2023-05-11 15:59
  • 朱玉亮
  • 朱玉亮 - 教授-南京工业大学-生物与制药工程学院-个人资料




2001年6月中科院生态环境研究中心博士毕业,2002年1月在 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Cancer Center(National Cancer Institute- Designated Cancer Institute)进行博士后研究,从事抗癌药物开发,2003年5月加入 Prof. Sidney Hecht group (University of Virginia) 任研究员从事抗癌药物开发,2004年5月转入Prof. Lin Pu group (University of Virginia) 任研究员从事不对称合成研究,2006年8月加入Prof. Brett Lutch group (University of Rhode Island) 任资深研究员从事高分子材料合成,2008年10月任南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院教授




Yuliang Zhu, N. Gergel, L.R. Harriott, Lin Pu*. First Optically Active Molecular Electronic Wires. Organic Letters, 2006, 8(3);355-358.\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Highly Efficient Synthesis of the Mannose Nonasaccharide of the N-Glycan Expressed on the HIV Glycoprotein gp 120. Synlett, 2001, 1217-1220\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Mannododecaose and 1-6 Linked Glucooctaose using Sugar Trichloroacetimidates as the Donors and Unproteted or Partially Protected Glycosides as the Acceptors. Synlett, 2000, 663-667\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Effective Synthesis of 1-2 Linked Manno- and Rhamopyranosyl Oligosaccharides and Related Antigenic Factor 4 and Dominant of Antigenice Factor 6. Synlett, 2000, 1783-1787\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of the Terasaccharide Repeating Unit of Mannoglucan from Microellobosporia grisea. Carbohydr. Res. 2000, 329, 199-205\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Regio-and Stereoselective Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Manno-, Gluco-, and Galactopyranose Di-, Tri-, Tetrasaccharides via Orthoester Intermediates. J. Carbohydr. Chem. 2000, 19, 837-848\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile and Effective Synthesis of 1-6 Linked Mannose Di-, Tri-, Tetra-, Hexa-, Octa-, and Dodecasaccharides, and 1-6 Linked Glucose Di, Tri-, Tetra-, Hexa-, and Octasaccharides using Sugar Trichloroacetimidates as the Donors and Unprotected or Partially Protected Glycosides as the Acceptors. Carbohydr. Res. 2000, 332, 1-21\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Efficient Synthesis of 1-2 Linked Mannopyranosyl Oligosaccharides and Related Antigenic Factor 34 and Dominant of Antigenic Factor 13. Chin. J. Chem. 2001, 19, 119-122\r
Yuliang Zhu, Langqiu Cheng, Fanzuo Kong*. Concise and Efficient Synthesis of Antigenic Factor 4 Existing in Candida Albicans. Chin. J. Chem. 2001, 19, 1289-1295\r
Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Synthesis of Mannose Tri-, and Tetrasaccharide Repeationg Units of Fungal Cell Wall Polysaccharide from Microsporum and Trychophyton Species. Syn. Commun. 2002, 32, 1219-1226\r
Yuliang Zhu, Langqiu Cheng, Fanzuo Kong*. A Facile Regio- and -Stereoselective Synthesis of Mannose Octasaccharide of the N-Linked Glycan in Human CD2 and Mannose Hexasaccharide Antigenic Factor 13b. Carbohydr. Res. 2002, 337, 207-215\r
JianJun Zhang, Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*, Synthesis of the L-Rhamnose Tetrasacharide, the Common and Major Structure of the Repeating Unit of the O-Antigenic Polysaccharide of a Strain of Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Pseudomonas holci. Carbohydr. Res. 2001, 336, 229-235\r
Langqiu Cheng, Yuliang Zhu, Fanzuo Kong*. Synthesis of Manp-1-2-Manp-1-3-Manp-1-3-Manp, the Tetrasaccharide Repeating Unit of E. coli O9a, and Manp-1-2-Manp-1-2-Manp-1-3-Manp-1-3-Manp, the Pentasaccharide Repeating Unit of E. coli O9a, and Klebsiella O3,Carbohydr. Res. 2002, 337-390\r
N. Gergel-Hackett, N. Majumdar, Z. Martin, N. Swami, L. R. Harriott, and J. C. Bean ,G. Pattanaik ,G Zangari, Y. Zhu, L. Pu, Y. Yao and J. M. Tour. Effects of molecular environments on the electrical switching with memory of nitro-containing OPEs,. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2006, 24(4) 1243-1248.

