2023-05-11 14:53
  • 邓卫兵
  • 邓卫兵 - 教授 博士生导师-南京大学-数学系-个人资料




1995年至今任教于南京大学数学系,2003年被评为副教授,2008年被评为教授。2003-2004年于中科院计算数学所从事博士后工作,2007-2008年于加州理工大学应用与计算数学系访问。现为南京大学数学系副主任,江苏省实验教学与实践教育中心“数学技术与能力综合训练中心”主任。曾主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金创新人才项目等。目前主持科技部重点研发计划课题和国家自然科学基金项目各一项,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目一项,在J. Comput. Phys.、SIAM MMS、Appl. Numer. Math.等杂志发表论文30余篇。现阶段主要研究多尺度问题的分析和计算,数值均匀化方法,以及基于数据和机理综合驱动的建模方法。
B.Sc., Dept.of Math. Nanjing University Jun.,1992
M.Sc., Dept.of Math. Nanjing University Jun.,1995
Ph.D., Dept.of Math. Nanjing University Jun.,2002
Teaching Assistant, Dept.of Math.,Nanjing Univ. 10/95-10/97
Lecturer, Dept.of Math.,Nanjing Univ. 10/97-11/03
Associate Professor, Dept.of Math.,Nanjing Univ. 11/03-12/08
Postdoc, Research LSEC, Inst.of Comput. Math., Chinese Academy of Sciences. 12/02-12/04
Professor, Dept. of Math.,Nanjing Univ. 12/08-present


Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation: Multiscale finite element methods, Upscaling methods for porous medium flow; Numerical homogenization methods."偏微分方程数值解法;多尺度问题的分析与计算"


1. “Multiscale discontinuous Petrov--Galerkin method for the multiscale elliptic problems” Song, Fei|Deng, Weibing (2018) Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 34(2018) : 184--210.
2. “A combined finite element method for elliptic problems posted in domains with rough boundaries” Xu, Shipeng|Deng, Weibing|Wu, Haijun (2018) Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 336(2018) : 235--248.
3. “A combined finite element and oversampling multiscale {P}etrov-{G}alerkin method for the multiscale elliptic problems with singularities” Song, Fei|Deng, Weibing|Wu, Haijun (2016) J. Comput. Phys. 305(2016) : 722--743.
4. “A combined finite element and multiscale finite element method for the multiscale elliptic problems” Deng, Weibing|Wu, Haijun (2014)Multiscale Model. Simul. 12(2014) : 1424--1457.
5. “Convergence analysis of the multiscale method for a class of convection-diffusion equations with highly oscillating coefficients” Deng, Weibing|Yun, Xulai|Xie, Chunhong (2009) Appl. Numer. Math. 59(2009) : 1549--1567.
6. “Upscaling methods for a class of convection-diffusion equations with highly oscillating coefficients” Deng, Weibing|Gu, Ji|Huang, Jianmin (2008) J. Comput. Phys. 227(2008) : 7621--7642.
7. “Upscaling of a class of nonlinear parabolic equations for the flow transport in heterogeneous porous media” Chen, Zhiming|Deng, Weibing|Ye, Huang (2005) Commun. Math. Sci. 3(2005) : 493--515.
8. “A new upscaling method for the solute transport equations” Chen, Zhiming|Deng, Weibing|Ye, Huang (2005) Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 13(2005) : 941--960.
9. “Global existence and finite time blow up for a degenerate reaction-diffusion system” Deng, Weibing (2005) Nonlinear Anal. 60(2005) : 977--991.
10. “Uniform blow-up profile for a degenerate parabolic system with nonlocal source” Duan, Zhiwen|Deng, Weibing|Xie, Chunhong (2004)Comput. Math. Appl. 47(2004) : 977--995.
11. “A nonlinear degenerate parabolic system with non-local source and crosswise-diffusion” Deng, Weibing|Li, Yuxiang|Xie, Chunhong (2003) Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 54(2003) : 503--516.
12. “Blowup properties for a class of nonlinear degenerate diffusion equation with nonlocal source” Deng, Wei Bing|Liu, Qi Lin|Xie, Chun Hong (2003) Appl. Math. Mech. 24(2003) : 1204--1210.
13. “Existence, uniqueness and blow-up rate of solutions for degenerate parabolic equations” Liu, Qi Lin|Deng, Wei Bing|Xie, Chun Hong (2003) Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 46(2003) : 775--784.
14. “Global existence and nonexistence for a class of degenerate parabolic systems” Deng, Weibing|Yuxiang, Li|Chunhong, Xie (2003)Nonlinear Anal. 55(2003) : 233--244.
15. “Semilinear reaction-diffusion systems with nonlocal sources” Deng, Weibing|Li, Yuxiang|Xie, Chunhong (2003) Math. Comput. Modelling 37(2003) : 937--943.
16. “Existence and nonexistence of global solutions of some nonlocal degenerate parabolic equations” Deng, Weibing|Li, Yuxiang|Xie, Chunhong (2003) Appl. Math. Lett. 16(2003) : 803--808.
17. “Blow-up and global existence for a nonlocal degenerate parabolic system” Deng, Weibing|Li, Yuxiang|Xie, Chunhong (2003) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 277(2003) : 199--217.
18. “Existence and nonexistence of global solutions of some non-local degenerate parabolic systems” Deng, Weibing|Li, Yuxiang|Xie, Chunhong (2003) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131(2003) : 1573--1582 (electronic).
19. “Global existence and nonexistence from degenerate parabolic systems” Li, Yuxiang|Deng, Weibing|Xie, Chunhong (2002) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130(2002) : 3661--3670 (electronic).
20. “Global existence for a class of degenerate parabolic equations with non-local source” Deng, Weibing (2002) Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 19(2002) : 31--36.
21. “A nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation with non-local source” Deng, Weibing|Xie, Chunhong (2002) Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 17(2002) : 171--176.
22. “The blow-up rate for a degenerate parabolic equation with a non-local source” Deng, Weibing|Duan, Zhiwen|Xie, Chunhong (2001) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 264(2001) : 577--597.
23. “Combined iterative methods for numerical solution of reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions” Deng, Wei Bing (2001) Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 23(2001) : 111--120.
24. “Numerical methods for reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions” Deng, Wei Bing|Chen, Yu Juan (2000) Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 22(2000) : 353--361.
25. “A limited memory quasi-{N}ewton method for large scale problem” Deng, Wei-bing (1996) Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. (English Ser.) 5(1996) : 71--79.

