2023-05-11 15:15
  • 汤剑平
  • 汤剑平 - 教授 博士生导师-南京大学-大气科学学院-个人资料




南京大学大气科学学院教授,博士生导师。1993年本科进入南京大学大气科学系学习;2004在南京大学获理学博士学位后留校,主要从事区域气候变化及数值模拟、气候模式发展和陆气相互作用等方面的教学和科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目、科技部国家重点研发项目课题、骨干参与国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)课题、国家公益性行业科研专项等多项课题的研究工作。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文70余篇,指导研究生20余名。 Jianping Tang (researchgate.net)
在研科研项目 :
2.自然科学基金面上项目: “中国东部对流相容区域气候模拟的增值效应及其影响机理研究”,(2019-2022),项目负责人
4.自然科学基金面上项目: “陆面过程对我国中东部热浪强度和持续时间影响的机理研 究”(41375075) (2014-2017) 主持
5.自然科学基金重大项目集成项目:“黑河流域高时空分辨率未来气候变化情景模拟与不确定性评估”(91425305) (2015-2018) 专题负责人
6.自然科学基金面上项目:“关键陆面参数的反演和优化及其对陆气相互作用过程的改进”(41475063) (2015-2018) 主要参与
7.自然科学基金面上项目:“CORDEX-EA-II框架下东亚区域气候集成模拟及其预估中的不确定性分析研究” (41575099) (2016-2019) 主要参与


"(1) 国际区域气候比较计划(CORDEX)东亚区域的研究:动力和统计降尺度
(2) 云可分辨区域气候模拟研究
(3) 陆面过程对我国极端天气、气候事件的影响及机理研究
(4) 区域气候变化预估的不确定性"


1. Wang PY, Hui P H, Xue D K, Tang J P*, 2019, Future projection of heat waves over China under global warming within the CORDEX-EA-II project, Climate Dynamics
2. Yang LY, Wang SY*, Tang JP*, et al., 2019, Evaluation of the effects of a multiphysics ensemble on the simulation of an extremely hot summer in 2003 over the CORDEX-EA-II Region, IJOC
3. Wang P, Tang JP * et al. (2018) The sensitivity to initial soil moisture for three severe cases of heat waves over Eastern China. Frontiers in environmental Science
4. Yan Y, Tang J P*, Liu G, Wu J, 2019, Effects of Vegetation Fraction Variation on Regional Climate Simulation of Extremes over Eastern China, Global and Planetary Change
5. Zong PS, Zhu Yali and Tang JP, 2019, Sensitivity of summer precipitation in regional spectral model simulations over eastern China to physical schemes: Daily, extreme and diurnal cycle, IJOC
6.Hui PH, Li Y*, Chen Yan, Wei FF, Tang JP*, 2019, The Impact of Radiation Parameterization Schemes on the Regional Climate Simulations over the CORDEX-EA Domain, Atmospheric Research
7. Yang Yi, Tang JP*, Xiong Zhe, et al., 2019, An intercomparision of multiple statistical downscaling methods for daily precipitation and temperature over China: Present climate evaluations, Climate dynamcs
1. Wang P. Y., Tang J. P.*, Sun X.G.*, et al., 2018, Spatiotemporal Characteristics of heat waves over China in regional climate simulations with CORDEX-EA project. Climate dynamics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4167-6
2. Zha J. L., Wu J., Zhao D.M. and Tang J.P., 2018, A possible recovery of the near-surface wind speed in Eastern China during winter after 2000 and the potential causes, Theor. Appl. Climatol., DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2471-z
3. Tang J. P., Sun X.G., Hui P.H. et al., 2018, Effects of Spectral Nudging on Precipitation Extremes and Diurnal Cycle over CORDEX East Asia domain, Int. J. Climatol., in press
4. Niu X. R., Wang S. Y.*, Tang J. P., et al., 2018, Ensemble evaluation and projection of climate extremes in China by RMIP models, Int. J. Climatol., 38(4): 2039-2055
5. Hui P.H., Tang J.P.*, Wang S. Y., et al., 2018, Climate Change Projections over China using Regional Climate Models Foreced by 2 CMIP5 global models. Part I : Evaluation of Historical Simulations, Int. J. Climatol, 38: e57-e77
6. Hui P.H., Tang J. P.*, Wang S. Y., et al., 2018, Climate Change Projections over China using Regional Climate Models Foreced by 2 CMIP5 global models. Part II : Projections of Future climate, Int. J. Climatol, 38: e78-e94
7. Shen W. Q., Song JJ, Liu G., Zhuang Y., Wang Y., Tang J. P.*, et al., 2018, Convection scheme effect on the WRF model simulations of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific submitted to Climate Dynamics , accept
8. Yang Y., Tang J.P.*, Wang S. Y., Liu G., 2018, Differential impacts of 1.5 ?C and 2 ?C warming on extreme events over China using statistically downscaled and bias-corrected CESM low-warming experiment, Geophysical Research Letters, (accept)
9. Shaoying Chen; Yan Yan; Gang Liu; Dexian Fang; Zheng Wu; Jun He; Jianping Tang, 2017, Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Precipitation Diurnal Variations in Chongqing with Complex Topography, TAC, (accept)
10. Jinjie Song, Philip Klotzbach, Jianping Tang, Yuan Wang, 2018, The increasing variability of tropical cyclone lifetime maximum intensity, Scientific Reports, (accept)
11. Xiaorui Niu, Jianping Tang, Shuyu Wang, Congbin Fu, 2018, Impact of future land use and land cover change on temperature projections over East Asia, Climate Dynamics, (accept)
12. Yang Yi, Tang J P., Xiong Zhe, et al., 2018, An Intercomparison of Multiple Statistical Downscaling Methods for Daily Precipitation and Temperature over China: Future Climate Projections Climate dynamics
1. Wang P. Y., Tang J. P.*, Wang S. Y., et al., 2017, Regional Heatwaves in China: A Cluster Analysis,Climate Dynamics, accept
2. Wang P. Y., Tang J. P.*, Sun X. G., Wang S. Y., et al., 2017, Heat waves in China: definitions, patterns and connections to large-scale atmospheric circulation, SST and Arctic sea ice, JGR-atmosphere (accept)
3. Yang Y., Tang J. P.*, Xiong Z., et al., 2017, Evaluation of High-Resolution Gridded Precipitation Data in Arid and Semiarid Regions: Heihe River Basin, Northwest China, Journal of Hydrometeorology (accept)
4. Niu X.R., Wang S.Y., Tang J.P., et al., 2017, Ensemble evaluation and projection of climate extremes in China using RMIP models, Int. J. Climato. (accept)
5. 吴福浪,汤剑平*,刘建勇,2017,2013年夏季1次宁波地区海陆风对雷暴过程影响分析及数值模拟, 气象科学 (accept)
6. Zhang Q., Pan Y.N., Wang S. Y., Xu J.J., Tang J.P.*, 2017, High-Resolution Regional Reanalysis in China: Evaluation of One-year Period Experiments, JGR-Atmosphere (Accept)
7. 吴晶璐, 朱红芳,宗培书, 惠品宏,汤剑平*, 2017,近30多年江淮流域极端气温指数的时空变化分析:站点观测和再分析的对比, 气象科学(accept)
1. Hui P. H. , Tang J. P.*, Wang S. Y., et al., 2015, Impact of resolution on regional climate modeling in the source region of Yellow River with complex terrain using RegCM3. Theor. Appl. Climatol.
2. Tang J. P., Wang S. Y., Li Q., et al., 2015a, Building Asian Climate Change Scenario by Multi-Regional Climate Models Ensemble. Part I: Surface Air Temperature,Int. J. Climatol. (accept)
3. Li. Q., Wang S. Y., DonKou Lee, Tang J. P., 2015b, Building Asian Climate Change Scenario by Multi-Regional Climate Models Ensemble. Part II: Mean Precipitation,Int. J. Climatol. (accept)
4. Tang J. P., Wang S. Y., Niu X. R., Gao H. X., et al., 2015, Statistical and Dynamical downscaling of regional climate in China : Present climate evaluations and future climate projection, JGR-Atmosphere (accept)
5. Zhou Weidan, Tang J. P.*, Wang S. Y. , et al., 2016, Evaluation of regional climate simulations over the CORDEX-EA-II domain using the COSMO-CLM model, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (accept)
6. Tang J.P., Wang S.Y., Zong P. S., Niu X.R., Wang X. Y. and Hui P.H., 2016, Impact of Spectral Nudging on Regional Climate Simulation over CORDEX East Asia using WRF, Climate Dynamics (accept)
7. Shen W. Q., Tang J. P.*, Wang Y., Wang S. Y., Niu X. R., 2016, Evaluation of WRF model simulations of Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific over the CORDEX East Asia domain, Climate Dynamics (accept)
8. Zong P. S., Tang J. P.*, Wang S. Y., et al., 2016, Dynamical downscaling of regional climate over Eastern China using RSM with multiple physics scheme ensembles, Theor. Appl. Climatol. (accept)
9. Song J.J., Wang Y., Tang J. P., 2016, A Hiatus of the Greenhouse Effect, Scientific Reports (accept)
10. Wu F. T., Wang S. Y., Fu C.B., Qian Y., Gao Y., Lee D.K., Cha D.H., Tang J.P., Hong S.Y., 2016, Evaluation and projection of summer extreme precipitation over East Asia in the Regional Model Inter-comparison Project. Climate Research, 2016, 69(1): 45-58.

1. Wang Shuyu, Fu Congbin, Wei Helin, Qian Yun, Xiong Zhe, Feng Jinming, Zhao Deming, Dan li, Han Zhiwei, Su Binkai, Zhao Ming, Zhang Yaocun, Tang Jianping, et al. 2015, Regional integrated environmental modeling system: development and application, Climatic Change, 19(3), 499-510, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0973-3
2. Niu X. R., Wang S. Y., Tang J. P., et al., 2015, Projection of Indian summer monsoon climate in 2041-2060 by multiregional and global climate models, JGR-Atmosphere, DOI 10.1002/2014JD022620
3. Pinhong Hui, Jianping Tang*, Shuyu Wang, Jian Wu,2015, Sensitivity of simulated extreme precipitation and temperature to convective parameterization using RegCM3 in China, Teor. Appl. Clim.,DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1300-2
4. Zong Peishu, Tang Jianping*, Xie Lingyun, et al., 2015, simulation of summer monsoon climate over Eastern China using a regional spectral model, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 21(s1), 46-56
5. Jian Wu, Liya Zhang, Deming Zhao, Jianping Tang, 2015,Impacts of warming and water vapor content on the decreas in light rain days during the warm season over eastern China, Clim. Dyn. , DOI:10.1007/s00382-014-2438-4
6. Wang X. M., Sun X. G., Tang J. P. , et al., 2015, Urbanization-induced regional warming in Yangtze River Delta: potential role of anthropogenic heat release, Int. J. Climatol.
7. Wang X. Y., Tang J. P.*, Niu X. R., et al., 2015, An assessment of precipitation and surface air temperature over China by regional climate models. Frontiers of Earth Science,DOI 10.1007/s11707-015-0548-x
8. Li J., J. Tang, and J. Fang, 2015: High-resolution numerical simulation of Typhoon Longwang (2005) with the spectrum nudging technique. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 311-325.
9. 韦芬芬,汤剑平*,王淑瑜,2015, 中国区域夏季再分析资料高空变量可信度的检验,58(2),383-397, 地球物理学报10.6038/cjg20150204
10. 李前,汤剑平*,张建友,潘华,2015,中国区域植被与温度和降水时滞相关分析,南京大学学报(自然科学版),51(3),626-640
11. 吴风波,汤剑平,2015,城市化对长江三角洲地区夏季降水、气温的影响,热带气象学报,31(2),255-263
12. 高红霞,汤剑平*,2015, 华东地区月平均气温统计降尺度方法比较,气象科学
13. Niu X. R., Wang S. Y., Tang J. P.*, et al, 2015, Multi-model ensemble projection of precipitation in eastern China under A1B emission scenario, JGR-Atmosphere ,10.1002/2015JD023853
1. Jian Wu, Jianguo Luo, Liya Zhang, Lan Xia, Deming Zhao, Jianping Tang, 2014,Improvement of aerosol optical depth retrieval using visibility data in China during the past 50 years, J. Geo. Res., DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021550
2. Pinhong Hui, Jianping Tang, Shuyu Wang, Jian Wu, Yue Kang,2014, Future climate projection under IPCC A1B scenario in the source region of Yellow River with complex topography using RegCM3, J. Geo. Res. ,DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021992
3. 敖翔宇,任雪娟, 汤剑平, 杨修群, 2014长江三角洲城市群对夏季降水影响机制的模拟研究, 气象科学, 34(6), 684-691
4. 吴风波,汤剑平,2014,2003年夏季长江三角洲甚高分辨率区域气候模拟,热度气象学报,30(4),727-735
5. 王建群, 刘松平, 郝阳玲, 汤剑平,A1B 情景下黄河源区径流变化趋势[J]. 河海大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014, 42(2): 95-100.

