2023-05-11 15:09
  • 马磊
  • 马磊 - 副教授-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




四川绵阳人。理学博士,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院副教授,德国洪堡学者(Humboldt Research Fellow),注册测绘师。在从事的高分遥感图像处理研究领域,重点关注面向对象遥感影像分析技术,率先在国际上撰写并发表了关于面向对象遥感影像监督分类的综述论文,阐述了面向对象监督分类理论体系,系统论证了面向对象遥感影像分析的不确定性机制。主持或参与美国地质调查局地表覆盖连续变化监测项目(USGS-NASA Landsat Science Team Program)、国家重点研发项目子课题、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、江苏省青年基金项目、中国博士后科学基金、国家公派研究生项目等国家和部省级多个项目。已发表SCI论文20余篇,其中1作13篇、通作6篇、ESI高引论文4篇(其中1%高引3篇,0.1%高引1篇)、高下载论文2篇(遥感1区Top期刊)。发表论文被引2000余次,单篇最高被引500余次,H因子21(Google scholar)。申请或授权国家发明专利9件、登记软件著作权5项。担任国际期刊《Remote Sensing》客座编辑,受邀为30余种国际期刊审稿。获德国洪堡奖学金、江苏省优秀博士学位论文、The Jack Dangermond Award等奖励。
2019.12 - ,南京大学,地理与海洋科学学院,副教授
2019.03 - 2021.02,慕尼黑工业大学(德国),洪堡学者
2018.01 - 2019.11,南京大学,地理与海洋科学学院,特任副研究员(专职系列)
2016.06 - 2017.12,南京大学,地理与海洋科学学院,助理研究员
2014.12 - 2015.12,萨尔茨堡大学(奥地利),地理系,联合培养博士
2012.07 - 2016.06,南京大学,地理与海洋科学学院,博士
2011.06 - 2012.06,德阳市建设局,工程师
2008.09 - 2011.06,西南交通大学,硕士
2004.09 - 2008.06,西南交通大学,本科
2019-2021,洪堡基金会研究项目,Improving Long-term Analysis of Urbanization in European and Asian Megacities via Object-based Image Analysis of Landsat/Sentinel-2 Data,主持
2018-2021,USGS-NASA Landsat Science Team Program,Toward Near Real-time Monitoring and Characterization of Land Surface Change for the Conterminous US,参与
2019,The Jack Dangermond Award – 国际摄影测量与遥感协会 2017最佳论文




[1] Ma, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Ye, Y., Yin, G.,... Johnson, B. A. (2019). Deep learning in remote sensing applications: A meta-analysis and review. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 152, 166-177. (期刊Top 1高下载,ESI高引)https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[2] Ma, L., Li, M. C., Ma, X. X. (2017): A review of supervised object-based land-cover image classification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 130, 277-293. (ESI 高引, 期刊Top 3高下载)https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[3] Ma, L., Cheng, L., Li, M. C., Liu, Y., Ma, X. X. (2015): Training set size, scale, and features in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis of very high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102, 14-27.(期刊高引)https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[4] Ma, L., Fu, T. Y., Blaschke, T., Li, M. C., Tiede, D., Zhou, Z. J., Ma, X. X., Chen, D. (2017): Evaluation of feature selection methods for object-based land cover mapping of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle imagery using Random Forest and Support Vector Machine classifiers. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(2), 51/1-51/22.(ESI高引, The Jack Dangermond Award – 国际摄影测量与遥感协会 2017最佳论文)https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[5] Li, M. C., Ma, L.*, Blaschke, T., Cheng, L., Tiede, D. (2016): A systematic comparison of different object-based classification techniques using high spatial resolution imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 49, 87-98. (ESI 高引, 2017年7/8月统计数据)https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[6] Ma, L., Fu, T. Y., Li, M. C. (2018): Active learning for object-based image classification using predefined training objects. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:9, 2746-2765.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[7] Zhou, Z., Ma, L.*, Fu, T., Zhang, G., Yao, M.,... Li, M. (2018). Change Detection in Coral Reef Environment Using High-Resolution Images: Comparison of Object-Based and Pixel-Based Paradigms. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(11), 441. https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[8] Fu, T., Ma, L.*, Li, M. C., Johnson, B. A. (2018): Using convolutional neural network to identify irregular segmentation objects from very high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(2), 025010.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[9] Ma, L., Li, M. C., Blaschke, T., Ma, X. X., Tiede, D., Cheng, L., Chen, Z. J., Chen, D. (2016): Object-Based Change Detection in urban areas: the effects of segmentation strategy, scale, and feature space on unsupervised methods. Remote Sensing, 8(9), 761.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[10] Ma, L., Gao, Y., Fu, T., Cheng, L., Chen, Z., Li, M. (2017): Estimation of Ground PM2.5 Concentrations using a DEM-assisted Information Diffusion Algorithm: A Case Study in China. Scientific Reports, 7, 15556.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[11] Ma, L., Li, M. C., Gao, Y., Chen, T., Ma, X. X., Qu, L. A. (2017): A novel wrapper approach for feature selection in object-based image classification using ppolygon-based cross-validation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(3), 409-413.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[12] Ma, L., Cheng, L., Han, W. Q., Zhong, L. S., Li, M. C. (2014): Cultivated land information extraction from high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8, 1-25.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[13] Ma, L., Li, Y. S., Liang, L., Li, M. C., Cheng, L. (2013): A novel method of quantitative risk assessment based on grid difference of pipeline sections. Safety Science, 59, 219-226.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[14]Ma, L., Cheng, L., Li, M. C. (2013): Quantitative risk analysis of urban natural gas pipeline networks using geographical information systems. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26, 1183-1192.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[15] Gao, Y., Ma, L.*, Liu, J. X., Zhuang, Z. Z., Huang, Q. H., Li, M. C. (2017): Constructing Ecological Networks Based on Habitat Quality Assessment: A Case Study of Changzhou, China. Scientific Reports, 7, 46073.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[16] Cheng, L., Li, S., Ma, L.*,Li, M. C., Ma, X. X. (2015): Fire spread simulation using GIS: Aiming at urban natural gas pipeline. Safety Science, 75, 23-35.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[17] Cheng, L., Ma, L., Yang, K., Liu, Y. X., Li, M. C. (2013): Registration of Mars remote sensing images under the crater constraint. Planetary and Space Science, 2013, 85, 13-23.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[18] Cheng, L., Ma, L., Cai, W. T., Tong, L. H., Li, M. C., Du, P. J. (2013): Integration of Hyperspectral imagery and sparse sonar data for shallow water bathymetry mapping. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 53(6), 3235-3249.https://sgos.nju.edu.cn/_ueditor/themes/default/images/icon_pdf.gifpublication.pdf
[19] Ma, X. X., Wang, L. C., Ma, L., Zhang, Y. Q. (2015): Effects on sediments following water–sediment regulations in the Lixia River watershed, China. Quaternary International, 2015, 380/381, 334-341.
[20] Ma, X. X., Wang, L. C., Wu, H., Li, N., Ma, L., Zeng, C. F., Zhou, Y., Yang, J. (2015): Impact of Yangtze river water transfer on the water quality of the Lixia river watershed, China. Plos One, 10, e119720.
[21] Liu, Y., Hu, C., Zhan, W., Sun, C., Murch, B., Ma, L.(2018): Identifying industrial heat sources using time-series of the VIIRS Nightfire product with an object-oriented approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 347-365.
[22] Cheng, L., Yuan, Y., Xia, N., Chen, S., Chen, Y., Yang, K., Ma, L., Li, M. C. (2018): Crowd-sourced pictures geo-localization method based on street view images and 3D reconstruction. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 141, 72-85.
(1)期刊编辑:Remote Sensing (Guest Editor,http://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/image-segentation)
(2)期刊审稿:Remote Sensing of Environment (Outstanding reviewer for RSE, 2018), ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, Information Fusion,Knowledge-Based Systems,International Journal of Applied Remote Sensing and Geoinformation,International Journal of Remote Sensing,GIScience Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,IEEE JSTARS,IEEE GRSL,European Journal of Remote Sensing,International Journal of Digital Earth,ISPRS-GIS,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,Neurocomputing,IEEE Access 等

