui, Biao Lu*. A Bi-Objective Approach to Minimize Makespan and Energy Consumption in Flow Shops with Peak Demand Constraint. Sustainability, 2020, 12(10), 4110.
(6) Biao Lu, Xiaojun Zhou*.Quality and reliability oriented maintenance for multistage manufacturing systems subject to condition monitoring. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2019, 52: 76-85.
(7) Xiaojun Zhou*, Biao Lu. Preventive maintenance scheduling for serial multi-station manufacturing systems with interaction between station reliability and product quality. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 122:283-291.
(8) Biao Lu, Xiaojun Zhou*. Opportunistic preventive maintenance scheduling for serial-parallel multistage manufacturing systems with multiple streams of deterioration. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017, 168:116-127.
(9) Biao Lu, Xiaojun Zhou. Performance-oriented preventive maintenance policy for deteriorating single-machine manufacturing systems. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM).
(10) Biao Lu*, Xiaojun Zhou, Yanting Li. Joint modeling of preventive maintenance and quality improvement for single-machine manufacturing systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 91:188-196.
[1] A Bi-Objective Approach to Minimize Makespan and Energy Consumption in Flow Shops with Peak Demand Constraint[J].Sustainability,2020,12(10):1-22
[2] Quality and reliability oriented maintenance for multistage manufacturing systems subject to condition monitoring[J].Journal of Manufacturing Systems,2019,52:76-85
[3] Preventive maintenance scheduling for serial multi-station manufacturing systems with interaction between station reliability and product quality[J].Computers & Industrial Engineering,2018,122:283-291
[4] Opportunistic preventive maintenance scheduling for serial-parallel multistage manufacturing systems with multiple streams of deterioration[J].Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2017,168:116-127
[5] Joint modeling of preventive maintenance and quality improvement for deteriorating single-machine manufacturing systems[J].Computers & Industrial Engineering,2016,91:188-196
[6] Performance-oriented preventive maintenance policy for deteriorating single-machine manufacturing systems[C].2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM),2017:1868-1872
[7] 产能导向的三设备混联系统预防维护决策[J].计算机集成制造系统,25(11):2813-2819
[8] 基于维护效率的设备多目标预防维护优化建模[J].计算机集成制造系统,2018,24(6):1438-1444
担任IEEE Transactions on Reliability,Reliability Engineering and System Safety,International Journal of Production Economics,Computers and Industrial Engineering,International Journal of Production Research,Applied Mathematical Modeling等期刊审稿人

