2023-05-11 16:17
  • 李鹏
  • 李鹏 - 教授-南京航空航天大学-电子信息工程学院-个人资料




2015.7 -- 2018.1香港理工大学
2018.6 -- 2020.6京都大学
2020.9 -- 至今南京航空航天大学
[1] 中央高校基本科研业务专项基金:高性能超声波换能器的理论设计及在土木工程无损检测中的应用研究
[2] 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室开放课题:弹性超材料中结构导波的建模、仿真与实验研究
[3] 第56批中国博士后基金面上资助项目(一等):不规则电极层对薄膜体声波谐振器力学性能的影响研究
[4] 弹性导波透镜和超表面的理论设计及实验研究
[5] 陕西省自然科学基金(面上项目):胶层对压电声波器件波动特性影响的理论建模和实验研究
[6] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):基于导波控制的压电主动超材料的结构设计
[7] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金):力电耦合激励下声波器件中界面和瞬态问题的研究




[1] The flexural-wave-based lens design for energy focusing via the trajectory prediction and the phase modulation[J].Energy,2021
[2] Flexural waves in a periodic non-uniform Euler-Bernoulli beam: Analysis for arbitrary contour profiles and applications to wave control[J].International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
[3] The SH0 wave manipulation in graded stubbed plates and its application to wave focusing and frequency separation[J].Smart Materials and Structures,2019
[4] A fully-coupled dynamic model for the fundamental shear horizontal wave generation in a PZT activated SHM system[J].Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2019
[5] Shear horizontal wave propagation in a periodic stubbed plate and its application in rainbow trapping[J].Ultrasonics,2018
[6] Wave band-gap formation and its evolution in two dimensional phononic crystals composed of rubber matrix with periodic steel quarter-cylinders[J].International Journal of Modern Physics B,2018
[7] The one-dimensional dynamic equations of piezoelectric semiconductor beams with rectangular cross sections and its application in static and dynamic characteristics analysis.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2018
[8] Propagation of thickness shear waves in a periodically corrugated quartz crystal plate and its application exploration in acoustic wave filters[J].Ultrasonics,2017
[9] The mechanical analysis about extensional and flexural deformations of a thermo-piezoelectric crystal beam with rectangular cross section[J].European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids,2016
[10] Extensional waves in a sandwich plate with interface slip[J].ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,2015
[11] The application of second-order approximation of Taylor series in thickness shear vibration analysis of quartz crystal microbalances[J].Ultrasonics,2015
[12] A comparison between the epoxy-bonded layer structure and shear-lag model in a thickness-shear mode circular cylindrical piezoelectric transformer.International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,2014
[13] A piezoelectric energy harvester with increased bandwidth based on beam flexural vibrations in perpendicular directions[J].. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,2013
[14] Investigation of trapped thickness-twist waves induced by functionally graded piezoelectric material in an inhomogeneous plate[J].Smart Materials and Structures,2013
[15] The anti-plane vibration of a quartz plate with an additional partial non-uniform mass layer for acoustic wave sensing[J].Acta Mechanica,2013

