2023-05-11 15:29
  • 姚祝军
  • 姚祝军 - 教授-南京大学-配位化学国家重点实验室-个人资料




1996年9月至1999年9月,在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)任博士后 、访问研究员(NIH Fogarty International Visiting Fellowship)。
2008年9月,受聘于南京大学化学化工学院,担任教授、博士生导师、微结构国家实验室(筹)课题组长; 唐仲英特聘教授(2009),首批南京大学特聘教授(2011)。
Prof. Zhu-Jun Yao received his Bachelor degree with honors from Fudan University in 1990, and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese academy of Sciences (CAS) under supervision of Prof. Yu-Lin Wu in July 1995. He joined NIH as an NIH Fogarty International Visiting Fellow at National Cancer Institute (USA) in 1996, and worked in signal transduction with Dr. T. R. Burke, Jr. for three years. Dr. Yao was recruited as a faculty member at SIOC in September 1999, and immediately appointed as a full Professor and Principle Investigator in November 1999. In September 2008, Dr. Yao moved to Nanjing University School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and serves at Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures as a Cyrus Tang Professor. He was appointed as the Chief of Organic Chemistry Division at School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in March 2011 and a NJU Distinguished Professor in December 2011.
Prof. Yao has received quite a number of awards from the academic societies. He was a recipient of NSFC Outstanding Youth Grant, and selected into CAS Hundred Talent Program and Leading Talents of Shanghai Municipal. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 research papers in the peer-reviewed journals and over 20 patents, 4 books and 15 chapters. Recent awards also include the Natural Science Prize of CAS (the Second Class), CCS-BASF Youth Innovation Award, Thieme Chemistry Journal Award, SciFinder-CCS Award for Creative Work in Organic Synthesis, and Eli Lilly Scientific Excellence Award in Chemistry (ELSEA) etc.
Prof. Yao once served as a National Representative (China-Beijing) in the International Union of Applied and Pure Chemistry (2008-2011), and a coordinator of Asia Core Program (China-Beijing, 2005-2012). Currently, he is a council member of Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and Vice Chairman of CCS Division of Chemical Biology, a member of NSFC Supervision Committee and Specialist Committee of NSFC Chemistry Department, as well as Editorial Broad member or Editorial Advisory Broad member of 9 research journals.




1. Wu,P., Chen,W.-S., Hu, T.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Annonaceous Acetogenin from Annona Atemoya Seeds. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Research2001, 3, 177.
2. Wu, Y.-L., Wu, W.-L., Yao, Z.-J., Li, Y.-L., Wang, Y.-F., Li, J.-C., Sun, X.-L., Peng, Z.-H., Yu, Q., Hu, T.-S., Zeng, B.-B., Wang, X.-Z. Syntheses of Enantiopure Natural Products from Sugars. Chinese J. Org. Chem. 2001, 21, 1051.
3. Atabey, N.; Gao, Y.;Yao, Z.-J.; Brechenridge, D.; Soon, L.; Burke Jr., T.R.; Bottaro, D.P. Potent blockade of hepatocyte growth factor-stimulated cell motility by selective inhibitors of Grb2-c-Met interaction. J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276, 14308-14314.
4. Burke Jr., T. R., Yao, Z.-J., Ye, B., Miyoshi, K., Otaka, A., Wu., L., Zhang, Z.-Y. Phospho-azatyrosine, a less effective protein-tyrosine phosphatase substrate than phosphotyrosine. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters2001, 11, 1265-8.
5. Burke Jr.,T. R., Yao, Z.-J., Gao, Y., Wu, J. X., Zhu, X., Luo, J. H., Guo, R., Yang, D. N-Terminal Carboxyl and Tetrazole-Containing Amides as Adjuvants to Grb2 SH2 Domain Ligand Binding. Bioorg. Med. Chem.2001, 9, 1439-1445.
6. Burke Jr., T. R., Yao, Z.-J., Liu, D.-G., Voigt, J., Gao, Y. Phosphoryltyrosyl Mimetics in the Design of Peptide-Based Signal Transduction Inhibitors. Biopolymers2001, 60, 32-44.
7. Zhang, Y.-L., Yao, Z.-J., Sarmiento, M., Wu, L., Burke, Jr., T. R., Zhang, Z.-Y. Isothermal Titration Calorimetric Study of Ligand Binding to Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B and Its Substrate-Trapping Mutants. J. Biol. Chem.2000, 275(44), 34205-34212.
8. Long, Y.-Q., Lung, F.-D. T., Voigt, J. H., Yao, Z.-J., Burke, Jr., T. R., Yang, D., Luo, J. H., Guo, R., King, C. K., Roller, P. P. High affinity nonphosphorylated cyclic peptide inhibitors of Grb2-SH2 / growth factor receptor interactions. In Peptides: Frontier of Peptide Science, Proc. of 16th American Peptide Symposium, Tam, J. P., and Kaumaya, P. T. P. (Eds), ESCOM/Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordect, The Netherlands,2000, 568-570.
9. Yao, Z.-J., Barchi, J. J., Burke, Jr., T. R. Design and synthesis of a new tyrosine analogue having c1 and c2 angles constrained to values observed for an SH2 domain-bound phosphotyrosyl residue. In Peptides for the New Millennium: Proc. of 16th American Peptide Symposium, Fields, G. B., Tam, J. P., and Barany, G. (Eds), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordect, The Netherlands,2000, p576-8.
10. Gao, Y., Yao, Z.-J., Voigt, J. H., Luo, J. H., Yang, D., Burke, Jr., T. R. Novel phosphotyrosyl mimetics for the preparation of potent small molecule Grb2 SH2 domain inhibitors. In Peptides for the New Millennium: Proc. of 16th American Peptide Symposium, Fields, G. B., Tam, J. P., and Barany, G. (Eds), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordect, The Netherlands, 2000, p566-7.
11. Gao, Y., Luo, J., Yao, Z.-J., Guo, R., Zou, H., Kelley, J., Voigt, J. H., Yang, D., Burke, Jr., T. R. Inhibition of Grb2 SH2 Domain Binding by Non-Phosphate Containing Ligands 2. 4-(2-Malonyl)phenylalanine as a potent Phosphotyrosyl Mimetic. J. Med. Chem.2000,43, 911-920.
12. Burke Jr., T.R.; Gao, Y.; Yao, Z.-J.; Voigt, J.; Luo, J.; Dajun, Y. Potent non phosphate- containing Grb2 SH2 domain inhibitors. Peptide Chemistry 1999. Proceedings of the 36th Japanese Peptide Symposium, Ed. by N. Fujii,The Japanese Peptide Society, 2000, pp 49-52.
13. Yao, Z.-J., Wu, H.-P., Wu, Y.-L. Polyether Mimics of Natural Occurring Cytotoxic Annonaceous Acetogenins. J. Med. Chem.2000,43, 2484-2487.
14. Liu, D.-G.; Yao, Z.-J.;Gao, Y.; Burke, T.R., Jr. Large scale preparation of cell permeable, non-phosphate containing Grb2 SH2 domain inhibitors. Organic Preparations and Procedures International2000,32, 197-201.
15. Chen, H., Cong, L.-N., Li, Y., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, L., Zhang, Z.-Y., Burke Jr., T. R., Quon, M. J. A Phosphotyrosyl Mimetic Peptide Reverses Impairment of Insulin-stimulated Translocation of Glut4 Caused by Overexpression of PTP1B in Rat Adipose Cells. Biochemistry1999, 38(1), 384-389.
16. Yao, Z.-J., King, C. R., Cao, T., Kelley, J., Milne, G. W. A., Voigt, J. H., Burke Jr., T. R. Potent Inhibition of Grb2 SH2, Domain Binding by Non-Phosphate Cotaining Ligands. J. Med. Chem.1999,42(1), 25-35.
17. Burke Jr., T. R., Luo, J., Yao, Z.-J., Gao, Y., Milne, G. W. A., Voigt, J. H., King, C. R., Yang, D. Monocarboxylic-Based Phosphotyrosyl Mimetics in the Design of Grb2 SH2 Domain Inhibitors. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Lett. 1999,9, 347-352.
18. Yao, Z.-J., Gao, Y., Voigt, J. H., Ford, Jr., H., Burke Jr., T. R. Synthesis of Fmoc-Protected 4-Carboxydifluoromethyl-L-phenylalanine: A Phosphotyrosyl Mimetic of Potential Use for Signal Transduction Studies. Tetrahedron.1999,55, 2865-2874.
19. Yu, Q., Yao, Z.-J., Chen, X.-G., Wu, Y.-L. Total Synthesis of (10R) and (10S)-corossolin, Determination of the C-10 configuration and the Unexpected Differential Toxicity toward Cancer Cell Caused by the Configuration at C-10. J. Org. Chem.1999, 64, 2440-2445.
20. Long, Y.-Q., Yao, Z.-J., Lung, F.-D. T., Voigt, J. H., King, C. R., Burke, Jr., T. R., Roller, P. P. Overlapping function of amino acids in position-2 and Y0 leading to high affinity nonphosphorylated peptide ligands of Grb2-SH2 domain. Biochem. Biphys. Res. Comm.1999, 264, 902-908.
21. Yao, Z.-J., Gao, Y., Burke, T. R., Jr. Preparation of L-N-Fmoc-Pmp(tBu2)-OH From L-Tyrosine. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 1999, 10, 3727-3734.
22. Wu, Y.-L., Chen, H.-B., Jiang, K., Li, Y., Shan, F., Wang, D.-Y., Wang, Y.-F., Wu, W.-M., Wu, Y., Yao, Z.-J., Yue, Z.-Y., Zhou, C.-M. Interaction of biomolecules with qinghaosu (artemisinin) and its derivatives in the presence of ferrous ion – an exploration of antimalarial mechanism. Pure Appl. Chem.1999, 71, 1139-1142.
23. Burke, T. R., Jr., Gao, Y., Yao, Z.-J., Voigt, J., Luo, J., Yang, D. Potent non phosphate-containing Grb2 SH2 domain inhibitors.Pept. Sci.1999, 36, 49-52.
24. Wu, W.-M., Wu, Y., Wu, Y.-L., Yao, Z.-J., Zhou, C.-M., Li, Y., Shan, F. Unified Mechanism Framework for the Fe(II)-Induced Cleavage of Qinghaosu and Derivatives /Analogs. The First Spin-Trapping Evidence for the previously Postulated Secondary C-4 Radical. J. Am. Chem. Soc.1998, 120, 3316-3325.
25. Hu, Y.-J., Huang, X.-D., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Formal Synthesis of 3-Deoxy-D-manno-2-Octulosonic Acid (KDO) via a Highly Double-Stereoselective Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction Directed by a (Salen)Co(II) Catalyst and Chiral Diene. J. Org. Chem.1998, 63, 2456-2461.
26. Yao, Z.-J., Ye, B., Miyoshi, K., Otaka, A., Burke Jr., T. R. Preparation of phospho-L-azatyrosine suitably protected for the solid phase synthesis of signal transduction-related peptides. A correction. Synlett.1998, 428-430.
27. Burke Jr., T. R., Yao, Z.-J., Zhao, H. Enantioselective Synthesis of Nonphosphorous-Containing Phosphotyrosyl Mimetics and Their Use in Peptide Synthesis. Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 9981-9994.
28. Yao, Z.-J., Ye, B., Wu, X.-W, Wang, S., Wu, L., Zhang, Z.-Y., Burke Jr., T. R. Structure-based design and synthesis of small molecule protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitors. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1998, 4, 1799-1810.
29. Tan, H.-T., Chen, W.-S., Yu, Q., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. The Isolation and Structure of Microcarpacin B. Youji Huaxue (Chin. J. Org. Chem.)1998, 18(3), 219.
30. Groves, M. R., Yao, Z.-J., Roller, P. P., Burke Jr., T. R., Barford, D. Structral Basis for Inhibition of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B by Phosphotyrosine Peptide Mimetics. Biochemstry1998, 37(51), 17773-17783.
31. Chen, W.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Annonaceous acetogenins fromUvaria microcarpa Seeds. The isolation and structure of microcarpacin. Acta Chemica Sinica1997, 55, 723-728.
32. Burke Jr., T. R., Yao, Z.-J., Smyth, M. S., Ye, B. Phosphotyrosyl-based motifs in the structure-based design of protein-tyrosine kinase-dependent signal transduction inhibitors. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 1997,3, 291.
33. Ye, B., Yao, Z.-J., Burke Jr., T. R. Synthesis of a new tyrosine analog having X1 and X2 angles constrained to values observed for SH2 domain-bound phosphotyrosyl residue. J. Org. Chem.1997, 62, 5428.
34. Yao, Z.-J., Ye, B., Zhao, H., Yan, X., Wu, L., Barford, D., Wang, S., Zhang, Z.-Y., Burke Jr., T. R. Structure-based design of small molecule protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors. In Peptides: Frontier of Peptide Science, Proc. of 15Th American Peptide Symposium, Tam, J. P., and Kaumaya, P. T. P. (Eds), ESCOM/Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordect, The Netherlands, 1997, pp183-185.
35. Chen, W.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Xu, Y.-Z., Zhang, Y.-B., Wu, Y.-L. Study on the annonaceous acetogenins from Annona Atemoya Hort.Youji Huaxue (Chin. J. Org. Chem.) 1996, 16, 145.
36. Yao, Z.-J., Yu, Q., Wu, Y.-L. Two-directional enantioselective synthesis of (+)-ancepsenolide.Synthetic Communication. 1996, 26, 3613.
37. Wu, W.-M., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L., Jiang, K., Wang, Y.-F., Chen, H.-B., Shan, F., Li, Y. Ferrous ion induced cleavage of the peroxy bond in qinghaosu and its derivatives and the DNA damage associated with this process. Chemical Communication1996, 2213.
38. Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Synthetic studies toward mono-THF annonaceous acetogenins, an enantioselective and convergent approach to corossolone and (10RS)-corossoline. J. Org. Chem. 1995, 60, 1170.
39. Wu, W.-L., Yao, Z.-J., Li, Y.-L., Li, J.-C., Xia, Y., Wu, Y.-L. Diastereoselective propargylation of -alkoxy aldehyde with propargyl bromide and zinc, a versatile and efficient method for synthesis of chiral oxygenated acyclic natural products. J. Org. Chem. 1995, 60, 3257.
40. Chen, W.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Zhang, Y.-B., Xu, Y.-Z., Wu, Y.-L. Atemoyacin A: a new bis-tetrahydrofuranyl annonaceous acetogenin from Annona Atemoya H. Chinese J. Chem.1995, 13, 263.
41. Chen, W.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Study on the chemical constituents of Annona glabra Linn. Youji Huaxue (Chin. J. Org. Chem.) 1995, 15, 85.
42. Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Annonaceous acetogenins: Future stars against cancer. Youji Huaxue (Chin. J. Org. Chem.) 1995, 15, 120.
43. Chen, W.-S., Yao, Z.-J., Zhang, Y.-B., Xu, Y.-Z., Wu, Y.-L. Study on the chemical constituents of Annona Atemoya H. and the isolation and the structure of atemoyacin B. Acta Chemica Sinica1995, 53, 516.
44. Li, J.-C., Li, Y.-L., Peng, Z.-H., Sun, X.-L., Wang, Y.-F., Wu, Y.-L.,Yao, Z.-J. Chiral syntheses of acyclic natural products from sugars. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) 1995, 42, 681.
45. Yao, Z.-J., Wu, Y.-L. Total synthesis of (10RS, 15R, 16S, 20S, 34R)-corossoline. Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 157.
46. Yao, Z.-J., Zhang, Y.-B., Wu, Y.-L. Synthesis of annonaceous acetogenin (4S, 5S) and (4S, 5R)-muricatacin as well as confirmation of absolute configuration of the tetrahydrofuran segment of annonacin. Acta Chim. Sinica1992, 50, 901.

