2023-05-11 14:48
  • 程亮
  • 程亮 - 教授 博士生导师-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




南京大学教授、博士生导师,国家级人才计划入选者,长江学者(青年),国家优青,国际数字地球学会中委会激光雷达专委会 副主任,中国地理学会地图学和地理信息系统专委会 副主任
2015.01-至今 南京大学,地理信息科学系,教授、博士生导师
2008.01-2014.12 南京大学,地理信息科学系,讲师、副教授
2009.01-2010.01 美国俄亥俄州立大学,博士后
2005.09-2008.06 武汉大学,摄影测量与遥感,博士生
2000.09-2003.03 河海大学,摄影测量与遥感,硕士生
1996.09-2000.07 河海大学,测绘工程,本科生

序号 名称 发明人 授权时间
34基于城墙断面从LiDAR点云数据自动提取古城墙的方法,专利号:ZL201610148169.0程亮,王娅君,李满春,许浩,袁一,陈焱明,谌颂,伍阳,夏南,孙越凡 2019-04-16
18基于仿射不变特征与单应矩阵的线匹配方法,专利号:ZL201210342566.3 龚健雅,程亮,李满春,胡灵,刘永学,陈振杰,王结臣2015-04-15
13基于扫描线法的多边形栅格化并行转换方法,专利号:ZL201110442351.4陈振杰, 张帅, 李飞雪, 王亚飞, 李满春, 蒲英霞, 王加胜, 程亮2014-04-16
12一种基于LiDAR数据与正射影像的3维屋顶重建方法,专利号:ZL201110423560.4程亮、李满春、刘永学、童礼华、张雯、 陈焱明、蔡文婷、李真、杨康、潘航、邹伟2014-04-09
9一种基于恒虚警率的影像舰船检测方法,专利号: ZL201010568736.0陈振杰、李满春、刘永学、程亮、杨康、陈东、刘成明、蔡文婷、张昱2013-06-12
8一种基于LiDAR数据的建筑物区域提取方法,专利号: ZL201110432421.8程亮、李满春、刘永学、陈焱明、赵 威、张雯、童礼华、李真、蔡文婷、杨康、冯逍2013-05-08
4基于Landsat数据源的珊瑚岛礁遥感信息自动提取方法,专利号:ZL201010567507.7李满春、刘永学、程亮、黄秋昊、江冲亚、张昱、刘成明、李真 2012-11-21
3一种海岸带水体遥感信息全自动提取方法,专利号: ZL201010566910.8程亮、李满春、刘永学、陈振杰、陈焱明、杨康、蔡文婷、张昱2012-08-22
2基于区域聚类的遥感影像分割方法,专利号: ZL201010566893.8李满春、程亮、刘永学、黄秋昊、江冲亚、赵威、陈焱明、杨康2012-07-04
一种全球开放数据库中机场空间位置的验证方法(202011306320.1 )未公开发明人
序号 名称
11机载LiDAR数据古城墙点云分割系统V1.0,登记号 2016SR103897
10机载LiDAR数据建筑物点云分割系统V1.0,登记号 2015SR253420
9遥感影像时间序列信息提取系统V1.0,登记号 2014SR205453
8PointCity三维精细场景虚拟交互软件系统V1.0,登记号 2013SR003462
7PointImage3D自动建模软件系统V1.0,登记号 2013SR003461
3GIS支持下的高速公路道路质量评价信息系统V1.0,登记号 2012SR128052
2海岸海洋专题信息遥感提取与反演系统软件V1.0,登记号 2011SR012715
1海岸海洋环境与资源遥感监测与评价分析系统软件V1.0,登记号 2011SR012682
项目来源 项目名称 经费 (万元) 起止时间 角色
国家重点研发计划课题 “一路”重点区域国土安全监测系统集成与应用示范(2017YFB0504205)1300  2017.07 2021.06 主持
国家自然科学基金优青项目 激光雷达与摄影测量数据集成处理与应用(41622109)150 2017.01 2019.12 主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目 空-车LiDAR点云数据一体化的高质量自动集成方法研究(41371017) 75 2014.01 2017.12 主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目 集成多视航空影像与LiDAR 数据的精细三维建筑物模型重建(41001238) 20 2011.01 2013.12 主持
重大创新项目 星载激光主被动融合测深关键技术研究 75 2019.01 2020.12 主持
广西科技重大专项子课题 激光测深技术支持下的南海岛礁建设多情景模拟(2018AA13005) 35 2018.07 2021.03 主持
云南省第一次全国地理国情普查 地理国情普查成果与大数据协同处理研究(0209151634) 150 2015.11 2016.12 主持


一、遥感地理信息技术 + 海洋
二、遥感地理信息技术 + 设施(即重要目标)


(99)Min Jing., Liang Cheng.*, Chen Ji., Junya Mao., Ning Li., ZhiXing Duan., ZeMing Li., ManChun Li (2021).. Detecting unknown dams from high-resolution remote sensing images: A deep learning and spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,104,102576.
(98)Li, N., Cheng, L., Huang, L., Ji, C., Jing, M., Duan, Z., Li J., Li, M. (2021). Framework for Unknown Airport Detection in Broad Areas Supported by Deep Learning and Geographic Analysis. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 6328-6338.
(97)Ji, C. , Cheng, L.* , Li, N. , Zeng, F. , & Li, M. . (2020). Validation of global airport spatial locations from open databases using deep learning for runway detection. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, PP(99), 1-1.
(96)Wu, J. , Mao, J. , Chen, S. , Zhuoma, G., Cheng, L.* , Zhang, R. . (2020). Building facade reconstruction using crowd- sourced photos and two-dimensional maps. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 86(11), 677-694. (John I. Davidson President’s Award for Practical Papers)
(95)Cheng, L.*, Zhang, F., Li, S., Mao, J., Xu, H., Ju, W., Liu, X., Wu, J., Min, K., Zhang, X., Li, M*. Solar energy potential of urban buildings in 10 cities of China.Energy.2020, 196, 117038
(94)Zhang, X.,Cheng, L.*, Zhang, F.,Wu, J., Li, S., Liu, J., Chu, S., Xia, N., Min, K., Zuo, X., Li, M. Evaluation of multi-source forcing datasets for drift trajectory prediction using Lagrangian models in the South China sea. Applied Ocean Research.2020, 104, 102395
(93)Zhou, X., Cheng, L., Li, M. Assessing and mapping maritime transportation risk based on spatial fuzzy multi-criteria decision making: A case study in the South China sea . Ocean Engineering. 2020, 208, 107403
(92)Zhou, X., Cheng, L., Li, W. D., Zhang, C. R., Zhang, F., Zeng, F., Yan, Z., Ruan, X., Li, M. A comprehensive path planning framework for patrolling marine environment. Applied Ocean Research. 2020, 100, 102155
(91)Zhou, X., Cheng, L., Min, K.,Zuo, X., Yan, Z., Ruan, X., Chu, S., Li, M. A framework for assessing the capability of maritime search and rescue in the south China sea. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020, 47, 10568
(90)Ruan, X., Cheng, L., Chu, S., Yan, Z., Zhou, X., Duan, Z.,Li, M. A new digital bathymetric model of the South China Sea based on the subregional fusion of seven global seafloor topography products. Geomorphology. 2020, 107403
(89)Yan, Z., Xiao, Y., Cheng, L., Chen, S., Zhou, X., Ruan, X., Li, M., He, R., Bin, R. Analysis of global marine oil trade based on automatic identification system (AIS) data. Journal of Transport Geography. 2020, 83, 102637
(88)Yan, Z., Xiao, Y., Cheng, L., He, R., Bin, R. Exploring AIS data for intelligent maritime routes extraction. Applied Ocean Research. 2020, 101, 102271
(87)Zhou Xiao,Zhao Rui,Cheng Liang,and Min Xuefeng. Impact of policy incentives on electric vehicles development: a system dynamics-based evolutionary game theoretical analysis. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 21.5 (2019):1039-1053.
(86)Chen Song, Wei Xiaoyan, Xia Nan, Yan Zhaojin, Yuan Yi, Zhang H. Michael, Li Manchun, Cheng Liang. Understanding road performance using online traffic condition data. Journal of Transport Geography, 2019,74,382-394.
(85)Wu Jie, Cheng Liang, Chu Sensen, Xia Nan, Li Manchun. A green view index for urban transportation: How much greenery do we view while moving around in cities?, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2019,1-18.
(84)Zhou Xiao, Cheng Liang, Zhang Fangli, Yan Zhaojin, Ruan Xiaoguang, Min Kaifu, Li Manchun. Integrating Island Spatial Information and Integer Optimization for Locating Maritime Search and Rescue Bases: A Case Study in the South China Sea, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019,8(2),88.
(83)Cheng Liang, Yan Zhaojin, Xiao Yijia, Chen Yanming, Zhang Fangli, Li Manchun. Using big data to track marine oil transportation along the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road. Science China Technological Sciences, 2019,62(4),677-686
(82)Liu Xiaoqiang, Chen Yangming, Li Shuyi, Cheng Liang, Li Manchun. Hierarchical Classification of Urban ALS Data by Using Geometry and Intensity Information. Sensors, 2019,19,4583.
(81)Yan Zhaojin, Liu Rufei, Cheng Liang, Zhou Xiao, Ruan Xiaoguang, Xiao Yijia. A Concave Hull Methodology for Calculating the Crown Volume of Individual Trees Based on Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 2019,11(6),623.
(80)Xia Nan, Cheng Liang, Li Manchun. Mapping Urban Areas Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Geolocation Data. Remote Sensing, 2019,11(12),1470.
(79)Zeng Fanxuan, Cheng Liang, Li Ning, Xia Nan, Ma Lei, Zhou Xiao, Li Manchun. A Hierarchical Airport Detection Method Using Spatial Analysis and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing, 2019,11(19),2204.
(78)Li Shuyi, Cheng Liang, Liu Xiaoqiang, Mao Junya, Wu Jie, Li Manchun. City type-oriented modeling electric power consumption in China using NPP-VIIRS nighttime stable light data. Energy, 2019,189,116040.
(77)Chu Sensen, Cheng Liang, Ruan Xiaoguang, Zhuang Qizhi, Zhou Xiao, Li Manchun, Shi Yongzhong. Technical Framework for Shallow-Water Bathymetry With High Reliability and No Missing Data Based on Time-Series Sentinel-2 Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 2019,57(11),8745-8763.
(76)Cheng Liang, Yuan Yi, Xia Nan, Chen Song, Chen Yanming, Yang Kang, Ma Lei, Li Manchun*. Crowd-sourced pictures geo-localization method based on street view images and 3D reconstruction. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018, 141: 72-85, DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.04.006.
(75)Cheng Liang, Chen Song, Liu Xiaoqiang, Xu Hao, Wu Yang, Li Manchun, Chen Yanming*. Registration of Laser Scanning Point Clouds: A Review. Sensors, 2018, 5: 1641, DOI: 10.3390/s18051641.
(74)Zong Wenwen, Cheng Liang*, Xia Nan, Jiang Penghui, Zhang Fangli, Jin Baoxuan, Zhou Junsong, Li Manchun. New technical framework for assessing the spatial pattern of land development in Yunnan Province, China: A “production-life-ecology” perspective. Habitat International, 2018, 80: 28-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2018.07.008.
(73)Xia Nan, Cheng Liang*, Chen Song, Zong Wenwen, Li Manchun. Accessibility based on Gravity-Radiation model and Google Maps API: A case study in Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, 72: 178-190, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.09.009.
(72)Deng Shulin, Cheng Liang*, Yang Kang, Chen Yanming, Gao Yu, Yang Ni, Li Manchun*. A multiscalar evaluation of differential impacts of canonical ENSO and ENSO Modoki on drought in China. International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 1–20, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5928.
(71)Chu Sensen, Hong Liang*, Cheng Liang**, Du Peijun, Zong Wenwen. Weighted multiscale region-level sparse representation for classification of high-spatial resolution remote sensing images. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.2018, 12(4): 045005.
(70)Jiang Penghui, Cheng Qianwen, Zhuang Zhuzhou, Tang Haoqing, Li Manchun*, Cheng Liang**, Jin Xiaolong. The dynamic mechanism of landscape structure change of arable landscape system in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2018, 251: 26–36, DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.09.006.
(69)CHENG Liang, WU Yang, CHEN Song, ZONG Wenwen, YUAN Yi, SUN Yuefan, ZHUANG Qizhi, LI Manchun. A Symmetry-Based Method for LiDAR Point Registration. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, (5):1-16,DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2752765. (SCI二区)
(68)CHENG Liang, CHU Sensen, ZONG Wenwen, LI Shuyi, WU Jie, Li Manchun.Use of Tencent Street View Imagery for Visual Perception of Streets. International Journal of Geo-Information , 2017 , 6 (9) :265.
(67)CHENG Liang, CHEN Song, CHU Sensen, LI Shuyi, YUAN Yi, WANG Yu, LI Manchun.LiDAR-Based Three-Dimensional Street Landscape Indices for Urban Habiability. Earth Science Informatics , 2017 (4) :1-14.
(66)JIANG Penghui, CHENG Qianwen, ZHUANG Zhuzhou, TANG Haoqing, LI Manchun*, CHENG Liang**, JIN Xiaolong.The dynamic mechanism of landscape structure change of arable landscape system in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2018, 251: 26–36 . (SCI一区)
(65)ZHONG Lishan, CHENG Liang*, XU Hao, WU Yang, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun. Segmentation of Individual Trees From TLS and MLS Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017,10(2): 774-787. (SCI, IF=2.145)
(64)MA Lei, LI Manchun, MA Xiaoxue, CHENG Liang, DU Peijun, LIU Yongxue.A review of supervised object-based land-cover image classification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,vol. 130,pp. 277-293, 2017. (SCI一区)
(63)CHENG Liang, PIAN Yuzhe, CHEN Zhenjie, JIANG Penghui, LIU Yongxue, CHEN Gang, DU Peijun, and LI Manchun. Hierarchical Filtering Strategy for Registration of Remote Sensing Images of Coral Reefs.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016,9(7):3304-3313.(DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2475133). (SCI, IF=2.145)
(62)CHENG Liang, WANG Yajun, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun. Using LiDAR for Digital Documentation of Ancient City Walls. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2016,17:188-193. (A&HCI, IF=1.568)
(61)XIA Nan,WANG YaJun,XU Hao,SUN YueFan,YUAN Yi, CHENG Liang*, JIANG PengHui,ManChun Li. Demarcation of Prime Farmland Protection Areas around a Metropolis Based on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery. Scientific Reports,2016,6,37634 (doi:10.1038/srep37634)(SCI,IF=5.228)
(60)WANG Yu, CHENG Liang*, CHEN Yanming, WU Yang, LI Manchun. Building Point Detection from Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data Based on Voxel Group and Horizontal Hollow Analysis. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8, 419. (SCI, IF=3.036)
(59)CHEN Song, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun. Autonomic visiting in digital 3D scenes. Earth Science Informatics. 2016,9(3):383-400.(DOI: 10.1007/s12145-016-0257-3) (SCI, IF=0.743)
(58)WANG Yongjun, XU Hao, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, WANG Yajun, XIA Nan, CHEN Yanming, TANG Yong, 2016. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Building Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on a Layer Connection and Smoothness Strategy, Remote Sensing 8(415):1-24
(57)Penghui Jiang, Qianwen Cheng, Yuan Gong, Liyan Wang, Yunqian Zhang, Liang Cheng, Manchun Li, Jiancheng Lu, Yuewei Duan, Qiuhao Huang & Dong Chen.Using Urban Development Boundaries to Constrain Uncontrolled Urban Sprawl in China. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2016: 1-23.
(56)KONG Fanhua, YAN Weijiao, ZHENG, Guang, YIN Haiwei,CAVAN Gina, ZHAN Wenfeng, ZHANG Ning, CHENG Liang.Retrieval of three-dimensional tree canopy and shade using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to analyze the cooling effect of vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016,217: 22-34. (DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.11.005) (IF=4.461)
(55)LI Manchun, MA Lei, BLASCHKE Thomas, CHENG Liang, TIEDE Dirk. A systematic comparison of different object-based classification techniques using high spatial resolution imagery in agricultural environments. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016, 49: 87-98. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.01.011) (IF=3.798)
(54)Lei Ma, Manchun Li, Thomas Blaschke, Xiaoxue Ma, Dirk Tiede, Liang Cheng, Zhenjie Chen and Dong Chen. Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas: The Effects of Segmentation Strategy, Scale, and Feature Space on Unsupervised Methods. Remote Sense. 2016, 8(9), 761; doi: 10.3390/rs8090761.
(53)CHENG Liang, WU Yang, TONG Lihua, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun Li. Hierarchical Registration Method for Integration of Airborne and Vehicle LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 7(10):13921-13944. (SCI, IF=3.180)
(52)XU Hao, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, CHEN Yanming, ZHONG Lishan. Using Octrees to Detect Changes to Buildings and Trees in the Urban Environment from Airborne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 7(8):9682-9704. (SCI, IF=3.180)
(51)CHENG Liang, JIANG Penghui, CHEN wei, LI Manchun,WANG Liyan, GONG Yuan, PIAN Yuzhe, XIA Nan, DUAN Yuewei, HUANG Qiuhao. Farmland protection policies and rapid urbanization in China: A case study for Changzhou City. Land Use Policy, 48:552-566. (SSCI, IF=2.631)
(50)CHENG Liang, XIA Nan, JIANG Penghui, ZHONG Lishan, PIAN Yuzhe, DUAN Yuewei, LI Manchun. Analysis of farmland fragmentation in China Modernization Demonstration Zone since “Reform and Openness”: a case study of South Jiangsu Province. Scientific Reports, 5:11797 (SCI, IF=5.08)
(49)CHENG Liang, WANG Yafei, ZHONG Lishan, DU Peijun, LI Manchun. Technical Framework of Feature Extraction Based on Pixel-level SAR Image Time Series. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(4):1665-1681. (SCI, IF=3.026)
(48)CHENG Liang, LI Shuang, MA Lei, LI Manchun, MA Xiaoxue. 2015. Fire spread simulation using GIS: aiming at urban natural gas pipeline. Safety Science, 75:23-35. (SCI, IF=1.831)
(47)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, WU Yang, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun. 2015. Shiftable Leading Point Method for High Accuracy Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar Data. Remote Sensing, 7(2):1915-1936. (SCI, IF=3.180)
(46)MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, MA Xiaoxue. 2015. Training Set Size, Scale, and Features in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis of Very High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102:14-27. (SCI, IF=3.132)
(45)CHENG Liang, MA Lei,CAI Wenting,TONG Lihua, LI Manchun, DU Peijun, 2015.Integration of hyperspectral imagery and sparse sonar data for shallow water bathymetry mapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(6):3235-3249. (SCI,IF=3.514)
(44)CHENG Liang, ZHANG Wen, ZHONG Lishan, DU Peijun, LI Manchun, 2015.Framework for Evaluating Visual and Geometric Quality of Three-dimensional Models. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3):1281-1294. (SCI,IF=3.026)
(43)JIANG Penghui, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, ZHAO Ruifeng, DUAN Yuewei, 2015. Impacts of LUCC on soil properties in the riparian zones of desert oasis with remote sensing data: a case study of the middle Heihe River basin, China, Science of the Total Environment, 506:259-271. (SCI,IF=4.099)
(42)CHENG Liang, WU Yang, WANG Yu, ZHONG Lishan, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun*, 2015. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Large Multilayer Interchange Bridge Using Airborne LiDAR Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(2): 691-707. (SCI,IF=3.026)
(41)XUE Zhaohui, LI Jun, CHENG Liang, DU Peijun, 2015.Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image via Morphological Component Analysis Based Image Separation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(1):70-84. (SCI,IF=3.514)
(40)YANG Kang, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, CHENG Liang, HUANG Qiuhao, CHEN Yanming, 2015. River Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Gabor Filtering and Path Opening, Remote Sensing, 7(7): 8779-8802. (SCI, IF=3.180)
(39)JIANG Penghui, CHENG Jiang*, LI Manchun*, ZHAO Ruifeng, HUANG Qiuhao, 2014. Analysis of landscape fragmentation processes and driving forces in wetlands in arid areas: A case study of the middle reaches of the Heihe River, China. Ecological Indicators, 46:240-252. (SCI, IF=3.230 )
(38)CHENG Liang*, WANG Yafei, LI Manchun, ZHONG Lishan, WANG Jiechen, 2014. Generation of Pixel-Level SAR Image Time Series Using a Locally Adaptive Matching Technique. Photogramemtric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(9): 839-848. (SCI, IF= 1.802)
(37)SAMAT Alim, DU Peijun, HASAN Muhammad Ali Baig,CHAKRAVARTY Sumit, CHENG Liang, 2014 . Ensemble Learning with Multiple Classifiers and Polarimetric Features for Polarized SAR Image Classification, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(3):239-251; DOI:10.14358/PERS.80.3.239. (SCI,IF=1.802)
(36)SAMAT Alim , DU Peijun, LIU Sicong, LI Jun, CHENG Liang, 2014. E2LMs: Ensemble Extreme Learning Machines for Hyperspectral Image Classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(4):1060-1069; DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2301775. (SCI,IF=2.874)
(35)CHENG Liang*, TONG Lihua, WANG Yu, LI Manchun*, 2014. Extraction of Urban Power Lines from Vehicle-borne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 6(4):3302-3320; DOI:10.3390/rs6043302. (SCI, IF=2.101)
(34)CHEN Yanming , CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, WANG Jiechen, TONG Lihua, YANG Kang, 2014. Multiscale Grid Method for Detection and Reconstruction of Building Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(10): 4081-4094. (SCI, IF=2.874)
(33)WANG Jiechen, NI Haochen, RUI Yikang, CUI Can, CHENG Liang, 2014. A WebGIS-based teaching assistant system for geography field practice (TASGFP). British Journal of Educational Technology, DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12231. (SSCI, IF=1.394)
(32)Wu Wenzhou, RUI Yikan, SU Fenzhen, CHENG Liang, WANG Jiechen, 2014. Novel parallel algorithm for constructing Delaunay triangulation based on a twofold-divide-and-conquer scheme. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 51(5): 537-554. (SCI, IF=1.48)
(31)YANG Kang, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue*, CHENG Liang, DUAN Yuewei, ZHOU Minxi, 2014. River Delineation from Remotely Sensed Imagery using a Multi-Scale Classification Approach. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014,7(12):4726-4737. (SCI,IF=2.874)
(30)MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, HAN Wenquan, ZHONG Lishan, LI Manchun*, 2014. Cultivated land information extraction from high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1), 083673; DOI:10.1117/1.JRS.8.083673. (SCI, IF=0.876)
(29)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun, WANG Jiecheng, 2014. Automatic Registration of Coastal Remotely Sensed Imagery by Affine Invariant Feature Matching with Shoreline Constraint. Marine Geodesy, 37(1):32-46; DOI:10.1080/01490419.2013.868382. (SCI, IF=1.407)
(28)WANG Jiechen, CUI Can, RUI Yikang, CHENG Liang, PU Yingxia, WU Wenzhou, YUAN Zhenyu, 2014. A parallel algorithm for constructing Voronoi diagrams based on point-set adaptive grouping. Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience, 26(2):434-446. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3005. (SCI, IF=0.784)
(27)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, 2014. Extracting Parking Lot Structures from Aerial Photographs. Photogramemtric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(2): 151-160. (SCI, IF= 1.802)
(26)CHENG Liang, ZHANG Wen, WANG Jiecheng, LI Manchun*, ZHONG Lishan, 2014. Small Core, Big Network: A Comprehensive Approach to GIS Teaching Practice Based on Digital Three-dimensional Campus Reconstruction. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38(1):119-135. (SCI/SSCI, IF = 0.918)
(25)NI Haochen, RUI Yikang, WANG Jiechen, CHENG Liang, 2014.A Synthetic Method for Atmospheric Diffusion Simulation and Environmental Impact Assessment of Accidental Pollution in the Chemical Industry in a WEBGIS Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11: 9238-9255. (SCI, IF = 1.993)
(24)CHEN Chong, CHEN Zhenjie, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, CHENG Liang, REN Yibin, 2014. Parallel relative radiometric normalisation for remote sensing image mosaics. Computers & Geosciences, 73: 28-36. (SCI, IF = 1.562)
(23)DU Peijun, LIU Pei, XIA Junshi, FENG Li, LIU Sicong, TAN Kun, CHENG Liang, 2014. Remote Sensing Image Interpretation for Urban Environment Analysis: Methods, System and Examples. Remote Sensing, 6: 9458-9474. (SCI, IF = 2.623)
(22)WANG Jiasheng, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, ZHANG Hexia, ZOU Wei, CHENG Liang, 2014. Safety assessment of shipping routes in the South China Sea based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Safety Science, 62: 46-57. (SCI, IF = 1.672)
(21)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LI Manchun Li, LIU Yongxue, 2013. Semi-automatic Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Building Corner Matching with Reliablity Check. Remote Sensing. 5(12), 6260-6283; doi:10.3390/rs5126260.(SCI, IF=2.101)
(20)CHENG Liang*, MA Lei, YANG Kang, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Registration of Mars remote sensing images under the crater constraint, Planetary and Space Science, 85:13-23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2013.05.002. (SCI, IF=2.109)
(19)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, CHEN Yanming, ZHANG Wen, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*.2013. Integration of LiDAR Data and Optical Multi-view Images for 3D Reconstruction of Building Roofs. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(4): 493-502. (SCI, IF=1.916)
(18)CHENG Liang, ZHAO Wei, ZHANG Wen, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Building region derivation from LiDAR data using a reversed iterative mathematic morphological algorithm. Optics Communications, 286: 244-250. (SCI, IF=1.438)
(17)CHENG Liang, YANG Kang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Invariant triangle - based stationary oil platform detection from multi-temporal SAR data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), 073537. doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073537. (SCI, IF= 0.876)
(16)CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Fusion of laser scanning data and optical high-resolution imagery for accurate building boundary derivation. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), 073570. doi:10.1117/1.JRS.7.073570. (SCI, IF= 0.876)
(15)TONG Lihua, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, WANG Jiechen, DU Peijun, 2013. Integration of LiDAR data and orthophoto for automatic extraction of parking lot structure. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(2): 503-514. (SCI, IF=2.874)
(14)WANG Yafei, CHEN Zhenjie, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, WANG Jiechen, 2013.Parallel scanline algorithm for rapid rasterization of vector geographic data. Computers & Geosciences, 59: 31-40, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2013.05.005. (SCI, IF=1.837)
(13)MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, 2013. Quantitative risk analysis of urban natural gas pipeline networks using geographical information systems. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2013.05.001, 26(6):1183-1192. (SCI, IF=1.150)
(12)MA Lei, LIANG Lei, LI Yongshu, LI Manchun, CHENG Liang*, 2013. A novel method of quantitative risk assessment based on grid difference of pipeline sections. Safety Science, 59: 219-226. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2013.04.012 (SCI, IF=1.359)
(11)LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun, MAO Liang, CHENG Liang, CHEN Kefeng, 2013. Seasonal Pattern of Tidal-Flat Topography along the Jiangsu Middle Coast, China,Using HJ-1 Optical Images. Wetlands, 33(5): 871-886. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-013-0445-6. (SCI,IF=1.283)
(10)Cheng Liang*, Li Manchun, Liu Yongxue, Cai Wenting, Chen Yanming, Yang Kang, 2012. Remote Sensing Image Matching by Integrating Affine Invariant Feature Extraction and RANSAC. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 38(4): 1023-1032. (SCI, IF=0.928)
(9)Liu Yongxue, Li Manchun, Cheng Liang, Li Feixue, Chen Kefeng., 2012. Topographic Mapping of Offshore Sandbank Tidal Flats Using the Waterline Detection Method: A Case Study on the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand Ridges, China, Marine Geodesy. 35(4):362-378. (SCI, IF=1.407)
(8)Liu Yongxue, Li Manchun, Mao Liang, Cheng Liang, Li Feixue.2012. Toward a Method of Constructing Tidal Flat Digital Elevation Models with MODIS and Medium-Resolution Satellite Images. Journal of Coastal Research, 29:438-448. (SCI, IF=0.496)
(7)Huang Hao, Cui Can, Cheng Liang, Liu Qiang, Wang Jiechen*, 2012. Grid interpolation algorithm based on nearest neighbor fast search. Earth Science Informatics, 5:181-187.(SCI, IF=0.404)
(6)Cheng Liang, Gong Jianya, Li Manchun, Liu Yongxue, 2011. 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Multi-view Aerial Imagery and Lidar Data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 77(2): 125-139. (SCI, IF=1.802)
(5)Liu Yongxue, Li Manchun, Cheng Liang, Li Feixue, Shu Y M, 2010. A DEM Inversion Method for Inter-Tidal Zone Based on MODIS Dataset:A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand Ridges, China. China Ocean Engineering, 24(4): 735-748.(SCI, IF=0.4)
(4)SONG Xiaogang, LI Deren, SHAN Xinjian, LIAO Mingsheng, CHENG Liang, 2009. Correction of atmospheric effect in repeat-pass InSAR measurements based on GPS and atmospheric transport model. Chinese Journal Of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 52(5):1156-1164. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2009.05.004. (SCI, IF=0.844)
(3)SONG Xiaogang, LI Deren, SHAN Xinjian, LIAO Mingsheng, CHENG Liang, 2009. Correction of atmospheric effect in ASAR interferogram using GPS and MODIS data. Chinese Journal Of Geophysics-Chinese Edition. Chinese Journal Of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 52(6):1457-1464. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2009.06.006. (SCI, IF=0.844)
(2)Li Manchun, Cheng Liang*, Gong Jianya, Liu Yongxue, Chen Zhenjie, Chen Gang, Chen Dong, Song Xiaogang, 2008. Post-earthquake Assessment of Building Damage Degree Using LiDAR Data and Imagery. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 12(S2): 133-143. (Corresponding Author).(SCI, IF=0.355)
(1)Cheng Liang*, Gong Jianya, Yang Xiaoxia, Fan Chong, 2008. Robust Affine Invariant Feature Extraction for Image Matching. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2): 246-251.(SCI, IF=1.823)
(20)闵开付, 程亮, 周晓, 夏南, 李宁, 李满春,2020 . 南沙他国侵占岛礁战略价值及空间格局评价. 热带地理.
(19)袁一, 程亮, 宗雯雯, 李舒怡, 李满春,2018. 互联网众源照片的三维重建定位技术. 测绘学报, v.47(05), 78-90.
(18)孙越凡, 钟礼山, 程亮, 李满春, 2014. 动态时间弯曲技术支持下时序 NDVI 数据的耕地分布信息提取. 资源科学, 36(9):1977-1984.
(17)张荷霞, 刘永学, 李满春, 赵赛帅, 程亮, 2014. 基于AHP和EWCM的部分南沙岛礁战略价值模糊综合评价. 海洋通报, 33(4): 377-382.
(16)王亚飞, 程亮, 李满春, 陈小雨, 谌颂, 2014. 基于像元级SAR图像时间序列相似性分析的水体提取. 国土资源遥感, 26(3): 67-73.
(15)程亮, 李满春, 龚健雅, 2013. LiDAR数据与正射影像结合的三维屋顶模型重建方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 38(2): 208-216.
(14)童礼华, 程亮*, 李满春, 陈焱明, 王亚飞, 张雯, 2013. 地面LiDAR数据中建筑轮廓和角点提取. 中国图象图形学报, 18(07):876-883.
(13)操震洲, 李满春, 程亮, 陈振杰, 2013. 适用于网络渐进传输的多分辨率曲线生成算法. 计算机应用, 33(3):688-690.
(12)操震洲, 李满春, 程亮, 陈振杰, 2013. 矢量曲线数据的网络渐进传输. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 38(4):475-479.
(11)王亚飞, 程亮, 钟礼山, 李满春, 蒋洁, 2013. 像素级SAR影像时间序列的建模方法研究. 地理与地理信息科学, 29(4): 109-112.
(10)张雯, 张群, 程亮, 李满春,2013. 基于激光雷达技术的 3 维虚拟校园建设与研究. 测绘与空间地理信息, 36(7), 26-28.
(9)徐亚军, 袁小军, 程亮, 2012. 三维激光扫描应用于古建筑测绘的关键技术研究. 现代测绘,35(6):33-35
(8)佘江峰, 陈景广, 程亮, 徐为雄,2012. 三维地形场景并行渲染技术进展. 武汉大学学报: 信息科学版, 37(004), 463-467.
(7)程亮, 龚健雅, 李满春, 刘永学, 宋小刚, 2009. 集成多视航空影像与LiDAR数据重建三维建筑物模型. 测绘学报, 38(6): 494-501.
(6)程亮, 龚健雅, 宋小刚, 2009. 遥感影像仿射不变特征匹配的自动优化. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 34(4): 418-422.
(5)程亮, 龚健雅, 韩文泉,2009. LiDAR 与影像集成的真实感建筑物三维重建研究进展. 测绘科学, 34(1), 21-24.
(4)程亮, 龚健雅, 2008. LiDAR辅助下利用超高分辨率影像提取建筑物轮廓方法. 测绘学报, 37(3): 391-393+399.
(3)程亮, 龚健雅, 杨晓霞, 宋小刚, 2008. 面向宽基线立体影像匹配的仿射不变特征提取方法, 测绘学报,37(1): 77-82.
(2)程亮, 张友静, 龚健雅, 宋小刚,2008. Web 环境下房产测绘信息三维可视化技术研究. 测绘科学, 33(1), 119-121.
(1)程亮, 龚健雅, 梁新政, 2007. 基于 GIS 的高速公路养护决策支持系统研究与实现,测绘通报, 6: 69-72.
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