2023-05-11 15:18
  • 吴迪
  • 吴迪 - 教授-南京大学-现代工程与应用科学学院-个人资料





Rectifying characteristics of a Fe:SrTiO3/Nb:SrTiO3 homojunction
Xiangbiao Qiu, Xiaoyu Zhou, Aidong Li, Zhengbin Gu*, Di Wu*
Superlattices and Microstructures 75, 72 (2014).

Memristive behaviors in Pt/BaTiO3/Nb:SrTiO3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions
Zheng Wen, Di Wu*, and Aidong Li
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 052901 (2014).

Resistive switching in BiFeO3-based heterostructures due to ferroelectric modulation on interface Schottky barriers
Dongxia Chen, Aidong Li, Di Wu*
J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 25, 3251 (2014).

Strain effects on transport and magnetic properties of Pr0.65La0.05Ca0.3MnO3 thin films
Geming Wang, Dongxia Chen, Di Wu*, AidongLi
Phys. B 423, 106 (2014).

Effects of interfacial electron transfer on the magnetic structure of SrMnO3 in LaAlO3/SrMnO3 heterostructures
Qinfang Xu, Chen Li, Di Wu*, Aidong Li
Comput. Mater. Sci. 81, 483 (2014).

Ferroelectric modulation on resonant tunneling through perovskite double-barriers
Ruifang Du, Xiangbiao Qiu, Aidong Li, and Di Wu*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 142907 (2014).

Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric Polarization in Ultrathin BaTiO3 Films: the Effects of Epitaxial Strain
Zheng Wen*, Xiangbiao Qiu, Chen Li, Chunyan Zheng, Xiaohui Ge, Aidong Li, and Di Wu*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 042907 (2014).

Effects of g-ray irradiation on ferroelectric properties of Pr and Mn co-substituted BiFeO3 thin films
Zheng Wen, Di Wu*, Jiating Zhu and Aidong Li
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 045310 (2014).


The metallic interface between insulating NdGaO3 and SrTiO3 perovskites
Chen Li, Qinfang Xu, Zheng Wen, Shantao Zhang, Aidong Li, and Di Wu*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 201602 (2013).

Temperature-dependent tunneling electroresistance in Pt/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions
Zheng Wen*, Lu You, Junling Wang, Aidong Li, and Di Wu*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 132913 (2013).

Significant ferrimagnetism observed in superlattice composed of antiferromagnetic LaFeO3 and YMnO3
Y. B. Chen*, Jian Zhou, Shan-Tao Zhang, Fei-Xiang Wu, Shu-Hua Yao, Zheng-Bin Gu, Di Wu, and Yan-Feng Chen
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 042403 (2013).

Ferroelectric-field-effect enhanced electroresistance in metal/ferroelectric/
semiconuctor tunnel junctions
Zheng Wen, Chen Li, Di Wu*, Aidong Li and Naiben Ming
Nature Materials 12, 617 (2013).

Effect of polar distortion on electronic structures of (001) LaGaO3/SrTiO3 interface
Qinfang Xu, Di Wu*, and Aidong Li
Phys. Lett. A 377, 577 (2013).

Bipolar resistive switching based on SrTiO3/YBa2Cu3O7 epi-layers
K. Li, Z. Wen, D. Wu*, H. F. Zai and A. D. Li,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.46, 035308 (2013).


Mechanism of polarization fatigue in BiFeO3
Xi Zou, Lu You, Weigang Chen, Hui Ding, Di Wu, Tom Wu, Lang Chen, Junling Wang*
ACS Nano 6, 8997 (2012).

Magnetic ordering and structural phase transitions in a strained ultrathinSrRuO3/SrTiO3 superlattice
M. Gu,Q. Xie,X. Shen,R. Xie, J. Wang, G. Tang, D. Wu,G. P. Zhang,and X. S.Wu*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 157003 (2012).

Strain effects on magnetic characteristics of ultrathin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/BaTiO3 superlattices
Xuan Shen, Dan Mo, Chen Li, Di Wu*, and Aidong Li
J. Appl. Phys.112, 123919 (2012).

Magnetic and transport characteristics of long-period [(LaMnO3)n/(SrMnO3)n]m (n≧3) superlattices
Geming Wang, Ruifang Du, Di Wu* and Aidong Li
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 103917 (2012).

Positron annihilation studies on the behavior of vacancies in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures
G. L. Yuan, C. Li, J. Yin, Z. G. Liu, D. Wu* and A. Uedono*
J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys.45, 445305 (2012).


Multiferroic properties of (Bi1−xPrx)(Fe0.95Mn0.05)O3 thin films
Zheng Wen, Lu You, Xuan Shen, Xuefei Li, Di Wu*, Junling Wang, Aidong Li
Mater. Sci. & Eng. B 176, 990 (2011).

