2011年6月获南京大学电子科学与技术博士学位。攻读博士期间作为项目负责人完成了江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新基金(CX10B_020Z),并由于在该领域的出色工作于2009 年获得了 “王大珩光学奖高校学生光学奖”。获得博士学位后,张益昕博士加入新加坡南洋理工大学EEE 学院从事博士后研究员工作,承担了新加坡国防科学研究所(DSO)的国防装备预研项目,并作为南洋理工大学方面的项目负责人,带领实验室科研团队成功研制了可供现场演示的量子密钥分配系统样机。 2012年加入南京大学光通信工程研究中心,任专职科研岗的助理研究员,2015年升任副教授。其主要研究方向为分布式光纤传感系统的机理研究与仪器化设计。目前已在Optics Lettess, Optics Express 等期刊发表50篇期刊或会议论文,申请/获得了48项专利(其中26项已获授权),获得省部级科技鉴定1项。近年来,作为项目负责人或主要参与人参加了来自国家、省部委以及企业的科研项目共23项的研究工作。其在微弱信号检测、高速数据采集、数字信号处理等方面均有较深的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。
1.Li Qi, Wang Shun, Yixing Zhang, Yingying Sun, and Xuping Zhang, Quality inspection guided laser processing of irregular shape objects by stereo vision measurement: application in badminton shuttle manufacturing [J], Optical Engineering, Accepted 2.Fan Zhu, Yixin Zhang*, Lan Xia, Xuelin Wu, and Xuping Zhang,Improved Φ-OTDR Sensing System for High-Precision Dynamic Strain Measurement Based on Ultra-Weak Fiber Bragg Grating Array[J], Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33(23): 4775-4780. 3.Fan Zhu, Xuping Zhang, Lan Xia, Zheng Guo, and Yixin Zhang*, Active compensation method for light source frequency drifting in Φ-OTDR sensing system [J], IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(24): 2523-2526. 4.Guojie Tu, Xuping Zhang*, Yixin Zhang*, Fan Zhu, Lan Xia, and Bikash Nakarmi, The Development of an Φ-OTDR System for Quantitative Vibration Measurement [J], IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(12): 1349-1352 5.Li Qi, Yixin Zhang, Shun Wang, Huan Yang and Xuping Zhang, Laser cutting of irregular shape object based on stereo vision laser galvanometric scanning system [J], Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 68:180-187. 6.Xuping Zhang, Li Qi, Zhiqiang Tang, Yixin Zhang*, Portable true random number generator for personal encryption application based on smartphone camera [J], Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(24):1624-1626. 7.Guojie Tu, Xuping Zhang, Yixin Zhang*, Zhoufeng Ying, Lidong Lv, Strain variation measurement with short-time Fourier transform-based Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry sensing system [J], Electronics Letters, 2015, 50(22):1624-1626 8.Yixin Zhang, Xuelin Wu, Zhoufeng Ying, Xuping Zhang, Performance improvement for long range BOTDR sensing system based on high extinction ratio modulator[J], Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(14):1014-1016 9.Yixin Zhang, Xuping Zhang, Yuanlei Shi, Zhoufeng Ying, Shun Wang, Electro-optic modulator based gate transient suppression for sine-wave gated InGaAs/InP single photon avalanche photodiode[J], Optical Engineering, 2014,53(6):067102 10. Ying Zhoufeng, Zhang Xuping, Wang Shun, Xie Fei, Zhang Yixin*, Gigahertz-Clocked InGaAs/InP Single Photon Avalanche Photodiode with Tunable Gating Frequency[J], Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2014,56(8):1742-1744 11. Zhoufeng Ying, Guanghui Wang, Xuping Zhang, Ying Huang, Ho-pui Ho, and Yixin Zhang, Ultracompact TE-pass polarizer based on a hybrid plasmonic waveguide [J], Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 27(2):201-204 12. Yixin Zhang, Xuping Zhang, Shun Wang, Gaussian Pulse Gated InGaAsInP Avalanche Photodiode for Single Photon Detection[J], Optics Letters, 2013, 38(5):606-608 13. Yixin Zhang, Shun Wang, Xuping Zhang, Fei Xie and Jiaqi Wang, Freight train gauge-exceeding detection based on three-dimensional stereo vision measurement[J], Machine Vision and Applications, 2013, 24(3): 461-475 14. Yixin Zhang, Fei Xie, Guowen Yang, Xuping Zhang, and Shun Wang, Balanced single photon avalanche detector with variode based spike noise cancellation [J], Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2013, 55(12): 2877-2879. 15. Li Qi, Yixin Zhang, Xuping Zhang, Shun Wang, and Fei Xie, Statistical behavior analysis and precision optimization for the laser stripe center detector based on Steger's algorithm[J], Optics Express, 2013, 21(11): 13442-13449. 16. Fei Xie, Yixin Zhang, Shun Wang, Xuping Zhang, Li Qi, Robust extrication method for line structured-light stripe [J], International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(11):6400-6403 17. Xuping Zhang, Junhui Hu, and Yixin Zhang, A hybrid single-end-access BOTDA and COTDR sensing system using heterodyne detection[J], Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2013, 31(12): 1954-1959.
标签: 南京大学 现代工程与应用科学学院
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