2023-05-11 14:56
  • 侯亚义
  • 侯亚义 - 教授-南京大学-医药生物技术国家重点实验室-个人资料








1. Dong G, You M, Fan H, Ding L, Sun L, Hou Y*. STS-1 promotes IFN-α-induced autophagy by activating the JAK1-STAT1 signaling pathway in B cells. Eur J Immunol. 2015 May 9. doi: 10.1002/eji.201445349.
2. Liu F, Fan H, Ren D, Dong G, Hu E, Ji J, Hou Y*. TLR9-induced miR-155 and Ets-1 decrease expression of CD1d on B cells in SLE. Eur J Immunol. 2015 Apr 30. doi: 10.1002/eji.201445286.
3. Lv M, Xu Y, Tang R, Ren J, Shen S, Chen Y, Liu B, Hou Y*, Wang T*. miR141-CXCL1-CXCR2 Signaling-Induced Treg Recruitment Regulates Metastases and Survival of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther. 13(12):3152-62, 2014.
4. Fan H, Liu F, Dong G, Ren D, Xu Y, Dou J, Wang T, Sun L, Hou Y*. Activation-induced necroptosis not apoptosis contributes to B cell lymphopenia in active SLE. Running title: necroptosis contribute to B cell lymphopenia in SLE. Cell Death & Disease, 5:e1416, 2014
5. Gong W, Hu E, Dou H, Song Y, Yang L, Ji J, Li E, Tan R and Hou Y*. A novel 1,2-benzenediamine derivate FC-99 suppresses TLR3 expression and ameliorates disease symptoms in a mouse septic model. Br J Pharmacol. 171(21):4866-78 , 2014.
6. Zhao X, Liu D, Gong W, Zhao G, Liu L, Yang L, Hou Y*. Poly(I:C) Improves MSCs Immune Function: TLR3 Ligand, Poly(I:C), Improves Immunosuppressive Function and Therapeutic Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Sepsis via Inhibiting miR-143. Stem Cells. 32(2): 521-33, 2014.
7. Li P, Guo W, Du L, Zhao J, Wang Y, Liu L, Hu Y, Hou Y*. microRNA-29b contributes to pre-eclampsia through its effects on apoptosis, invasion and angiogenesis of trophoblast cells. Clin Sci (Lond). 124(1):27-40, 2013
8. Liu L, Wang Y, Fan H, Zhao X, Liu D, Hu Y, Bao J, Hou Y*. MiR-181a regulates local immune balance by inhibiting proliferation and immunosuppressive properties of mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells. 30(8): 1756-70, 2012.
9. Zhang J*, Dong G, Thurber A, Hou Y*, Gu M, Tenne DA, Hanna CB, Punnoose A*. Tuning the Properties of ZnO, Hematite, and Ag Nanoparticles by Adjusting the Surface Charge. Adv Mater. 24(9): 1232-7, 2012.
10. Xie H, Hua C, Sun L, Zhao X, Fan H, Dou H, Sun L, and Hou Y*. 17β-Estradiol Induce CD40 Expression in Murine Bone-Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells via MAPK Signaling Pathways in a MCM6 Dependent Way. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 63(8):2425-35, 2011

