2023-05-11 14:56
  • 高翔
  • 高翔 - 教授-南京大学-医药生物技术国家重点实验室-个人资料




2000-2001,教授, 南京大学分子医学研究所
1998-2000,Research associate, 神经科学中心, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill




1. Xian L, Hou SY, Huang Z, Tang A, Shi PL, Wang QH, Song AY, Jiang SJ, Lin ZY, Guo SY, Gao X (2015) Liver-specific deletion of Ppp2cα enhances glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Aging, in press
2. Huang Z, Ruan H-B, Xian L, Chen W, Jiang S, Song A, Wang Q, Shi P, Gu X, Gao X (2014) The stem cell factor/Kit signalling pathway regulates mitochondrial function and energy expenditure. Nature Communications 5: 4282.
3. Shi GS, Xing LJ, Liu ZW, Qu ZP, Wu X, Dong Z, Wang XH, Gao X, Huang ML, Yan J, Yang L, Liu Y, Ptacek LJ, Xu Y (2013) Dual roles of FBXL3 in the mammalian circadian feedback loops are important for period determination and robustness of the clock. PNAS USA, 110:4750-5
4. Wang XX, Ying P, Diao F, Wang Q, Ye D, Jiang C, Shen N, Xu N, Chen WB, Lai SS, Jiang S, Miao XL, Feng J, Tao WW, Zhao NW, Yao B, Xu ZP, Sun HX, Li JM, Sha JH, Huang XX, Shi QH, Tang H, Gao X, Li CJ. (2013) Altered protein prenylation in Sertoli cells is associated with adult infertility resulting from childhood mumps infection. J Exp Med. 210:1559-74
5. Wang XH, Ha TZ, Liu L, Zou JH, Zhang X, Kalbfleisch J, Gao X, Williams D, Li CF (2013) Increased expression of microRNA-146a decreases myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Cardiovas Res. 97:432-42.
6. Ren D, Wang X, Ha T, Liu L, Kalbfleisch J, Gao X, Williams D, Li C (2013) SR-A deficiency reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury; involvement of increased microRNA-125b expression in macrophages Biochim Biophys Acta. 1832:336-46
7. Song Y, Xu JL, Li YF, Jia CS, Ma XW, Zhang L, Xie XJ, Zhang Y, *Gao X, *Zhang YY, *Zhu DH (2012) Cardiac ankyrin repeat protein attenuates cardiac hypertrophy by inhibition of ERK1/2 and TGF-b signaling pathways. Plos One, 7:e50436
8. Zhang Q, Li YF, Zhang L, Yang N, Meng J, Zuo PP, Zhang Y, Chen J, Wang L, *Gao X, *Zhu DH (2013) E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF13 involves spatial learning and assembly 3 of the SNARE complex. Cell Mol Life Sci. 70:153-65.
9. Cao ZJ, Ren DY, Ha TZ, Liu L, Wang XH, Kalbfleisch J, Gao X, Kao R, Williams D, Li CF (2013) CpG-ODN, the TLR9 agonist, attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury: involving activation of PI3K/Akt signaling. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease. 1832:96-104
10. Gao M, Ha TZ, Zhang X, Liu L, Wang XH, Kelley J, Singh K, Kao R, Gao X, Williams D, Li CF (2012) Toll-like receptor 3 plays a central role in cardiac dysfunction during polymicrobial sepsis. Crit Care Med. 40:2390-99
11. Wu QF, Yang L, Li S, Wang Q, Yuan XB, Gao X, Bao L, Zhang X (2012) Fibroblast growth factor 13 is a microtubule-stabilizing protein regulating neuronal polarization and migration. Cell. 149:1549-64.
12. Yang H, Shi LY, Wang BA, Liang D, Zhong CQ, Liu W, Nie YZ, Liu J, Zhao J, Gao X, Li DS, Xu GL, Li JS (2012) Generation of Genetically Modified Mice by Oocyte Injection of Androgenetic Haploid Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell, 149(3):605-17
13. Xu JY, Qi X, Gong JF, Yu MY, Zhang FX, Sha HB, Zhang X, *Gao X (2012) Fstl1 antagonizes BMP signaling and regulates ureter development. PLoS One, 7:e32554.
14. Yan H, Kong D, Ge XM, Gao X, Han X (2011) Generation of conditional knockout alleles for PRL-3. J Biomed Res. 25:438-443
15. Lin ZY, Perez P, Lei D, Xua J, Gao X, Bao JX (2011) Two-phase analysis of molecular pathways underlying iPS cell induction. Stem Cells, 29:1963-74
16. Yang WW, Xia Y, Ji HT, Zheng YH, Liang J, Huang WH, Gao X, Aldape K, Lu ZM (2011) Nuclear PKM2 regulates beta-catenin transactivation upon EGFR activation. Nature, 478: 118-122
17. Mao T, Shao M, Qiu Y, Huang J, Zhang Y, Song B, Wang Q, Jiang L, Liu Y, Han JD, Cao P, Li J, Gao X, Rui L, Qi L, Li W, Liu Y (2011) PKA phosphorylation couples hepatic inositol-requiring enzyme 1α to glucagon signaling in glucose metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108:15852-7
18. Wu D, Qiu Y, Gao X, Yuan XB, Zhai Q (2011) Overexpression of SIRT1 in mouse forebrain impairs lipid/glucose metabolism and motor function. PLoS ONE 6: 217590
19. Yu X, Shen N, Pan FY, Liu C, Gao Q, Gao X, Xue B, Li CJ (2011) Egr-1 decreases adipocyte insulin sensitivity by tilting PI3K/Akt and MAPK signal balance in mice. EMBO J. 30: 3754 - 3765
20. Geng Y, Dong YY, Yu MY, Zhang L, Yan XH, Sun JX, Qiao L, Geng XH, Nakajima M, Furuichi T, Ikegawa S, Gao X, Chen YG, Jiang DH, Ning W(2011) Follistatin-like 1 is a BMP 4 signaling antagonist in controlling mouse lung development. PNAS 108:7058-7063

