教育经历1985、1988和1997年分别在南京大学获得地球化学专业理学学士、硕士和博士学位。工作经历1988年起在南京大学任教。1994年6月至1995年6月在新西兰Auckland大学进修粘土矿物和低温地球化学。开授课程1、本硕课程“环境地球化学”2、博士生课程“表生地球化学”在研项目: 1、国家重点研发计划项目:农田地质高背景重金属污染机理研究(2017YFD0800300),2017. 07 - 2020.12 2、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:黄土高原成壤碳酸钙结核形成机制与古大气二氧化碳浓度恢复研究(41773118),2018. 01 - 2021. 12 3、国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目:晚中新世以来大气二氧化碳变化的风成沉积记录研究(42030503),2021. 01 - 2025. 12已完成的科研项目:1、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:黄土高原晚新生代红粘土中白云石的分布、成因及其环境指示意义(40973062),2010.10-2012.122、国家自然科学基金委国家杰出青年科学基金:环境地球化学与生物地球化学(40625012),2007.01-2010.123、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:黄土高原红粘土中赤铁矿和针铁矿的含量、成因和古气候意义(40573054),2006.01-2008.124、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:流体在蒙皂石--伊利石相互转变中的作用(49873026),1999.01-2001.125、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:黄土和红粘土序列中绿泥石的化学风化与东亚古季风演变(40273002),2003.01-2005.126、国土资源部公益性行业科研专项经费项目:长江三角洲典型地面沉降区水土污染监测(201111021-03),2011.01-2013.127、中国地调局地质调查工作项目:西南典型岩溶地区多目标地球化学调查与评价(12120114092001),2014.01-2015.128、国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目:我国北方风成沉积物质来源微观矿物地球化学示踪研究(41230526),2013.01-2017.129、国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:黄土高原风尘沉积中碎屑白云石的分布和来源的环境意义(41230526),2013.10 - 2016.1210、中国地调局地质调查工作项目:浙江省典型地区土壤重金属地质成因调查与风险评价(12120115048301),2015.01-2017.12荣誉奖励1、2008 年度教育部高等学校自然科学奖一等奖。 获奖项目:“黄土高原风尘来源、沉积、风化过程的地球化学研究” 证书编号:2008-0192、2010 年度国家自然科学二等奖。获奖项目:亚洲风尘起源、沉积与风化的地球化学研究及古气候意义” 证书编号:2010-Z-104-2-03-R01研究领域
168. Ren, J; Long, XY; Ji, JF; Barron, V; Torrent, J; Wang, Y; Xie, SY Different Enrichment Patterns of Magnetic Particles Modulated by Primary Iron-Phosphorous Input GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 47: e2020GL090439 NOV 28 2020167. Da, JW; Zhang, YG; Li, G; Ji, JF Aridity-driven decoupling of delta C-13 between pedogenic carbonate and soil organic matter GEOLOGY, 48: 981-985 OCT 2020166. Wu, WH; Qu, SY; Nel, W; Ji, JF The impact of natural weathering and mining on heavy metal accumulation in the karst areas of the Pearl River Basin, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 734: 139480SEP 10 2020165. Xia, XQ; Ji, JF; Yang, ZF; Han, HJ; Huang, CL; Li, Y; Zhang, WCadmium risk in the soil-plant system caused by weathering of carbonate bedrock CHEMOSPHERE, 254: 126799SEP 2020164. Wang, HX; Li, XM; Chen, Y; Li, ZB; Hedding, DW; Nel, W; Ji, JF; Chen, J Geochemical behavior and potential health risk of heavy metals in basalt-derived agricultural soil and crops: A case study from Xuyi County, eastern China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 729: 139058 AUG 10 2020163. Zhu, XJ; Cai, JG; Wang, GL; Ji, JF The influence of organic matter on mineral surface area measurement of mudrocks by ethylene glycol monoethyl ether adsorption APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 193: 105666AUG 2020162. Lu, HY; Liu, RX; Cheng, LH; Feng, H; Zhang, HZ; Wang, Y; Hu, R; Zhao, WC; Ji, JF; Xu, ZK; Yu, ZJ; Kulhanek, DK; Pandey, DK; Clift, PD Phased evolution and variation of the South Asian monsoon, and resulting weathering and surface erosion in the Himalaya-Karakoram Mountains, since late Pliocene time using data from Arabian Sea core GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, 157 (SI) : 864-878JUN 2020161. Ma, Q; Zhao, WF; Guan, DX; Teng, HH; Ji, JF; Ma, LNQ Comparing CaCl2, EDTA and DGT methods to predict Cd and Ni accumulation in rice grains from contaminated soils ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 260: 114042 MAY 2020160. Wen, YB; Li, W; Yang, ZF; Zhang, QZ; Ji, JF Enrichment and source identification of Cd and other heavy metals in soils with high geochemical background in the karst region, Southwestern ChinaCHEMOSPHERE,245: 125620 APR 2020159. Bao, R; Sheng, XF; Li, CL; Shen, H; Tan, LP; Sun, L; Li, CQ ; Peng, HK; Luo, L ; Wu, M; Lu, HY; Ji, JF; Chen, JEffect of altitude on the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of land snails at the margin of the East Asian monsoon GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA,273: 99-115 MAR 15 2020158. Qu, SY; Wu, WH; Nel, W; Ji, JF The behavior of metals/metalloids during natural weathering: A systematic study of the mono-lithological watersheds in the upper Pearl River Basin, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 708: 134572 MAR 15 2020157. Wen, YB; Li, W; Yang, ZF; Zhuo, XX; Guan, DX; Song, YX; Guo, C; Ji, JF Evaluation of various approaches to predict cadmium bioavailability to rice grown in soils with high geochemical background in the karst region, Southwestern China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 258: 113645 MAR 2020156. Chen, TY; Li, WQ; Guo, B; Liu, RL; Li, GJ; Zhao, L; Ji, JF Reactive iron isotope signatures of the East Asian dust particles: Implications for iron cycling in the deep North Pacific CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 531: 119342JAN 5 2020155. Liu, P; Kai, W; Zhu, C; Tang, YZ; Zhao, WC; Cai, YF; Cai, JG; Ji, JF Hydrothermal synthesis of chlorite from saponite: Mechanisms of smectite-chlorite conversion and influence of Mg2+ and Al3+ supplies APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 184: 105357 JAN 2020154. Zhang, T; Chillrud, SN; Yang, Q; Pitiranggon, M; Ross, J; Perera, F; Ji, JF; Spira, A; Breysse, PN; Rodes, CE; Miller, R; Yan, BZ Characterizing peak exposure of secondhand smoke using a real-time PM2.5 monitor INDOOR AIR, 30: 98-107JAN 20202019年153. Ren, C; Yu, ZW; Phillips, BL; Wang, HT; Ji, JF; Pan, BC; Li, W Molecular-scale investigation of fluoride sorption mechanism by nanosized hydroxyapatite using F-19 solid-state NMR spectroscopy JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 557: 357-366DEC 1 2019152. Bao, R; Sheng, XF; Lu, HY; Li, CL; Luo, L; Shen, H; Wu, M ; Ji, JF; Chen, J Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of modern land snails along a precipitation gradient in the mid-latitude East Asian monsoon region of China PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY,533: 109236 NOV 1 2019151. Da, JW; Zhang, YG; Li, G; Meng, XQ; Ji, JF Low CO2 levels of the entire Pleistocene epoch NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 10: 4342SEP 25 2019150. Zhao, WC; Liu, LW; Chen, J; Ji, JF Geochemical characterization of major elements in desert sediments and implications for the Chinese loess source SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 62: 1428-1440 SEP 2019149.Application of ecogeochemical prediction model to safely exploit seleniferous soil 作者: Gu, Qiubei; Yang, Zhongfang; Yu, Tao; 等. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 177: 133-139 AUG 15 2019148. Gu, QB; Yang, ZF; Yu, T; Ji, JF; Hou, QY ; Zhang, QZ Prediction and risk assessment of five heavy metals in maize and peanut: A case study of Guangxi, China ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 70: 103199 AUG 2019147. Li, ZB; Lu, XC; Teng, HH; Chen, Y; Zhao, L Ji, JF; Chen, J; Liu, LW Specificity of low molecular weight organic acids on the release of elements from lizardite during fungal weathering GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 256 (SI): 20-34 JUL 1 2019146. Meng, XQ; Liu, LW; Zhao, WC; He, T; Chen, J; Ji, JF Distant Taklimakan Desert as an Important Source of Aeolian Deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau as Evidenced by Carbonate Minerals GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 46: 4854-4862MAY 16 2019145. Mao, CP; Song, YX; Chen, LX; Ji, JF; Li, JZ; Yuan, XY; Yang, ZF; Ayoko, GA; Frost, RL; Theiss, F Human health risks of heavy metals in paddy rice based on transfer characteristics of heavy metals from soil to rice CATENA, 175: 339-348 APR 20192018年144. Song, YX; Li, HM; Li, JZ; Mao, CP; Ji, JF; Yuan, XY ; Li, TY ; Ayoko, GA ; Frost, RL; Feng, YX Multivariate linear regression model for source apportionment and health risk assessment of heavy metals from different environmental media ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,165:555-563 DEC 15 2018143. Zhang, WF; Zhao, JX; Chen, J; Ji, JF; Liu, LW Binary sources of Chinese loess as revealed by trace and REE element ratios JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES,166: 80-88 OCT 15 2018142. Cong, ZY; Gao, SP; Zhao, WC; Wu, GM ; Zhang, YL; Kang, SC; Liu, YQ; Ji, JF Iron oxides in the cryoconite of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau: abundance, speciation and implications CRYOSPHERE, 12: 3177-3186 OCT 5 2018141. Gou, WX; Li, W; Ji, JF; Li, WQ Zinc Isotope Fractionation during Sorption onto Al Oxides: Atomic Level Understanding from EXAFS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 52: 9087-9096 AUG 21 2018140. Zhang, T; Chillrud, SN; Pitiranggon, M; Ross, J; Ji, JF; Yan, BZ Development of an approach to correcting MicroPEM baseline drift ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 164: 39-44 JUL 2018139. Li, TY; Song, YX; Yuan, XY; Li, JZ; Ji, JF; Fu, XW; Zhang, Q; Guo, SH Incorporating Bioaccessibility into Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Rice (Oryza sativa L.): A Probabilistic-Based Analysis JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 66: 5683-5690 JUN 6 2018138. Bao, R; Sheng, XF; Teng, HH; Ji, JF Reliability of shell carbon isotope composition of different land snail species as a climate proxy: A case study in the monsoon region of China GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 228: 42-61MAY 1 2018137. Zhao, WC; Balsam, W; Williams, E; Long, XY; Ji, JF Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic fingerprinting of transatlantic dust derived from North Africa EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 486: 23-31MAR 15 2018136. Meng, XQ; Liu, LW; Wang, XCT; Balsam, W; Chen, J; Ji, JF Mineralogical evidence of reduced East Asian summer monsoon rainfall on the Chinese loess plateau during the early Pleistocene interglacials EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 486: 61-69 MAR 15 2018135. He, T; Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Sheng, XF; Ji, JF; Chen, J Glacial-interglacial change in chlorite concentration from the Lingtai section in the Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 1.2 Ma and its possible forcing mechanisms QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 89: 511-519 MAR 20182017年134. Lu, WY; Zhao, WC; Balsam, W; Lu, H; Liu, P; Lu, ZL; Ji, JF Iron Mineralogy and Speciation in Clay-Sized Fractions of Chinese Desert Sediments JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,122: 13458-13471 DEC 27 2017133. Yang, Y; Mason, JA; Zhang, HZ; Lu, HY; Ji, JF; Chen, J; Liu, LW Provenance of loess in the central Great Plains, USA based on Nd-Sr isotopic composition, and paleoenvironmental implications QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 173: 114-123 OCT 1 2017132. Zhang, T; Chillrud, SN; Ji, JF; Chen, Y; Pitiranggon, M ; Li, WQ; Liu, ZY; Yan, BZ Comparison of PM2.5 Exposure in Hazy and Non-Hazy Days in Nanjing, China AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 17: 2235-2246 SEP 2017131 Li, L; Liu, XJ; Li, T; Li, LF; Zhao, L; Ji, JF; Chen, J; Li, GJ Uranium comminution age tested by the eolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 467: 64-71 JUN 1 2017130. Wang, C; Ji, JF; Zhu, FH Characterizing Se transfer in the soil-crop systems under field condition PLANT AND SOIL, 415: 535-548 JUN 2017129. Rao, WB; Mao, CP; Wang, YG; Huang, HM; Ji, JF Using Nd-Sr isotopes and rare earth elements to study sediment provenance of the modern radial sand ridges in the southwestern Yellow Sea APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, 81: 23-35 JUN 2017128. He, T; Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Sheng, XF; Ji, JF A seven-million-year hornblende mineral record from the central Chinese Loess Plateau SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,7: 2382. MAY 24 2017127. Wang, C; Ji, JF; Chen, MD; Zhong, C; Yang, ZF; Browne, P Atmospheric contribution to boron enrichment in aboveground wheat tissues CHEMOSPHERE, 174: 655-663. MAY 2017126. Wang, C; Li, W; Guo, MX; Ji, JF Ecological risk assessment on heavy metals in soils: Use of soil diffuse reflectance mid-infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7: 40709. FEB 13 2017125. Li, T; Liu, F; Abels, HA; You, CF; Zhang, ZK; Chen, J; Ji, JF; Li, LF; Li, L; Liu, HC; Ren, C; Xia, RY; Zhao, L; Zhang, WF; Li, GJ Continued obliquity pacing of East Asian summer precipitation after the mid-Pleistocene transition EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 457: 181-190. JAN 1 20172016年124. Zhang, WF; Chen, J; Ji, JF; Li, GJEvolving flux of Asian dust in the North Pacific Ocean since the late Oligocene AEOLIAN RESEARCH, 23: 11-20. DEC 2016123. Long, XY; Ji, JF; Barron, V; Torrent, J Climatic thresholds for pedogenic iron oxides under aerobic conditions: Processes and their significance in paleoclimate reconstruction QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 150: 264-277. OCT 2016 122. Wang, C; Yang, ZF; Zhong, C; Ji, JF Temporal-spatial variation and source apportionment of soil heavy metals in the representative river-alluviation depositional system ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 216: 18-26. SEP 2016 121. Li, GJ; Hartmann, J; Derry, LA; West, AJ; You, CF; Long, XY; Zhan, T; Li, LF; Li, G; Qiu, WH; Li, T; Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Ji, JF; Zhao, L; Chen, J.Temperature dependence of basalt weathering EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 443: 59-69. JUN 2016 120. Chen, Hongyan; Yuan, Xuyin; Li, Tianyuan; Hu, S; Ji, JF; Wang, C. Characteristics of heavy metal transfer and their influencing factors in different soil-crop systems of the industrialization region, China ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 126: 193-201. APR 2016119. He, T (He, Tong); Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Sheng, XF; Ji, JF Plagioclase sub-species in Chinese loess deposits: Implications for dust source migration and past climate change QUATERNARY RESEARCH 85(1) : 17-24 JAN 2016118. Li, YL; Cai, JG; Song, MS; Ji, JF; Bao, YJ Influence of organic matter on smectite illitization: A comparison between red and dark mudstones from the Dongying Depression, China AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 101(1-2) 134-145 JAN-FEB 20162015年117. Meng, XQ; Liu, LW; Balsam, W; Li, SL; He, T; Chen, J ; Ji, JF Dolomite abundance in Chinese loess deposits: A new proxy of monsoon precipitation intensity GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 42(23) DEC 16 2015116.Rao, WB; Tan, HB; Chen, J ; Ji, JF; Chen, Y; Pan, YD; Zhang, WB Nd-Sr isotope geochemistry of fine-grained sands in the basin-type deserts, West China: Implications for the source mechanism and atmospheric transport GEOMORPHOLOGY 246(458-471) OCT 1 2015115. Da, JW; Zhang, YG; Wang, HT; Balsam, W; Ji, JF An Early Pleistocene atmospheric CO2 record based on pedogenic carbonate from the Chinese loess deposits EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 426:69-57 SEP 15 2015114. Li, YL; Cai, JG; Song, GQ; Ji, JF DRIFT spectroscopic study of diagenetic organic-clay interactions in argillaceous source rocks SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 148:138-145 SEP 5 2015113. Wang, C; Li, W; Yang, ZF; Chen, Y; Shao, WJ; Ji, JF An invisible soil acidification: Critical role of soil carbonate and its impact on heavy metal bioavailability SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 JUL 31 2015112.Long, XY; Ji, JF; Balsam, W; Barron, V; Torrent, JGrain growth and transformation of pedogenic magnetic particles in red Ferralsols GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 42(14) : 5762-5770 JUL 28 2015111.Zhao, WC; Sun, YB; Balsam, W ; Zeng, L ; Lu, HY; Otgonbayar, K; Ji, JF Clay-sized Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic composition of Mongolian dust as a fingerprint for regional to hemispherical transport GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 42(13) : 5661-5669 JUL 16 2015110. Rao, WB ; Mao, CP ; Wang, YG; Su, JB; Balsam, W ; Ji, JF Geochemical constraints on the provenance of surface sediments of radial sand ridges off the Jiangsu coastal zone, East China (vol 359, pg 35, 2015) MARINE GEOLOGY 364: 68-70 JUN 1 2015109.Zhu, XJ ; Cai, JG; Song, GQ; Ji, JF Factors influencing the specific surface areas of argillaceous source rocks APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 109: 83-94 JUN 2015108.Li, ZB; Xu, J ; Teng, HH; Liu, LW; Chen, J ; Chen, Y; Zhao, L; Ji, JF Bioleaching of Lizardite by Magnesium- and Nickel-Resistant Fungal Isolate from Serpentinite Soils-Implication for Carbon Capture and Storage GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL 32(2) : 181-192 FEB 7 2015107. Li, G; Wang, XCT; Yang, ZF; Mao, CP ; West, AJ; Ji, JF Dam-triggered organic carbon sequestration makes the Changjiang (Yangtze) river basin (China) a significant carbon sink JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES 120(1) : 39-53 JAN 2015106.Rao, WB ; Mao, CP ; Wang, YG; Su, JB; Balsam, W ; Ji, JF Geochemical constraints on the provenance of surface sediments of radial sand ridges off the Jiangsu coastal zone, East China MARINE GEOLOGY 359: 35-49 JAN 1 20152014年105. Balsam, W ; Ji, JF; Renock, D; Deaton, BC; Williams, E Determining hematite content from NUV/Vis/NIR spectra: Limits of detection AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 99(11-12) : 2280-2291 NOV-DEC 2014104. Yang, ZF; Xia, XQ; Wang, YP; Ji, JF; Wang, DC; Hou, QY; Yu, T Dissolved and particulate partitioning of trace elements and their spatial-temporal distribution in the Changjiang River JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 145: 114-123 OCT 2014103.Yuan, XY; Zhang, LJ; Li, JZ; Wang, C; Ji, JF Sediment properties and heavy metal pollution assessment in the river, estuary and lake environments of a fluvial plain, Chin CATENA 119: 52-60 AUG 2014102. Zhao, WC; Sun, YB; Balsam, W ; Lu, HY; Liu, LW; Chen, J ; Ji, JF Hf-Nd isotopic variability in mineral dust from Chinese and Mongolian deserts: implications for sources and dispersal SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 4 JUL 25 2014101.Hou, QY; Yang, ZF; Ji, JF; Yu, T ; Chen, GG; Li, J; Xia, XQ; Zhang, M; Yuan, XY Annual net input fluxes of heavy metals of the agro-ecosystem in the Yangtze River delta, China JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 139(SI) : 68-84 APR 2014100. Tan, HB; Chen, J ; Rao, WB ; Yang, JD; Ji, JF; Chivas, AR Lead isotope variability of fine-grained river sediments in Tibetan Plateau water catchments: Implications for geochemical provinces and crustal evolution LITHOS 190: 13-26 MAR 20142013年99.Wang, C; Wang, JH; Yang, ZF; Mao, CP ; Ji, JF Characteristics of lead geochemistry and the mobility of Pb isotopes in the system of pedogenic rock-pedosphere-irrigated riverwater-cereal-atmosphere from the Yangtze River delta region, China CHEMOSPHERE 93(9) : 1927-1935 NOV 201398.Song, YX; Ji, JF; Mao, CP ; Ayoko, GA; Frost, RL; Yang, ZF; Yuan, XY The use of reflectance visible-NIR spectroscopy to predict seasonal change of trace metals in suspended solids of Changjiang River CATENA 109: 217-224 OCT 201397.Zhao, L; Zhu, C; Ji, JF; Chen, J ; Teng, HH Thermodynamic and kinetic effect of organic solvent on the nucleation of nesquehonite GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 106: 192-202 APR 1 201396.Jiang, QF; Ji, JF; Shen, J; Matsumoto, R; Tong, GB; Qian, P); Ren, XM; Yan, DZ Holocene vegetational and climatic variation in westerly-dominated areas of Central Asia inferred from the Sayram Lake in northern Xinjiang, China SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 56(3) : 339-353 MAR 201395.Wang, C; Yang, ZF; Yuan, XY; Browne, P; Chen, LX; Ji, JF The influences of soil properties on Cu and Zn availability in soil and their transfer to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Yangtze River delta region, China GEODERMA 193: 131-139 FEB 201394.He, T; Chen, Y; Balsam, W ; Qiang, XK; Liu, LW; Chen, J ; Ji, JF Carbonate leaching processes in the Red Clay Formation, Chinese Loess Plateau: Fingerprinting East Asian summer monsoon variability during the late Miocene and Pliocene GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 40(1) : 194-198 JAN 16 201393.Xie, QQ; Chen, TH; Zhou, H; Xu, XC; Xu, HF; Ji, JF; Lu, HY; Balsam, WMechanism of palygorskite formation in the Red Clay Formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau, northwest China GEODERMA 192: 39-49 JAN 201392.Wang, C; Ji, JF; Yang, ZF; Chen, LX)The contamination and transfer of potentially toxic elements and their relations with iron, vanadium and titanium in the soil-rice system from Suzhou region, China ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 68(1) : 13-21 JAN 20132012年91.Wang, C; Yang, ZF; Chen, LX; Yuan, XY; Liao, QL; Ji, JF The transfer of fluorine in the soil-wheat system and the principal source of fluorine in wheat under actual field conditions FIELD CROPS RESEARCH 137: 163-169 OCT 20 201290.Song, YX; Li, FL; Yang, ZF; Ayoko, GA; Frost, RL; Ji, JFDiffuse reflectance spectroscopy for monitoring potentially toxic elements in the agricultural soils of Changjiang River Delta, ChinaAPPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 64(SI) : 75-83 AUG 201289.Wang, C; Ji, JF; Yang, ZF; Chen, LX; Browne, P; Yu, RLEffects of Soil Properties on the Transfer of Cadmium from Soil to Wheat in the Yangtze River Delta Region, China-a Typical Industry-Agriculture Transition Area BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 148(2) : 264-274 AUG 201288.He, T; Chen, Y; Balsam, W ; Sheng, XF; Liu, LW; Chen, J ; Ji, JF Distribution and origin of protodolomite from the late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation, Chinese Loess Plateau GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 13 JUN 6 201287.Yu, RL; Ji, JF; Yuan, XY; Song, YX; 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