2023-05-11 15:59
  • 朱纪欣
  • 朱纪欣 - 教授,博导-南京工业大学-先进材料研究院-个人资料




2015.09 – 至今,教授,南京工业大学,先进材料研究院\r
2014.02 - 2015.08,德国,马克思·普朗克学会胶体与界面所,博士后\r
2012.12 - 2013.04,美国,莱斯大学,材料科学与机械工程学院,访问学者\r
2012.06 - 2014.02,新加坡,慕尼黑工业大学电动汽车研究中心,博士后\r
2008.08 - 2012.06,新加坡,南洋理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士\r
2005.09 - 2008.07,中国科学技术大学,火灾科学国家重点实验室,硕士\r
2001.09 - 2005.07,安徽大学,化学化工学院,学士


""(1) 先进材料与能源科学\r
(2) 纳米材料可控制备与储能应用(离子电池、金属空气电池、超级电容器等)\r
(3) 多功能催化剂设计及其光、电催化性能与机理研究"""1. 能源存储与清洁能源制备;\r
2. 半导体载流子调控及器件;\r
3. 柔性电子材料与器件等。"


J.X. Zhu, K. Sakaushi, G. Clavel, M. Shalom, M. Antonietti, and T.T. Fellinger, A general salt-templating method to fabricate vertically aligned graphitic carbon nanosheets and their metal carbide hybrids for superior lithium ion batteries and water splitting, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(16), 5480-5485.\r
J.X. Zhu, W.P. Sun, D. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. H. Hoon, H. Zhang, Q.Y. Yan, Multifunctional architectures composed of PANI nanoneedle arrays on MoS2 thin nanosheets for high-energy supercapacitors, Small, 2015, 11(33), 4123-4129.\r
J.X. Zhu, D. Yang, Z.Y. Yin, Q.Y. Yan, H. Zhang, Graphene and graphene-based materials for energy storage applications, Small, 2014, 10(17), 3480-3498.\r
J.X. Zhu, L.J. Cao, Y.S. Wu, Y.J. Gong, Z. Liu, H. E Hoster, Y.H. Zhang, S.T. Zhang, S.B. Yang, Q.Y. Yan, R. Vajtai, P. M Ajayan, Building 3D structures of vanadium pentoxide nanosheets and application as electrodes in supercapacitors, Nano Letters, 2013, 13(11), 5408-5413.\r
J.X. Zhu, Z.Y. Yin, D. Yang, T. Sun, H. Yu, H. E Hoster, H. H. Hng, H. Zhang, Q.Y. Yan, Hierarchical hollow spheres composed of ultrathin Fe2O3 nanosheets for lithium storage and photocatalytic water oxidation, Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6(3), 987-993. \r
J.X. Zhu, D. Yang, X.H. Rui, D.H. Sim, H. Yu, H. E Hoster, P. M Ajayan, Q.Y. Yan, Facile preparation of ordered porous graphene-metal oxide@C binder-free electrodes with high Li storage performance, Small, 2013, 9(20), 3390-3397.\r
J.X. Zhu, Z.Y. Yin, H. Li, H.T. Tan, C. L. Chow, H. Zhang, H. H. Hng, J. Ma, Q.Y. Yan, bottom-up preparation of porous metal-oxide ultrathin sheets with adjustable composition/phases and their applications, Small, 2011, 7(24), 3458-3464.\r
J.X. Zhu, K. Sun, D.H. Sim, C. Xu, H. Zhang, H. H. Hng and Q.Y. Yan, Nanohybridization of ferrocene clusters and reduced graphene oxide with enhanced lithium storage capability, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(37), 10383-10385.\r
J.X. Zhu, T. Sun, J.S. Chen, W.H. Shi, X.W. Lou, S. Mhaisalkar, H. H. Hng, F. Boey, J. Ma, Q.Y. Yan, Controlled synthesis of Sb nanostructures and their conversion to CoSb3 nanoparticle chains for Li-Ion battery electrodes, Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22(18), 5333-5339.\r
J.X. Zhu, T.g Sun, H. H. Hng, J. Ma, F. Boey, X.W. Lou, H. Zhang, C. Xue, H.Y. Chen, Q.Y. Yan, Fabrication of core-shell structure of M@C (M = Se, Au, Ag2Se) and transformation to yolk-shell structure by electron beam irradiation or vacuum annealing, Chemistry of Materials, 2009, 21(16), 3848-3852.

