2023-05-11 15:14
  • 石云
  • 石云 - 博士 教授-南京大学-模式动物研究所-个人资料




2007年博士毕业于佐治亚州立大学生物学系生理专业,师从姜淳教授。2008-2012年在加州大学旧金山分校药理系做博士后研究,师从Roger Nicoll院士。从2013年起任南京大学模式动物研究所教授,从事神经可塑性机制研究。发表SCI论文多篇,部分发表在Nature, Neuron, Cell Reports, PNAS, Nature Communications和eLife等知名杂志上。入选青年千人计划,江苏省双创人才计划和江苏省杰出青年。


1. 中枢神经系统突触生理和可塑性。
2. 谷氨酸受体/辅助亚基的生理功能以及在病理过程中的作用。
3. 谷氨酸受体的上膜转运和突触定位的机制。


1. He L, Sun J, Gao Y, Li B, Wang Y, Dong Y, An W, Li H, Yang B, Ge Y, Zhang XC*, Shi YS*, Zhao Y*. (2021) Kainate receptor modulation by Neto2. Nature (Online Ahead of Print)
2. Sun JH, Chen J, Ayala Valenzuela FE, Brown C, Masser-Frye D, Jones M, Romero LP, Rinaldi B, Li WL, Li QQ, Wu D, Gerard B, Thorpe E*, Bayat A*, Shi YS*. (2021) X-linked neonatal-onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with a gain-of-function variant p.R660T in GRIA3. PLoS Genet. 17(6):e1009608.
3. Peng SX, Wang YY, Zhang M, Zang YY, Wu D, Pei J, Li Y, Dai J, Guo X, Luo X, Zhang N, Yang JJ, Zhang C, Gao X, Liu N*, Shi YS*. (2021) SNP rs10420324 in the AMPA receptor auxiliary subunit TARP γ-8 regulates the susceptibility to antisocial personality disorder. Sci Rep. 11(1):11997.
4. Jiang CH, Wei M, Zhang C*, Shi YS*. (2021) The amino-terminal domain of GluA1 mediates LTP maintenance via interaction with neuroplastin-65. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(9):e2019194118.
5. Wu D, Zang YY, Shi YY, Ye C, Cai WM, Tang XH, Zhao L, Liu Y, Gan Z, Chen GQ, Xu Y, Yang JJ*, Shi YS*.(2020). Distant Coupling between RNA Editing and Alternative Splicing of the Osmosensitive Cation Channel Tmem63b. J Biol Chem. 295(52):18199-18212.
6. Du H, Ye C, Wu D, Zang YY, Zhang L, Chen C, He XY, Yang JJ, Hu P, Xu Z, Wan G*, Shi SY*. (2020) The cation channel TMEM63B is an osmosensor required for hearing. Cell Reports. 31:107596.
7. Li YJ, Duan GF, Sun JH, Wu D, Ye C, Zang YY, Chen GQ, Shi YY, Wang J, Zhang W*, Shi YS*.(2019) Neto proteins regulate gating of the kainate-type glutamate receptor GluK2 through two binding sites. J Biol Chem. 294(47):17889-17902.
8. Duan GF, Xu S, Ye Y, Tao W, Nicoll RA, Shi YS*, and Sheng N*.(2018) Signal peptide represses GluK1 surface and synaptic trafficking through binding to amino-terminal domain. Nature Communications. 9(1):4879.
9. Chen J, Du Y, He X, Huang X*, Shi YS*. (2017) A Convenient Cas9-based Conditional Knockout Strategy for Simultaneously Targeting Multiple Genes in Mouse. Sci Rep. 7(1):517.
10. Niu Y, Dai Z, Liu W, Zhang C, Yang Y, Guo Z, Li X, Xu C, Huang X, Wang Y, Shi YS*, Liu JJ*. (2017) Ablation of SNX6 leads to defects in synaptic function of CA1 pyramidal neurons and spatial memory. Elife. 6. pii: e20991.
11. He XY, Li YJ, Kalyanaraman C, Qiu LL, Chen C, Xiao Q, Liu WX, Zhang W, Yang JJ, Chen G, Jacobson MP, Shi YS*. (2016) GluA1 signal peptide determines the spatial assembly of heteromeric AMPA receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(38):E5645-54.
12. Granger AJ, Shi Y, Lu W, Cerpas M, Nicoll RA. (2013) LTP requires an extrasynaptic pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type. Nature. 493(7433),495-500
13. Herring B#, Shi Y#, Suh YH, Zheng CY, Schmid SM, Roche KW, Nicoll RA. (2013) Cornichon proteins determine the subunit composition of synaptic AMPA receptors. Neuron. 77(6),1083-96
14. Gray JA, Shi Y, Usui H, During MJ, Sakimura K, Nicoll RA. (2011) Distinct modes of AMPA receptor suppression at developing synapses by GluN2A and GluN2B: analysis of single-cell GluN2 subunit deletion in vivo. Neuron. 71(6), 1085-1101
15. Shi Y#, Suh YH#, Milstein AD, Isozaki K, Schmid SM, Roche KW, Nicoll RA. (2010) Functional comparison of the effects of TARPs and cornichons on AMPA receptor trafficking and gating. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(37), 16315-16319
16. Shi Y, Lu W, Milstein AD, Nicoll RA. (2009) The stoichiometry of AMPA receptors and TARPs varies by neuronal cell types. Neuron. 62(5), 633-40
17. Lu W, Shi Y, Jackson A, Bjorgan K, During MJ, Sprengel R, Seeburg PH, Nicoll RA. (2009) Subunit composition of synaptic AMPA receptors revealed by a single-cell genetic approach. Neuron. 62(2), 254-68
18. Shi Y, Chen X, Wu Z, Shi W, Jiang C, Harrison R. (2008) cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation produces interdomain movements in SUR2B leading to activation of vascular KATP channel. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(12), 7523-30
19. Shi Y, Cui N, Shi W, Jiang C. (2008) A short motif in Kir6.1 consisting of 4 phosphorylation repeats underlies vascular KATP channel inhibition by protein kinase C. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(5), 2488-94
20.Shi Y, Wu Z, Cui N, Shi W, Yang Y, Zhang X, Rojas A, Ha BT, Jiang C. (2007) PKA phosphorylation on SUR2B subunit underscores vascular KATP channel activation by β-adrenergic receptors. American Journal of Physiology. 293(3), R1205-14

