2023-05-11 15:33
  • 张肖剑
  • 张肖剑 - 助理研究员-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




2005.09 – 2009.06: 兰州大学资源环境学院,地理科学学士
2009.09 – 2012.06: 兰州大学西部环境与气候变化研究院,自然地理学硕士
2013.09 – 2016.06: 兰州大学资源环境学院,自然地理学博士
2016.07 – : 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,博士后
1. 2016.9–2018.7,博士后创新人才支持计划(BX201600068),海洋科学,60万元,主持
2. 2017.6–2018.7,第六十一批中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助(2017M610318),8万元,主持




1. Zhang, X., L. Jin, H. Lu, W. Park, B. Schneider, and M. Latif. East–west contrast of Northeast Asian summer precipitation during the Holocene. Global and Planetary Change, 2018, 170: 190–200.
2. Zhang, X., L. Jin, J. Chen, H. Lu, and F. Chen. Lagged response of summer precipitation to insolation forcing on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 50: 3117–3129.
3. Zhang, X., J. Li, M. Gao, and L. Jin. Simulated precipitation changes in Central Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 2018, 490: 82–97.
4. Zhang, X., L. Jin, J. Chen, F. Chen, W. Park, B. Schneider, and M. Latif. Detecting the relationship between moisture changes in arid central Asia and East Asia during the Holocene by model-proxy comparison. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017, 176: 36–50.
5. Zhang, X., and L. Jin. Association of the Northern Hemisphere circumglobal teleconnection with the Asian summer monsoon during the Holocene in a transient simulation. Holocene, 2016, 26: 290–301.
6. Zhang, X., L. Jin, W. Huang, and F. Chen. Forcing mechanisms of orbtial-scale changes in winter rainfall over northwestern China during the Holocene. Holocene, 2016, 26: 549–555.
7. Zhang, X., L. Jin, and W. Jia. Centennial-scale teleconnection between North Atlantic sea surface temperatures and the Indian summer monsoon during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 2016, 46: 3323–3336.
8. Zhang, X., L. Jin, and N. Li. Asynchronous variation in the East Asian winter monsoon during the Holocene. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2015, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022585.
9. Zhang, X., L. Jin, C. Chen, D. Guan, and M. Li. Interannual and interdecadal variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation spatial shift. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56: 2621–2627.
10. Sun, X., H. Lu, S. Wang, X. Xu, Q. Zeng, X. Lu, C. Lu, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, and R. Dennell. Hominin distribution in glacial interglacial environmental changes in the Qinling Mountains range, central China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 198: 37–55.
11. Li, G., F. Chen, D. Xia, H. Yang, X. Zhang, D. Madsen, C. Oldknow. H. Wei, Z. Rao, and M. Qiang. A Tianshan Mountains loess-paleosol sequence indicates anti-phase climatic variations in arid central Asia and in East Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 494: 153–163.
12. Lu, F., C. Ma, C. Zhu, H. Lu, X. Zhang, K. Huang, T. Guo, K. Li, L. Li, B. Li, and W. Zhang. Variability of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the Holocene and possible forcing mechanisms. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 1–21. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4175-6.
13. Li, J., J. Dodson, H. Yan, W. Wang, J. B. Innes, Y. Zong, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, J. Ni, and F. Lu. Quantitative Holocene climatic reconstructions for the lower Yangtze region of China. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 50: 1101–1113.
14. Li, J., J. Dodson, H. Yan, B. Cheng, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, J. Ni, and F. Lu. Quantitative precipitation estimates for the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau over the last 18,000 years. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2017, 122, 513–5143, doi:10.1002/2016JD026333.
15. Li, J., J. Dodson, H. Yan, D. D. Zhang, X. Zhang, Q. Xu, H. F. Lee, Q. Pei, B. Cheng, C. Li, J. Ni, A. Sun, F. Lu, and Y. Zong. Quantifying climatic variability in monsoonal northern China over the last 2200 years and its role in driving Chinese dynastic changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017, 159, 35–46.
16. Chen, F., J. Jia, J. Chen, G. Li, X. Zhang, H. Xie, D. Xia, W. Huang, and C. An. A persistent Holocene wetting trend in arid central Asia, with wettest conditions in the late Holocene, revealed by multi-proxy analyses of loess-paleosol sequences in Xinjiang, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016, 146: 134–146.
17. Jin, L., X. Zhang, and G. Leduc. Reply to comment by Rashid et al. on “Asynchronous variation in the East Asian winter monsoon during the Holocene”. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2016, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024270.
18. Li, J., L. Ilvonen, Q. Xu, J. Ni, L. Jin, L. Holmström, Z. Zheng, H. Lu, Y. Luo, Y. Li, C. Li, X. Zhang, and H. Seppä. East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variations in China over the last 9500 years: a comparison of pollen-based reconstructions and model simulations. Holocene, 2016, 26: 592–602.
19. Liu, J., J. Chen, X. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Rao, and F. Chen. Holocene East Asian summer monsoon records in northern China and their inconsistency with Chinese stalagmite δ18O records. Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, 148, 194–208.
20. Chen, F., Q. Xu, J. Chen, H.J.B. Birks, J. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Jin, C. An, R.J. Telford, X. Cao, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, K. Selvaraj, H. Lü, Y. Li, Z. Zheng, H. Wang, A. Zhou, G. Dong, J. Zhang, X. Huang, J. Bloemendal, and Z. Rao. East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability since the last deglaciation. Scientific Reports, 2015, doi:10.1038/srep11186.
21. Liu, X., Z. Rao, X. Zhang, W. Huang, J. Chen, and F. Chen. Variations in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in the Tianshan Mountains region and their significance for the Westerly circulation. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(7): 801–816.
22. Huang, W., J. Chen, X. Zhang, S. Feng, and F. Chen. Definition of the core zone of the “westerlies-dominated climatic regime”, and its controlling factors during the instrumental period. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(5): 676–684.
23. Chen, F., X. Chen, J. Chen, A. Zhou, D. Wu, L. Tang, X. Zhang, X. Huang, and J. Yu. Holocene vegetation history, precipitation changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution documented from sediments of Xingyun Lake, southwest China. Journal of Quaternary Research, 2014, 29(7): 661–674.
24. Chen, X., F. Chen, A. Zhou, X. Huang, L. Tang, D. Wu, X. Zhang, and J. Yu. Vegetation history, climatic changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution during the Last Glaciation (36400-13400 cal yr BP). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 410: 179–189.
25. Wang, H., J. Chen, X. Zhang, and F. Chen. Palaeosol development in the Chinese Loess Plateau as an indicator of the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon: Evidence for a mid-Holocene maximum. Quaternary International, 2014, 334–335: 155–164.
26. Liu, J., F. Chen, J. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Liu, and J. Bloemendal. Weakening of the east Asian summer monsoon at 1000–1100 A.D. within the medieval climate anomaly: possible linkage to changes in the Indian ocean-western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2014, 119(5): 2209–2219.
27. Jin, L., B. Schneider, W. Park, M. Latif, V. Khon, and X. Zhang. The spatialetemporal patterns of Asian summer monsoon precipitation in response to Holocene insolation change: a model-data synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014, 85: 47–62.
28. Huang, W., F. Chen, S. Feng, J. Chen, and X. Zhang. Interannual precipitation variations in the mid-latitude Asia and their association with large scale atmospheric circulation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(32): 3962–3968.

