2023-05-11 14:53
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  • 狄一多 - 副教授-南京大学-哲学系宗教学系-个人资料




Associate Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies, Nanjing University
Department of Philosophy and Religion, NJU
Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute for Jewish and Israel Studies, NJU
Area of competence: Jewish Literature, Jewish History, Israel Studies
Educational background
PhD Bar-Ilan University
M.A. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
BA Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Personal profile
I joined the Department in 2021, having previously taught and conducted research at the University of Colorado Boulder, Penn State University, Cambridge University, The Catholic University of Louvain, and Vilnius University.Israeli born, my degrees are from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar-Ilan University, and I am a graduate of Har-Etzion Talmudic College and Bet-Morasha Center of Judaic Studies. My research and teaching cover issues on the interface between Talmudic Philosophy, Contemporary French Thought, and Aesthetics. My work focuses on questions of difference, pluralism, animality, time, and the relation between semiotics and pragmatics. I have published articles in Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Philosophy Today, Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, and The Heythrop Journal.I have also published a monograph, The Little Crystalline Seed: The Ontological Significance of Mise en abyme in Post-Heideggerian Thought (SUNY Press).
Research interests
I harness the latter, in turn, to reengage with general philosophy. In my monograph and subsequent articles, I have argued that Deleuze, Blanchot, Derrida, Levinas, Foucault, and Bergson, with Kant, Leibniz, and Heidegger as precursors, each invoked the concept of mise en ebyme, or aesthetic self-reference, from Poetics, marking a paradigm shift in Philosophy. Consequently, I have used this concept to revisit key topics in the philosophy of these thinkers, such as time, difference, repetition, qualia, schema, animality, and faciality. However, my research into the Rabbinic category of Sefer (book) showed the latter to consist in a particularly paradoxical mise en abyme, known to neither Poetics nor Philosophy, challenging them with new possibilities regarding the relation between literature and reality, and that between semiotics and pragmatics. Likewise, my papers consisting of phenomenological readings of the Talmudic tractates Gittin, Shabbat, Sanhedrin, and Makkot yielded new understandings of key phenomenological topics such as play, mimesis, boundary-crossing, and gift, and my publications exploring the ontology of scriptures in the three Abrahamic religions offered alternative, post-Heideggerian, concepts of Being. Overarching all these publications is a quest for a non-anthropological poetics, theology, and ethics. Accordingly, my upcoming research-project “Poetics and the Logic of Life” will apply the phenomenology and poetics of self-reference to Biosemiotics and Origin of Life theories.
- Dickmann, I. (2019) The Little Crystalline Seed: The Ontological Significance of the Mise en abyme in Post-Heideggerian Thought. New York: State University of New York Press. SUNY Series: “Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory”, edited by Rodolph Gasché.
Chapters in edited collections
- Dickmann, I. (2016) “Mise en abyme and Levinas’s ‘Infinite Responsibility’” in Emmanuel Levinas: a Radical Thinker in the Time of Crisis, R. Serpytye(ed.), Vilnius University Press, 131-138
- Dickmann, I. (2021, forthcoming) “Naskh as a Key to the Phenomenology of the Qura’an”. In: S. Camilleri & S. Varlik (eds.), Philosophical Hermeneutics and Islamic Thought. Berlin: Springer, series “Contributions to Hermeneutics”
Works in Preparation
- Dickmann, I. The Phenomenology of Scriptures in the Three Abrahamic Religions
- Dickmann, I. “Deleuze’s concept of Qualia – Between Cinematics and the Philosophy of Mind”
- Dickmann, I. Self-Reference and the Logic of Life: Applying Narratology to Organic Life


Drawing upon phenomenological and post-structuralist ideas to shed new light on Rabbinic thought"Continental Philosophy


- Dickmann, I. (2015) “’The Book as Assemblage with the Outside’ – The Rhizomatic Book as a Radical Case of Open Work.” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 46(1): 16-32
- Dickmann, I. (2017) “Using Mise en abyme to Differentiate Deleuze and Derrida.” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 48(1):63-80
- Dickmann, I. (2018) “The Sefer as a Challenge to Reception Theories.” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 26 (1): 67-93
- Dickmann, I. (2018) “’Infinite Responsibility’ and the Pitfall of Negation: A Deleuzian Critique of Levinas”. Philosophy Today, 62(3): 765-783
- Dickmann, I. (2019) “The Gift of Get: A Derridean Reading of Tractate Gittin”. The Heythrop Journal, 61: 903-912
- Dickmann, I (forthcoming) “Tractate Shabbat and the Phenomenology of Play”
- Dickmann, I (forthcoming) “Roman Court, Infamia, and the Mimesis of Truth”
- Dickmann, I. (forthcoming) “Disqualified Witnesses, Infamia, and Talmudic Mimesis”
- Dickmann, I. (forthcoming) “Talmudic Criminal Law: A Photographic Approach”

