2023-05-11 15:16
  • 田庆久
  • 田庆久 - 教授-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




2000.9-至今: 南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所
1987.7-2000: 中科院遥感研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室
杜灵通,田庆久,刘可,胡悦,候静,朱玉果。 《气候变化背景下区域干旱监测理论与实践》,科学出版社,2017年2月出版。
(1)田庆久,林英豪,吕春光等:地球静止卫星紫外成像敏感器的辐射模拟仿真方法。专利号:ZL 2015 1 0596003.0。中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,2018年4月27日。
(2)田庆久,焦俊男,申怀飞,林英豪,杨思全,李素菊,崔燕:一种遥感影像分类的多时项-多分类器融合方法。 专利申请号:专利号:ZL 2018 10102241.5。授权公告日:2019年9月20日。
(3) 计算机软件著作权。董新宇,田庆久,张智超,南京大学,应急管理部国家减灾中心:多光谱遥感识别与提取软件V1.0。登记号:2020SR0446206. 2020年5月13日。
(4) 计算机软件著作权。董新宇,田庆久,张智超,南京大学,应急管理部国家减灾中心:多光谱遥感城市建成区建筑物提取V1.0。受理号:2020R11L11 97221. 受理日期2020年9月20日。
1.国家自然科学基金(面上)项目:“结合播种期农田遥感信息的冬小麦NDVI复杂土壤背景影响 去除模式”(项目编号: 41771370)。
2. 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目”人工林资源监测关键技术研究”之 “区域人工林资源遥感动态监测技术” 课题的专题“区域人工林类型变化信息遥感提取技术”(专题编号:2017YFD0600903-1)。
3. 国家科技重大专项(高分辨率对地观测系统)“应用共性关键技术项目”之“GF-6卫星人工地物识别与特征提取技术”项目的课题“基于纹理特征和数据融合的GF-6卫星人工地物识别技术”(项目编号:03-Y20A04-9001-17/18)。
4. 国家科技重大专项(高分辨率对地观测系统)“应用共性关键技术项目”之“GF-6卫星宽幅相机地表覆盖监测及地表覆盖变化快速检测技术”项目的外协专题“基于GF-6卫星数据的典型林地和草地覆盖类型自动识别与信息提取技术”(项目编号:30-Y20A07-9003-17/18)。
5. 国家科技重大专项(高分辨率对地观测系统)“应用共性关键技术项目”之“GF-5高光谱载荷的典型植被参量反演技术”项目的课题“GF-5高光谱载荷的典型植被覆盖度和叶面积指数反演技术”(项目编号:30-Y20A29-9003-15/17 )。
6. 国家科技重大专项(高分辨率对地观测系统)“应用共性关键技术项目”之“基于高时间谱GF-4卫星数据的典型地类识别与特征提取技术”项目的课题“基于高时间谱GF-4卫星数据的植被识别与特征提取技术”(项目编号:03-Y20A04-9001-15/16 )。
8. 中国空间技术研究院钱学森空间技术实验室外协项目:“基于嵌入式GPU与航天光学相机平台的定制开发”。
9. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所外协项目:“突发事件情景演化模型构建”。
1. 国家重大科技专项




1. Yinghao Lin, Huaifei Shen, Qingjiu Tian* & Xingfa Gu。Improving leaf area index retrieval using spectral characteristic parameters and data splitting。International Journal of Remote Sensing,DOI:10.1080/01431161.2019.1674461。2019, pp:1-18. ISSN:0143-1161 (Print) 1366-5901 (Online). 2020,41(5):1741-1759.
2. Jibo Yue, Qingjiu Tian*,Xinyu Dong, Nianxu xu. Using broadband crop residue angle index to estimate the fractional cover of vegetation, crop residue, and bare soil in cropland systems. Remote Sensing of Environment.237(2020)111538。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111538
3.Peiyan Wang, Ludovica D'Imperio, Elisabeth M. Biersmad, Reti Ranniku, Wenyi Xu, Qingjiu Tian, Per Ambus, Bo Elberling*. Combined effects of glacial retreat and penguin activity on soil greenhouse gas production on South Georgia, sub-Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment. Science of the Total Environment。718 (2020) 135255。DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2019.135255 (SCI,TOP,IF=5.589)
4. Lin Gao, Xiaofei Wang, Brian Alan Johnson, Qingjiu Tian* , Yu Wang, Jochem Verrelst ,Xihan Mu, Xingfa Gu*. Remote sensing algorithms for estimation of fractional vegetation cover using pure vegetation index values: A review. ISPRS-Journal of Photogrammetery and Remote Sensing. 159 (2020) 364–377.
5. Xinyu Dong, Zhichao Zhang, Ruiyang Yu, Qingjiu Tian,*, and Xicun Zhu。Extraction of Information about Individual Trees from High-Spatial-Resolution UAV-Acquired Images of an Orchard。 Remote Sensing。2020, 12, 133; doi:10.3390/rs12010133。
6. Yinghao Lin, Huaifei Shen, Qingjiu Tian *, Xingfa Gu, Ranran Yang and Baojun Qiao. Mechanisms underlying diurnal variations in the canopy spectral reflectance of winter wheat in the jointing stage. Current SCIENCE, 2020, 118(9): 1401-1406。
7. Jibo Yue, Qingjiu Tian*. Estimating fractional cover of crop, crop residue, and soil in cropland using broadband remote sensing data and machine learning。International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation.,89(2020),102089。
8. Dong He, Xianglin Huang , Qingjiu Tian* and Zhichao Zhang. Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate in Inner Mongolia under More Strict Multiple Pre-Processing (2000–2018). Sustainability,2020, 12 , 2534.DOI:10.3390/su12062534。
9. Kaijian Xu, Qingjiu Tian, Zhaoying Zhang, Jibo Yue and Chung-Te Chang *. Tree Species (Genera) Identification with GF-1 Time-series in A Forested Landscape, Northeast China. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1554. DOI:10.3390/rs12101554。
10. XiaofeiWang, Guang Zheng*, Zengxin Yun, Zhaoshang Xu, L. Monika Moskal and Qingjiu Tian. Characterizing the Spatial Variations of Forest Sunlit and Shaded Components Using Discrete Aerial Lidar. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1071; doi:10.3390/rs12071071。
11. Jibo Yue, Haikuan Feng*, Qingjiu Tian*, Chengquan Zhou. A robust spectral angle index for remotely assessing soybean canopy chlorophyll content in different growing stages。plant methods。(2020)16:104, DOI: 10.1186/s13007-020-00643-z.
1. Kaijian Xu, Qingjiu Tian*, Yanjun Yang, Jibo Yue & Shaofei Tang. How up-scaling of remote-sensing images affects land-cover classification by comparison with multiscale satellite images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019.40(7): 2784-2810.
2. 徐凯健; 田庆久*;徐念旭; 岳继博; 唐少飞。基于时序 NDVI 与光谱微分变换的森林优势树种识别。《光谱学与光谱分析》,2019, 39(12):3794-3800.
3. Jibo Yue, Jia Tian, Qingjiu Tian*, Kaijian Xu, Nianxu Xu. Development of Soil Moisture Indices from Differences in Water Absorption between Shortwave-Infrared Bands.ISPRS-Journal of Photogrammetery and Remote Sensing, 2019.154:216-230.
4. Jibo Yue, Guijun Yang*, Qingjiu Tian*, Haikuan Feng, Kaijian Xu, Chengquan Zhou.Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV ultrahigh-ground-resolution image textures and vegetation indices.ISPRS-Journal of Photogrammetery and Remote Sensing. 150(2019)226-244.
5. Jibo Yue, Qingjiu Tian*, Shaofei Tang, Kaijian Xu, Chengquan Zhou。A Dynamic Soil Endmember Spectrum Selection Approach for Soil and Crop Residue Linear Spectral Unmixing Analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 2019,78:306–317。
6. Jibo Yue , Qingjiu Tian *, Xinyu Dong Kaijian Xu and Chengquan Zhou. Using Hyperspectral Crop Residue Angle Index to Estimate Maize and Winter-Wheat Residue Cover:A Laboratory Study. Remote Sensing.2019,11(7),807:1-21. doi:10.3390/rs11070807
7. Peiyan Wang, Ludovica D'Imperio, Bei Liu, Zhongjun Jia, Per Ambus, Qingjiu Tian, Morten Rasch, Bo Elberling*. 2019. Sea animal activity controls CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2 O emission hotspots on South Georgia, sub-Antarctica. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 174–186. (SCI, TOP,IF=5.29)
8. Kaijian Xu ,Chung-Te Chang*,Qingjiu Tian*,Hongda Zeng,Jinsheng Xie。 Recovery of forest carbon density and carbon storage in a soil-degraded landscape in southeastern China。European Journal of Forest Research. 2019,138(3):397-413.
9.Wenmin Zhang, Martin Brandt,Josep Penuelas , Françoise Guichard 5 , Xiaoye Tong , Feng Tian,Rasmus Fensholt。Ecosystem structural changes controlled by altered rainfall climatology in tropical savannas。Nature Communications。DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08602-6。NATURE子刊网络版1-7页。(第2单位南京大学)2019.
10. Nianxu Xu, Jia Tian , Qingjiu Tian* , Kaijian Xu, and Shaofei Tang。Analysis of Vegetation Red Edge with Different Illuminated/Shaded Canopy Proportions and to Construct Normalized Difference Canopy Shadow Index。Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 1192:1-16. doi:10.3390/rs11101192 .
11. Yanjun Yang, Bo Tao, Wei Ren*, Demetrio P. Zourarakis, Bassil El Masri, Zhigang Sun and Qingjiu Tian。An Improved Approach Considering Intraclass Variability for Mapping Winter Wheat Using Multitemporal MODIS EVI Images。Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 1191:1-23. doi:10.3390/rs11101191
1.Wenmin zhang, Martin Brandt, Xiaoye Tong,Qingjiu Tian*,Rasmus Fensholt. Impacts of the seasonal distribution of rainfall on vegetation productivity across the Sahel. Biogeosciences,2018,15:319-330.
2.Huaifei Shen, Yinghao Lin, Qingjiu Tian*, Kaijian Xu & Junnan Jiao。A comparison of multiple classifier combinations using different voting-weights for remote sensing image classification. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 2018. VOL. 39, NO. 11, 3705–3722.
3. Zhengqiang Li; Hua Xu; Kaitao Li; Donghui Li; Yisong Xie; Li Li; Ying Zhang; Xingfa Gu; Wei Zhao; Qingjiu Tian; Ruru Deng; Xiaoli Su; Bei Huang; Yanli Qiao; Wenyu Cui; Yong Hu; Cailan Gong; Yongqian Wang; Xiaofei Wang; Jianping Wang; Weibo Du; Zhiqiang Pan; Zhaozhou Li; Duo Bu。Comprehensive study of optical, physical, chemical and radiative properties of total columnar atmospheric aerosols over China: An overview of Sun-sky radiometer Observation NETwork (SONET) measurements。BAMS:BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY .2018(APRIL):739-755.
4.Jibo Yue,Haikuan Feng,Xiuliang Jin, Huanhuan Yuan,Zhenhai Li,Chengquan Zhou,Guijun Yang,Qingjiu Tian。A Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from UAV-Mounted Snapshot Hyperspectral Sensor and High-Definition Digital Camera. Remote Sensing,2018,10(7), 1138,1-24.
1.Jun Geng, Jing M. Chen, Weiliang Fan, Lili Tu, Qingjiu Tian*, Ranran Yang, Yanjun Yang, Lei Wang, Chunguang Lv, and Shengbiao Wu 。GOFP: A Geometric-Optical Model for Forest Plantations,《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING》,2017,55(9):5230-5241.
2.徐凯健,曾宏达,朱小波,田庆久*.基于五种大气校正的多时相森林碳储量遥感反演研究. 《光谱学与光谱分析》,2017,37(11):3494-3498。
3.Wenmin zhang, Martin Brandt, Francoise Guichard, Qingjiu Tian,Rasmus Fensholt. Using long-term daily satellite based rainfall data (1983–2015) to analyze spatio-temporal changes in the sahelian rainfall regime。Journal of Hydrology,2017,550:427-440.
4. Jibo Yue,Guijun Yang,Changchun Li, Zhenhai Li, Yanjie Wang,Haikuan Feng and Bo Xu。Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-ground Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Snapshot Hyperspectral Sensor and Crop Height Improved Models。Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 708; doi:10.3390/rs9070708.
1.包颖,田庆久,陈旻,吕春光. 基于GOCI影像分类的太湖水体叶绿素a浓度日变化分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016,36(8), 2562-2567. (SCI)。
2.Jun Geng • Jing-Ming Chen • Li-Li Tu • Qing-Jiu Tian* • Lei Wang • Ran-Ran Yang • Yan-Jun Yang • Yan Huang • Wei-Liang Fan • Chun-Guang Lv • Guang Zheng . Influence of the exclusion distance among trees on gap fraction and foliage clumping index of forest plantations.Trees.2016,30:1683-1993.
3. LYU Chun-guang, TIAN Jia, YANG Wen-bo, TIAN Qing-jiu*, LIU Zong-ming, ZHANG Han-mo.Diurnal Variation of Solar-blind Ultraviolet Upwelling Radiance Led by Observation Geometry Factors on Geostationary Attitude Sensor Limb Viewing.
1. 杜灵通,田庆久,王 磊。植被结构特征对MODIS光谱干旱指数的影响,光谱学与光谱分析,2015,35(4),982-986.
2. Lei Wang, Ranran Yang,Qingjiu Tian*,et al. Comparative Analysis of GF-1 WFV,ZY-3 MUX, and HJ-1 CCD Sensor Data for Grassland Monitoring Applications.,《Remote Sensing》,2015,7(2):2089-2108。
3. BAO Y, TIAN Q J,CHENM,LINH.Estimationofchlorophyll-aconcentrationbasedon automated mutual information spectral classification and matching:A case study in Taihu Lake. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7,11731-11752.
4.吕春光,田庆久*,杨文博,等。面向高光谱大气臭氧传感器的多观测几何条件下紫外辐射模拟及对TOMS V8算法臭氧初值估算模型改进与评价。光谱学与光谱分析,2015,35(11),2979-2984.
5. Xuehong Zhang*, Qingjiu Tian。Comparison of Spectral Characteristics Between EO-1 ALI and IRS-P6 LISS-III Imagery。CURRENT SCIENCE,2015,Vol.108(5):954-960.
6. YANG Yanjun, HYANG Yan, TIAN Qing-jiu*,WANG Lei, GENG Jun, YANG Ran-ran.The
Extraction Model of Paddy Rice Information Based on GF-1 Satellite WFVImages.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2015,35(11):3255-3261.
7.BAOY,TIANQJ*,CHENM,LINH.AnAutomaticExtractionMethodforIndividualTree Crowns Based on Self-adaptive Mutual Information and Tile Computing.International Journal of Digital Earth, 2015,8(6),495-516.
1.Y Huang, Q Tian*, L Wang L Wang,J GENG, C Lyu. Estimating canopy leaf area index
in the late stages of wheat growth using continuous wavelet transform, J. Appl. Remote Sens. 2014,8(1), 083517:1-13
1. 李姗姗,田庆久。基于Geoeye-1影像光谱特性的红树林冠层种类识别。《光谱学与光谱分析》, 2013,33(1): 136-141.
2. Yingcheng Lu, Xiang Li, Qingjiu Tian, and Wenchao Han (2012). An optical remote sensing model for estimating oil slick thickness based on two-beam interference theory . Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 22, pp. 24496-24504.
3. 王龑,田庆久*,黄彦,魏宏伟。基于HJ星CCD遥感数据的落叶阔叶林NDVI差值速率识别模型。《光谱学与光谱分析》,2013:33(4):1018-1022.
4. Lingtong Du, Qingjiu Tian*, Tao Yu, Qingyan Meng, Tamas Jancso, Peter Udvardy, Yan Huang. A comprehensive drought monitoring method integrating MODIS and TRMM data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013, 23: 245-253.
5. Yingcheng Lu, Guang Zheng, Qingjiu Tian, Chuanguang Lyu, Shaojie Sun. Analyzing the effects of particle size on remotely sensed spectra: a study on optical properties and spectral similarity scale of suspended particulate matters in water. Applied optics, 2013, 52(4): 879~888
6.栾海军, 田庆久*, 余涛, 等. 基于分形理论的NDVI连续空间尺度转换模型研究. 《光谱学与光谱分析》, 2013, 33(7):1857-1862
7. Yingcheng Lu,Qingjiu Tian*,Xinyuan Wang, Guang Zheng,Xiang Li 。Determining oil slick thickness using hyperspectral remote sensing in the Bohai Sea of China.International Journal of Digital Earth.2013,6(1):76-93.
8. HUANG Y, TIAN Q J*, DU L T, SUN S J. Analysis of spatial-temporal variation of agricultural drought and its response to ENSO over the past 30 years in Huang-Huai-Hai region, China. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 2013,24(4): 745-759. (2013年影响因子0.883)
9. L. Wang, Z. Q. Li, and Q. J. Tian, Spectral absorption properties of Beijing atmospheric aerosol and its relationship to aerosol chemical composition, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Accepted. 2013.
10.Wang L., Li Z. Q., Tian Q. J., Ma Y., Zhang F. X., Zhang Y., Li D. H., Li K. T.. Estimate of aerosol absorbing components of black carbon, brown carbon and dust from ground-based remote sensing data of sun-sky radiometers. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 2013, 118(12): 6534-6543.
11. 栾海军, 田庆久*, 顾行发, 等. 基于分形理论与GEOEYE-1影像的NDVI连续空间尺度转换模型构建及应用. 红外与毫米波学报, 2013,32(6):538-544。
12. Yingcheng LU, Weixian QIAN, Chunguang LYU, Qingjiu TIAN, Dongming LU, and Shaojie SUN 。 Empirical Relationship among Wavelength, Reflectance, and Concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter in Water Based on a Laboratory Experiment。 Optical Review, Vol. 20, No. 6 (2013) 509-512.
13. Xuehong Zhang, Qingjiu Tian。A mangrove recognition index for remote sensing
of mangrove forest from space。CURRENT SCIENCE, 2013,VOL. 105, NO. 8.1149-1155.
14.Lu, YC,Li, X,Tian, QJ; Zheng, G,Sun, SJ,Liu, YX,Yang, Q.Progress in Marine
Oil Spill Optical Remote Sensing: Detected Targets, Spectral Response Characteristics, and Theories.MARINE GEODESY.2013,36(3):334-346.
1. 肖建伟,田庆久。基于生物光学模型的水面薄油膜厚度的高光谱遥感反演实验研究。《光谱学与光谱分析》,2012,32(1):183-187.
2. 王玲, 李正强,李东辉,李凯涛,田庆久等。基于遥感观测的折射指数光谱特性反演气溶胶中沙尘组分含量。《光谱学与光谱分析》,2012,32(6):1644-1649。
3.刘珺, 田庆久, 黄彦, 杜灵通. 2000年—2010年黄淮海平原夏玉米种植时空变化检测. 《光谱学与光谱分析》, 2012 , 32 (9): 2534-2539.
4. Yingcheng Lu, Xiang Li, Qingjiu Tian, and Wenchao Han (2012). An optical remote sensing model for estimating oil slick thickness based on two-beam interference theory . Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 22, pp. 24496-24504.
1. 陆应诚,田庆久,李想. 基于浮油膜双光束干涉模型的油膜厚度遥感反演理论。《中国科学》,2011,Vol.41(4): 541-548.
2. Lu Y C, Tian Q J, Li X. The remote sensing inversion theory of offshore oil slick thickness based on a two-beam interference model. Sci China Earth Sci, 2011, 54: 678685.
3.张雪红,田庆久,沈润平.冬小麦冠层光谱的方向性特征分析. 《光谱学与光谱分析》,2010,30(6):1600-1605.
4.WENXUE FU, HUANDONG GUO, QINGJIU TIAN and XIAOFANG GUO.Landslide Monitoring by Corner Reflectors Differential Interferometry. SAR International Journal of Remote Sensing.2010,Vol.31(24): 6387-6400.
5. 赵利民,余涛,田庆久,顾行发,李家国,万玮。HJ-1B热红外遥感数据陆表温度反演误差分析。《光谱学与光谱分析》, 2010,30(12):3359-3362.
8. 王钦军,蔺启忠,黎明晓,王黎明,田庆久,一种突出目标的多光谱遥感信息提取方法。《光谱学与光谱分析》,2009 29 (04): 1018-1022。
9. Qinjun Wang, Qizhong Lin, Mingxiao Li, Qingjiu Tian,. A new target detection algorithm: spectra sort encoding. International Joural of Remote Sensing. 2009,Vol. 30, No. 9:2297–2307.
10.LU YingCheng, TIAN QingJiu, WANG JingJing, WAND XiangCheng, QI XiaoPing。Experimental study on spectral responses of offshore oil slick。Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(24):3937-3941.
12.Yunzhao Wu, Jun Chen, Junfeng Ji, Peng Gong, Qilin Liao, Qingjiu Tian, Hongrui Ma. A Mechanism Study of Reflectance Spectroscopy for Investigating Heavy Metals in Soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 2007,V71,No.3: 918-926。(Sci/Ei)
13.J.M. Chen, S.C. Thomas, Y. Yin, V. Maclaren, J. Liu, J. Pan, G. Liu, Q. Tian, Q. Zhu, J.-J. Pan, et al. .Enhancing forest carbon sequestration in China: Toward an integration of scientific and socio-economic perspectives。Journal of Environmental Management. 2007, Vol.85, No.3, PP. 515-523.
14. G. Zheng, J. M. Chen, Q.J. Tian, W.M. Ju, X.Q. Xia .Combining remote sensing imagery and forest age inventory for biomass mapping. Journal of Environmental Management. 2007, Vol.85, No.3, PP. 616-623..
15. Q.J.Tian, Z. Luo, J. M. Chen, M. Chen,F. Hui. Retrieving LAI for coniferous forest in Xingguo Country, China With Landsat ETM+ images. Journal of Environmental Management. 2007, Vol.85, No.3, PP. 624-627.
16. Z. Jin, Q. Tian, J. M. Chen, M. Chen. Spatial Scaling between leaf area index maps of different resolutions. Journal of Environmental Management. 2007, Vol.85, No.3, PP. 628-637.
17.Yunzhao Wu, Jun Chen, Junfeng Ji, Qingjiu Tian, Xinmin Wu. Feasibility of Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Assessment of Soil Mercury Contamination. Environmental Science & Technology.2005,39,873-878。
18.Yunzhao Wu, Jun Chen, Xinmin Wu,Qingjiu Tian,. Junfeng Ji,Zhihao Qin. Possibilities of Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Assessment of Contaminant Elements in Suburban .Soils. Applied Geochemistry 20(2005)1051-1059.
19.Wu YZ, Tian QJ, Chen J, Ji JF, Du FL. Application of rock laboratorial reflectance spectra in Hami area based on principal component analysis. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2003,19 (4): 761-766.
20.Q. J. Tian, P. Gong,.B. Xu,X. Wang, H.Guo ang Q. Tong. Reflectance, Dielectric Constant and chemical content of selected sedimentary rocks. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2002,Vol.23, No.23, 5123-5128。
21. Q. J. Tian, Q. Tong, R. Pu, et al. Spectroscopic Determination of Wheat Water Status Using 1650-1850 nm Spectral Absorption Features. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2001, Vol.22, No.12, 2329-2338。
22. Q. J. Tian, P. Gong, C. J. Zhao, X. Guo. A feasibility study on diagnosing wheat water status using spectral reflectance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, Vol.46, No.8, PP. 666-669.

1.焦俊男,石静,田庆久,高林,徐念旭.基于多光谱影像的NDVI阴影影响去除模型研《遥感学报》, 2020,24(1):53-66。
1.耿君, 田庆久*, 涂丽丽, 范渭亮, 王晓菲. 2016. 树冠尺寸对冠层间隙率和聚集度指数的影响分析. 遥感学报, 2016(6): 1319–1327.
2.Geng J, Tu L L, Tian Q J, Wang X F, Zhu X B, Yang Y J, Yang R R, Wang L, Lc CG,FangY C. 2016. Influence of branch architectures on gap fraction and clumping index of canopies. 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.(EI) 。pp:1311–1314.
4.Yang Yanjun, Zhan Yulin, Tian Qingjiu,et al. WINTER WHEAT EXTRACTION USING CURVILINEAR INTEGRAL OF GF-1 NDVI TIMESERIES.IGARSSConference, 2016.(EI).pp:3174-3177.
1.杨闫君, 占玉林, 田庆久,顾行发,余涛,王磊. 基于GF-1/WFV NDVI 时间序列数据的作物分类. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(24): 155-161.
2.Yan-jun YANG , Qing-jiu TIAN. Using Hyperspectral Data for Rice LAI Estimationat Different Phenological Periods。 国际光学会议2015.
1.杜灵通,田庆久*,王磊,黄彦,南 岭. 基于多源遥感数据的综合干旱监测模型构建。《农业工程学报》,2014,30(9):126-132.
2.LYU Chun-guang,YANG Wen-bo,TIAN Qing-jiu*, ZHOU Yang,LIU Zong-ming,ZHANG Han-mo.Analysis of Signal to Noise Ratio for Atmospheric ultraviolet Remote Sensing on Geostationary orbit with variations of solar incident anglesSPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014。Proc. SPIE9264,EarthObservingMissionsandSensors:(November19,2014),doi:10.1117/12.2074962;http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2074962。
3.Lu,YC;Fu,WX;Tian,QJ;Lyu,CG;Han,WC. Using optical remote sensing model toestimate oil slick thickness based on satellite image.35TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT (ISRSE35).2014, 17.DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/17/1/012122.
1. Yan Wang, Qingjiu Tian, Yan,Huang. Extraction and Inversion of Deciduous Broad-leave Forest Based on HJ-CCD Remote Sensing Data. Environment and Transportation Engineering,2013. Proceedings of RSETE'2013。
1.WEIHW,TIANQJ,HUANGY,WANGY.Comparativeanalysisof dataqualityand applications invegetation of HJ-1A CCDimages.Proceedings of SPIE-201218th China National Symposium on Remote Sensing - Remote Sensing of the Environment, 2012, Wuhan. (EI)
3. 杜灵通, 田庆久, 黄彦, 刘珺. 基于TRMM数据的山东省干旱监测及其可靠性检验. 《农业工程学报》, 2012, 28(2): 121-126.
4. Jun Liu, Qingjiu Tian, Yan Huang, Lingtong Du. Extraction of summer maize using MODIS EVI time series in the HuangHuaiHai plain. The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering,2012. Proceedings of RSETE'2012。
5. Wang L., Li Z. Q., Tian Q. J. Spectral behavior of imagianry part of aerosol refractive index obtained from ground-based sun-sky radiometer measurements in Beijing, China. 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Munich, Germany, 2012, 22-27 July.
6. Haijun Luan, Xiaoqin Wang, Qingjiu Tian, et al. Comparison of methods of fractal texture extraction for high-resolution remotely sensed images. Proceedings of the2nd International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, EORSA2012, 2012: 201-205.
2.Li Shanshan, Tian Qingjiu,Yu Tao, Gu Xingfa.Extraction of Mangrove within Intertidal Zone Based on Multi-temporal HJ CCD Images. 2011,SPIE会议论文集(2010杭州遥感大会)Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8203. (doi: 10.1117/12.910369)
3.BAO Ying, TIAN Qingjiu. Research on spatial scale of chlorophyll-a concentration in Lake Taihu using remote sensing images. 2011,SPIE会议论文集(2010杭州遥感大会). Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8203. (doi: 10.1117/12.910369)
5.Bin Peng, Qingjiu Tian, Ying Bao, Ling Wang. Determining the Aerosol Type over Case Ⅱ Waters through Aerosol Component Concentration Iteration Algorithm.2011,17th International Conference on Geoinformatics. 978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
6.Yan Huang, Qingjiu Tian, Jun Liu, Lingtong Du. Analysis of the Pattern of Winter Wheat Drought and its Response to Climate Change in Huang-Huai-Hai Region of China in Past Decade. 2011,17th International Conference on Geoinformatics.978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
7.Jun Liu, Qingjiu Tian, Yang Huang, Lingtong Du, Ling Wang. Extraction of theCorn Planting Area Based on Multi-temporal HJ-1 Satellite Data. 2011,17thInternational Conference on Geoinformatics. 978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011IEEE。
8.Shanshan Li, Qingjiu Tian. Winter wheat area extraction and estimationbased on MODIS-VI time series and multi-temporal HJ CCD images in Jiangsu Province,China. 2011,17th International Conference on Geoinformatics.978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 。
9.Ying Bao, Qingjiu Tian. Spatial Scale Effect and Spatial Scaling of Chlorophyll-aConcentration in Lake Taihu, China。2011,17th International Conference on Geoinformatics . 978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE。
10.Huang Y, Tian Q J, Liu J, Du L T, Li S S. Precipitation change and its implication in the change of winter wheat drought and production in North China region from 2000 to 2010. International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming, 2011 Venice. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, 2011: 2510-2515(ICCCGW 2011:“国际气候变化与全球变暖会议”,意大利威尼斯)。
11.Song, Pengfei; Wang, Jinnian;Tian, Qingjiu; Zhang, Xia.A new image fusion method based on multiscale analysis and color model. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings, p 1896-1899
1.Jianwei Xiao, Qingjiu Tian, Yingcheng Lu , Ying Bao. The Extraction Of Hydrocarbon Content Information By Using Hyperspectral Image At Liaodong Bay, China。2010, 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics。
2. Limin Zhao, Qingjiu Tian, Wei WanTao Yu, Xingfa Gu, Hanyue Chen. Atmospheric Sensitivity on Land Surface Temperatur Retrieval Using Single Channel Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data Comparison between Models。2010,16th International Conference on Geoinformatics。
3. Wang L., Tian Q. J. Spatio-temporal distribution of tropospheric NO2 and quantitative analysis of its impact factors over Yangtze Delta based on OMI satellite measurements. IEEE, the 18th international conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China,2010.06.18-20
4. Zhao, Limin; Tian, Qingjiu; Wan, Wei; Yu, Tao; Gu, Xingfa; Chen, Hanyue. .Atmospheric sensitivity on land surface temperature retrieval using single channel thermal infrared remote sensing data: Comparison among models. 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics(DOI: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567621), June 18, 2010.
5. Zhao Limin1, Tian Qingjiu, Wan Wei1, Yu Tao, Gu Xingfa, Chen Hanyue. Atmospheric sensitivity on land surface temperature retrieval using single channel thermal infrared remote sensing data: Comparison among models. 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2010, June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010; Sponsor: IEEE GRSS; The Geographical Society of China; Publisher: IEEE Computer Society.
6.程伟,王黎明,田庆久。一种基于阴影像元的光学遥感大气校正方法。《测绘学报》,2009, Vol.37(4):469-475。
7. 胡畔,田庆久,闫柏琨.柴达木盆地地表酸解烃含量的高光谱遥感估算。《天然气工业》,2009。29(2):32-36。
8.Pengfei Song, Jinnian Wang,Qingjiu Tian, Xia Zhang. A Statistics-based IHS-Wavelet Method for BJ-1 Microsatellite Image Fusion[C]. Jianguo Liu, Faxiong Zhang, Jing Chen. MIPPR 2009 Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. USA: Proceedings of SPIE, 2009(7494): 74940V-1-74940V-8.
9.Xia,Xueqi;Tian,Qingjiu;Liao,Yan. An algorithm for retrieving rock- desertification from multi-spectral remote sensing images. Second International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (DOI: 10.1117/12.836441), Proceedings of SPIE, V 7471, 2009.
10. Song PengfeiWang Jinnian, Tian Qingjiu, Zhang Xia. A statistics-based IHS-wavelet method for BJ-1 microsatellite image fusion. Proceedings of SPIE (DOI: 10.1117/12.833176) , V 7494, 2009. October 30- November 1, 2009.
11. Wang Jingjing,Tian Qingjiu;Lu Yingcheng. Chlorophyll-a concentration estimated by hyperspectral remote sensing in Liaodong Bay. Proceedings of SPIE (DOI: 10.1117/12.831247 ) , V 7494, 2009. October 30- November 1, 2009.
12.陆应诚,田庆久,王晶晶,王向成,齐小平。海面油膜光谱响应实验研究。《科学通报》,2008 Vol. 53 (9): 1085-1088.
13. Zhang,Xuehong;Tian,Qingjiu. Rape nitrogen nutrition diagnosis using continuum-removed hyperspectral reflectance. Proceedings of SPIE,V 7285, 2008, International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA (DOI: 10.1117/12.813381); December 28-30, 2008.
14. Liu, Xiaochen; Fan, Wenjie;Tian, Qingjiu; Xu, Xiru. Comparative analysis among different methods of leaf area index inversion. Beijing Daxue Xuebao r 2008,V 44, NO.5, pp: 827-834, September.
15. Xiao-chen, Liu; Wen-jie, Fan; Qing-jiu, Tian; Xi-ru, Xu。The lai inversion based on directional second derivative using hyperspectral data ( DOI: 10.1109 /IGARSS.2008.4779454) ,July 6-11, 2008.。International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), V3, NO.1, pp: III740-III743, 2008.
16. Cheng Wei; Wang Li-Ming; Tian Qing-Jiu. A method of atmospheric correction based on shadow-pixel for optical satellite data. Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, V.37, No. 4, pp: 469-475, 2008.
17.傅文学, 郭小方, 田庆久. 星载SAR距离-多普勒定位算法中地球模型的修正.《测绘学报》, 2008,37(1):59-63。
18.Wenxue Fu, Xiaofang Guo, Qingjiu Tian. Phase Unwrapping Methods of Corner Reflector DInSAR Monitoring Slow Ground Deformation. The 15th International Conference on GEOINFORMATICS, May26-28,2007, Nanjing, China.
19.Hu Pan, Tian Qingjiu. Estimating Hydrocarbon Content using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing at Qaidam basin, China.The 15th International Conference on GEOINFORMATICS, May26-28,2007, Nanjing, China.
20.Wang Jingjing, Tian Qingjiu. Hyperspectral models of coastal water depth extraction. The 15th International Conference on GEOINFORMATICS, May26-28,2007, Nanjing, China.
21.Yang Yan, Tian Qingjiu, Xu liang. A New Approach for Estimating the Vegetation Fraction in Mountainous Area. The 15th International Conference on Geoinformatics, May26-28,2007, Nanjing, China.
22.XU Liang, Yang Yan, Tian Qingjiu. A wavelet based algorithm for DTM extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning data。The 15th International Conference on Geoinformatics, May26-28,2007, Nanjing, China.
23.Guan, KY; Tian, QJ; Li, Z. Study on the extraction of urban roads from
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25.Qingjiu Tian, JingmingChen, Guang Zheng,Xueqi Xia,Junying Chen. Quantitative retrieving forest ecological parameters based on remote sensing in Liping County of China. Proceedings of SPIE:Remote Sensing for Agriculture,Ecosystems,and Hydrology VIII.(SPIE Europe Remote Sensing,11-14 September 2006,Stochholm International Fairs.Sweden.) Volume 6359: 63591I-1—63591I-10. 刊号:(ISSN 0277-786X; ISBN 0-8194-6454-6).
26.Chen Junying, Tian Qingjiu. Vegetation classification model based on high-resolution remote sensing.2006.Proceedings of SPIE: Remote Sensing of the Environment: 15th National Symposium on Remote Sensing of China.Volume 6200, Page:62000F-1--62000F-9..刊号:(ISSN 0277-786X; ISBN 0-8194-6256-X).
27.Junying Chen. Qingjiu Tian. Estimating Canopy chlorophyll and nitrogen concentration of rice from EO-1 Hyperion data. Proceedings of SPIE:Remote Sensing for Agriculture,Ecosystems,and Hydrology VIII.(SPIE Europe Remote Sensing,11-14 September 2006,Stochholm International Fairs.Sweden.) Volume 6359: 63591H-1—63591H-12.
28.管仲,田庆久. 油气光学遥感研究综述。《天然气工业》,2006,26(11):44-48.
29.翁永玲,田庆久,惠凤鸣. 基于IKONOS高分辨率遥感影像融合效果研究。《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》,2004,34(2):274-277。
30.戚浩平,王炜,田庆久. 高空间分辨率卫星遥感数据在城市交通规划中的应用研究。《公路交通科技》,2004,21(6): 9-12。
31. 田庆久, 宫鹏,赵春江,郭晓维. 用光谱反射率诊断小麦水分状况的可行性分析。《科学通报》,2000,45(24):2645-2548。
32.Tian Qingjiu, Zheng Lanfen, Tong Qingxi. Study of SPOT Image-Based Atmospheric Correction .1998, Proceedings of SPIE: HyperspectralRemote Sensing and Application: 49-56.
33.田庆久,余涛,童庆禧等. 地物光谱仪定标实验研究。《光谱学与光谱分析》,1997 17(6):113-117。
34.Tong, Qingxi; Zheng, Lanfen1; Jin, Hao1; Wang, Jinnian; Tian, Qingjiu; Hou,Hongfei1; Ye, Jinshan。Study for gold mineralization by thermal infrared multispectral scanner. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, V11, NO. 3,pp:249-256,1992.
1.栾海军,田庆久,章欣欣,聂芹,朱晓玲。定量遥感地表参数尺度转换趋势探讨。《地球科学进展》, 2018,33(5):483-492。
2. 徐凯健, 田庆久∗, 岳继博,唐少飞.基于多光谱影像的森林树种识别及其空间尺度响应。《 应 用 生 态 学 报》 2018,29(12):3986-3994.
3. 高林, 王晓菲,顾行发,田庆久*,焦俊男,王培燕,李丹. 探究冠下土壤类型差异对遥感估算冬小麦叶面积指数的影响。《植物生态学报》,2017,41(12):1273-1288.
4. 黄彦,田庆久*,耿君,王磊,栾海军. 遥感反演植被理化参数的光谱和空间尺度效应研究进展.《生态学报》, 2016,Vol.36(3).883-891.
5.王龑,田庆久*,王琦,王磊。杨树林全生长期LAI遥感估算模型适用性研究。《生态学报》,2016,Vol.36(8). 2210-2216.
6. 耿君,涂丽丽,吕春光,阮宏华,田庆久,王磊,黄彦. 基于B/S架构的中国植被净初级生产力在线查询系统开发。《生态学报》,,2015,Vol.39(3):167-171.
7.栾海军,田庆久*,余涛,顾行发,黄彦,胡新礼,杨闫君. 基于分形理论与五指标评价体系构建NDVI连续空间尺度转换模型。《遥感学报》,2015,19(1):116-125.
8. 王磊,耿君,杨冉冉,田庆久*,周洋,杨闫君. 高分一号卫星影像特征及其在草地监测中的应用。《草地学报》2015,23(5):1093-1100
9. 耿君,王磊,田庆久*,涂丽丽,黄彦,王龑,吕春光,杨冉冉,杨闫君. 林下植被对遥感估算马尾松 LAI 的影响。《生态学报》,2015,Vol.35(8):6007-6015.
10. 王龑,田庆久,孙绍杰,魏宏伟. 小麦LAI-2000观测值对辐亮度变化的响应. 《生态学报》,2014,34(2):345-352.
11. 栾海军, 田庆久, 余涛, 等. 定量遥感升尺度转换研究综述. 《地球科学进展》, 2013, 28(6): 657-664.
12.王玲,田庆久,包颖. 基于HJ卫星IRS遥感数据的作物秸秆火点提取模式研究. 《地理科学》,2011,31(6):661-667。
13. 李姗姗,田庆久. 北部湾红树林的HJ星多光谱遥感提取模式 ,《中国科学》:2011,41(信息科学),153-165.
14. 陆应诚,陈君颖,包颖,韩文超,李想,田庆久,张秀英.基于HJ-1星CCD数据的溢油遥感特性与信息提取。《中国科学》:2011,41(信息科学),153-201.
15. 王玲, 田庆久, 包颖. 基于HJ 卫星IRS 遥感数据的农作物秸秆火点提取模式研究. 《地理科学》, 2011, 31(06): 661-667.
16. 田庆久,王玲,包颖,李姗姗. 基于HJ-1B卫星的作物秸秆提取及其焚烧火点判定模式。《中国科学》:,2011,41(信息科学 ),117-127.
18.李姗姗,田庆久. 一种高光谱遥感图像端元递进提取算法。《遥感学报》。2009,13(2):269-275.
19.陈君颖,田庆久. 基于Hyperion影像的水稻冠层生化参量反演研究.《遥感学报》,2009,13(6):1114-1121。
20. 陆应诚,田庆久,宋鹏飞,李姗姗. 海面油膜高光谱遥感信息提取. 《遥感学报》,2009,13(4):691-695。
21.王晶晶,田庆久. 海岸带浅海水深高光谱遥感反演方法研究.《地理科学》,2007,27(6):843-848。
22.陈君颖,田庆久。高分辨率遥感植被分类模式研究. 《遥感学报》。2007, 11(2):221-227。
24. 虢建宏,田庆久. 遥感影像阴影多波段检测与去除理论模型研究.《遥感学报》,2006,10(2):151-159。
25.夏学齐,田庆久,杜凤兰. 应用高分辨率遥感数据提取岩溶石漠化程度信息,《遥感学报》,2006.Vol.10, No.4: 469-474.
26.夏学齐,陈骏,廖启林,季峻峰,田庆久,吴昀昭. 南京地区表土镉汞铅含量的空间统计分析.《地球化学》,2006,Vol.35, No.1, 95-102.
27.郑光,田庆久,陈镜明,居为民,夏学齐. 结合树龄信息的遥感森林生态系统生物量制图。《遥感学报》,2006,3。2006,10(6):932-940。
28.骆知萌,田庆久,惠凤鸣. 用遥感方法计算森林叶面积指数. 《南京大学学报》(自然科学版),2005,41(3): 253-258。
29.夏学齐,田庆久,杜凤兰. 高光谱遥感图象的单形体分析方法研究.《中国图象图形学报》,2004,9(12):1486-1490。
30. 王登伟,李少昆,田庆久等. 棉花主要栽培生理参数的高光谱估测研究,《中国农业科学》,2003,36(7):770-774。
31. 吴昀昭,田庆久,陈骏等. 新疆哈密地区多金属矿床高光谱遥感找矿模式研究,《岩石学报》,2003年,19(4):761-766。
32. 田庆久,郑兰芬,童庆禧. 基于SPOT遥感影像的大气辐射校正和反射率反演方法研究,《应用气象学报》,1998,9(4): 456-461。
33.田庆久,童庆禧,郑兰芬. SPOT地面场定标与星上定标结果的比较分析,《遥感学报》,1998,2(1):13-18。
34. 闵祥军,朱启疆,田庆久. 敦煌地区大气水汽和气溶胶对获取地表温度的影响,《遥感学报》,1998,2(4):255-258。
35. 杨超武,田庆久,张满郎. 机载成像光谱遥感影像大气程辐射影响规一化及其简化校正,《测绘学报》,1997,26(4):358-364。
36. 闵祥军 朱永豪 田庆久等. MAIS成像光谱辐射计飞行定标和图像反射率反演,《遥感学报》,1997,1(3):178-184。
37. 田庆久,董卫东,张良培. 成像光谱遥感资料大气订正和光谱重建,《测绘学报》,1997,26(1):52-57。
1. 徐凯健,田庆久*,朱小波,杨闫君,焦俊男. 空间尺度上推转换度对影像信息的影响分析。《测绘科学》, 2019, 44(5): 117–125.
2. 杨闫君,田庆久*,占玉林,陶波,徐凯健. 空间分辨率与纹理特征对多光谱遥感分类的影响,《地球信息科学学报》,2018(1):99-107.
3. 徐凯健,田庆久*,杨闫君,徐念旭. 遥感土地覆被分类的空间尺度响应研究,《
1. 《遥感学报》副主编
2. 中国地理学会环境遥感分会第六届理事会常务理事
3. 中国遥感应用协会理事

