1. Ruixi Li, Cecilia Rodriguez-Furlan, Junqi Wang, Wilhelmina van de ven, Ting Gao, Natasha V. Raikhel and Glenn R. Hicks. (2017) Different endomembrane trafficking pathways establish apical and basal polarities. Plant Cell 29: 90-108. doi/10.1105/tpc.16.00524.2. Yong Cui, Jinbo Shen, Caiji Gao, Xiaohong Zhuang, Junqi Wang, Liwen Jiang (2016) Biogenesis of Plant Prevacuolar Multivesicular Bodies. Molecular Plant 9(6), 774-786.3. Xin Ma, Zhen Chen, Dong Hua, Dongxu He, Linjun Wang, Peng Zhang, Junqi Wang, et. al. (2014) Essential role for TrpC5-containing extracellular vesicles in breast cancer with chemotherapeutic resistance. PNAS 111 (17), 6389-6394; doi:10.1073/pnas.1400272111.4. Junqi Wang, Jinbo Shen, Yi Cai, David G. Robinson and Liwen Jiang (2013) Successful transport to the vacuole of heterologously expressed mung bean 8S globulin occurs in seed but not in vegetative tissues. Journal of Experimental Botany 64(6), 1587–1601.5. Tianran Jia, Caiji Gao, Yong Cui, Junqi Wang, Yu Ding, Yi Cai, Takashi Ueda, Akihiko Nakano and Liwen Jiang (2013) ARA7(Q69L) expression in transgenic Arabidopsis cells induces the formation of enlarged multivesicular bodies. Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (10): 2817-2829.6. Junqi Wang, Yu Chung Tse, Giselbert Hinz, David G. Robinson and Liwen Jiang (2012) Storage globulins pass through the Golgi apparatus and multivesicular bodies in the absence of dense vesicle formation during early stages of cotyledon development in mung bean. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(3), 1367-1380.7. Yi Cai, Xiaohong Zhuang, Junqi Wang, Hao Wang, Sheung Kwan Lam, Caiji Gao, Xiangfeng Wang and Liwen Jiang (2012) Vacuolar degradation of two integral plasma membrane proteins, AtLRR84A and OsSCAMP1, is cargo ubiquitination-independent and prevacuolar compartment-mediated in plant cells. Traffic 13(7): 1023-1040.8. Yu Ding, Juan Wang, Junqi Wang, York-Dieter Stierhof, David G. 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Junqi Wang, Yi Cai, Yansong Miao, Sheung Kwan Lam and Liwen Jiang (2009) Wortmannin induces homotypic fusion of plant prevacuolar compartments. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(11), 3075-3083.16. Nan Xiao, Chuen Kam, Chong Shen, Wenying Jin, Junqi Wang, Kwong Man Lee, Liwen Jiang and Jun Xia (2009) PICK1 deficiency causes male infertility in mice by disrupting acrosome formation. Journal of Clinical Investigation 119(4), 802-812.17. Junqi Wang, Pui Kit Suen, Zeng-Fu Xu and Liwen Jiang (2009) A 64 kDa sucrose binding protein is membrane-associated and tonoplast-localized in developing mung bean seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(2), 629-639.18. Sheung Kwan Lam, Yu Chung Tse, Yansong Miao, Hong-Ye Li, Junqi Wang, Sze Wan Lo and Liwen Jiang (2007) Molecular characterization of plant prevacuolar and endosomal compartments. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49(8), 1119-1128.19. Junqi Wang, Yubing Li, Sze Wan Lo, Stefan Hillmer, Samuel S.M. Sun, David G. Robinson and Liwen Jiang. 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