2023-05-11 15:29
  • 周东山
  • 周东山 - 教授-南京大学-配位化学国家重点实验室-个人资料




2010-present Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
2005-2010 Associate Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
2003-2005 Postdoc, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University
2006-2008 Humboldt Research Fellow, Institute of Physics, Rostock University, Germany
2000-2003 PhD, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
1997-2000 MS, Department of Earth Science, Nanjing University
1993-1997 BS, Department of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University


Instrumental Development in Fast Scanning and Sensitive Calorimetry
Fast heating or cooling treatment is one of the most routinely used techniques to prepare advanced functional materials in metastable states. Depending on the rates of crystallization or polymorphism transition, the corresponding heating or cooling rates to capture the wanted metastable states can span from few K/s to 107 K/s. Calorimeters with ultrafast temperature scanning rates are highly desired to follow and control these fast structural evolutions. And additionally, the sensitivity of calorimeter, that is proportional to the temperature scanning rate, is also increased down to levels sub-nano J/K, making direct measurements on ultrathin film possible.
In this lab, we successfully build the ultrafast scanning and sensitive calorimeter with scanning rates up to 105 K/s, short response time down to sub-milliseconds and sensitivity down to 50 pico J/K.
in-situ Integration of Fast Scanning Calorimeter with Structural Analysis Techniques
Thermally analysis alone in some cases is not enough to provide the full description of the phase and structural evolution, so we integrate the fast scanning calorimeter with the micro-structural analysis techniques, say, micro-Raman scattering spectroscopy.
Melting behaviors with fast enough heating rate provides the growing crystallinity during annealing, while Raman spectroscopy provides the information regarding the chain conformation transition during crystallization. We can find that both techniques provide the consistent crystallization kinetics.
Metastable States and Confined System
With the fast scanning calorimeter, we can capture transient polymorphs of small molecules that are very unstable in ambient temperature even though they were obtained under demanding conditions. For example, the square plate form of liquid crystal forming molecule 8OCB, was found in very limited temperature and time window when it was grown from glassy liquid crystalline states [Soft Matter 2013, 9, 1488].
Glass transition of polymers confined into ultrathin film has been intensively studied owning to polymer thin films’ increasing important applications in high-tech devices, and as the model system for the study of size effect on the glass transition itself. With this sensitive calorimeter, we have successfully measured the glass transition of polymer thin films down to few nanometers [Macromolecules 2008, 41, 7662; 2013, 46, 7006].""


1. Xu, J.; Wu, H. C.; Zhu, C. X.; Ehrlich, A.; Shaw, L.; Nikolka, M.; Wang, S. H.; Molina-Lopez, F.; Gu, X. D.; Luo, S.C.; Zhou, D. S.; Kim, Y. H.; Wang, G. J. N.; Gu, K.; Feig, V. R.; Chen, S. C.; Kim, Y.; Katsumata, T.; Zheng, Y. Q.; Yan, H.; Chung, J. W.; Lopez, J.; Murmann, B.; Bao, Z. N.* Multi-scale ordering in highly stretchable polymer semiconducting films. Nature Materials,2019, 18, 594.
2. Lu, H. Y.; Wan, Y. X.; Wang, T. Y.; Jin, R.; Ding, P. T.; Wang, R.; Wang, Y.; Teng, C.; Li, L. L.; Wang, X. L.; Zhou, D. S.*; Wang, X. L.* A high performance SnO2/C nanocomposite cathode for aluminum-ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 7213.
3. Gasperini, A.; Wang, G. J. N.; Molina-Lopez, F.; Wu, H. C.; Lopez, J.; Xu, J.; Luo, S. C.; Zhou, D. S.; Xue, G.; Tok, J. B. H.; Bao, Z. N.* Characterization of Hydrogen Bonding Formation and Breaking in Semiconducting Polymers under Mechanical Strain. Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 2476.
4. Huang, Z. J.; Jiang, J.; Xue, G.; Zhou, D. S.* b-Phase Crystallization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) in Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Poly(ethyl methacrylate) Blends. Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2019, 37, 94.
5. Qin, L. L.; Li, L. L.; Sha, Y.; Wang, Z. Y.; Zhou, D. S.; Chen, W.; Xue, G.* Conformational Transitions of Polymer Chains in Solutions Characterized by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer. Polymers, 2018, 10, 1007.
6. Yang, R.; L, H. M.; Jiang, J.; Zhou, D. S.* Study on Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(ethylene oxide) Droplets by Fast Scanning Calorimetry. ActaPolym. Sin. 2018, 9, 1228.
7. Huang, Z. J.; Jiang, J.; Shi, L. Y.; Wang, X. L.; Xue, G.; Li, L. L.*; Shen, Z. H.; Zhou, D. S.* Dependences of Confining Size and Interfacial Curvature on the Glass Transition of Polydimethylsiloxane in Self-Assembled Block Copolymers. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2018,219, 1700518.

