2023-05-11 15:26
  • 于谦
  • 于谦 - 副教授-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




研究内容: 江苏海岸沉积动力过程
研究方法: 野外现场观测、数值模拟、遥感分析、机器学习、室内物理模型模拟,其中1至2种
必要条件: (1)对自然过程感兴趣;(2)数学和计算机编程的基本能力;(3)读书的习惯。
2021.10.16 祝贺彭雲同学在中国海洋大学举办的“涵海励志”海洋地质研究生学术论坛中获得 “优秀口头报告奖”!
2021.10.9 祝贺杜智运同学获得研究生国家奖学金!
博士,2011,海洋地质,德国不莱梅大学,Burg Flemming教授
博士学位论文:Tide-induced coastal and estuarine suspended sediment Transport and equilibrium morphology formation
2011.10-2016.04 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,博士后,高抒教授
2014.05-2016.03 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学土木工程与地球科学学院,博士后,王正兵教授
2016.04- 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,副教授(登峰计划B)
2016- 春季学期 南京大学研究生课程(070704C01)海洋沉积动力学 主讲教师
2018- 春季学期 南京大学本科生课程(16060030) 物理海洋学 主讲教师
国家自然科学基金面上项目:牡蛎礁多尺度沉积动力过程与地貌演化,NSFC 42076172,2021.01–2024.12,主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目:海岸与内陆架细颗粒沉积物重力流输运过程,NSFC 41676081,2017.01–2020.12,主持
973项目:扬子大三角洲演化与陆海交互作用过程及效应研究, 2013CB956500, 2013–2017, 核心成员
国家自然科学基金青年基金:潮汐与陆架环流作用下悬沙输运机制及其源—汇效应,NSFC 41306076,2014.01–2016.12,主持




29. Wang, Y.W., Chen, J., Cai, H., Yu, Q.*, Zhou, Z.*, 2021. Predicting water turbidity in a macro-tidal coastal bay using machine learning approaches. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 252, 107276.
30. Du, Z., Yu, Q.*, 2021. Comment on “seasonal and nodal variations of predominant tidal constituents in the global ocean” by Cao et al. (2021) in continental shelf research 217. Continental Shelf Research 227, 104524.
31. Li, J., Shang, Z., Wang, F., Chen, Y., Tian, L., Jiang, X., Yu, Q., Wang, H.*, 2021. Holocene sea level trend on the west coast of Bohai Bay, China: reanalysis and standardization. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 40(7), 198–248.
32. Lin H., Yu, Q.*, Du Z., Fan Y., Wang Y., Gao S., 2021. Geomorphology and sediment dynamics of the Liyashan oyster reefs, Jiangsu coast, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 40(10), 118–128.
33. Qi, Y., Yu, Q.*, Gao, S.*, Li, Z., Fang, X., Guo, Y., 2021. Morphological evolution of river mouth spits: Wave effects and self-organization patterns, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107567.
22. Peng, Y., Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y., Zhu, Q., Wang, Y.P., 2020. Sensitivities of Bottom Stress Estimation to Sediment Stratification in a Tidal Coastal Bottom Boundary Layer. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 256.
23. Li, Y., Yu, Q.*, Gao, S.*, Flemming, B., 2020. Settling velocity and drag coefficient of platy shell fragments. Sedimentology 67, 2095–2110.
24. Wang, L., Yu, Q.*, Zhang, Y., Gao, S., 2020. Morphological Characteristics of Low-angle Dunes on a Tidal Ridge, the Jiangsu Macrotidal Coast, China. Journal of Coastal Research 95(sp1), 717-721.
25. Peng, Y., Yu, Q.*, Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. P., Gao, S., 2020. Flow Structure Modification and Drag Reduction Induced by Sediment Stratification in Coastal Tidal Bottom Boundary Layers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 241, 106829 doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106829.
26. Wang, L., Yu, Q.*, Zhang, Y., Flemming, B., Wang, Y., Gao, S.*, 2020. An automated procedure to calculate the morphological parameters of superimposed rhythmic bedforms. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4983
27. Du, Z., Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y., Peng, Y., Zhu, Q., Wang, Y. P., 2020. Two-dimensional tide-induced residual sand transport: Applications to the Jiangsu coast, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 245, 106991.
28. Wang, Y.W., Peng, Y., Du, Z., Lin, H., Yu, Q.*, 2020. Calibrations of suspended sediment concentrations in high-turbidity waters using different in Situ optical instruments. Water 12, 3296.
20. Wang, Y., Wang, Y. P., Yu, Q.*, Du, Z., Wang, Z. B., Gao, S., 2019. Sand‐mud tidal flat morphodynamics influenced by alongshore tidal currents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124, 3818–3836.
21. 王逸涵, 王韫玮*, 于谦, 蔡辉, 高抒, 2019. 江苏海岸中部近岸冬季潮汐和潮流特征. 海洋科学 43, 66–74.
19. Li, R., Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W.*, Wang, Z.B., Gao, S., Flemming, B., 2018. Relationship between inundation duration and Spartina alterniflora growth pattern along the Jiangsu coast, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 213, 305–313.
16. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W., Shi, B.W., Wang, Y.P.*, Gao, S., 2017. Physical and sedimentary processes on the tidal flat of central Jiangsu Coast, China: headland induced tidal eddies and benthic fluid mud layers. Continental Shelf Research 133, 26–36.
17. Zhao, Y., Yu, Q.*, Wang, D., Wang, Y.P., Wang, Y., Gao, S., 2017. Rapid formation of marsh-edge cliffs, Jiangsu coast, China. Marine Geology 385, 260–273.
18. Xiong, J., Wang, X.H., Wang, Y.P., Chen, J.D., Shi, B.W., Gao, J.H., Yang, Y., Yu, Q., Li, M.L., Yang, L., Gong, X.L., 2017. Mechanisms of maintaining high suspended sediment concentration over tide-dominated offshore shoals in the southern Yellow Sea. Estuarine. Coastal and Shelf Science 191, 221–233.
14. Gao., S.*, Wang, D., Yang, Y., Zhou, L., Zhao, Y., Gao, W., Han, Z., Yu, Q., Li, G., 2016. Holocene sedimentary systems on a broad continental shelf with abundant river input: Process-product relationships. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 429, 223–259, Doi: 10.1144/SP429.4
15. Wang, Y., Yu, Q.*, Jiao, J., Tonnon, P.K., Wang, Z.B., Gao., S., 2016. Coupling bedform roughness and sediment grain-size sorting in modelling of tidal inlet incision. Marine Geology 381, 128–141.
7. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W., Flemming, B., Gao, S., 2014. Scale-dependent Characteristics of Equilibrium Morphology of Tidal Basins along the Dutch-German North Sea Coast. Marine Geology 348, 63–72.
8. Wang, Y.W.*, Yu, Q., Gao, S., 2014. Modeling interrelationships between morphological evolution and grain-size trends in back-barrier tidal basins of the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Geo-marine Letters 34, 37–49.
9. Wang, Y.W.*, Yu, Q., Gao, S., Flemming, B., 2014. Modeling the effect of progressive grain-size sorting on the scale dependence of back-barrier tidal basin morphology. Continental Shelf Research 91, 26–36.
10. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W., Gao, J., Gao, S., Flemming, B., 2014. Turbidity maximum formation in a well mixed macrotidal estuary: The role of tidal pumping. Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) 119, 7705-7724, doi:10.1002/2014JC010228.
11. 于谦*, 王韫玮, 高抒, 2014. 潮汐与陆架环流作用下的悬沙输运:江苏新洋港海岸冬季观测结果. 南京大学学报(自然科学) 50, 625–634.
12. 王文昊, 高抒*, 徐杨佩云, 徐琦琳, 于谦, 赵秧秧, 2014. 江苏中部海岸潮滩沉积速率特征值的数值实验分析. 南京大学学报(自然科学) 50, 656–665.
13. Shi, B.W., Yang, S.L.*, Wang, Y.P., Yu, Q., Li, M.L., 2014. Intratidal erosion and deposition rates inferred from field observations of hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes: A case study of a mudflat–saltmarsh transition at the Yangtze delta front. Continental Shelf Research 90, 109–116.
4. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.P., Flemming, B.W., Gao, S., 2012a. Tide-induced suspended sediment transport: Depth-averaged concentrations and horizontal residual fluxes. Continental Shelf Research 34, 53–63.
5. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W., Gao, S., Flemming, B.W., 2012b. Modeling the formation of a sand bar within a large funnel-shaped, tide-dominated estuary: Qiantangjiang Estuary, China. Marine Geology 299–302, 63–76.
6. Yu, Q.*, Wang, Y.W., Flemming, B.W., Gao, S., 2012c. Modelling the equilibrium hypsometry of back-barrier tidal flats in the German Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 49, 90-99.
2. Yu, Q.*, Flemming, B.W., Gao, S., 2011. Tide-induced vertical suspended sediment concentration profiles: phase lag and amplitude attenuation. Ocean Dynamics 61, 403–410.
3. Wang, Y.W.*, Yu, Q., Gao, S., 2011. Relationship between bed shear stress and suspended sediment concentration: Annular flume experiments. International Journal of Sediment Research 26, 513–523.
1. 于谦, 高抒*, 2008. 往复潮流作用下推移质粒径趋势形成模拟初探. 海洋与湖沼 39, 297–304.
2012- Geo-Marine Letters
2019- 《沉积学报》青年编委会

