2023-05-11 15:06
  • 李颜
  • 李颜 - 教授-南京大学-医药生物技术国家重点实验室-个人资料




2018.9-至今,教授, 南京大学模式动物研究所




1.Yan Li, Guillemette Masse Ranson, Zacarias Garcia, Timothee Bruel, Ayrin Kok-Harunova, Helene Strick-Marchand, Gregory Jouvion, Nicolas Serafini, Ai Ing Lim, Mathilde Dusseaux, Thierry Hieu, Frank Bourgade, Antoine Toubert, Daniela Finke, Oliver Schwartz, Phillippe Bousso, Hugo Mouquet and James P. Di Santo. (2018) A human immune system mouse model with robust lymph node development. Nature Methods 10.1038/s41592-018-0071-6
2. Emmanuel Clave, Itauá Leston Araujo, Cécile Alanio, Etienne Patin, Jacob Bergstedt, Alejandra Urrutia, Yan Li, Bruno Charbit, Cameron Ross MacPherson, Milena Hasan, Breno Luiz Melo-Lima, Noemie Saut, Marine Germain, David-Alexandre Tregouet, Pierre-Emmanuel Morange, Magnus Fontes, Darragh Duffy, James P. Di Santo, Lluis Quintana-Murci, Matthew L.Albert, Antoine Toubert, for The Milieu Intérieur Consortium. (2018) Human thymopoiesis is influenced by a common genetic variant within the TCRA-TRCD locus. Science Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1126/ scitranslmed.aao2966
3. Yan Li and James P. Di Santo. (2018) Yin and yang of regulatory T cells in immunotherapy. Oncotarget doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24394.
4. Yan Li, Helene Strick-Marchand, Ai Ing Lim, Jiazi Ren, Guillemette Masse-Ranson, Dan Li, Gregory Jouvion, Lars Rogge, Sophie Lucas, Bin Li and James P. Di Santo. (2017) Regulatory T cells control toxicity in a humanized model of IL-2 therapy. Nature Communicationsdoi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01570-9.
5. Mathilde Dusséaux, Guillemette Masse-Ranson, Sylvie Darche, Yan Li,Elodie Beaumont, Lise Rivière, Christine Neuveut, Patrick Soussan, Philippe Roingeard, Dina Kremsdorf, James P. Di Santo, Helene Strick-Marchand. Viral load affects the immune response to HBV in mice with humanized immune system and liver. Gastroenterology.(2017) DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2017.08.034.
6. Ai Ing Lim, Yan Li, Silvia Lopez-Lastra, Ralph Stadhouders, Franziska Paul, Armanda Cassrouge, Nicolas Serafini, Anne Puel, Laura Surace, Guillemette Masse-Ranson, Helene Strick-Marchand, Lionel Le Bourhis, Roberto Cocchi, Davide Topazio, Paolo Graziano, Lucia Anna Muscarella, Lars Rogge, Jean-Michel Sallenave, Matthieu Allez, Thomas Graf, Rudi W. Hendriks, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Ido Amit, Hans Yssel and James P. Di Santo. (2017)Systemic human ILC precursors provide a substrate for tissue ILC differentiation, Cell.DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.02.021.
7. Silvia Lopez-Lastra, Guillemette Masse-Ranson, Oriane Fiquet, Sylvie Darche, Nicolas Serafini, Yan Li, Mathilde Dusséaux, Helene Strick- Marchand and James P. Di Santo. (2017) A functional DC crosstalk promotes human ILC homeostasis in humanized mice. Blood Advances. DOI 10.1182/ bloodadvances.2017004358
8. Yan Li, Jean-Jacques Mention, Nathalie Court, Antoine Toubert, Hergen Spits, Nicolas Legrand, Erwan Corcuff, Helene Strick-Marchand and James P. Di Santo. (2016) A novel Flt3-deficient HIS mouse model with selective enhancement of human DC development. European Journal of Immunology. DOI: 10.1002/eji.201546132
9. Yan Liand James P. DI Santo. (2015) Probing human NK cell biology using Human Immune System (HIS) mice. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 95:191-208. doi: 10.1007/82_2015_488.
10. Yan Li, Qingfeng Chen, Dahai Zheng, Lu Yin, Yok Hian Chionh, Lan Hiong Wong, Shu Qi Tan, Thiam Chye Tan, Jerry K. Y. Chan, Sylvie Alonso, Peter C. Dedon, Bing Lim and Jianzhu Chen. (2013) Induction of functional human macrophages from bone marrow promonocytes by M-CSF in humanized mice. Journal of Immunology191:3192-9.
11. Maroun Khoury, Adam Drake, Qingfeng Chen, Di Dong, Ilya Leskov, Maria F. Fragoso, Yan Li, Bettina P. Iliopoulou, William Hwang, Harvey F. Lodish, and Jianzhu Chen. (2010) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Secreting Angiopoietin-Like-5 Support Efficient Expansion of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Without Compromising Their Repopulating Potential. Stem Cells and Development, DOI: 10.1089=scd.2010.0456
12. Yan Liand James P. Di Santo (2019). Modeling infectious diseases in mice with a ‘humanized’ immune system. Bacteria and Intracellularity(Book Chapter), In press.
13. Yan Li, Silvia Lopez-Lastra, Guillemette X. Masse and James P. Di Santo. (2015) NK cell development in human immune system (HIS) mice and their role in HIV pathogenesis. Humanized Mice for HIV Research(Book Chapter), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1655-9_14

