2005 – 2007 Postdoc in College of Pharmacy University of Texas at Austin
1997 – 2000 Ph. D. of Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry Institute, Nanjing University
1995 – 1997 M. Sc. of Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry Institute, Nanjing University
1991 – 1995 B. Sc. of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University
1991-2000,在南京大学化学化工学院学习,先后获学士和理学博士学位;2001年毕业后,任南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室讲师(2001-2005)、副教授(2005—现在)。期间,曾于美国德州大学(Austin)药学院从事博士后研究(2005-2007)。自2007年起,讲授《大学化学》课程,现任南京大学国家级(化学)实验教学中心副主任(2017—)。科研领域涉及配位化学、有机硼化学、发光材料等,已在国内外刊物上发表研究论文70 余篇。
近5年,承担本科生学科平台课程五门(大学化学IA、大学化学IB、大学化学实验IA、大学化学实验IB、化学实验基础);教学研究方面,参与和主持校级教改项目3项(2016年“基于创新能力培养的多层次化学实验教学平台建设”、2016年“基于“课立方”系统的大学化学数字化课程建设”、2018年“大学化学实验翻转课堂”),发表教学论文 6 篇(2018—2019年间,均发表于《大学化学》杂志);编纂教材一部(2019年,《简明大学化学实验》,南京大学出版社),修订教材一部(2019年,《大学化学》第二版,高等教育出版社)。 2014年度,获得南京大学“雨润奖教金”
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""1. Modulation and tunning of weak-intermolecular-interactions upon
coordination complexes: The self-assembly and self-functionalizing of cyclodextrin-based supramolecular system.
2. Magnetic coordination complexes systems: The assemblies of layer-like magnetic coordination complexes based on plannar building motifs.""""
Cheng, X.; Lu, Z.; Li, Y.; Wang, Q.; Lu, C.; Meng, Q., An interesting molecular-assembly of beta-cyclodextrin pipelines with embedded hydrophilic nickel maleonitriledithiolate. Dalton Transactions 2011, 40, (44), 11788-11794. \r
Wang, Q.; He, R.; Cheng, X.; Lu, C.*, The inclusion complexes between [Zn(dmit)2]2- anion and cyclodextrins: studied by induced circular dichroism spectra and density functional theory calculations. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 2011, 69, 231–243.\r
Cheng, X.; Wang, Q.; Lu, C.; Meng, Q., Watching the Conformational Changes of Maleonitriledithiolate Chromophores Inside the Inclusion Complexes with Cyclodextrins: Probed by ICD Spectra and DFT Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2010, 114, (26), 7230-7240.\r
Cheng, X.; Liu, T.; Duan, X.; Wang, F.; Meng, Q.; Lu, C., A novel 2D coordination polymer with unprecedented [Ag](7) chains and two 3D silver-organic frameworks constructed by methylenediisophthalic acid (H(4)MDIP) with strong Ag-Ag interactions. Crystengcomm 2011, 13, (5), 1314-1321.
标签: 南京大学 配位化学国家重点实验室
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