2023-05-11 15:00
  • 籍晓云
  • 籍晓云 - 副研究员-南京大学-医药生物技术国家重点实验室-个人资料








1. Structural basis of Zika virus helicase in recognizing its substrates; Protein & Cell; 2016:1-9.Tian H#, Ji X#, Yang X#, Zhang Z, Lu Z, Yang K, Chen C, Zhao Q, Chi H, Mu Z, Xie W, Wang Z, Lou H, Yang H*, Rao Z
2. The crystal structure of Zika virus helicase: basis for antiviral drug design; Protein & Cell; 7(6):450-4; Tian H#, Ji X#, Yang X#, Xie W, Yang K, Chen C, Wu C, Chi H, Mu Z, Wang Z, Yang H*
3. Impaired dNTPase Activity of SAMHD1 by Phosphomimetic Mutation of T592; Journal of Biological Chemistry; 290(44):26352-9; Tang C, Ji X, Wu L, Xiong Y*
4. Polyhedra structures and the evolution of the insect viruses; Journal of Structural Biology; 192(1):88-99; Ji X, Axford D, Owen R, Evans G, Ginn H, Sutton G, Stuart DI*
5. Structure of CPV17 polyhedrin determined by the improved analysis of serial femtosecond crystallographic data;Nature communications;6; Ginn HM, Messerschmidt M, Ji X, Zhang H, Axford D,Gildea RJ, Winter G, Brewster AS, Hattne J, Wagner A,Grimes JM, Evans G, Sauter NK, Sutton G & Stuart DI*
6. Structural basis of cellular dNTP regulation by SAMHD1; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS); 111(41):E4305-E4314; Ji X#, Tang C#, Zhao Q, Wang W, Xiong Y*
7. In cellulo structure determination of a novel cypovirus polyhedrin; Acta Crystallographica Section D; 70(5):1435-1441; Axford D, Ji X, Stuart DI, Sutton G*.
8. Mechanism of allosteric activation of SAMHD1 by dGTP; Nature structural & molecular biology; 20: 1304-1309; Ji X#, Wu Y#, Yan J#, Mehrens J, Yang H, DeLucia M, Hao C, Gronenborn AM, Skowronski J, Ahn J, Xiong Y*
9. Structural insight into HIV-1 capsid recognition by rhesus TRIM5α; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS); 109: 18372-18377; Yang H#, Ji X#, Zhao G, Ning J, Zhao Q, Aiken C, Gronenborn AM, Zhang P, Xiong Y*
10. How baculovirus polyhedra fit square pegs into round holes to robustly package viruses; EMBO Journal; 29(2): 505-514; Ji X, Sutton G, Evans G, Axford D, Owen R, Stuart DI*

