2023-05-11 13:40
  • 王贵超
  • 王贵超 - 助理教授-南方科技大学-前沿与交叉科学研究院-个人资料




1.2012/8–2016/11, 纽卡斯尔大学, 化学工程, 博士, 导师:Graeme Jameson
2.2006/9–2010/7, 山东大学, 过程装备与控制工程, 学士, 导师:周慎杰




Zhang, M., Li, T., Ma, S., Wang, G. *, 2018. An experimental study of copper sulfide flotation in a packed cyclonic–static microbubble flotation column, Sep. Sci. Technol., 10.1080/01496395.2018.1447963
Wang, G., Evans, G.M., Jameson, G.J., 2017. Bubble-particle detachment in a turbulent vortex II—Computational methods. Minerals Engineering 102, 58-67.
Wang, G., Evans, G.M., Jameson, G.J., 2017. Bubble movement in a rotating eddy: The implications for particle-bubble detachment. Chemical Engineering Science 161, 329-340.
Zhang, M., Li, T., Wang, G. *, 2017. A CFD study of the flow characteristics in a packed flotation column: Implications for flotation recovery improvement. International Journal of Mineral Processing 159, 60-68.
Wang, G., Evans, G.M., Jameson, G.J. 2016. Experiments on the detachment of particles from bubbles in a turbulent vortex. Powder Technol. 302 196-206
Wang, G., Nguyen, A., Evans, G.M., Jameson, G.J. A review of mechanisms and models of bubble-particle detachment in flotation. Sep. Purif. Technol., 170 (2016) 155-172.
Wang, G., Evans, G.M., Jameson, G.J., 2016. Bubble–particle detachment in a turbulent vortex I: Experimental. Miner. Eng. 92, 196-207.
Zhang, M., Wang, G. *, Evans, G.M., 2016. Flow visualizations around a bubble detaching from a particle in turbulent flows. Miner. Eng. 92, 176-188.
Wang, G., Feng, D., Nguyen, A., Evans, G.M., 2016. The dynamic contact angle of a bubble with an immersed-in-water particle and its implications for bubble–particle detachment. Int. J. Miner. Process., 151: 22-32.
Wang, G., Sathe, M., Mitra, S., Jameson, G.J., Evans, G.M., 2014. Detachment of a bubble anchored to a vertical cylindrical surface in quiescent liquid and grid generated turbulence. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 92(12): 2067-2077.
Wang, G., Zhou, S., Joshi, J.B., Jameson, G.J., Evans, G.M., 2014. An energy model on particle detachment in the turbulent field. Miner. Eng., 69: 165-169.
Wang, G., Gao, Y., Mitra, S., Li, Y., Zhou, S., Evans, G.M., 2014. Instantaneous Bond number for a particle detaching from a bubble. Int. J. Miner. Process., 142: 22-29.
Wang, G., Zhou, S., Yang, F., Chen, S., 2012. A CFD study of an up- and a down-pumping PBT impeller in solid-liquid stirred tank, Advanced Materials Research, pp. 696-700.
Wang, G., Sathe, M., Mitra, S., Joshi, J., Jameson, G.J., Evans, G.M., 2013. Influence of grid-generated turbulence on detachment of a bubble anchored to a vertical cylindrical surface: Application to mineral flotation Systems. Chemeca, Brisbain, Australia.
Wang, G, Mayur Sathe, J.B.Joshi, Graeme J. Jameson, Geoffrey M. Evans 2014 Bubble detachment from a steel ball in turbulent field: Application to mineral flotation systems. WCPT 7, Beijing, China
Yang, F., Zhou, S., Wang, G., 2012a. Detached eddy simulation of the liquid mixing in stirred tanks. Computers and Fluids, 64: 74-82.
Yang, F., Zhou, S., Zhang, C., Wang, G., 2012b. Study on the solid-liquid suspension in eccentrically stirred tanks. Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 40(11): 22-26.
Yang, F.L., Zhou, S.J., Wang, G.C., 2011a. Detached eddy simulation of the turbulent flow in a stirred tank, Advanced Materials Research, pp. 1487-1491.
Yang, F.L., Zhou, S.J., Wang, G.C., 2011b. Experimental study and detached eddy simulation of the macro-instability in an eccentric stirred tank, Applied Mechanics and Materials, pp. 20-26.
Yang, F.L., Zhou, S.J., Wang, G.C., 2012c. Detached eddy simulation of the macro-instability in eccentrically stirred tanks. Gao Xiao Hua Xue Gong Cheng Xue Bao/Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 26(2): 228-234.

