2023-05-11 15:08
  • 刘建国
  • 刘建国 - 教授 博士生导师-南京大学-环境材料与再生能源研究中心-个人资料




1975 年10 月出生于黑龙江省,1997 年毕业于大连理工大学获工学学士学位,2004 年中科院大连化学物理研究所毕业获工学博士学位。2004 年3 月-2004 年6 月,中科院大连化学物理研究所助理研究员;2004 年6 月-2005 年8 月,香港科技大学机械工程系,访问学者;2005 年8 月-2007 年3 月,英国纽卡斯尔大学化学工程系,博士后;2007 年3 月-2013 年12 月,南京大学材料科学与工程系副教授;2014 年1 月至今,南京大学教授,博士生导师,南京大学昆山创新研究院执行院长。中国燃料电池标准委员会委员(SAC/TC342 ),中国电器工业协会燃料电池分会副秘书长,正在主持编写国家标准2 项,参编国家标准8 项。在Energy & Environmental Science, Nano Energy, Chemical Science, Chemical Communication, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Power Sources 等杂志上共发表SCI 论文90 余篇,到目前为止他引超过3600 次,H 因子为33 。授权中国发明专利10 余项,国际PCT 专利优先权1 项。担任Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (SCI 期刊),《电化学》杂志编委。正在主持国家重点专项课题一项,国家自然科学基金两项,江苏省杰出青年基金一项,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才B 类资助项目等。获得“江苏省333 工程第二层次人才”“江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人”、“南京大学青年骨干教师”等称号。获得2013 年度国家自然科学二等奖(排名第四)。出版专著《可再生能源导论》(中国轻工业出版社),共同编著《先进材料合成与制备技术》(科学出版社),撰写《现代材料科学与工程实验》其中的一章(科学出版社),《Eco- and Renewable Energy Materials 》的一章(Science Press & Springer 出版)。
参与讲授课程:《新能源科学与技术- 新生研讨课》,《能源科学前沿》
作为指导教师指导了三次本科生创新计划。1. 项目名称:质子交换膜燃料电池电催化剂的研究,项目成员:戴勉,陈建伟,王小奇,时间:2007.4-2009.1,顺利结题。2. 项目名称:面向便携式设备的直接甲醇燃料电池,项目成员:金文,周浛,时间:2008.7-2010.1,顺利结题。3. 项目名称:电泳沉积法制备燃料电池电极的研究,项目成员:杨志,李旸,叶庆丰,目前项目正在进行。欢迎报考硕士或者博士研究生,也诚挚邀请新毕业博士以博士后或者研究员系列身份加入课题组,共同发展燃料电池或者锂电池。另外,南京大学昆山创新研究院也设有燃料电池工作岗位,欢迎各位博士或者硕士毕业生联系。
国家863项目 No. 2011AA11A271-05; 国家自然科学基金 No. 21176111; 国家自然科学基金No.20906045; 教育部博士点新教师基金No.20090091120033;教育部海外留学回国基金;
江苏省自然科学基金No.BK2008251(主持); 国家973项目No.2007CB6133002(参与)
序号 专利号 专利名称
1 ZL201510515854.8 一种程控式静电喷涂装置
2 ZL201310279047.1 一种燃料电池用Pt/C催化剂的制备方法
3 ZL201510346313.7 一种质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极的制备方法
4 ZL201510077255.2 一种带密封边框的燃料电池膜电极的制备方法
5 ZL201510008656.2 一种燃料电池质子交换膜的生产加工装置
6 ZL201310709782.1 一种燃料电池用Pt/C催化剂及其制备工艺
7 ZL201010101781.5 一种纳米多孔金的制法
8 ZL201510216444.3 一种燃料电池膜电极的制备方法及其专用装置
9 ZL200910259752.9 一种气体扩散层及其制备方法和用途
10 ZL200810122608.6 一种硼氢化物直接氧化的燃料电池电催化剂
11 ZL200910259732.1 一种质子交换膜燃料电池电堆
12 ZL200910233726.9 一种金属氧化物-碳复合材料的制备方法
13 ZL201010552641.X 一种无卤素咪唑类离子液体的合成方法




1. He WX, He XC, Du ML, Bie SY, Liu JG*, Wang YQ*, Liu M, Zhigang Zou, Yan WW, Zhao HM, Three-Dimensional Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes/Graphitic Carbon Nitride Hybrid Composite as Sulfur Host for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 15924-15934.
2. Sun K, Li J, Wang F, He WX, Fei MF, Lu ZD, Zhang HG, Liu JG*, Zou ZG, Highly enhanced durability of a graphitic carbon layer decorated PtNi3 alloy electrocatalyst toward the oxygen reduction reaction, Chem Comm, 2019, 55, 5693-5696.
3. Bie SY, Du ML, He WX, Zhang HG, Yu ZT, Liu JG*,Liu M, Yan WW, Zhou L, Zou ZG, CNT@RuO2 as a high performance catalyst for the decomposition of Li2CO3 , ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 5146−5151.
4. Rui ZY, Wang JY, Li J, Yao YF, Huo YX, Liu JG*, Zou ZG, A highly durable quercetin-based proton exchange membrane for fuel cells, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166, F3052-F3507.
5. Zhao H, Yang P, Du ML, He WX, Liu M, Yan WW, Zhou L, Liu JG*, Gu ZB, Zou ZG, An ultrathin surface-nitrided porous titanium sheet as a current collector-free sulfur host for high-gravimetric-capacity lithium–sulfur batteries, Chem Comm, 2019, 55, 1655-1658.
6. Zhao X, Gunji TK, Kaneko T, Yoshida Y, Takao S, Higashi K, Uruga T, He WX, Liu JG, Zou ZG, An Integrated Single-Electrode Method Reveals the Template Roles of Atomic Steps: Disturb Interfacial Water Networks and Thus Affect the Reactivity of Electrocatalysts, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2019, 141, 8516-8526.
7. Zhong CL, Zhou QW, Li SW, Cao L, Li JC, Shen ZH, Ma HX, Liu JG, Lu MH, Zhang HG, Enhanced synergistic catalysis by a novel triple-phase interface design of NiO/Ru@Ni for the hydrogen evolution reaction, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2019, 7, 2344-2350.
8. Liu F, Sun K, Rui ZY, Liu JG*, Tian J, Liu RR, Luo J, Wang ZW, Yao YF, Huang L, Wang P, Zou ZG*, Highly Durable and Active Ternary Pt–Au–Ni Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 3049-3056.
9. He WX, Liu JG*, Sun W*, Yan WW, Zhou L, Wu CP, Wang JS, Yu XL, Zhao HM, Zhang TR, Zou ZG, Coprecipitation-Gel Synthesis and Degradation Mechanism of Octahedral Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2as High-Performance Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 23018-23028.
10. Wei HW, Su XG, Liu JG*, Tian J, Wang ZW, Sun K, Rui ZY, Yang WW, Zou ZG**, A CeO2 modified phenylenediamine-based Fe/N/C with enhanced durability/ stability as non-precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 88, 19-23.
11. Wang T, Wang JY, Wang X, Yang J, Liu JG*, Xu HX**, Graphene-templated synthesis of sandwich-like porous carbon nanosheets for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media, SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS, 2018, 61, 915-925.
12. Gao J, He CC, Liu JG, Ren PJ, Lu HB, Feng JY, Zou ZG, Yin Z, Wen XD, Tan XY, Polymerizable ionic liquid as a precursor for N, P co-doped carbon toward the oxygen reduction reaction, CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 8, 1142-1150.
13. Chen L, Yang WW, Zhang H, Liu JG, Zhou Y, Self-templated preparation of hollow mesoporous TiN microspheres as sulfur host materials for advanced lithium-sulfur batteries, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2018, 53, 10363-10371.
14. Hu ZH, Song X*, Wei CL, Liu JG, Behavior and mechanisms for sorptive removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate by layered double hydroxides, Chemosphere, 2017, 187, 196-205.
15. Wan H, Yao YF*, Liu JG**, You Y, Li XY, Shao KN, Zou ZG, Engineering Mesoporosity Promoting High-Performance Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 21294-21304.
16. Li XY, Yao YF, Liu JG*, Zou ZG**, Highly microporous nitrogen doped graphene-like carbon material as an efficient fuel cell catalyst, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 19903-19912.
17. Chen ZL, Zhou Y, Li YX, Liu JG*, Zou ZG**, Pt nanocrystals electrodeposited on reduced graphene oxide/carbon fiber paper with efficient electrocatalytic properties, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2017, 27, 452-459.
18. Yang WW, Zhao H, Chen L, Fang C, Rui ZY, Yang LQ, Wan H, Liu JG*, Zhou Y, Wang P, Zou ZG**, Ferrous sulfide-assisted of hollow carbon spheres as sulfur host for advanced Lithium-sulfur batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326, 1040-1047.
19. Yang WW, Liu JG*, Zhang X, Chen L, Zhou Y, Zou ZG*, Ultrathin LiFePO4 nanosheets self-assembled with reduced graphene oxide applied in high rate lithium ion batteries for energy storage, Applied Energy, 2017, 195, 1079-1085.
20. Shao KN, Fang C, Yao YF, Zhao CY, Yang Z, Liu JG*, Zou ZG*, An easily-modified FeCl3 method used to synthesize nanoporous gold with high surface area, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 18327 - 18332
21. Wang YC, Huang L, Zhang P, Qiu YT, Sheng T, Zhou ZY*, Wang G, Liu JG*, Muhammad Rauf, Gu ZQ, Wu WT, Sun SG*, Constructing a Triple-Phase Interface in Micropores to Boost Performance of Fe/N/C Catalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, ACS Energy Lett., 2017 , 2, 645 − 650.
22. Yan XX, Liu KX, Wang T, You Y, Liu JG, Wang P, Pan XQ, Wang GF*, Luo J*, Zhu J*, Atomic interpretation of high activity on transition metal and nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers for catalyzing oxygen reduction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 3336–3345.
23. Yang J, Fang C, Bao CH, Yang WW, Yu T*, Zhu WD, Li FM, Liu JG*, Zou ZG, A flexible and high-performance all-solid-state supercapacitor device based on Ni3S2 nanosheets coated ITO nanowire arrays on carbon fabrics, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 75186–75193.
24. Yin PH, Hu ZH , Song X*, Liu JG, Lin N, Activated Persulfate Oxidation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Groundwater under Acidic Conditions, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2016, 13, 602.
25. Yang Z, Xu S, Xie J, Tian J, Liu JG*, Wang P, Zou ZG, Effect of nitrogen-doped PtRu/graphene catalyst on activity and durability for methanol oxidation, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2016, 46, 895-900.
26. Huang L, Zhao CY, Yao YF, You Y, Wang ZW, Wu CP, Sun Y, Tian J, Liu JG*, Zou ZG, Fe/N/C catalyst with high activity for oxygen reduction reaction derived from surfactant modified porous carbon-supported melamine-formaldehyde resin, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 11090-11098.
27. Su XG, Yao YF, Tian J, Liu JG*, Wang ZW, You Y, Huang L, Wu CP, Durability investigation of poly-p-phenylenediamine and carbon black composite for the oxygen reduction reaction, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 37, 1096-1102.
28. Yao YF, You Y, Zhang GX, Liu JG*, Sun HR, Zou ZG*, Sun SH*, Highly functional bioinspired Fe/N/C oxygen reduction reaction catalysts: structure-regulating oxygen sorption, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 6464–6471.
29. Yang WW, Chen L, Yang J, Zhang X, Fang C, Chen ZL, Huang L, Liu JG*, Zhou Y, Zou ZG, One-step growth of 3D CoNi2S4 nanorods and cross-linked NiCo2S4 nanosheet arrays on carbon paper as anodes for high-performance lithium ion batteries, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 5258-5261.
30. You Y, Wu CH, Yao YF, Liu JG*, Wang ZW, Huang L, Xie J, Su XG and Zou ZG*, One-pot synthesis of triazine-framework derived catalysts with high performance for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, RSC Advance, 2016, 6, 21617 - 21623.
31. Zhang X, Yang WW, Liu JG*, Zhou Y, Feng SC, Yan SC, Yao YF, Wang G, Wan L, Fang C, Zou ZG*, Ultralong Metahewettite CaV6O16•3H2O Nanoribbons as Novel Host Materials for Lithium Storage: Towards High-rate and Excellent Long-term Cyclability, Nano Energy, 2016, 22, 38-47.
32. Xie J, Zhang QH, Gu L, Xu S,Wang P, Liu JG*, Ding Y, Yao YF, Nan CW, Zhao M, You Y and Zou ZG*, Ruthenium-platinum Core-shell Nanocatalysts with Substantially Enhanced Activity and Durability towards Methanol Oxidation, Nano Energy, 2016, 21, 247-257.
33. Yan XX, Tang ZK, Xu X, Fang F, Song DS, Liu JG, Lu SF*, Liu LM*, Luo J*, Zhu J*, Electrocatalysis enhancement of iron-based catalysts induced by synergy of methanol and oxygen-containing groups, Nano Energy , 2016, 21, 265–275.
34. Chen L, Yin HX, Zhou Y*, Dai H, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG*, In situ direct growth of single crystalline metal(Co, Ni) selenium nanosheets on metal fibers as counter electrodes toward low-cost, highperformance fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 2304.
35. Zhang DD, Yin HX, Li ZD, Zhou Y*, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG*, Controllable electrophoresis deposition of TiO2 mesoporous spheres onto Ti threads as photoanodes for fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solarcells, RSC Adv., 2015,5,65005–65009.
36. Ma CH , Zhou J, Zhu HY, Yang WW, Liu JG, Wang Y*, Zou ZG*, Constructing a High-Efficiency MoO3/Polyimide Hybrid Photocatalyst Based on Strong Interfacial Interaction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 14628 − 14637.
37. Su XG, Liu JG,* Yao YF, You Y, Zhang X, Zhao CY, Wan H, Zhou Y, and Zou ZG*, Solid phase polymerization of phenylenediamine toward self-supported FeNx/C catalyst with high oxygen reduction activity, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 16707-16709.
38. Liu WM, Wan L, Liu JG*, Zhao M, Zou ZG*, Performance improvement of the open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cell by optimizing membrane electrode assemblies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40, 7159-7167.
39. Zhong Q, Mao QL, Yan J, Liu WM, Zhang T*, Liu JG*, Real-time in situ monitoring of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) coating of coronary stents using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 2015, 103, 691-699.
40. Bao CX, Yang J, Gao H, Li FM, Yao YF, Yang B, Fu G, Zhou XX, Yu T*, Qin YQ Liu JG, Zou ZG, In Situ Fabrication of Highly Conductive Metal Nanowire Networks with High Transmittance from Deep-Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 2502-2509.
41. Chen L, Zhou Y*, Dai H, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG*, One-step growth of CoNi2S4 nanoribbons on carbon fibers as platinum-free counter electrodes for fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solar cells with high performance: Polymorph-dependent conversion efficiency, Nano Energy, 2015, 11, 697-703.
42. Zhao M, Shi WY, Wu BB, Liu WM, Liu JG*, Xing DM, Yao YF, Hou ZJ, Ming PW, Zou ZG*, Influence of membrane thickness on membrane degradation and platinum agglomeration under long-term open circuit voltage conditions, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 153, 254-262.
43. Wang YC, Lai YJ, Song L, Zhou ZY*, Liu JG, Wang Q, Yang XD, Chen C, Shi W, Zheng YP, Rauf, Sun SG, S-Doping of an Fe/N/C ORR Catalyst for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells with High Power Density, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9907 - 9910.
44. Gao J, Wang G, Wang ZW, Wang YT, Liu JG*, Liu WM, Zou ZG*, Design and synthesis of cation-functionalized ionic liquid for application as electrolyte in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 19275-19281.
45. Yao YF, Liu JG*, Liu WM, Zhao M, Wu BB, Gu J, Zou ZG*, Vitamin E assisted polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Energy and Environmental Science, 2014, 7, 3362-3370.
46. Wang ZW, Li B, Xin YC, Liu JG*, Yao YF, Zou ZG*, Rapid synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene by microwave heating for oxygen reduction reactions in alkaline electrolyte, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 35, 509-513.
47. Zhao M, Shi WY, Wu BB, Liu WM, Liu JG*, Xing DM, Yao YF, Hou ZJ, Ming PW, Gu J, Zou ZG*, Analysis of carbon-supported platinum through potential cycling and potential-static holding, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39, 13725-13737.
48. Wu BB, Zhao M, Shi WY, Liu WM, Liu JG*, Xing DM, Yao YF, Hou ZJ, Ming PW, Gu J, Zou ZG**, The degradation study of Nafion/PTFE composite membrane in PEM fuel cell under accelerated stress tests, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39, 14381-14390.
49. Qi L, Yin Y, Shi WY, Liu JG,*, Xing DM, Liu FQ, Hou ZJ, Gu J, Ming PW, Zou ZG*, Intermittent microwave synthesis of nanostructured Pt/TiN-graphene with high catalytic activity for methanol oxidation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39, 16306-16042.
50. Wang RY, Liu JG*, Liu P, Bi XX, Yan XL, Wang WX, Ge XB, Chen MW*, Ding Y*, Dispersing Pt atoms onto nanoporous gold for high performance direct formic acid fuel cells, Chemical Sciences, 2014, 5, 403-409.
51. Gao J, Guo Y, Wu BB, Qi L, Li B, Liu JG*, Wang ZW, Liu WM, Gu Jun, Zou ZG, Cation impact of PEM fuel cell performance using ionic liquids of trimethylethyl amide, ethyl pyridinium and ethylmethyl imidazolium as the electrolyte carried by a porous PVDF membrane, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 251, 432-438.
52. Chen L, Dai H, Zhou Y*, HuYJ, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Porous, single crystalline titanium nitride nanoplates grown on carbon fibers: excellent counter electrodes for low-cost, high performance, fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solar cells, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 14321-14324.
53. Wang RY, Liu JG, Liu P, Bi XX, Yan XL, Wang WX, Meng YF, Ge XB, Chen, MW, Ding Y*, Ultra-thin layer structured anodes for highly durable low-Pt direct formic acid fuel cells, Nano Research, 2014, 7, 1569-1580.
54. Wang Q, Zhou ZY, Lai YJ, You Y, Liu JG, Wu XL, Terefe E, Chen C, Song L, Rauf M, Tian N, Sun SG*, Phenylenediamine-Based FeNx/C Catalyst with High Activity for Oxygen Reduction in Acid Medium and Its Active-Site Probing, Journal of the American Society, 2014, 136, 10882-10885.
55. Yang J, Bao CX, Zhu K, Yu T*, Liu FM, Liu JG, Li ZS, Zou ZG, High catalytic activity and stability of nickel sulfide and cobalt sulfide hierarchical nanospheres on the counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 4824-4826.
56. Wang ZQ, Li ZS* Feng JY, Yan SC, Luo WJ, Liu JG, Yu T, Zou ZG*, MnO2 nanolayers on highly conductive TiO0.54N0.46 nanotubes for supercapacitor electrodes with high power density and cyclic stability, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 8521-8528.
57. Gao H, Bao CX, Yu T*, Yao YF, Li FM, Yuan YJ, Liu JG, Zou ZG, One-dimensional assembly of TiO2 nanoparticles toward enhancing light harvesting and electron transport for application in dye-sensitized solar cells, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 10519-10524.
58. Jin W, Liu JG*, Wang YT, Yao YF, Gu J, Zou ZG, Direct NaBH4-H2O2 fuel cell based on nanoporous gold leaves, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, 10992-10997.
59. Wu BB, Li B, Liu WM, Liu JG*, Zhao M, Yao YF, Gu J, Zou ZG, The performance improvement of membrane and electrode assembly in open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, 10978-10984.
60. Li ZD, Zhou Y*, Song JC, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Versatile nanobead-scaffolded N-SnO2 mesoporous microspheres: one-step synthesis and superb performance in dye-sensitized solar cell, gas sensor, and photocatalytic degradation of dye, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 38, 524-531.
61. Chen L, Zhou Y*, Dai, H, Li ZD, Yu T , Liu JG, Zou ZG, Fiber dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of TiO2 nanowires arrays on Ti thread as photoanodes through a low-cost, scalable route, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 38, 11790 - 11794.
62. Bao CX, Huang H, Yang J, Gao H, Yu T*, Liu JG, Zhou Y, Li ZS, Zou ZG, The maximum limiting performance improved counter electrode based on a porous fluorine doped tin oxide conductive framework for dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, 2013, 11, 4951-4957.
63. Chen L, Zhou Y*, Tu WG, Li ZD, Bao CX, Dai H, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Enhanced photovoltaic performance of a dye-sensitized solar cell using graphene-TiO2 photoanode prepared by a novel in situ simultaneous reduction-hydrolysis technique, Nanoscale, 2013, 8, 3481-3485.
64. Yang JZ, Tang WH, Liu XL, Chao C, Liu JG*, Sun DP*, Bacterial cellulose-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and catalytic performance of La2CuO4 nanofiber for methanol steam reforming, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, 10813-10818.
65. Dai H, Zhou Y*, Chen L, Guo BL, Li AD, Liu JG, Yu T, Zou ZG,, Porous ZnO nanosheet arrays constructed on weaved metal wire for flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, 2013, 11, 5102-5108.
66. Xin YC, Liu JG*, Jie X, Liu WM, Liu FQ, Yin Y, Gu J, Zou ZG, Preparation and electrochemical characterization of nitrogen doped graphene by microwave as supporting materials for fuel cell catalysts, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 60, 354-358.
67. Liu WM, Xie Y, Liu JG*, Jie X, Gu J, Zou ZG*, Experimental study of proton exchange membrane fuel cells using Nafion 212 and Nafion 211 for portable application at ambient pressure and temperature conditions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 4673-4677.
68. Gao J, Liu JG *, Liu WM, Li B, Xin YC, Yin Y, Gu J*, Zou ZG, An efficient and green approach to prepare hydrophilic imidazolium ionic liquids free of halide and its effect on oxygen reduction reaction of Pt/C catalyst, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 13167-13177.
69. Yan XL, Meng FH, Xie Y, Liu JG*, Ding Y*, Direct N2H4/H2O2 Fuel Cells Powered by Nanoporous Gold Leaves, Scientific Reports, 2012, 2, 941.
70. Chen XY, Zhou Y*, Liu Q, Li ZD, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Ultrathin, Single-Crystal WO3 Nanosheets by Two-Dimensional Oriented Attachment toward Enhanced Photocatalystic Reduction of CO2 into Hydrocarbon Fuels under Visible Light, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 3372-3377.
71. Liu D, Liu FQ*, Liu JG, Effect of vanadium redox species on photo electrochemical behavior of TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 photo-electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 213, 78-82.
72. Tu WG, Zhou Y*, Liu Q, Tian ZP, Hao J, Chen XY, Zhang HT, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Robust hollow spheres consisting of alternating titania nanosheets and graphene nanosheets with high photo-catalytic activity for CO2 conversion into renewable fuels, Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 22, 1215-1221.
73. Lei YJ, Li T, Gu J*, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Study on platinum and copper nanosheets alloys supported on mesoporous titanium dioxide doped with carbon black as electrocatalysts in PEM fuel cells, Electroanalysis, 2012, 24, 699-706.
74. Li ZD, Zhou Y*, Bao XC, Xue GG, Zhang JY, Liu JG, Yu T, Zou ZG, Vertically building Zn2SnO4 nanowire arrays on stainless steel mesh toward fabrication of large-area, flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 3490-3494.
75. Li ZD, Zhou Y*, Xue GG, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Fabrication of hierarchically assembled microspheres consisting of nanoporous ZnO nanosheets for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 14341-14345.
76. Li ZD, Zhou Y*, Yu T, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Unique Zn-doped SnO2 nano-echinus with excellent electron transport and light harvesting properties as photoanode materials for high performance dye-sensitized solar cell, Crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 6462-6468.
77. Xue GG, Guo Y, Yu T*, Guan J, Yu XR, Zhang JY, Liu JG, Zou ZG, Degradation mechanisms investigation for long-term thermal stability of dye-sensitized solar cells, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2012, 7, 1496-1511.
78. Gao J, Liu JG*, Liu WM, Li B, Xin YC, Yin Y, Gu J, Zou ZG**, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Working at Elevated Temperature with Ionic Liquid as Electrolyte, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2011, 6, 6115-6122.
79. Gao J, Liu JG*, Li B, Liu WM, Xie Y, Xin YC, Yin Y, Jie X, Gu J, Zou ZG, A quick and green approach to prepare [Rmim]OH and its application in hydrophilic ionic liquids synthesis, New Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 35, 1661-1666.
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106.刘建国,顾军,于涛,邹志刚,赵天寿,空气自呼吸式直接甲醇燃料电池的环境适应性研究,电化学, 2008 年,第 14 卷,第 2 期, 159-165 。
107. 毛示旻,刘建国,邹志刚,周毅,陈建伟,王小奇,顾军,于涛,直接硼氢化钠 / 双氧水燃料电池研究,电源技术, 2008 年,第 32 卷,第 12 期, 827-831 。
108. 殷瑛,刘建国,陈肖宇,邹志刚,王兆生, PdCu 合金催化剂对甲酸氧化的电催化性能,电源技术, 2014 年,第 38 卷,第 1 期, 50-53 。
109. 戚利,殷瑛,涂文广,吴兵兵,王兆生,刘建国,顾军,邹志刚, Pt-TiO2/Graphene 催化剂的氧还原和甲醇氧化电催化性能研究,电化学, 2014 年,第 20 卷,第 4 期, 377-381 。
110. 赵灿云,黄林,尤勇,姚颖方,苏小钢,万红,刘建国,吴聪萍 , 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂废弃物制备氧还原电催化剂研究,电化学, 2016 , 22 , 176-184 。
111.严武渭,柳永宁,崇少坤,周亚萍,刘建国,邹志刚,高能量密度锂离子电池用富锂正极材料的研究现状, 2017 , 29 , 198-209 。
中国燃料电池标准委员会委员,中国电化学会成员,国际电化学会成员(International Society of Electrochemistry, ISE),美国电化学会成员(The Electrochemical Society, ECS)

